[Q] Help reroot dx2 - Motorola Droid X2

Please bear with me
OK I have a rooted Dx2 ver. 2.3.3 i need to send in my Dx2 for replacement but Verizon told me they won't unless i have the current vers. of GB 2.3.4.
To unroot there is an app in the market that will remove it completely, including all the symbolic links, its called Ginger Unroot.
Ginger Unroot did the trick, i re-installed all the bloat ran Ginger Unroot, but i missed unfreezing 2 files i think they were "update" and "updater".
So when i went to settings - about phone - System Updates, but it does not work.
So i screwed up now i just want to root the phone and if the files are still there, unfreeze the the 2 files and unroot again and d/l the 2.3.4 OTA.
Here's where i really need help i was going to use Gingerbreak to root but i found out it is no longer supported i think it is because i'm running 2.3.3
I have been searching for days on what to do and all i have found out there does not appear that a one click root does not exist.
I have heard that i might have to SBF back to froyo??
Can i do it on a mac?
i'm worried that i will need to do it on a pc.
Also what version of windows do i need to use?
If i have to SBF can i d/l the files and go to an internet cafe or kinkos and use a pc to do this?
Here's an example are the drivers for the phone or are they meant to be run on a pc, would an internet cafe or kinkos let me do this installing software on their computers.
*Install the necessary moto drivers*
* Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.1.0 32bit or 64bit depending on your computer's CPU architecture
First do you know if i do gain root again will the 2 files show up or have they been
deleted, gone forever.
If this is the only way, can someone tell me exactly what i need to do. I don't want to try to follow any posts because if im at a kinkos or someplace i can access a pc. i don't want to wind up getting stuck or not understanding something.
If i can get to a pc i see that you need to use terminal commands, if i have to do it that way i'll be lost and screw up something.
Please help i don't want to get to a place that i might not fully understand
In other words a Dumbed down set of instructions.
I'm not knocking forums but because of my disability i get lost and frustrated with all the info you can find. I really need to get any help from one person, i get very confused easly
Which method do you recommend/easies: It seems Wugfresh has a one click vers. which is still confusing. I have come across other posts on how to reroot which is making it nearly impossible to follow.
I have ADD and i'm ready to give up and hope i can tell Verizon it won't update and won't discover the 2 missing files, do you think if i just tell them it won't update, and having removed any signs of it was rooted, do you think i can get away with this "playing dumb" cus so far over the past 2 weeks i have gotten responses from my posts that don't help, i just get told to "see this post" and tell me to try this or that.
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I am really burned out, please tell me what you recommend.
To be frank i would just like to return it as is, do you think i can get away with this?

Doing an sbf is probably going to be your best bet. Check stickies there should be info on sbfing on a Mac.
This thread on rootzwiki may have some useful info for you.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium

A sbf will solve your problems and I believe it can work with any software mine is vista. Go to the development section first post from booked and he has all the files you need. Use Pete's one click root very easy. Don't give up you will just have to read some.

Hey there! Welcome in! Got to my tutorial thread here: HowTo: Perform a SBF ("factory restore") of your Motorola Droid X2. This will walk you through, step by step, how to perform an SBF restore. If you have questions, either post them in that thread, or PM me. It's simple and straight forward.


[Q] I want to root for 1st time ever, but I have a Mac

I am here today because I need help. I want to root for 1st time ever, but I have a Mac. I hear about all of the great things I can do with my Vibrant after rooting but I am scared of trying this without a PC. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? Also lead me to the best roms. Thank you.
Well my first suggestion would be to get a PC
But seriously, you could always get a copy of XP somewhere (pretty easy to get for free), or a later Windows OS and dual-boot your system.
Or you could just dl Ryanza's lag fix from the market and root it that way.
You do not need a pc.
Download the file to your phone, put it on the root sdcard/ and go into stock recovery and flash it.
Afterwards, get rom manager and make a backup.
Flash a rom, bionix or eugene's
This is all in the general section sticky I made. EVERYTHING you need is there.
vcof2005 said:
I am here today because I need help. I want to root for 1st time ever, but I have a Mac. I hear about all of the great things I can do with my Vibrant after rooting but I am scared of trying this without a PC. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? Also lead me to the best roms. Thank you.
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Take a look at this post. I would recommend you pull the latest version, su-, from this thread instead of "SGH-959 Root Update.zip" from the 1st link.
I have taken your advice but my phone has only installed the Superuser app. I am scared that if I do anything else I will brick my phone. Is there a way to unroot it? I would like to try rooting again with the non PC version. Thank you
Download rom manager
Flash clockwork recovery
make a nandroid backup.
Now you have something you can always revert to.
vcof2005 said:
I have taken your advice but my phone has only installed the Superuser app. I am scared that if I do anything else I will brick my phone. Is there a way to unroot it? I would like to try rooting again with the non PC version. Thank you
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Yes sir, that's exactly what you should have after successfully completing the process. To unroot from your device take a look here. View the Full thread (Page 1) to perform via adb. I don't see any reason you need to worry yourself about bricking. Unless your planning on testing kernels, ROMs, etc... If that's the case, make sure you read the entire thread before you make any decisions, and ask questions as it seems that most everyone here is willing to lend a hand.
search ryanza on market place. download the free version you can root and unroot from there simple instructions very easy to understand.
download rom manager (it auto installs superuser also) from market place also free download. that will allow you to make backups and restore should you encounter any problems.
also if your running OSX you can dual boot from Bootcamp windows, and if your running atleast a core 2 duo system you can dual boot windows 7/Vista 64bit.
