Help Can't Update OTA Gingerbread 2.3.4 Not Rooted Droid X2 - Motorola Droid X2

Help Can't Update OTA Gingerbread 2.3.4 Not Rooted Droid X2
I have been trying for a month no luck
no help from Moto or Verizon.
I'd like to get this update
See attachment this is what I get
when I try 2 Pull
Thank You

You could always try to SBF and see if that helps. Applying a SBF is fairly simple, check out some of the guides on the forum.

+1 to sbf comment
U could even just sbf straight to 2.3.4
Did u ever root before at all?(this phone that is)

ashclepdia said:
+1 to sbf comment
U could even just sbf straight to 2.3.4
Did u ever root before at all?(this phone that is)
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I 'd like to fix this problem of no OTA updated
No (No)
This is my first smartphone.
Got it mid-July
Thank You

ImgBurn said:
Help Can't Update OTA Gingerbread 2.3.4 Not Rooted Droid X2
I have been trying for a month no luck
no help from Moto or Verizon.
I'd like to get this update
See attachment this is what I get
when I try 2 Pull
Thank You
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SBF is always an option, if you're comfortable doing it. It's nothing really.
So you jumped through vzw support hoops and they just leave you hanging?! I'd tell them you want it replaced w/ another for which the replacement will likely come w/ 2.3.4 installed. Have you tried taking it to a corporate store and ask if they can manually push it to your phone?
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium

Have you attempted to update while wifi?
I've always updated over wifi...

Have you done anything to this phone? Where did you get the phone? I only ask because if the phone came from someone else, perhaps something was done to it.
Many times people rename some of their files or uninstall some of the files, like fota and updater and it will fail to update. Aside from that, SBF is probably the most effecient way to fix the issue.

reaktorblue said:
Have you done anything to this phone? Where did you get the phone? I only ask because if the phone came from someone else, perhaps something was done to it.
Many times people rename some of their files or uninstall some of the files, like fota and updater and it will fail to update. Aside from that, SBF is probably the most effecient way to fix the issue.
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I've done very little to phone purchased
from Verizon in mid July. Froyo 2.2.2 was
installed. Sometime in August updated OTA
to GingerBread 2.3.3 no problem.
Fastfoward to present I've tried for last
month no push and when I try to pull
always get same result see attached.
I just don't get it...

Try checking this setting. You will want to make sure it's enabled and that you can make and receive phone calls.
Battery & Data Manager -> Data Delivery -> Background Data -> Enabled
If that does not work for you, you can also try to reset to factory defaults. This may fix the issue but you'll lose all your personal settings.
Undoubtedly, unless there is a hardware problem with your phone, which is possible but not probable, SBFing directly to 2.3.4 WILL fix the issue. Again, you'll lose your settings and such but you'll have a fresh phone and you can move on to greener pastures instead of worrying about what is wrong with the phone.
You can find a very well written guide that will walk you through the process below.
This is what I would recommend as you could spend hours, days, even months trying to fix your phone and still not find out what app or quirky issue the phone is having. Applying an SBF update sounds complicated but in reality, its as simple as installing a driver for a printer.
Simply plug in the device, run an application, point it do the SBF file, and leave it alone until it finishes. The guide goes into detail, including the resources you'll need, such as the SBF file, the Motorola Drivers, RSD Lite, and what to expect.
Even if you choose to continue troubleshooting, I would recommend reading the guide anyway just to familiarize yourself with how your phone works. In the future it'll make troubleshooting your phone a bit easier.
Hope that helps!

This looked like the solution crosses fingers
(Battery & Data Manager -> Data Delivery -> Background Data -> Enabled)
I was hoping as I had turned off my Phone to charge it. I though o yea
this is the problem. No such luck it was enabled. I'd like to try the
SBFing directly to 2.3.4 but don't you have to be rooted. I didn't really want
to root at this point with this issue of no OTA.
Setting to factory defaults looks like what I'll try but losing all my settings
ah. Is there any way to back up phone so not to lose all my settings
with out rooting.
Thank You
Thank everyone for all the suggestions
P.S. I was on the phone with VZ yesterday for 2.5 Hours
The Tech ended up telling me there was no update .
Last Update was 2.3.3 in August.
WoW Whats Up With That??

