How to video chat with PC - HTC Amaze 4G

Just bought Amaze yesterday and this is my first phone with a Front Facing Camera.
Question is is there a way to video with a PC where we can both see each other.
Important to know because my wife is going away with my little for a month and a half and I want to be able to video chat with them.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Henry R

henry1970 said:
Just bought Amaze yesterday and this is my first phone with a Front Facing Camera.
Question is is there a way to video with a PC where we can both see each other.
Important to know because my wife is going away with my little for a month and a half and I want to be able to video chat with them.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Henry R
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So are you asking if you can use the Amaze and she can use a PC?
If that's your question than the answer is yes.
You can use free programs (for PC) and apps (for phone)
Skype is one. Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo Messenger w/Video is another.
You install the app, she installs the program. And you guys should be able to follow the steps to figure everything else out. Yeah?
Hope that helps.

henry1970 said:
Just bought Amaze yesterday and this is my first phone with a Front Facing Camera.
Question is is there a way to video with a PC where we can both see each other.
Important to know because my wife is going away with my little for a month and a half and I want to be able to video chat with them.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Henry R
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Click to collapse talk comes preloaded with video chat capability and is very good...all she has to do is log into her gmail account and she can chat with you there...I do it all the time with my dad. too bad SGS2 users don't have video chat option with their google talk...and they have to download third party on both ends....


IM.apk (The Native IM App) On HTC Hero

Hi all,
I have been trying for weeks to get the IM.apk on my htc hero by installing it through appinstaller and pushing it through terminal. I also put the ImProvider.apk, TmoImPlugin.apk, and so on. I have tried everything to get it working. All i want is the native IM app that has msn and yahoo because it was my favorite on the G1. I use google talk but i also want the official IM app. Anyone figure out a way to do this? I have been at this for weeks. Please help me, thanks
Farfooz said:
Hi all,
I have been trying for weeks to get the IM.apk on my htc hero by installing it through appinstaller and pushing it through terminal. I also put the ImProvider.apk, TmoImPlugin.apk, and so on. I have tried everything to get it working. All i want is the native IM app that has msn and yahoo because it was my favorite on the G1. I use google talk but i also want the official IM app. Anyone figure out a way to do this? I have been at this for weeks. Please help me, thanks
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Anyone knows how can we install this IM?
Just an FYI, but it's largely a waste of time unless you happen to be a T-Mobile US customer since it doesn't work over cellular data for the more common protocols (AIM, MSN etc). If you are a T-Mobile US customer, it will "work" via a cellular connection, but does so using SMS messages - if you have any other carrier SIM, it will complain that it cannot read your phone number.
If you just want to use if over WiFi - it works fine.
There was a hacked version of this floating round the Dream forums some time ago that did allow proper cellular data instant messaging, but I've no idea what happened to it.
How ?......
MuDvAyNeX said:
How ?......
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Actually, this is being worked on at the moment by inkredi and myself. Progress can be tracked through the thread that inkredi linked to. Both of us have some ideas, but not a ton of time to work on it. I'm fairly confident we'll get it working 100% fairly soon though.

Skype for WM

Someone private messaged me and requested Skype for WM because the one he had didnt work.
Ive uploaded a working copy for anyone who wants it, enjoy.
Thank you for this.
Sounds great, many and many thanks.
BUT, as I am a complete noob in this kind on "technology", could you either tell me how to make it work (with Wifi ?) or direct me towards the correct thread(s).
Actually, I'd like to be able to phone without using my paid package (10 min withoud data)...
Thx, i'll try it.
there is an option at the begining of the instalation to use active-sync/wifi/mobile internet connections.
@ raving_nanza
OK, I'll give this a try and tell you wether if it works fine (or not but not hope so)...
raving_nanza said:
Someone private messaged me and requested Skype for WM because the one he had didnt work.
Ive uploaded a working copy for anyone who wants it, enjoy.
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Meeee =]
its real simple,
Just install and select Wifi/Active Sync/3G Network,
then turn ur wifi on and sign into a hot-spot or ur local wifi,
then log into Skype and it would work, although i use my 3G data plan, as its unlimited xD
884 posts xD
raving_nanza said:
Someone private messaged me and requested Skype for WM because the one he had didnt work.
Ive uploaded a working copy for anyone who wants it, enjoy.
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Simon_WM said:
Meeee =]
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haha, well sharings caring init Si
Guys is the audio routed to the ear speaker or it's using the loudspeaker?
stathis95194 said:
Guys is the audio routed to the ear speaker or it's using the loudspeaker?
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Sadly it is to the Loudspeaker.
just plug your headset in
harishgayatri said:
Sadly it is to the Loudspeaker.
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Try "WM Audio Redirector", works great!
Error with connecting network!
i have a error: cant connect network!. i use wifi network and not config proxy, but it still connect.. my device is Omnia i900 with ROM 6.5 29005 OCK. Help me please
It really can work? I'm a nood,too.I have never saw the kind of apps,It must be 3G?My phone is 2G.
Thanks for the upload
I was wondering if it supports video calls too?
I own Sony Ericsson Xperia X2, was wondering if i can use the front Cam as a webcam in any way possible?
Wanna chat with my girlfriend, and long distance calling is damn expensive in terms of video calls.
My girlfriend uses skype from Ifone and works flawless for a video call.
if not skype any cheap way possible to use the front cam as a webcam for msn, yahoo etc?
any help will be great
amit_zip2000 said:
Thanks for the upload
I was wondering if it supports video calls too?
I own Sony Ericsson Xperia X2, was wondering if i can use the front Cam as a webcam in any way possible?
Wanna chat with my girlfriend, and long distance calling is damn expensive in terms of video calls.
My girlfriend uses skype from Ifone and works flawless for a video call.
if not skype any cheap way possible to use the front cam as a webcam for msn, yahoo etc?
any help will be great
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Slype for WIndows Mobile dunt support it
@ Si
over 400 downloads, good job i did post this here dude
I must thank the person for uploading this version!!
I've not long had my HTC HD2, and have been looking for Skype for WinMo for a while. I was thinking of Droiding the phone, but I'm not that confident, and as I'm a linux user it's a no no.
Once again a HUGE thanks for this!!
thank Si too dude, if it wasnt for him asking me for it - it wouldnt be

Facebook app keeps adding friends from my phone book!!!