A pc is needed for almost no modification when it comes to this phone.
I had to put effort into bricking my phone so you should be fine, just make sure if you have installed the OTA that any themes you install support the JI6 update. thats the only way i bricked my phone lol, and again that was a easy fix. Read read read so much to learn.
Thank you everyone for your help. I have succesfully rooted my phone. I think I will wait for the 2.2 OTA update since I hear that they are slowing coming around for the galaxy S phones. I want to try the bionix rom but I do not want to install it to soon and miss out on my chance to get the OTA update.

[Q] Flashing Overview

Hello all. My name is Brian, I'm from Florida, receiving my first Android Device (Atrix 4g) in the mail hopefully tomorrow! My phone history is: Samsung A737 (few months), Blackberry 9000 (2.5 Years).
My plan is to get knowledgeable on how to use the android software on a very basic level over this week, and I plan to flash / customize my Atrix this weekend. This is where I have some questions / seek advice:
The first step being a flash to 1.2.6 This is the step I'm the most "worried" or "unsure" about due to the fact that I've seen youtube videos performing the other steps. But I'll just download the 1.2.6 files, and follow this guide.
Once successfully flashed back to 1.2.6, I'll use GladRoot to root my phone to 1.5.7.
I'm not yet familiar with android and the capabilities, but from what I understand, once rooted, my device can load an .APK from a SD card. This is for the next step when I place Tenfar's CWM onto my SD card as a .apk and load it? Once this is done I will have an application, according to this guide, which I will run, use Install Recovery (2 times), then Recovery Boot. This will put me in some mode from which I will install the .zip file (Gingerblur / Greyblur) that I put on my SD card in the first place. "Congratulations! You’ve installed your very own Atrix 4G custom ROM!" being the desired outcome .
My questions are: Does my Atrix come on 1.2.6, so I don't even need to do the first step at all? Is rooting as simple as it seems? What is a CWM, in simple terms ? Is my phone's insurance ($5/month through at&t) voided by flashing / customizing?
I know I'm rather redundant with the guides that have been provided, its just that I want to be sure I'm not making any mistakes because I'm so naïve with the android software (lol I'm -1 days experienced right now, assuming it comes tomorrow). These guides are wonderfully created and I will surely thank some of the great developers (in a monetary manner ) at the end of my android customization. Your help is greatly appreciated in advance!
Foraker said:
Hello all. My name is Brian, I'm from Florida, receiving my first Android Device (Atrix 4g) in the mail hopefully tomorrow! My phone history is: Samsung A737 (few months), Blackberry 9000 (2.5 Years).
My plan is to get knowledgeable on how to use the android software on a very basic level over this week, and I plan to flash / customize my Atrix this weekend. This is where I have some questions / seek advice:
The first step being a flash to 1.2.6 This is the step I'm the most "worried" or "unsure" about due to the fact that I've seen youtube videos performing the other steps. But I'll just download the 1.2.6 files, and follow this guide.
Once successfully flashed back to 1.2.6, I'll use GladRoot to root my phone to 1.5.7.
I'm not yet familiar with android and the capabilities, but from what I understand, once rooted, my device can load an .APK from a SD card. This is for the next step when I place Tenfar's CWM onto my SD card as a .apk and load it? Once this is done I will have an application, according to this guide, which I will run, use Install Recovery (2 times), then Recovery Boot. This will put me in some mode from which I will install the .zip file (Gingerblur / Greyblur) that I put on my SD card in the first place. "Congratulations! You’ve installed your very own Atrix 4G custom ROM!" being the desired outcome .
My questions are: Does my Atrix come on 1.2.6, so I don't even need to do the first step at all? Is rooting as simple as it seems? What is a CWM, in simple terms ? Is my phone's insurance ($5/month through at&t) voided by flashing / customizing?
I know I'm rather redundant with the guides that have been provided, its just that I want to be sure I'm not making any mistakes because I'm so naïve with the android software (lol I'm -1 days experienced right now, assuming it comes tomorrow). These guides are wonderfully created and I will surely thank some of the great developers (in a monetary manner ) at the end of my android customization. Your help is greatly appreciated in advance!
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The phone should come loaded 1.2.6 so no flash is required. After you get use to it run the gladroot very simple process to do. after that update to the newest then run the after update so then you will be rooted on the newest after your done with that do whatever you want. I am by far no expert. I too also recently got my atrix and was scared to death to do this on my own. Just read alot and ask alot of questions. Today i finally flashed gingerblur on my phone and love it along with the webtop mod. Rooting is simple the whole process on everything is simple now with that said i havent had to flash back stop through RSD yet so i dont know about that. Flashing will void your insurance unless if you can flash it back stock. Just go in the android development section on the atrix forums and everything is usually on page 1. Best thing you can do make a folder on your desktop with all the phones drivers and any files you download and also the rsd, in my folder i also copy and pasted instructions in each folder for each process so i wouldnt have to dig in the threads to find it. Hope this helps and like i said im not expert at this.