ImgBurn said:
This looked like the solution crosses fingers
(Battery & Data Manager -> Data Delivery -> Background Data -> Enabled)
I was hoping as I had turned off my Phone to charge it. I though o yea
this is the problem. No such luck it was enabled. I'd like to try the
SBFing directly to 2.3.4 but don't you have to be rooted. I didn't really want
to root at this point with this issue of no OTA.
Setting to factory defaults looks like what I'll try but losing all my settings
ah. Is there any way to back up phone so not to lose all my settings
with out rooting.
Thank You
Thank everyone for all the suggestions
P.S. I was on the phone with VZ yesterday for 2.5 Hours
The Tech ended up telling me there was no update .
Last Update was 2.3.3 in August.
WoW Whats Up With That??
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AH yes...the trusty vzw level one tech
U better believe there is a 2.3.4 lol. I was in the soak test for it and the Motorola forum manager Matt announced it being released lol
Oh yeah. MAYBE u will have some.luck over there if u wanna try Motorola support forums before sbf route. Droidx2 forum manager Matt MAY(can't say he has ALWAYS been helpful) help ya out.
Aldo vzwsupport on twitter I find better than phoning them. Motorola also has tech support on twitter.
But u DO NOT have to be rooted in order to sbf.
not even a little bit lol.
if u WERE rooted sbf would make u lose that root.
Sbf rewrites your system partition and flashes the necessary files and "stuff"(lol) so that your phone is "factory out of box" condition. Root is totally NOT NEEDED to do an SBF.
U hook up to your computer.
Put into RSD protocol mode and.use the rsdlite program u can download to ur computer(w/ necessary drivers) and flash the sbf file to ur phone.
pretty simple do.
Longest part really is downloading the necessary drivers and programs and files.
Go here to read a great easy to follow tutorial on how to sbf.
It has ALL the necessary links to downloads for sbf files, drivers, rsdlite program, etc
Everything u could need is I'm that thread
don't be.intimidated by the lengthy tutorial. It is easier than u think.
PLUS if u have any questions or.need clarification u can post in that thread and someone knowledgeable will help you out.
or u can get on the #dx2 channel at for "real time" help. Its an IRC(chatroom) for us X2 users. Usually someone is there who can help ya out
ALSO please keep us updated on ur situation. If u find a solution PLEASE POST IT that way others who run into this problem can.find the solution they need
Good luck brotha!

Hy guys,
Thanks for all your help & suggestions ashclepdia, reaktorblue
& X0dus. You won't, I can't believe this is what was stopping me
from getting update. I saw it before but reading it's description
I didn't think it would be a problem and I'd save battery
power. I had this setting checked (as you see in attached)
the second I unchecked it and returned to home screen update
was available.
WoW I spent hours no days with moto & vz level 2 tech's and
not 1 every went over my setting's. The level of incompetence
& misinformation from these 2 company's well they should hang there
heads in shame. Don't get me started I could write a book about
all the nonsense these 2 have put me through sense buying
this phone from vz in July 2011. Sorry For the rant.
Anyway I sincerely want to thank all you guys for your help
& suggestions. There's more talent in this post then vz & moto
L2 techs put together . This forum ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. So I guess if you don't want an update check this box .
Also New Rules corporate store only have salesman got
this from L2 tech & calling local store. Guess we know
there priorities.

Hahaha....I guess our android system is considered a "social application " in itself lol...
Good to see ya got the fix...and glad it ended up not being something serious.
Could u also add the word "SOLVED" to the beginning of thread title for others who experience this problem.
And yeah...I have been told by many people that I should try to get a job as a phone tech support since im always helping my friends/coworker fix phone problems Hahaha...and I still consider myself to be a "noob "to Lol


[Q] So many questions about Atrix/OTA/CWM etc.

