[Q] UnNamed v 1.x.xx notifications / speaker issue - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

Hi all,
I'm hoping I'm not the only one experiencing this (posted a Q on the general forum as well). Running UnNamed 1.3.0 (although noticed the problem with 1.2.0 also), and I have noticed that immediately after I receive a text message, all notifications sounds play out of the ear speaker, not the phone speaker in the back of the phone. If I 'clear memory' via Task Manager > Ram, the problem goes away but repeats as soon as I get another text message... Been trying to terminate processes one by one to nail down what's causing this but have not gotten anywhere.
Thanks in advance!

Cybercaci said:
Hi all,
I'm hoping I'm not the only one experiencing this (posted a Q on the general forum as well). Running UnNamed 1.3.0 (although noticed the problem with 1.2.0 also), and I have noticed that immediately after I receive a text message, all notifications sounds play out of the ear speaker, not the phone speaker in the back of the phone. If I 'clear memory' via Task Manager > Ram, the problem goes away but repeats as soon as I get another text message... Been trying to terminate processes one by one to nail down what's causing this but have not gotten anywhere.
Thanks in advance!
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I don't know if this is an actual issue or if it's "working as designed"
I get the same behavior but I always understood it as the phone notifying me that I have a new text or e-mail.
Maybe gtg can provide more insight.

Strange that y'all have that issue. I flashed the ROM and so far no issues yet. Not even the one described. I even had my wife text me several times just to test.lol

Just want to clarify that I don't have an earpiece hooked up, so the sound comes out of the little speaker where you hear the phone conversation if you were on a call. Its really inaudible even if the phone is on my desk.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 sing XDA App


Incoming call rings VERY LATE!! First the trackball flashes three times.

Hi! Sometimes, when I get a call, first my trackball starts to flash some times and VERY LATE (after about three flashes), my HTC Hero starts to ring.
I once had a program, which read out loud the name of the caller. I removed it and after that time, the ring came very fast for a while but now the problem starts again and I do not have this program installed. What can I do to solve this problem?
Just that you know, I have root and can see every file in my mobile, if there is a special logfile or something... But before I analyze my problem in the files with root, I ask you if there maybe is a very easy solution. How for example can I find out very easily, what my mobile does, while I recive a call? And if you want to know, I have about 200 Apps installed.
Thank you for your help!!
I have this issue but its mostly when i'm using a memory heavy app or loads of things running in the background. i now use task killer to kill all of the unnecessary programs that are running in the background & for the most part it works tip top. anybody else finding this too?
Yep, I have this - it's incredibly annoying. It's a phone after all and it seems to ignore that fact. I don't have many apps installed and don't tend to have much running in the background either.
When I first had this problem I got approximately 5 seconds of ringtone to answer (due to the lag in ringtone starting). Although it in no way fixes the problem, you can aid the situation by extending the delay before your answerphone kicks in by phoning your network.
same for me here, unfortunately this is also when not having ANY application running in background (just after phone startup).. takes at least lets say 4-5 secs until da mp3 is played, thats really sucking
Try not using mp3 as ringtone. Use the original HTC ones. The ringtone delay will decrease considerably
I am sorry but that's not a proper solution, has anyone reported that to HTC ?
deeren said:
Try not using mp3 as ringtone. Use the original HTC ones. The ringtone delay will decrease considerably
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I do use the originals - it doesn't help
what bout converting my mp3 filez to wav format?
OF COURSE i mean just converting da ringtone mp3 ;-)
I am using the MoDaCo leaked ROM (HTC Generic 2.73.405.5) and the response to incoming calls is much quicker, with the ringing starting shortly after the first flash of the trackball so I guess that you will get an improvement once HTC release the update and you install it.
I'm also using the Modaco 2.2 ROM and I've just tried calling my phone from a landline. I heard 4 rings in the landline receiver before my phone did anything with the trackball or the ringtone. However, less than a second after the track ball started flashing my MP3 ringtone started playing. 4 rings is quite a long time, at least 5-6 seconds, surely that can't be normal, can it?
That's not good no.
How about an experiment ... reboot your phone, give it a minute after booting to finish its initialisation stuff then try ringing again. Better or the same?
<apologies for double post>
Apparently this has been resolved on the forthcoming Donut release.
Cyanogen reports this as now working correctly in the new builds he is making on the G1 and Magic using some of the newer Donut code.