Seems like you're on the right track don't be too scared everything you want to do has very good instructions to go with so im sure you'll do fine. One thing though that will help you and also provide more of live help is get an irc cliet and go to the #moto-atrix channel alot of the devs and knowledgeable people hang out there and are very helpful, a lot of people on there were also on the same boat you're in not too long ago so they'll help a lot
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Thanks guys! Got my atrix in the mail, loving every minute of it compared to that garbage Blackberry. As far as an IRC client goes, I just downloaded mIRC, thanks for the advice!

Help Can't Update OTA Gingerbread 2.3.4 Not Rooted Droid X2

Help Can't Update OTA Gingerbread 2.3.4 Not Rooted Droid X2
I have been trying for a month no luck
no help from Moto or Verizon.
I'd like to get this update
See attachment this is what I get
when I try 2 Pull
Thank You
You could always try to SBF and see if that helps. Applying a SBF is fairly simple, check out some of the guides on the forum.
+1 to sbf comment
U could even just sbf straight to 2.3.4
Did u ever root before at all?(this phone that is)
ashclepdia said:
+1 to sbf comment
U could even just sbf straight to 2.3.4
Did u ever root before at all?(this phone that is)
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I 'd like to fix this problem of no OTA updated
No (No)
This is my first smartphone.
Got it mid-July
Thank You
ImgBurn said:
Help Can't Update OTA Gingerbread 2.3.4 Not Rooted Droid X2
I have been trying for a month no luck
no help from Moto or Verizon.
I'd like to get this update
See attachment this is what I get
when I try 2 Pull
Thank You
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SBF is always an option, if you're comfortable doing it. It's nothing really.
So you jumped through vzw support hoops and they just leave you hanging?! I'd tell them you want it replaced w/ another for which the replacement will likely come w/ 2.3.4 installed. Have you tried taking it to a corporate store and ask if they can manually push it to your phone?
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
Have you attempted to update while connected.to wifi?
I've always updated over wifi...
Have you done anything to this phone? Where did you get the phone? I only ask because if the phone came from someone else, perhaps something was done to it.
Many times people rename some of their files or uninstall some of the files, like fota and updater and it will fail to update. Aside from that, SBF is probably the most effecient way to fix the issue.
reaktorblue said:
Have you done anything to this phone? Where did you get the phone? I only ask because if the phone came from someone else, perhaps something was done to it.
Many times people rename some of their files or uninstall some of the files, like fota and updater and it will fail to update. Aside from that, SBF is probably the most effecient way to fix the issue.
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I've done very little to phone purchased
from Verizon in mid July. Froyo 2.2.2 was
installed. Sometime in August updated OTA
to GingerBread 2.3.3 no problem.
Fastfoward to present I've tried for last
month no push and when I try to pull
always get same result see attached.
I just don't get it...
Try checking this setting. You will want to make sure it's enabled and that you can make and receive phone calls.
Battery & Data Manager -> Data Delivery -> Background Data -> Enabled
If that does not work for you, you can also try to reset to factory defaults. This may fix the issue but you'll lose all your personal settings.
Undoubtedly, unless there is a hardware problem with your phone, which is possible but not probable, SBFing directly to 2.3.4 WILL fix the issue. Again, you'll lose your settings and such but you'll have a fresh phone and you can move on to greener pastures instead of worrying about what is wrong with the phone.
You can find a very well written guide that will walk you through the process below.
This is what I would recommend as you could spend hours, days, even months trying to fix your phone and still not find out what app or quirky issue the phone is having. Applying an SBF update sounds complicated but in reality, its as simple as installing a driver for a printer.
Simply plug in the device, run an application, point it do the SBF file, and leave it alone until it finishes. The guide goes into detail, including the resources you'll need, such as the SBF file, the Motorola Drivers, RSD Lite, and what to expect.
Even if you choose to continue troubleshooting, I would recommend reading the guide anyway just to familiarize yourself with how your phone works. In the future it'll make troubleshooting your phone a bit easier.
Hope that helps!
This looked like the solution crosses fingers
(Battery & Data Manager -> Data Delivery -> Background Data -> Enabled)
I was hoping as I had turned off my Phone to charge it. I though o yea
this is the problem. No such luck it was enabled. I'd like to try the
SBFing directly to 2.3.4 but don't you have to be rooted. I didn't really want
to root at this point with this issue of no OTA.
Setting to factory defaults looks like what I'll try but losing all my settings
ah. Is there any way to back up phone so not to lose all my settings
with out rooting.
Thank You
Thank everyone for all the suggestions
P.S. I was on the phone with VZ yesterday for 2.5 Hours
The Tech ended up telling me there was no update .
Last Update was 2.3.3 in August.
WoW Whats Up With That??
ImgBurn said:
This looked like the solution crosses fingers
(Battery & Data Manager -> Data Delivery -> Background Data -> Enabled)
I was hoping as I had turned off my Phone to charge it. I though o yea
this is the problem. No such luck it was enabled. I'd like to try the
SBFing directly to 2.3.4 but don't you have to be rooted. I didn't really want
to root at this point with this issue of no OTA.
Setting to factory defaults looks like what I'll try but losing all my settings
ah. Is there any way to back up phone so not to lose all my settings
with out rooting.
Thank You
Thank everyone for all the suggestions
P.S. I was on the phone with VZ yesterday for 2.5 Hours
The Tech ended up telling me there was no update .
Last Update was 2.3.3 in August.
WoW Whats Up With That??