Hey guys
I´m new here at xda-developers and I have a lot of questions about the atrix and android.
I just bought the atrix and this is my first android smartphone. I´ve SIM unlocked it and rooted it using SuperOneClick.
I´ve read the Q & A thread and it was quite enlightening.
But I still have many questions regarding both the atrix and android:
1. A few days ago, my atrix downloaded the new Motorola atrix updates. If I install this update, will I lose my root permission? Is this update the so called OTA? The update number is 4.1.57.
2. Could you guys give me some tips about how to save more battery life etc?
3. Some apps keep popping even after I killed them with the task killer. Some of them are useless for me. Is there any way to block them? And what about Motorola bloatware? I hate that blur stuff…
4. What does these abbreviations mean? OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM.
5. I want to install gingerBlur on my device, but on those tutorials there is always a mentioning about a OTA 1.8.7 that I gotta backup. Where do I find it?
6. If I install gingerBlur, this custom ROM will consume more or less memory from my device? Sometimes I feel some "lag" on some apps...
7. Could u tell me some must have games for atrix? I already have angry birds, battleheart, 3ktd… I really like tower defense games.
Thank you very much and sorry for so many questions. Oh…and sorry about my English.
Thanks again
1. will lose root if you upgrade. You can still however attain root afterwards using some of the methods found in the Development forum. I'm surprised SuperOneClick worked for you tbh..
As for your other questions..OTA means Over The Air (regarding updates etc)..SBF is a term regarding system files (something lime that ) ATT means At&t (the carrier)..CWM is Clockwork Mod which is a recovery tool.
Gingerblur would consume less it has removed alot of the factory bloat that would've come with the device. This would probably most definately help with any "lag" you might be experiencing.
There are many threads on how to conserve battery life. A simple search will yield you lots of results (google ftw)
For games..most of it is personal preference. There is a new Pinball HD specifically designed for the Tegra 2 well as a new jetski game that looks pretty sick. Pocketlegends is also a cool game if you like MMO style games (think World of Warcraft).
Rickroller said:
1. will lose root if you upgrade. You can still however attain root afterwards using some of the methods found in the Development forum. I'm surprised SuperOneClick worked for you tbh..
As for your other questions..OTA means Over The Air (regarding updates etc)..SBF is a term regarding system files (something lime that ) ATT means At&t (the carrier)..CWM is Clockwork Mod which is a recovery tool.
Gingerblur would consume less it has removed alot of the factory bloat that would've come with the device. This would probably most definately help with any "lag" you might be experiencing.
There are many threads on how to conserve battery life. A simple search will yield you lots of results (google ftw)
For games..most of it is personal preference. There is a new Pinball HD specifically designed for the Tegra 2 well as a new jetski game that looks pretty sick. Pocketlegends is also a cool game if you like MMO style games (think World of Warcraft).
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Thank you very much Rick
About the battery life I already did some google search before, but always the same thing. I thought that I could find anything different here
I rooted my device with SuperOneClick it worked pretty well. Is it an old tool to root the atrix? Is there a new one? In the superOneClick, it can use psneuter and worked for me
So OTA is those updates that keep popping for me I want to install gingerBlur, so i gotta update to 1.5.7 and then 1.8.(something) or I can install it right away?
If I want to reset my settings to default factory, will I need that OTA??
Rubb said:
Hey guys
I´m new here at xda-developers and I have a lot of questions about the atrix and android.
I just bought the atrix and this is my first android smartphone. I´ve SIM unlocked it and rooted it using SuperOneClick.
I´ve read the Q & A thread and it was quite enlightening.
But I still have many questions regarding both the atrix and android:
1. A few days ago, my atrix downloaded the new Motorola atrix updates. If I install this update, will I lose my root permission? Is this update the so called OTA? The update number is 4.1.57.
2. Could you guys give me some tips about how to save more battery life etc?
3. Some apps keep popping even after I killed them with the task killer. Some of them are useless for me. Is there any way to block them? And what about Motorola bloatware? I hate that blur stuff…
4. What does these abbreviations mean? OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM.
5. I want to install gingerBlur on my device, but on those tutorials there is always a mentioning about a OTA 1.8.7 that I gotta backup. Where do I find it?
6. If I install gingerBlur, this custom ROM will consume more or less memory from my device? Sometimes I feel some "lag" on some apps...
7. Could u tell me some must have games for atrix? I already have angry birds, battleheart, 3ktd… I really like tower defense games.
Thank you very much and sorry for so many questions. Oh…and sorry about my English.
Thanks again
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1) Thats one of the OTA updates, but not the most recent. You will loose your root with any OTA update, but so far you can always get it back using Gingerbreak.
2)Turn off bluetooth, wifi, data, gps, etc. if your not using them. I have everything but wifi turned off at all times unless I"m using one of them and I have between 40-60% at the end of the day. Also, either have your brightness turned down or use auto brightness. Manually setting it high will drain the battery faster when the screen is on.
3)Dont use task killers. Android does not work like Windows, and those applications are not slowing anything down or eating your battery. By killing them your interfering with Android's internal memory management. Unfortunately the motoblur stuff cant be fully disabled, but parts of it can be hidden with the existing psudoroms like Gingerblur.
4)OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM. - OTA is Over The Air (update). Any official motorola update that gets pushed is an OTA. SBF - not sure what it stands for, but its the file format for Motorola's updates. Usually you can download one on a computer and flash it over USB if you arent getting it over the air, and they can be used as a last resort if you brick your phone. ATT - AT&T, the carrier for the Atrix in the United States. Some roms and tweeks are only compatible with AT&T model phones. CWM - ClockworkMod, software that allows for the installation of roms. CWM is device specific, so only use an Atrix CWM on the Atrix.