Random SMS dissapears

Hi all
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but as it's a general Android issue i thought this was the best one to post in.
I have had this for a while since i have been using ICS Roms and I wondered if anyone else has had it
I use a abacus Bluetooth watch which among other things vibrates and displays when I receive a sms
Sometimes I have noticed that if I get a sms it displays on the watch but it does not appear on the phone at all, not in the message app or notification bar
But weird is that today it happened and as I saw the text on the watch but again it did not appear anywhere on the phone so I sent a reply and straight away their 2nd text appeared as normal so it's not even down to a certain contact
I've checked all settings that I can think of and it can't be anything to do with the watch software as that only displays what the phone receives
I used to have ARHD installed until I Tried Elegencia and have had the same issue with both, maybe it's a ics issue ?
I have posted this in the Rom thread but thought that this may be a wider issue
Would love to hear if anyone has the same issue

Speaker noise

Hi guys,
New handset, stock rom - latest version (OTA) installed. I get a bit of a strange noise, sounds like its meant to be a notification, when I end a call. That's the most consistent example I can give. There are other occasions when I hear it but I can't think of specifics?
I don't think it's a speaker issue because the rest of my sounds are fine. I'd like to be able to turn it off anyway, it's probable corrupted or something? Also, how do you stop the vibrate upon your call connecting?
slipd83 said:
Hi guys,
New handset, stock rom - latest version (OTA) installed. I get a bit of a strange noise, sounds like its meant to be a notification, when I end a call. That's the most consistent example I can give. There are other occasions when I hear it but I can't think of specifics?
I don't think it's a speaker issue because the rest of my sounds are fine. I'd like to be able to turn it off anyway, it's probable corrupted or something? Also, how do you stop the vibrate upon your call connecting?
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Okay, so I found an answer to the vibrate on answering thing: http://teckfront.com/vibrate-answers-calls-android-6-0-x-marshmallow/