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AH yes...the trusty vzw level one tech
U better believe there is a 2.3.4 lol. I was in the soak test for it and the Motorola forum manager Matt announced it being released lol
Oh yeah. MAYBE u will have some.luck over there if u wanna try Motorola support forums before sbf route. Droidx2 forum manager Matt MAY(can't say he has ALWAYS been helpful) help ya out.
Aldo vzwsupport on twitter I find better than phoning them. Motorola also has tech support on twitter.
But u DO NOT have to be rooted in order to sbf.
not even a little bit lol.
if u WERE rooted sbf would make u lose that root.
Sbf rewrites your system partition and flashes the necessary files and "stuff"(lol) so that your phone is "factory out of box" condition. Root is totally NOT NEEDED to do an SBF.
U hook up to your computer.
Put ur.phone into RSD protocol mode and.use the rsdlite program u can download to ur computer(w/ necessary drivers) and flash the sbf file to ur phone.
pretty simple thing.to do.
Longest part really is downloading the necessary drivers and programs and files.
Go here to read a great easy to follow tutorial on how to sbf.
It has ALL the necessary links to downloads for sbf files, drivers, rsdlite program, etc
Everything u could need is I'm that thread
don't be.intimidated by the lengthy tutorial. It is easier than u think.
PLUS if u have any questions or.need clarification u can post in that thread and someone knowledgeable will help you out.
or u can get on the #dx2 channel at webchat.freenode.net for "real time" help. Its an IRC(chatroom) for us X2 users. Usually someone is there who can help ya out
ALSO please keep us updated on ur situation. If u find a solution PLEASE POST IT HERE...so that way others who run into this problem can.find the solution they need
Good luck brotha!
Hy guys,
Thanks for all your help & suggestions ashclepdia, reaktorblue
& X0dus. You won't, I can't believe this is what was stopping me
from getting update. I saw it before but reading it's description
I didn't think it would be a problem and I'd save battery
power. I had this setting checked (as you see in attached)
the second I unchecked it and returned to home screen update
was available.
WoW I spent hours no days with moto & vz level 2 tech's and
not 1 every went over my setting's. The level of incompetence
& misinformation from these 2 company's well they should hang there
heads in shame. Don't get me started I could write a book about
all the nonsense these 2 have put me through sense buying
this phone from vz in July 2011. Sorry For the rant.
Anyway I sincerely want to thank all you guys for your help
& suggestions. There's more talent in this post then vz & moto
L2 techs put together . This forum ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. So I guess if you don't want an update check this box .
Also New Rules corporate store only have salesman got
this from L2 tech & calling local store. Guess we know
there priorities.
Hahaha....I guess our android system is considered a "social application " in itself lol...
Good to see ya got the fix...and glad it ended up not being something serious.
Could u also add the word "SOLVED" to the beginning of thread title for others who experience this problem.
And yeah...I have been told by many people that I should try to get a job as a phone tech support since im always helping my friends/coworker fix phone problems Hahaha...and I still consider myself to be a "noob "to Lol

[Q] Deleted important system files on Droid RAZR

Ok I see that there are a couple of similar threads to this and I apologize in advance but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly interpret some of the answers on those threads...so I'm gonna start my own and see who can help lol. Once again I'm sorry if this new thread is considered obsolete by some or all.
I have a Motorola droid razr. Not the maxx just the standard razr. When I got my phone I started looking into rooting it after seeing one of my friends with a rooted thunderbolt. I successfully rooted my razr after doing a lot of research. I installed Titanium (not pro) and undelete. I'm fairly certain that I made a backup of everything on my phone shortly after installing Titanium Backup. Well through the course of tinkering around with my phone a bit I deleted certain files here and there that I considered useless or annoying to me that they were on my phone in the first place. Well when the upgrade to jellybean came out I tried to do a software update. It finishes, reboots my phone, then says the update was unsuccessful.
After some research I have realized that I probably deleted something that was important (lol yeah I'm an idiot) and so it wont let me update the software because of that. I realize that I could use titanium to restore those files but I have NO idea what files I deleted that were important. And I'm not all that comfortable with TB to just mess with it freely. TB has been something that I have used very little because I know I could probably cause some serious damage to my phone with it haha. I haven't done a factory reset because I know already that it wouldn't bring those files back.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm not a very technical person so I probably shouldn't have rooted in the first place but I tried my hardest to do the research first. Thanks in advance for the help everyone
vetchemh3 said:
Ok I see that there are a couple of similar threads to this and I apologize in advance but I'm not sure exactly how to correctly interpret some of the answers on those threads...so I'm gonna start my own and see who can help lol. Once again I'm sorry if this new thread is considered obsolete by some or all.
I have a Motorola droid razr. Not the maxx just the standard razr. When I got my phone I started looking into rooting it after seeing one of my friends with a rooted thunderbolt. I successfully rooted my razr after doing a lot of research. I installed Titanium (not pro) and undelete. I'm fairly certain that I made a backup of everything on my phone shortly after installing Titanium Backup. Well through the course of tinkering around with my phone a bit I deleted certain files here and there that I considered useless or annoying to me that they were on my phone in the first place. Well when the upgrade to jellybean came out I tried to do a software update. It finishes, reboots my phone, then says the update was unsuccessful.