6) Either the same or slightly less. So far roms are little more than themes because of the locked bootloader. I say slightly less because some, like Gingerblur, remove SOME of the bloatware.
7) As I dont really play games much, I'm unable to answer this. Sorry.
Hope that helps
Jotokun said:
1) Thats one of the OTA updates, but not the most recent. You will loose your root with any OTA update, but so far you can always get it back using Gingerbreak.
2)Turn off bluetooth, wifi, data, gps, etc. if your not using them. I have everything but wifi turned off at all times unless I"m using one of them and I have between 40-60% at the end of the day. Also, either have your brightness turned down or use auto brightness. Manually setting it high will drain the battery faster when the screen is on.
3)Dont use task killers. Android does not work like Windows, and those applications are not slowing anything down or eating your battery. By killing them your interfering with Android's internal memory management. Unfortunately the motoblur stuff cant be fully disabled, but parts of it can be hidden with the existing psudoroms like Gingerblur.
4)OTA, SBF, ATT, CWM. - OTA is Over The Air (update). Any official motorola update that gets pushed is an OTA. SBF - not sure what it stands for, but its the file format for Motorola's updates. Usually you can download one on a computer and flash it over USB if you arent getting it over the air, and they can be used as a last resort if you brick your phone. ATT - AT&T, the carrier for the Atrix in the United States. Some roms and tweeks are only compatible with AT&T model phones. CWM - ClockworkMod, software that allows for the installation of roms. CWM is device specific, so only use an Atrix CWM on the Atrix.
6) Either the same or slightly less. So far roms are little more than themes because of the locked bootloader. I say slightly less because some, like Gingerblur, remove SOME of the bloatware.
7) As I dont really play games much, I'm unable to answer this. Sorry.
Hope that helps
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Yay! thank you very much
I´m not lost anymore Now I´m confident enough to try installing gingerblur
ty ^^
Another thing...
what should I do if something goes wrong when I install gingerBlur? I´ve read that I gotta flash sbf 1.8.3. Does it mean that I gotta install the update 1.8.3 to make the atrix stock default?
How do I do that?
I'm not trying to sound ignorant, but if all of this it's so confusing I would highly recommend not messing with it unless you're confident you can fix things if they go wrong. Which at this state you are not.
With that said... An SBF is not an update file as mentioned, it is a full system restore image. Not sure what it stands for... Maybe System Backup File???
If something goes wrong you can use an sbf to restore the phone to the factory default of the sbf version number.
Before installing gingerblur you want to be sure you are on the latest version of atrix software, then run gingerbreak to root. Then install CWM to get custom recovery and flash gingerblur from your sd card in CWM. all of this is explained in the development section.
lostinbeta said:
I'm not trying to sound ignorant, but if all of this it's so confusing I would highly recommend not messing with it unless you're confident you can fix things if they go wrong. Which at this state you are not.
With that said... An SBF is not an update file as mentioned, it is a full system restore image. Not sure what it stands for... Maybe System Backup File???
If something goes wrong you can use an sbf to restore the phone to the factory default of the sbf version number.
Before installing gingerblur you want to be sure you are on the latest version of atrix software, then run gingerbreak to root. Then install CWM to get custom recovery and flash gingerblur from your sd card in CWM. all of this is explained in the development section.
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Hey lostinbeta, u didn´t sound ignorant at all
I didn´t install the gingerblur yet as I´m trying to learn what I should do in case something goes wrong
That's where you would check the thread in the dev section about flashing an sbf file to restore back to factory default. You will have to make sure an sbf is available for your phone though. So like I'm with at&t so I can only flash the sbf for the at&t atrix otherwise I will lose functionality of my phone. Or possibly brick it, im not sure
lostinbeta said:
That's where you would check the thread in the dev section about flashing an sbf file to restore back to factory default. You will have to make sure an sbf is available for your phone though. So like I'm with at&t so I can only flash the sbf for the at&t atrix otherwise I will lose functionality of my phone. Or possibly brick it, im not sure
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My atrix is from AT&T so I guess the sbf commonly available is from AT&T. I will make sure that the sbf I will use is definitely the one from AT&T.
I will check the thread about restoring the atrix to factory default
Thanks a lot
EDIT: not ROM related...can I use mp3 sounds as SMS alert sound and can I use different mp3 sound for my contacts?
I´m looking for it as I write this but no success
Reading through this thread, if you can't follow all the instructions fed to you on a silver spoon, and can't/won't/don't read all the appropriate information in the many threads which tell you how to do everything you are trying/want to do, then you either need to keep your phone stock, or go trade it for an iPhone!
Not trying to be a ****, but next you will want someone to change your daiper/nappy!
Mp3s as SMS tones I'm not sure. I think you can with an SMS replacement app like chomp. I've really never tried as I've had no need to since my phone is on silent 95% of the day because of work.
Individual mp3s for contacts you just have to edit your contact and choose ' more details' and it's towards the bottom. You can use ringdroid to make custom cuts or just put the file in the ringtones folder under 'sdcard' not 'sdcard-ext'.
CaelanT said:
Reading through this thread, if you can't follow all the instructions fed to you on a silver spoon, and can't/won't/don't read all the appropriate information in the many threads which tell you how to do everything you are trying/want to do, then you either need to keep your phone stock, or go trade it for an iPhone!
Not trying to be a ****, but next you will want someone to change your daiper/nappy!
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Rofl... Sorry this is amusing and true.
I don't mind helping, I'm not really much help anywhere else on this forum as I still just have basic knowledge about this stuff.