Notification Volume Too Low

Is it just me or are the notifications all too quiet? the main default alert as well as individual app notifications all seem way too quiet, I can hardly hear them. I've even just factory reset it and it's still the same, anybody got any advice? please?
May be obvious but have you tried turning the notification volume up?
Trust me, I have checked, rechecked, triple checked and even factory reset the phone 3 times all with the same result. The sounds sound fine while selecting them in the respective app settings but as soon as the notification is triggered it's like the speakers are covered with cotton wool or something. But in answer to your question yes, all sliders are at their maximum.
Thanks for replying though
My provider (Hutchison 3G) have said over Twitter to return it and get a replacement, which I will do tomorrow if I can't find a solution. At least that way it'll rule out a hardware fault.
My notification is also to.quiet.
Music and videos and notification sounds on zedge for example are loud it as soon as I choose to use them for a notification sound it's very low. Certainly a software bug not hardware.
Thank you, I really thought I was going doolally... I'll mention it to the provider tomorrow when I get advice
ratsalad said:
Thank you, I really thought I was going doolally... I'll mention it to the provider tomorrow when I get advice
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Probably a bit naff quoting myself but hey-ho...
Returned the device, and the new one arrived today, still the same problem, for example select a notification tone for Whatsapp and it's quiet-ish but okay (i'm quite deaf so need a louder than normal notification) then when someone sends a message its super quiet and sort of muffled. I had every intention at some point to root and de-brand it but thought the stock rom was the probelm, so after many hours I finally flashed ARC5, flashed TWRP and rooted with SuperSU ( that lot was a mission on its own) but I've still got VERY quiet notifications...
Very Very annoying.
Anyone developing a volume mod?
ratsalad said:
Probably a bit naff quoting myself but hey-ho...
Returned the device, and the new one arrived today, still the same problem, for example select a notification tone for Whatsapp and it's quiet-ish but okay (i'm quite deaf so need a louder than normal notification) then when someone sends a message its super quiet and sort of muffled. I had every intention at some point to root and de-brand it but thought the stock rom was the probelm, so after many hours I finally flashed ARC5, flashed TWRP and rooted with SuperSU ( that lot was a mission on its own) but I've still got VERY quiet notifications...
Very Very annoying.
Anyone developing a volume mod?
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Glad we not on our own and a replacement has been tried with no such look.
Certainly a problem Samsung should became to fix quickly if there are aware of it.....
i checked again the same sound is low on viber and in telegram and very high in whatsapp
Video of issue where the same sound on whatsapp is high and on telegram is low, and the same issue with all sounds and many apps.
Do the notification sounds play through a bluetooth speaker if you have one connected? Maybe I could hear them on the other side of the house if I used a bluetooth speaker with the volume cranked up when I leave the phone charging .
Another silly idea: There are tasker plugins available to make app notifications into events that tasker can respond to. If someone already has tasker installed, you could try intercepting the notification then playing the sound you want as a music clip so it would play at "normal" volume. I've never taken the time to learn how the heck to use tasker, but now I'm tempted.
T-Mobile SM-G965U
I am having the same issue. I keep missing text messages due to the quietness, even if I'm sitting next to it, within 3 feet.
Any thing discovered as of yet?
Found this thread Googling for a fix for the same problem, G960F
Notification only plays through bottom speaker, and is much quieter than the original sound I downloaded from Zedge and muffled too, all stock notification sounds are equally low
I see the Samsung forums are full of people complaining about the same thing, hopefully Samsung does something about it, quite annoying and constantly missing messages and whatsapp notifications
I have no issues... Verizon.. snapdragon model...I think it's an Android Oreo issue though..my pixel XL did that. But the volume increased whenever the phone was in my pocket...same with the Galaxy S9+..but it's louder than my pixel
Do the notification sounds play through a bluetooth speaker if you have one connected? Maybe I could hear them on the other side of the house if I used a bluetooth speaker with the volume cranked up when I leave the phone charging
---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------
Trust me, I have checked, rechecked, triple checked and even factory reset the phone 3 times all with the same result. The sounds sound fine while selecting them in the respective app settings but as soon as the notification is triggered it's like the speakers are covered with cotton wool or something. But in answer to your question yes, all sliders are at their maximum.
Noticed today that ringtones are quieter when someone calls, than they are from the ringtone selection screen
Tweeted to Samsung about it, who very quickly asked me to DM them instead of publicly tweeting about it, so I did, and that was nearly two weeks ago, no reply
*Detection* said:
Noticed today that ringtones are quieter when someone calls, than they are from the ringtone selection screen
Tweeted to Samsung about it, who very quickly asked me to DM them instead of publicly tweeting about it, so I did, and that was nearly two weeks ago, no reply
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Yes I've noticed that too - I think it's the top speaker that's quieter.
Hmm strange issue not present on my Verizon models on the s9 and s9+ I wonder if the software has different settings on how the volume works i know my volume mod on the s7 and s7 edge were different for all models so I'm guessing it's a software issue
Any solution/mod?
Послато са SM-G965F уз помоћ Тапатока
up until now after the august patch, the notifications are still quiet as hell.