After some research I have realized that I probably deleted something that was important (lol yeah I'm an idiot) and so it wont let me update the software because of that. I realize that I could use titanium to restore those files but I have NO idea what files I deleted that were important. And I'm not all that comfortable with TB to just mess with it freely. TB has been something that I have used very little because I know I could probably cause some serious damage to my phone with it haha. I haven't done a factory reset because I know already that it wouldn't bring those files back.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm not a very technical person so I probably shouldn't have rooted in the first place but I tried my hardest to do the research first. Thanks in advance for the help everyone
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So does anyone have any suggestions??
im not sure about this particular phone but search for the SBF file for your phone model and how to use RSDLite. this is how to restore Motorola phones.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
It's never a good idea to do an OTA update over a rooted phone.
You should just download a rooted stock ROM from the dev forum (a 4.1 ROM) and flash it via your recovery (flash the zip file) or another custom ROM, they have some good ones!
OR I would just flash stock THEN do the OTA update, because whatever rooting method you used (I don't have that phone so I'm not sure) probably replaced your kernel with an insecure one or your system.img so you're failing the OTA update.
orangekid said:
It's never a good idea to do an OTA update over a rooted phone.
You should just download a rooted stock ROM from the dev forum (a 4.1 ROM) and flash it via your recovery (flash the zip file) or another custom ROM, they have some good ones!
OR I would just flash stock THEN do the OTA update, because whatever rooting method you used (I don't have that phone so I'm not sure) probably replaced your kernel with an insecure one or your system.img so you're failing the OTA update.
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this is a good point. i would only do the SBF if you can't get into custom recovery.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
OP I moved you, here into your device forum Q&A for more visibility from actual users for your device. Thank you.
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
gregeorgeraldo said:
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
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Ok I'm not gonna lie that sounds like a different language to me haha. I know I probably shouldn't have done all this without really knowing exactly what i was doing but I'm sure im not the first lol. What exactly is RSD and when I flash the razr stock ROM will it erase anything I already have save on my phone? Sorry I'm not the most intelligent when it comes to stuff like this haha
gregeorgeraldo said:
just try to flash a stock ROM using RSD, and then take the OTA update.
Sent from Motorola Razr XT910 With beatsaudio™ on ICS 4.0.4
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Is this a good source and video that might explain this to me a little better? I havent posted 10 times so i cant use the link but its a video on youtube called How to use fastboot files to return Droid Razr back to Android 2.3.5! It's the first vid that comes up. has about 9,300 views and was posted 7 months ago. I think my RAZR was on ice cream sandwich (not gingerbread) but it should be the same i guess? Thanks in advance everyone
The reason I suggest just flashing a custom ROM thru your recovery is once you RSD stock then do the OTA you're just going to want to root again and maybe flash a better custom ROM.
Just flash a CM10 ROM from the dev forum and see how you like it, it's jellybean with tons more options that the stock ROM.
orangekid said:
The reason I suggest just flashing a custom ROM thru your recovery is once you RSD stock then do the OTA you're just going to want to root again and maybe flash a better custom ROM.
Just flash a CM10 ROM from the dev forum and see how you like it, it's jellybean with tons more options that the stock ROM.
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The main issue i'm having is that after i rooted my phone flashing custom roms was pretty much the only aspect i didnt get into, so i'm not comfortable in the least with doing it. So just flashing a new rom might be a little strange for me. If i flash the stock rom will i lose everything i have? Like all my apps and pictures and info? And will it unroot my phone?? And if that video i posted above will work should i just try it that way?
I'm sorry to keep posting but I'm just trying to get some specific answers and I feel like if my thread falls too far down it will be forgotten lol. But that video title that I posted...does anyone know if that could be a viable solution? And if it isn't could someone explain. To me how to flash the stock rom so i can upgrade to ics. I don't think the razr has jellybean yet if I'm not mistaken
It sounds like you might be missing some of the stock apps. I had a similar problem while following the same upgrade path as you. I have a Verizon XT912 (standard RAZR) I'm lookin for a link to send you that helped with the issue...but basically there are several apps that would seem non-essential like Slacker radio or NFL Mobile that seem to have caused people trouble. If your update is failing at 30% or somewhere in the middle, this might be the problem. If this sounds like it could be it, Ill try and find the post that helped me find what I was missing.
watch your phone during the update, make sure its not actually cancelling and booting normally because of this error.
Do you know what version you were on before things happened? GB or ICS? You always use this utility just to start over and get back to stock. You could do like people are saying and get the files but this is easier. There is a version for either GB or ICS. Just need to get into AP Fast Boot mode and follow the directions. Also assume this is the Cdma phone? Here is something similar.
I would just start all over and flash.Make sure if you can that your phone is charged before starting.
blueis300 said:
Do you know what version you were on before things happened? GB or ICS? You always use this utility just to start over and get back to stock. You could do like people are saying and get the files but this is easier. There is a version for either GB or ICS. Just need to get into AP Fast Boot mode and follow the directions. Also assume this is the Cdma phone? Here is something similar.
I would just start all over and flash.Make sure if you can that your phone is charged before starting.
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I'm on gingerbread 2.3.6. So i can just go to the bootloader menu and use AP fast boot to do what? I'm a little confused lol sorry
So does anyone have any explanation? The only reason i'm so desperate is because i'm planning on potentially selling my razr for the note 2 and i cant do that if its unable to perform this update/missing apps/etc.. lol. please help

lg l9 p769 - droid 4.0.4 - i'm lost, could use help, linux user

i have been seeing a lot of threads about rooting this phone, but, they all have windows scripts, even the thread that is said to have a runme.sh does not have it in any of the links that i unzipped - only a runme.bat, but yet, people keep mentioning a runme.sh in it... also, i really don't see any one lying out the steps for doing this with linux.
i'm a noob, and dont really know much about this stuff, but i've done this ONCE before with a galxy exhibit, but it was very easy, i just copied a file to the phone (stock rom?), rebooted into recovery, told it to recover from that file, and i was done.
i have no idea how to do it with my new phone, and so i'm wondering:
1: where can i find the files i need to do this with linux - i just want root, nothing special
2: where can i find the steps necessary to do it - in the easiest manner possible?