[Q] Help reroot dx2

Please bear with me
OK I have a rooted Dx2 ver. 2.3.3 i need to send in my Dx2 for replacement but Verizon told me they won't unless i have the current vers. of GB 2.3.4.
To unroot there is an app in the market that will remove it completely, including all the symbolic links, its called Ginger Unroot.
Ginger Unroot did the trick, i re-installed all the bloat ran Ginger Unroot, but i missed unfreezing 2 files i think they were "update" and "updater".
So when i went to settings - about phone - System Updates, but it does not work.
So i screwed up now i just want to root the phone and if the files are still there, unfreeze the the 2 files and unroot again and d/l the 2.3.4 OTA.
Here's where i really need help i was going to use Gingerbreak to root but i found out it is no longer supported i think it is because i'm running 2.3.3
I have been searching for days on what to do and all i have found out there does not appear that a one click root does not exist.
I have heard that i might have to SBF back to froyo??
Can i do it on a mac?
i'm worried that i will need to do it on a pc.
Also what version of windows do i need to use?
If i have to SBF can i d/l the files and go to an internet cafe or kinkos and use a pc to do this?
Here's an example are the drivers for the phone or are they meant to be run on a pc, would an internet cafe or kinkos let me do this installing software on their computers.
*Install the necessary moto drivers*
* Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.1.0 32bit or 64bit depending on your computer's CPU architecture
First do you know if i do gain root again will the 2 files show up or have they been
deleted, gone forever.
If this is the only way, can someone tell me exactly what i need to do. I don't want to try to follow any posts because if im at a kinkos or someplace i can access a pc. i don't want to wind up getting stuck or not understanding something.
If i can get to a pc i see that you need to use terminal commands, if i have to do it that way i'll be lost and screw up something.
Please help i don't want to get to a place that i might not fully understand
In other words a Dumbed down set of instructions.
I'm not knocking forums but because of my disability i get lost and frustrated with all the info you can find. I really need to get any help from one person, i get very confused easly
Which method do you recommend/easies: It seems Wugfresh has a one click vers. which is still confusing. I have come across other posts on how to reroot which is making it nearly impossible to follow.
I have ADD and i'm ready to give up and hope i can tell Verizon it won't update and won't discover the 2 missing files, do you think if i just tell them it won't update, and having removed any signs of it was rooted, do you think i can get away with this "playing dumb" cus so far over the past 2 weeks i have gotten responses from my posts that don't help, i just get told to "see this post" and tell me to try this or that.
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I am really burned out, please tell me what you recommend.
To be frank i would just like to return it as is, do you think i can get away with this?
Doing an sbf is probably going to be your best bet. Check stickies there should be info on sbfing on a Mac.
This thread on rootzwiki may have some useful info for you.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
A sbf will solve your problems and I believe it can work with any software mine is vista. Go to the development section first post from booked and he has all the files you need. Use Pete's one click root very easy. Don't give up you will just have to read some.
Hey there! Welcome in! Got to my tutorial thread here: HowTo: Perform a SBF ("factory restore") of your Motorola Droid X2. This will walk you through, step by step, how to perform an SBF restore. If you have questions, either post them in that thread, or PM me. It's simple and straight forward.