Hello guys,thanks in advance for the help.
So,the thing is this:I installed facebook app on my new galaxy 2 (android version 4 something,icecream sandwitch I bellieve it is).
Soon enough,I see that people one after another keeps adding me as friends when I didn't send them no friend request.It was really weird,and I only understood that those are folks from my phone book after the fifth person who accepted my friend request.
Naturally,I really don't want the app to do that,who the hell wants their folks in their facebook?Moreover,I have people there which I really have no desire to have on my facebook.
Is there any way to stop this madness,or at least have a choice whom to add and whom don't?
jake81 said:
Hello guys,thanks in advance for the help.
So,the thing is this:I installed facebook app on my new galaxy 2 (android version 4 something,icecream sandwitch I bellieve it is).
Soon enough,I see that people one after another keeps adding me as friends when I didn't send them no friend request.It was really weird,and I only understood that those are folks from my phone book after the fifth person who accepted my friend request.
Naturally,I really don't want the app to do that,who the hell wants their folks in their facebook?Moreover,I have people there which I really have no desire to have on my facebook.
Is there any way to stop this madness,or at least have a choice whom to add and whom don't?
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Personally, I dont use facebook app on my phone, because it's crap.
However, try to disable, facebook contact sync in the app settings. that should fix the problem

Video mail-Help

I've had the OG evo, 3d and now lte.
How do I send videos through text messages? It's a short video, under 20 seconds. I trimmed it to be short(video of my 3 month old laughing). I watch my father in-law with his iPhone, take a video and then text it. Just like our phone can compresses pictures, the iPhone compresses his videos.
My video is 9mb now, if can compress and send via sms.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
New to the EVO LTE
I hate to dig up and old post, but people were less than friendly in the E4GT forum at times and I wanted to provide people with the idea that I do research a little before I post:
I need to get videos from a friend who has the same device as me, EVO LTE no rooted, from phone to phone. We only see each other during Jiu Jitsu and these are videos of my last tournament so I would like to have them.
We have tried:
Bluetooth (My device wasn't found, I have been on MeanROM he is stock)
Email (Videos are too big)
MMS (same issue as email)
Facebook (he could post them to his wall, but then I would have to get them off of there)
NFC (I am no dummy, but I couldn't figure out how to work it, plus the file is most likely too large)
Any help would be appreciated or other troubleshooting would help also. I am really just looking to brainstorm if there is no direct answer.
Maybe upload to Dropbox, SkyDrive, SugarSync or some other type of cloud type service or maybe one of the free web based servers like Mediafire, Hotfile, Rapidshare, etc... Just a matter of how large the files are.
klbjr said:
Maybe upload to Dropbox, SkyDrive, SugarSync or some other type of cloud type service or maybe one of the free web based servers like Mediafire, Hotfile, Rapidshare, etc... Just a matter of how large the files are.
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Yea that was my last option, he is so unsavy technically. But I have an account I thought if I just logged in from his phone then upload the particular videos, I was just concerned about auto-loading some of his other files.
hooover said:
I hate to dig up and old post, but people were less than friendly in the E4GT forum at times and I wanted to provide people with the idea that I do research a little before I post:
I need to get videos from a friend who has the same device as me, EVO LTE no rooted, from phone to phone. We only see each other during Jiu Jitsu and these are videos of my last tournament so I would like to have them.
We have tried:
Bluetooth (My device wasn't found, I have been on MeanROM he is stock)
Email (Videos are too big)
MMS (same issue as email)
Facebook (he could post them to his wall, but then I would have to get them off of there)
NFC (I am no dummy, but I couldn't figure out how to work it, plus the file is most likely too large)
Any help would be appreciated or other troubleshooting would help also. I am really just looking to brainstorm if there is no direct answer.
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Unfortunately, prolly just upload to YouTube and share.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
The sms/mms app compresses automatically. When i send something too large i get the animated circle and a message that says compressing.
Short_Straw said:
The sms/mms app compresses automatically. When i send something too large i get the animated circle and a message that says compressing.
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Only short videos that are taken from the MMS setting will send either way, so pretty much these listed above are the only options....

[Q] Video chat between Android and iOS?

Hey people.
I am currently looking for an app that will allow me to video chat with somebody who has an iPhone. Doesn't seem like a difficult question yet, does it? I know. Finding what I described so far isn't a problem at all, but the next part is.
I am sometimes not in a position to talk out loud, so I would like to type, while still seeing the other person, or only losing picture as short as possible.
Weird right? I am able to look at my screen and be looked at by somebody else, but not able to talk out loud. I know. And I know this isn't an easy question, but if it was an easy one, I wouldn't have to come to you guys .
In short, I want:
- Video chat
- Being able to type in a video chat, without losing video for too long
If anybody can help me, or point out an app I should try, please let me know!