3: it says i have droid 4.0.4, ICS, but every one who talks about lg l9 p769 says its JB, so, thats a bit odd...
any help is appreciated.
sentientsystem said:
3: it says i have droid 4.0.4, ICS, but every one who talks about lg l9 p769 says its JB, so, thats a bit odd...
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Your phone is running ICS 4.0, that is the version which it shipped with. Pretty much everyone on here has upgraded to JB either with software update on the phone or they have manually updated with the offline KDZ flash method.
I dont have any experience in linux so I cant help. I hope you can get your phone rooted!
Sent from my LG-P768 using xda app-developers app
i just started to restart my phone into recovery mode to see if i could put cyenogenmod on it without having to root it first, and it's saying "software upgrade ... please wait while upgrading...", so, i guess it's upgrading to JB right now... i'll see shortly.
but even if it does upgrade to JB, i still wouldn't know how to do it on linux. i figured there would just be some files to download, and a sequence of adb commands that i could type into bash, but, i'm kinda lost. i guess i'll wait and see if it upgrades to JB before asking more questions.
sentientsystem said:
i just started to restart my phone into recovery mode to see if i could put cyenogenmod on it without having to root it first, and it's saying "software upgrade ... please wait while upgrading...", so, i guess it's upgrading to JB right now... i'll see shortly.
but even if it does upgrade to JB, i still wouldn't know how to do it on linux. i figured there would just be some files to download, and a sequence of adb commands that i could type into bash, but, i'm kinda lost. i guess i'll wait and see if it upgrades to JB before asking more questions.
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You would need wine and then set it up...
Sent From My Xperia Themed P769
well, i tried that "LGpwn" and it didn't work, as well as a fake lg-recovery app. i figured out that i've got a "10g" phone (P769 V10G ICS). i'm not sure what the next step is. some one mentioned downgrading to JB... is there some where you can point me to for that???
i've GOT to get this t-mobile junk off my damned phone... i've even TRIED to install cyenogenmod, but i can't figure out how to get my phone to go into recovery mode (NOT factory rest) - i've tried volup+power+home and volup+power, and neither seem to be working.
Setup a sandbox, windows xp. LG uses windows, no other way to root as of right now for the t-mobile version.
Sent from my LGMS769 using xda app-developers app
yeah, it's starting to look like i'm gonna have to try this with a virtual machine, or, pay some one else to do it, or, go get my money back and downgrade to a samsung galaxy exihibit (not sure if the new model of that phone is just as easy as the exhibit 4g, but, it's screen is about an inch smaller than the lg, and they're all 3 the same price, so i'd rather keep the lg).
just out of curiosity, how do you get this phone to boot into recovery mode? you don't have to root it for that, or have windows, right? you just hit the right keys on the phone, right? i couldn't get it to work, but, maybe i was doing it wrong. and, if you can go into recovery, does it have to be rooted to use a cyenogenmod image, or will it not really know the difference?
thanks again. i'm sure this thread may help other noobs as well.
sentientsystem said:
yeah, it's starting to look like i'm gonna have to try this with a virtual machine, or, pay some one else to do it, or, go get my money back and downgrad to an samsung galaxy exihibit (not sure if the new model of that phone is just as easy as the exhibit 4g, but, it's screen is about an inch smaller than the lg, and they're all 3 the same price, so i'd rather keep the lg).
just out of curiosity, how do you get this phone to boot into recovery mode? you don't have to root it for that, or have windows, right? you just hit the right keys on the phone, right? i couldn't get it to work, but, maybe i was doing it wrong. and, if you can go into recovery, does it have to be rooted to use a cyenogenmod image, or will it not really know the difference?
thanks again. i'm sure this thread may help other noobs as well.
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Option #1
If you are rooted on stock T-Mobile 10e or 10g ROM and have the CWM installed from this thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2095825 follow my instructions.
Place one of these CWM ROM images on your SD-Card:
Place this JB radio firmware from T-Mobile 20d ROM on your SD-Card:
Power off the device.
After power on the back/menu capacitive buttons will flash repetedly. Press Volume down while the lights are flashing and the phone should go into recovery.
Flash the ROM first.
Flash the radio second.
1.) 20d is the latest T-Mobile, 21b is the latest Wind Mobile. Both work.
2.) 21b is lighter/faster but has no wifi-calling.
3.) 21b will require you to manually enter your APN settings for cellular data and MMS. Be sure to write down your APN settings before flashing this ROM.
4.) Some users say battery life sucks on JB. I notice that 21b is better on battery life than 20d.
Option #2.
In Linux install a Windows VM and follow the standard instructions here:
Use KVM with a GUI or even easier use VirtualBox.