[Q] Atrix Battery Died during OTA update, won't boot...HELP?!?

Hello everyone. I have a problem with my Motorola Atrix and I am hoping someone might be able to help me.
I got it as a late Christmas present so its still practically new. I tried doing an OTA update from 2.2 to 2.3 and the battery died whilst the update was taking place. I replaced that battery with my spare battery which was fully charged, but now it won't load. When trying to load on startup, it gets stuck at the dual core logo and gives an error message if I press the volume button. The message says something like "Starting RSD protocol support". I am gutted...
I have been searching feverishly through the forums for some help, and I have come across some information with regards to the types of bricks, ie hard/soft, but I am not sure which it is in my case. There is alot of information available, but I can't find any with my problem. I am not opposed to trying to fix the problem myself as I have some experience in messing around with software, though that was back in the days of p2k-tools some 10 years back, but I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction and some advice maybe since I am almost clueless about Android software. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Additional info:
The phone is completely factory default software wise, so is not rooted or running any form of custom firmware. UK carrier - Tmobile.
I think you have two options. If it's still under a warranty, take it back to the store and ask them to repair it. Or if you don't care about a warranty, you can follow this post to unlock your phone and install a custom ROM. But if you decide to unlock you phone, before trying anything, read the post completely. I'm saying again, read the post completely before doing anything.
I myself unlock the Atrix and using a custom ROM and I have a pretty good battery life compared with a stock ROM.
Thank you for your response. I will look into the warranty idea and see how that goes. I hope there is not a long wait period which is my biggest reservation about this option since I need my phone.
In so far as installing the custom ROM and unlocking it, is there maybe another way that would allow me to continue to use stock firmware and OTA updates? I have been reading through some threads where they say once there is a custom firmware, running an OTA update could brick the phone. I also really just prefer to keep the phone original. If this can't be done, then I will have to give the warranty thing a serious go before I consider the alternative.
shottah said:
Thank you for your response. I will look into the warranty idea and see how that goes. I hope there is not a long wait period which is my biggest reservation about this option since I need my phone.
In so far as installing the custom ROM and unlocking it, is there maybe another way that would allow me to continue to use stock firmware and OTA updates? I have been reading through some threads where they say once there is a custom firmware, running an OTA update could brick the phone. I also really just prefer to keep the phone original. If this can't be done, then I will have to give the warranty thing a serious go before I consider the alternative.
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Go here > Another alternative is to flash 2.3.4 stock via RSDLite, but if the update went through on your phone you could brick. Hopefully one of these will work for you! Other option is to unlock the bootloader.
If you have a full battery why not download the T-Mobile software and write it back to the phone via rsd.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
CaelanT said:
Another alternative is to flash 2.3.4 stock via RSDLite, but if the update went through on your phone you could brick. Hopefully one of these will work for you! Other option is to unlock the bootloader.
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Thanks for the suggestion. How can I tell if the update went through? Can I access this information in the phone's current state?
lonegunman said:
If you have a full battery why not download the T-Mobile software and write it back to the phone via rsd.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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By now the battery is just short of full, but it should be enough to get through the flash. Where would I get the T-mobile software? I have checked their site and the latest android update they have is 2.1 on the site. I have also looked at the Motorola website, but their means of update is via an update program called Motorola Software Update.
Sorry if I appear a bit dense, its just from what I'm seeing is that I may only have one chance to do this and get it right, else its bye bye Atrix. I am still waiting on a response from Motorola with regards to my query about the warranty. If I can get it sorted myself, I will definitely prefer that as opposed to having to wait on them to diagnose etc.
Have a look for the ATRIX super firmware thread on here and see if the T-Mobile software is in it, it may be the old software but it's worth a try as you can send the phone in to be fixed or just take it to a T-Mobile store and let them deal with it for you.
Sent from my MZ604 using xda premium
CaelanT said:
Another alternative is to flash 2.3.4 stock via RSDLite, but if the update went through on your phone you could brick. Hopefully one of these will work for you! Other option is to unlock the bootloader.
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If I implemented the automated update via the link you provided, could that circumvent the potential bricking you described, provided the program can access the phone? By the way, the link you gave was software for an AT&T mobile, while mine is T-Mobile UK. Will this make a difference?
shottah said:
If I implemented the automated update via the link you provided, could that circumvent the potential bricking you described, provided the program can access the phone? By the way, the link you gave was software for an AT&T mobile, while mine is T-Mobile UK. Will this make a difference?
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Ah, you're on an international Atrix? AT&T update won't work for you then.
Sorry, I missed that at bottom of the OP.
If you get stuck and are in london pm me and I will see if I can help.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
CaelanT said:
Ah, you're on an international Atrix? AT&T update won't work for you then.
Sorry, I missed that at bottom of the OP.
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No problem, I appreciate whatever help I can get.
lonegunman said:
If you get stuck and are in london pm me and I will see if I can help.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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Thanks for the offer pal. Wish I was in the London area to get the help but, I'm in Stoke.
Ok, i have no idea if this will work but hay the phone is knacked so why not give it a go, it's under warranty so you can send it back if it don't work go find the orange full and t-mobile service files, download them and write them to your phone via rsd, it's kinda hard to say what one first, its a shame that the t-mobile one is not a full one as that would be perfect, the battery should still charge so leave it on over night, also if can try and make a motorola service cable, that will put power to your so no need to worry about a battery, have a look on here as to how to make it.........ok forget all that if you check out post 276 on the link above it has download for the GB rom t-mobile uk which is what you need to wirte via rsd.
Even if you don't pay you're carrier for warranty Motorola gives you a year warranty on the phone and that's the sane with almost all carriers I sent my unlocked atrix in for screen issues and they still fixed it and same with my hd2 and ipod touch
Any update on this?
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
lonegunman said:
Any update on this?
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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Sorry pal, been busy with classes so no time to update the thread. Basically, I tried to update via Motorola software, but it seems it cant access the phone to begin the update process. I tried to do download the OEM ROM of 2.3.4 from the ATRIX superthread, as this seems the safest option to me, bit it seems its on a host that no longer allows downloads. I tried to request a mirror, but I don't seem to have the authority to post in that thread. If you or anyone can make the request for it to be reuploaded to another mirror, I would be most great full.
Post 276 of Atrix Formwares Superthread
Original Gingerbread SBF for ATRIX MB860 T-Mobile UK
Android 2.3.4 ---- Blur_Version.45.31.2.MB860.T-Mobile.en.GB
Did you try this?
shottah said:
Sorry pal, been busy with classes so no time to update the thread. Basically, I tried to update via Motorola software, but it seems it cant access the phone to begin the update process. I tried to do download the OEM ROM of 2.3.4 from the ATRIX superthread, as this seems the safest option to me, bit it seems its on a host that no longer allows downloads. I tried to request a mirror, but I don't seem to have the authority to post in that thread. If you or anyone can make the request for it to be reuploaded to another mirror, I would be most great full.
Post 276 of Atrix Formwares Superthread
Original Gingerbread SBF for ATRIX MB860 T-Mobile UK
Android 2.3.4 ---- Blur_Version.45.31.2.MB860.T-Mobile.en.GB
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When you say that the updated doesn't start because the Motorola software can't access the phone, is your phone recognized when you plug it into your computer?
dratsablive said:
When you say that the updated doesn't start because the Motorola software can't access the phone, is your phone recognized when you plug it into your computer?
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The laptop recognizes the phone since I can hear USB noises when plugged and unplugged. When I try to run the software, it tries to connect and then I get the message:
"Motorola Software Update is unable to identify your device at this time. Please try again."
zigbee_chitti said:
Did you try this?
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Yes I did try the link, but sharing is disabled on that host so I cant download it. That is exactly what I need from what I understand, but I don't have enough access to request a mirror, even though I have more than 10 posts for some reason.
Ok, well it seem over the whole megaupload thing any of the file sharing sites are playing it safe, you need to find someone who has the t-mobile file already and can send it to you, i have the orange one but not sure if it will brick your phone or not.
lonegunman said:
Ok, well it seem over the whole megaupload thing any of the file sharing sites are playing it safe, you need to find someone who has the t-mobile file already and can send it to you, i have the orange one but not sure if it will brick your phone or not.
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The OP of that file would have access to his files on the host, its only 3rd parties who can't download his files from uploaded to his account. If he/some one else who has it can upload it to another site, it would be fine. He should still have access to his files on his account with the host though, so if anyone is feeling kind to make the request on my behalf, I would appreciate it very much since I am being prevented from posting in that section myself. Thnaks.