Android 10 update broke calling

Got the update last night. Tried to check voicemail morning and was greeted with Alvin & The Chipmunks blabbing at me. It's like the speed of the call is x20 speed or something. It's completely unusable. Phone sluggish as hell, too.
Anyone know what's going on with the voice speed? I've never heard of anything like this.
I'm supposed to get a callback for a job interview I had yesterday. Pretty crappy timing. How is Google going to push an update that breaks calls like this? Absurd.
its nokia that pushed the update they did not make the rom right
Same here I told nokia about it and they told me to wait for a bug fix. I told them I wanted to downgrade since your firmware bug broke my phone.
Just wait for a bug fix? So use a Phone that cant make calls right?
So payed a guy to unlock my boot loader to try to flash a rom so i can just make the phone usable.
I spend about 6 hours try to get the rom to work. With little to no luck I was able to get into twrp a few times.
So ya Im in the same boat. I just got this phone back 3 weeks ago from a rma due to a bad chargeing port. Now Im forced to pay some one to unlock the boot loader and try to get a custom rom Just to be able to call
If I cant get the rom working Im going to have to go spend like $200 on a new phone today just sucks
fisterkev said:
Got the update last night. Tried to check voicemail morning and was greeted with Alvin & The Chipmunks blabbing at me. It's like the speed of the call is x20 speed or something. It's completely unusable. Phone sluggish as hell, too.
Anyone know what's going on with the voice speed? I've never heard of anything like this.
I'm supposed to get a callback for a job interview I had yesterday. Pretty crappy timing. How is Google going to push an update that breaks calls like this? Absurd.
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Same thing happened to me with the sped up chipmunk-y sound. It happened during the dial and after someone picks up. Though it didn't seem to happen every time. Also, I didn't notice it on any incoming calls, just outgoing.
I tried a few things to fix it--rebooting, clearing some app caches, etc. Nothing seemed to work.
My next step was to try a factory reset, but then all of a sudden the issue disappeared. No new update was released/installed, so I just assumed the issue had been on my provider's end (T-Mobile), and they fixed whatever the problem was.
As for sluggishness of the phone after the update: I agree. It seems a little sluggish to me too. Not anything that is making the phone unusable. But it is noticeably more sluggish than when 9.0 was installed.
Have you guys modified the phone in any way like unlocking the bootloader or rooting?
gumbyx84 said:
Have you guys modified the phone in any way like unlocking the bootloader or rooting?
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I haven't. Just using whatever over the air OS Nokia pushes to the phone.
yes I did pay to unlock the boot loader I used linage from the rom section
it has all the bugs of the stock rom. Cant call out or with out the loud noise bug and no voip apps work
I did get the Android 9 based rom to work. it has a few bugs but its usable.
I more or less gave up im looking at a iphone now.
I spend 20 hours or more trying to get this phone to work
first the usb port goes out and I cant charge.
2 weeks after having the phone back I got a magnetic cable so the usb port would not brake any more cable. That was like $20
After 2 weeks android 10 more or less bricks the phone (a phone that cant make calls)
Then I have to spend like $15 to pay the poor guy to unlock my boot-loader (he did a great job)
I spend a lot more time loading the linage android 10 rom for it to have the same bugs ( in no way is it the devs fault im sure he did not know).
... can unlock your bootloader for a small fee.
I would say all android 10 based rom will have those kind of problems. I can only confirm it on the android 10 linage one
When I flash twrp most of the time the twrp would just freeze if booting form the phone.
I had no problem loading it with fastboot works evey time. So I would only use it install the rom and just boot it when you need it. I would not suggesting flashing it to recovery as it only worked some of the time for me.
Hope all that info helps
QUOTE=gumbyx84;81261583]Have you guys modified the phone in any way like unlocking the bootloader or rooting?[/QUOTE]
---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------
The calling problem goes in and out. Some times it works some times it dose not. Facebook message outgoing calls the mic will not work, Same with google voice.
if i make calls with out google voice it works 1/2 the time. all the people have the same problem
diggeryo said:
Same thing happened to me with the sped up chipmunk-y sound. It happened during the dial and after someone picks up. Though it didn't seem to happen every time. Also, I didn't notice it on any incoming calls, just outgoing.
I tried a few things to fix it--rebooting, clearing some app caches, etc. Nothing seemed to work.
My next step was to try a factory reset, but then all of a sudden the issue disappeared. No new update was released/installed, so I just assumed the issue had been on my provider's end (T-Mobile), and they fixed whatever the problem was.
As for sluggishness of the phone after the update: I agree. It seems a little sluggish to me too. Not anything that is making the phone unusable. But it is noticeably more sluggish than when 9.0 was installed.
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How to fix the phone call problems
To everyone having calling issues (distortion / squealing, or other people can't hear them), try this: Turn off Voice over LTE. You go to Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> Mobile Networks -> VoLTE, and turn that setting off. This fixed the problem for all 3 Nokia 7.1 phones in our family, when nothing else seemed to work.
Turning off VoLTE and wifi calling works, but VoLTE is important in my area with TMobile. Without it, too many dropped and missed calls. I actually downgraded from an Xperia XZ1 just to get VoLTE, now this happens.
I have TA-1085 running Android 10 that was pushed OTA on 12/25, while I do not have calling issues (from native call app) initially, calling from all 3rd party app (e.g. Messenger or Wechat) are not working: I can hear other side, while the other side can not hear me.