I'm a die hard linux geek too. I even run linux at work while all of our msp software was written for windows. You are better off just running an old copy of xp inside virtualbox trust me its just easier that way. You can use adb if you like (its the same thing the windows users use in their batch files and just rewrite the bash script, but you will save yourself lots of headaches just using virtualbox. -- my .02
Sent from my LG-P769 using xda premium
i'm not exactly sure what the end result of your instructions are, as i assumed it was to BE rooted, but the first line of your post says "if you are rooted ...", so, i'm guessing you're telling us how to ... unlock the boot loader?
by the way, that reminds me, i still haven't come across any posts on this site that tell noobs:
# what's the unlocked boot loader FOR - why do you need this - what does it do?
# what's the difference between unlocked boot loaders and being rooted?
# do you have to unlock the bootloader to get root access?
all some one like ME needs, is root access, so that i can edit the /etc/hosts file and test mobile compatibility of web apps on the development server before making them live - and to remove t-mobile damned bloat-ware. i hope this helps others who are trying to understand the basic concepts of getting control over the phone they paid money for.
thanks again. now to find a winxp image to load into a virtual machine...
My bad. I should have read through your original question all the way before posting. I see that you are not rooted.
If you are on 10e ROM you can root in Linux:
It will require rewriting the batch script as a Linux shell script. It is possible but nobody has done it yet.
If you are on 10g you will need Windows. I have also answered your questions below.
sentientsystem said:
i'm not exactly sure what the end result of your instructions are, as i assumed it was to BE rooted, but the first line of your post says "if you are rooted ...", so, i'm guessing you're telling us how to ... unlock the boot loader?
by the way, that reminds me, i still haven't come across any posts on this site that tell noobs:
# what's the unlocked boot loader FOR - why do you need this - what does it do?
It allows you to boot an un-signed kernel. You can boot custom ROMs basically.
# what's the difference between unlocked boot loaders and being rooted?
Root allows you to `su -` to the root user and own the whole system.
# do you have to unlock the bootloader to get root access?
all some one like ME needs, is root access, so that i can edit the /etc/hosts file and test mobile compatibility of web apps on the development server before making them live - and to remove t-mobile damned bloat-ware. i hope this helps others who are trying to understand the basic concepts of getting control over the phone they paid money for.
thanks again. now to find a winxp image to load into a virtual machine...
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yeah, the one t-mobile is selling now is a v10g - so, it's time to play with virtual machine, and hope that usb-access is passed through from ubuntu to the VM.
thanks for answering the other questions. i think this essentially sets things straight.
peace! \m/ (>_<) \m/
sentientsystem said:
yeah, the one t-mobile is selling now is a v10g - so, it's time to play with virtual machine, and hope that usb-access is passed through from ubuntu to the VM.
thanks for answering the other questions. i think this essentially sets things straight.
peace! \m/ (>_<) \m/
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I know that a long time ago when I ran VirtualBox in Ubuntu there was something I had to do to allow USB access to the VM.
Here are the current instructions directly from Ubuntu:
Good luck.
hey, i've got 1 more quick question: is there a way to simply load a pre-rooted ROM onto it, like i did with my samsung? where you put it onto the device, the go into recovery mode and choose the pre-rooted ROM? i haven't seen any mention of that, so i'm not sure if that's an option...
also, how the hell do you make this boot into recovery mode? i still haven't been able to get it to do that?
thanks \m/ (>_<) \m/
sentientsystem said:
hey, i've got 1 more quick question: is there a way to simply load a pre-rooted ROM onto it, like i did with my samsung? where you put it onto the device, the go into recovery mode and choose the pre-rooted ROM? i haven't seen any mention of that, so i'm not sure if that's an option...
also, how the hell do you make this boot into recovery mode? i still haven't been able to get it to do that?
thanks \m/ (>_<) \m/
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Yes you can flash a pre-rooted image. They are available. Use the search?
I posted instructions on the first page showing how to boot recovery.
that's great news - that's all i really needed - i didn't see them before, at least, not conspicuously, but i'll search around again.
and, i must have some how missed your instructions, i'll look again.
kevev said:
I posted instructions on the first page showing how to boot recovery.
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those steps assume i have CWM installed, and i don't. i looked at installing CWM, and it doesn't have an official recovery app for the p769, and when i went to look at that thread you linked to, it says you must be rooted already. this is the aggravating part of us ignorant people dealing with people who know many things: it appears to us that you have to do some thing that requires that it is already done before you can do it. it doesn't make any sense - just a bunch of circualar requirements, with no beginning.
so, let me ask this a different way: how do i reboot into recovery mode, on a STOCK LG P769 v10g? the lights do not flash, and i'm assuming that is a CWM feature - but CWM is not installed - this is COMPLETELY STOCK - fresh out of the box. so, what do you press, when turning it on, to make it go into recovery mode, so that you can recover from a pre-rooted rom (which i am still looking for)?
i just want to "recover" to a pre-rooted rom, that's it, so that i can delete bloatware and edit the /etc/hosts file (for web app testing). this thread says you cant do this for LG phones http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2174767 - i got the same result the last guy got . trying to borrow a windows computer now...
also, does any one know if it is safe to put a jelly bean rom onto a device that was using ice cream sandwich? is there a difference between the versions that would brick the device? is it not recommended, or is it highly recommended?
thanks again. sorry for all the confusion.
you know, as a side note: it may help more noobs understand this stuff if there was a sort of simplified glossary, perhaps as an official site thread, for the orientation of noobs, that would give an outline of the basic concepts, AND their order of operation. exmaple: "rooting is when you... bootloader unlocking is when you... CWM is for people who want to... you MUST do A before you can do B and then you can optionally do C if so desired...". that would help them understand where to START, then, where to GO next.