[Q] Deleted important system files on Droid RAZR

Ok I see that there are a couple of similar threads to this and I apologize in advance but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly interpret some of the answers on those I'm gonna start my own and see who can help lol. Once again I'm sorry if this new thread is considered obsolete by some or all.
I have a Motorola droid razr. Not the maxx just the standard razr. When I got my phone I started looking into rooting it after seeing one of my friends with a rooted thunderbolt. I successfully rooted my razr after doing a lot of research. I installed Titanium (not pro) and undelete. I'm fairly certain that I made a backup of everything on my phone shortly after installing Titanium Backup. Well through the course of tinkering around with my phone a bit I deleted certain files here and there that I considered useless or annoying to me that they were on my phone in the first place. Well when the upgrade to jellybean came out I tried to do a software update. It finishes, reboots my phone, then says the update was unsuccessful.
After some research I have realized that I probably deleted something that was important (lol yeah I'm an idiot) and so it wont let me update the software because of that. I realize that I could use titanium to restore those files but I have NO idea what files I deleted that were important. And I'm not all that comfortable with TB to just mess with it freely. TB has been something that I have used very little because I know I could probably cause some serious damage to my phone with it haha. I haven't done a factory reset because I know already that it wouldn't bring those files back.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm not a very technical person so I probably shouldn't have rooted in the first place but I tried my hardest to do the research first. Thanks in advance for the help everyone
vetchemh3 said:
Ok I see that there are a couple of similar threads to this and I apologize in advance but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly interpret some of the answers on those I'm gonna start my own and see who can help lol. Once again I'm sorry if this new thread is considered obsolete by some or all.
I have a Motorola droid razr. Not the maxx just the standard razr. When I got my phone I started looking into rooting it after seeing one of my friends with a rooted thunderbolt. I successfully rooted my razr after doing a lot of research. I installed Titanium (not pro) and undelete. I'm fairly certain that I made a backup of everything on my phone shortly after installing Titanium Backup. Well through the course of tinkering around with my phone a bit I deleted certain files here and there that I considered useless or annoying to me that they were on my phone in the first place. Well when the upgrade to jellybean came out I tried to do a software update. It finishes, reboots my phone, then says the update was unsuccessful.
After some research I have realized that I probably deleted something that was important (lol yeah I'm an idiot) and so it wont let me update the software because of that. I realize that I could use titanium to restore those files but I have NO idea what files I deleted that were important. And I'm not all that comfortable with TB to just mess with it freely. TB has been something that I have used very little because I know I could probably cause some serious damage to my phone with it haha. I haven't done a factory reset because I know already that it wouldn't bring those files back.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm not a very technical person so I probably shouldn't have rooted in the first place but I tried my hardest to do the research first. Thanks in advance for the help everyone
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So does anyone have any suggestions??
im not sure about this particular phone but search for the SBF file for your phone model and how to use RSDLite. this is how to restore Motorola phones.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
It's never a good idea to do an OTA update over a rooted phone.
You should just download a rooted stock ROM from the dev forum (a 4.1 ROM) and flash it via your recovery (flash the zip file) or another custom ROM, they have some good ones!
OR I would just flash stock THEN do the OTA update, because whatever rooting method you used (I don't have that phone so I'm not sure) probably replaced your kernel with an insecure one or your system.img so you're failing the OTA update.
orangekid said:
It's never a good idea to do an OTA update over a rooted phone.
You should just download a rooted stock ROM from the dev forum (a 4.1 ROM) and flash it via your recovery (flash the zip file) or another custom ROM, they have some good ones!
OR I would just flash stock THEN do the OTA update, because whatever rooting method you used (I don't have that phone so I'm not sure) probably replaced your kernel with an insecure one or your system.img so you're failing the OTA update.
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this is a good point. i would only do the SBF if you can't get into custom recovery.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
OP I moved you, here into your device forum Q&A for more visibility from actual users for your device. Thank you.
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
gregeorgeraldo said:
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
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Ok I'm not gonna lie that sounds like a different language to me haha. I know I probably shouldn't have done all this without really knowing exactly what i was doing but I'm sure im not the first lol. What exactly is RSD and when I flash the razr stock ROM will it erase anything I already have save on my phone? Sorry I'm not the most intelligent when it comes to stuff like this haha
gregeorgeraldo said:
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
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Is this a good source and video that might explain this to me a little better? I havent posted 10 times so i cant use the link but its a video on youtube called How to use fastboot files to return Droid Razr back to Android 2.3.5! It's the first vid that comes up. has about 9,300 views and was posted 7 months ago. I think my RAZR was on ice cream sandwich (not gingerbread) but it should be the same i guess? Thanks in advance everyone
The reason I suggest just flashing a custom ROM thru your recovery is once you RSD stock then do the OTA you're just going to want to root again and maybe flash a better custom ROM.
Just flash a CM10 ROM from the dev forum and see how you like it, it's jellybean with tons more options that the stock ROM.
orangekid said:
The reason I suggest just flashing a custom ROM thru your recovery is once you RSD stock then do the OTA you're just going to want to root again and maybe flash a better custom ROM.
Just flash a CM10 ROM from the dev forum and see how you like it, it's jellybean with tons more options that the stock ROM.
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The main issue i'm having is that after i rooted my phone flashing custom roms was pretty much the only aspect i didnt get into, so i'm not comfortable in the least with doing it. So just flashing a new rom might be a little strange for me. If i flash the stock rom will i lose everything i have? Like all my apps and pictures and info? And will it unroot my phone?? And if that video i posted above will work should i just try it that way?
I'm sorry to keep posting but I'm just trying to get some specific answers and I feel like if my thread falls too far down it will be forgotten lol. But that video title that I posted...does anyone know if that could be a viable solution? And if it isn't could someone explain. To me how to flash the stock rom so i can upgrade to ics. I don't think the razr has jellybean yet if I'm not mistaken
It sounds like you might be missing some of the stock apps. I had a similar problem while following the same upgrade path as you. I have a Verizon XT912 (standard RAZR) I'm lookin for a link to send you that helped with the issue...but basically there are several apps that would seem non-essential like Slacker radio or NFL Mobile that seem to have caused people trouble. If your update is failing at 30% or somewhere in the middle, this might be the problem. If this sounds like it could be it, Ill try and find the post that helped me find what I was missing.
watch your phone during the update, make sure its not actually cancelling and booting normally because of this error.
Do you know what version you were on before things happened? GB or ICS? You always use this utility just to start over and get back to stock. You could do like people are saying and get the files but this is easier. There is a version for either GB or ICS. Just need to get into AP Fast Boot mode and follow the directions. Also assume this is the Cdma phone? Here is something similar.
I would just start all over and flash.Make sure if you can that your phone is charged before starting.
blueis300 said:
Do you know what version you were on before things happened? GB or ICS? You always use this utility just to start over and get back to stock. You could do like people are saying and get the files but this is easier. There is a version for either GB or ICS. Just need to get into AP Fast Boot mode and follow the directions. Also assume this is the Cdma phone? Here is something similar.
I would just start all over and flash.Make sure if you can that your phone is charged before starting.
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I'm on gingerbread 2.3.6. So i can just go to the bootloader menu and use AP fast boot to do what? I'm a little confused lol sorry
So does anyone have any explanation? The only reason i'm so desperate is because i'm planning on potentially selling my razr for the note 2 and i cant do that if its unable to perform this update/missing apps/etc.. lol. please help