In addition to disabling VoLTE, I also changed the 'preferred network type' (see posting from author 'fiumaxx' on nokia's user forum, search there using android-10-after-update-on-nokia-7-1 as search string). I changed it to LTE/CDMA which works well for me.
Normal call sound is back to normal but 3rd party calling still not working.
zhou68000 said:
I have TA-1085 running Android 10 that was pushed OTA on 12/25, while I do not have calling issues (from native call app) initially, calling from all 3rd party app (e.g. Messenger or Wechat) are not working: I can hear other side, while the other side can not hear me.
In addition to disabling VoLTE, I also changed the 'preferred network type' (see posting from author 'fiumaxx' on nokia's user forum, search there using android-10-after-update-on-nokia-7-1 as search string). I changed it to LTE/CDMA which works well for me.
Normal call sound is back to normal but 3rd party calling still not working.
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This worked for me:
Go to Settings/Apps and Notifications and then tap on where it says See All xx Apps. Scroll down until you see the Google app and tap on that. On the next screen you see, tap on Permissions and then tap on Microphone. A small window will pop up, and you must change the setting from Allow to Deny.
After changing this setting, Google Assistant won't work (no Hey Google), but the fix is persistent after reboots. This makes me think the real problem may be with the Google app. We'll see.
ikijibiki said:
This worked for me:
Go to Settings/Apps and Notifications and then tap on where it says See All xx Apps. Scroll down until you see the Google app and tap on that. On the next screen you see, tap on Permissions and then tap on Microphone. A small window will pop up, and you must change the setting from Allow to Deny.
After changing this setting, Google Assistant won't work (no Hey Google), but the fix is persistent after reboots. This makes me think the real problem may be with the Google app. We'll see.
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Thank you so much for sharing! Works like a charm
Unfortunately denying microphone for the Google app did not work for me. I also noticed no one can hear me when making videos calls (Hangouts, Duo, Facebook messenger).
I then decided to factory reset, but did not help. Both VoLTE and video calling still not working.
Anyone else with video calling mic issues?
zhou68000 said:
I have TA-1085 running Android 10 that was pushed OTA on 12/25, while I do not have calling issues (from native call app) initially, calling from all 3rd party app (e.g. Messenger or Wechat) are not working: I can hear other side, while the other side can not hear me.
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I had the same symptom on normal phone call (other side could not hear me). In my case, it was the Google Assistant not releasing the microphone, and here what worked: open the system settings, go to Google (service&preferences)/Account services/Search, Assistant&Voice/Voice/Voice Match. Them make sure Access With Voice Match is ticked off.
Or try opening settings, searching at the top for "Voice" and open "Voice Match", and tick off "Access with Voice Match".
ikijibiki said:
This worked for me:
Go to Settings/Apps and Notifications and then tap on where it says See All xx Apps. Scroll down until you see the Google app and tap on that. On the next screen you see, tap on Permissions and then tap on Microphone. A small window will pop up, and you must change the setting from Allow to Deny.
After changing this setting, Google Assistant won't work (no Hey Google), but the fix is persistent after reboots. This makes me think the real problem may be with the Google app. We'll see.
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Confirm this recipe works for my TA-1085. Thanks much.
I solved my random voice problems (others can't hear me on Duo video call, duplex voice on the other side etc.) with the voice match assistant workaround until hopefully gets fixed in a next update. Don't know for sure if the thing is only on Nokia's side or Google app's as well on Android 10, since disabling Hey Google solves all issues
Will have to try/catch on future google app updates as well to find out
Sly_North said:
I had the same symptom on normal phone call (other side could not hear me). In my case, it was the Google Assistant not releasing the microphone, and here what worked: open the system settings, go to Google (service&preferences)/Account services/Search, Assistant&Voice/Voice/Voice Match. Them make sure Access With Voice Match is ticked off.
Or try opening settings, searching at the top for "Voice" and open "Voice Match", and tick off "Access with Voice Match".
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Under "Voice Match" I don't see any "Access With Voice Match" setting. What I do see is "Hey Google," which says "Access your Assistant any time you say "Hey Google" when your screen is on." Perhaps this is what your mean?
I tried this solution and it works, too. I think it also has the advantage of not completely shutting down Assistant's access to the microphone. Just waking up Assistant by voice. Much less of a price. Thanks!
Has anyone heard anything about a real fix for this issue? I've gotten two Android updates since the upgrade to Android 10, but this issue has not been fixed yet.
After extensive talks and inside info on Nokia's community forums, seems like a Maintenance update (MR) is on the way for May, which they say fixes -among others- both voice bugs. That is, the echo on calls plus sound distortion in some games (e..g Monument Valley 2 for me)
Cross your fingers everyone for a quick release and confirmation of the fixes!
Today was the day at last....! MR update showed up rolling out globally and echo during calls plus crackling sounds in games are finally gone
Better late than never NOKIA
dbal said:
Today was the day at last....! MR update showed up rolling out globally and echo during calls plus crackling sounds in games are finally gone
Better late than never NOKIA
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Yes, they seem to have fixed the voice call problems with Whatapp, Wechat, Hangouts and etc since the Android 10 update.