well, borrowed a windows computer and i got it rooted, but, i found out a few things about this exact model: it has no "boot to recovery" option, by default - it's locked down pretty good. you can not use any of the other root methods on this model, and you can not do it from linux (f*ck me).
so, that long-winded fake-software-update-while-switched-out-a-hex-edited-binary-file is the ONLY way for this exact model, it seems...
but, at least i can confirm that this exact model CAN be rooted at all
now to remove alllllllll the bloatware... and look into this CWM more and learn more about what is actually IS and WHY so many people install/use/flash it...
hey, does any one know if cyenogenmod ever got themselve's an "app/marketplace"??? that was one of the draw-backs to installing it, last i checked.
thanks @everyone for your help.
sentientsystem said:
those steps assume i have CWM installed, and i don't. i looked at installing CWM, and it doesn't have an official recovery app for the p769, and when i went to look at that thread you linked to, it says you must be rooted already. this is the aggravating part of us ignorant people dealing with people who know many things: it appears to us that you have to do some thing that requires that it is already done before you can do it. it doesn't make any sense - just a bunch of circualar requirements, with no beginning.
so, let me ask this a different way: how do i reboot into recovery mode, on a STOCK LG P769 v10g? the lights do not flash, and i'm assuming that is a CWM feature - but CWM is not installed - this is COMPLETELY STOCK - fresh out of the box. so, what do you press, when turning it on, to make it go into recovery mode, so that you can recover from a pre-rooted rom (which i am still looking for)?
i just want to "recover" to a pre-rooted rom, that's it, so that i can delete bloatware and edit the /etc/hosts file (for web app testing). this thread says you cant do this for LG phones http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2174767 - i got the same result the last guy got . trying to borrow a windows computer now...
also, does any one know if it is safe to put a jelly bean rom onto a device that was using ice cream sandwich? is there a difference between the versions that would brick the device? is it not recommended, or is it highly recommended?
thanks again. sorry for all the confusion.
you know, as a side note: it may help more noobs understand this stuff if there was a sort of simplified glossary, perhaps as an official site thread, for the orientation of noobs, that would give an outline of the basic concepts, AND their order of operation. exmaple: "rooting is when you... bootloader unlocking is when you... CWM is for people who want to... you MUST do A before you can do B and then you can optionally do C if so desired...". that would help them understand where to START, then, where to GO next.
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I've decided to help you out This page will give you some more info on the P769 and several kdz (roms) for the P769
The fastest way to root is to flash the V21B kdz (this is the Jelly Bean version for Canada) using this guide, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=36351786
The reason why you want this rom is because it has a vulnerability that is easy to exploit with Jcase apk
Once your followed everything (and rooted), install Super Su and Busybox
Next install artas182x second init CWM (in case you can't find it on his page, the link is here )
Note: you will see blinking led lights when you see the LG logo (booting up) appear after a couple of seconds. To enter the CWM press the vol (-) when the lights start flashing.
After you installed Artas182x CWM you can recover from someones clockworkmod backup.
following info from Cmahendra's thread
Note: only restore CWM backups from P769 versions or MS769!!!!
Or check out the V10B (MetroPCS "JellyBean") CWM backup
Now the only 2 reasons to unlock the bootloader are:
1. Install a safer and better CWM
The reason why is because Artas182x CWM is a second init (bootstrap), so if you mess around with a busybox apk and something goes wrong or you remove a file that is required (for CWM), it will stop operating. You will have to reflash the kdz or fix what you changed to get it working again.) I've had this problem several times while messing around with different busybox apps and etc.
2. Custom roms
(which you stated you are not looking for) not worth talking about right now.
Answer to questions
The only pre rooted roms are clockworkmod backups, lol
The default recovery is useless to us (unless you feel like solving the problem)
Flashing back and forth (ice to jelly) comes with risk, the program used on Windows to flash is buggy at times. The best way (in my opinion) is to flash only when really required and mostly restore from clockwormod backups. The device is actually hard to hard brick, but it will require at lot more knowledge to get your device running again.
---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------
sentientsystem said:
well, borrowed a windows computer and i got it rooted, but, i found out a few things about this exact model: it has no "boot to recovery" option, by default - it's locked down pretty good. you can not use any of the other root methods on this model, and you can not do it from linux (f*ck me).
so, that long-winded fake-software-update-while-switched-out-a-hex-edited-binary-file is the ONLY way for this exact model, it seems...
but, at least i can confirm that this exact model CAN be rooted at all
now to remove alllllllll the bloatware... and look into this CWM more and learn more about what is actually IS and WHY so many people install/use/flash it...
hey, does any one know if cyenogenmod ever got themselve's an "app/marketplace"??? that was one of the draw-backs to installing it, last i checked.
thanks @all for your help.
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So what version are you on right now
Ice? Jelly?
i'm still on ICS for the moment. still trying to understand what i need to do next. re-reading your post for the 2nd time, and all the threads it references. making sure i don't screw any thing up. thinking about upgrading to JB, and trying this CWM. and looking into this "cyanogenmod" some more, to understand why i never see any one on this site mention it, and what all these "other roms" are about. lmao, like i said, i'm way new to this . it's a lot to take in, even for a web developer .
thanks \m/ (>_<) \m/