Do I have to flash a stock rom to check for updates

Do I have to flash a stock rom to check for updates. Reason being motorola sent me an email yesterday inviting me to test something. It was very clear in black and white that it is not a soak test. Could just be an app. I dont know. But my phone is currently on cm10.2. If they push an update to my phone will I get it or do I have to go back to stock.
Please do not go asking moto a bunch of questions as you will get no answers and just wast peoples and your own time.
And If I return to stock can I flash a zip or do I have to sbf
Um... How about you sit down and think about it for a moment?
How exactly do you expect to get an UPDATE to something you don't have (ie. stock firmware)?
what I wanted to know is if I would get an update file if I wasn't stock. not if I could update if I wasnt stock. I will use my google translate to figure that means sbf back to stock and a flashable zip will not work. I was not sure what was used to send the file. I know they Use your IMEI but I dont know if that is all. I just want whatever they have to offer. Maybe not even to install it on my phone. But I would like the file to look at and see whats inside.They may just want to test an app or feature. I dont even use my atrix as a phone. I just play with it from time to time. and I don't think it is an update as it was clear it is not a soak test. but I will answer my own question and go back to stock.
Yes, if it is an motorola update, you need to go back to stock
Enviado desde mi GT-S5830 usando Tapatalk 2
OK hate to do this BUT can anyone point me to how to sbf back to stock. I have done it before but cannot find the info I used. I have searched in circles for about an hour.
I used fruitcake to go to stock and checked for updates for last couple days would say up to date, or something along those lines. today whenever i check for updates it says "Check for update is not available at this time. Try again later" I do not know if that is because I have custom TWRP recovery or bc I am rooted or if their server is to busy. I just want the phone to be ready if they push something to it. As I said I have done it before on my previous atrix I just dont remember how. I dont know if I used fastboot, RSD or what. but I got rid of unlocked on boot and everything.
If a fruitcake is good enough that would be awesome
If you want to get rid of all the customizations, then an sbf file is the way to go. beware, because flashing and incorrect sbf can make you atrix a nice paperweight
andresrivas said:
If you want to get rid of all the customizations, then an sbf file is the way to go. beware, because flashing and incorrect sbf can make you atrix a nice paperweight
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I dont know if I need complete stock. I have used sbf to return to stock before. got rid of unlocked text so could send in on warranty. The problem is finding the sbf file again. this is an older device and alot of links are dead ends. I just want to be able to check for updates. I looked at my emails for previous emails about testing for moto and last test started 14 days after original email and they sent me an email at that time saying test will begin. So for now I am going to leave my fruitcake rom on and wait for my email. Will see then if i can get it.
For now thank you to all who have helped
affiatic said:
I dont know if I need complete stock. I have used sbf to return to stock before. got rid of unlocked text so could send in on warranty. The problem is finding the sbf file again. this is an older device and alot of links are dead ends. I just want to be able to check for updates. I looked at my emails for previous emails about testing for moto and last test started 14 days after original email and they sent me an email at that time saying test will begin. So for now I am going to leave my fruitcake rom on and wait for my email. Will see then if i can get it.
For now thank you to all who have helped
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google didn't provide much help did it? and those are one time only emails, but there's a nice little stash of all moto sbfs out there

