[Q] Video chat between Android and iOS? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey people.
I am currently looking for an app that will allow me to video chat with somebody who has an iPhone. Doesn't seem like a difficult question yet, does it? I know. Finding what I described so far isn't a problem at all, but the next part is.
I am sometimes not in a position to talk out loud, so I would like to type, while still seeing the other person, or only losing picture as short as possible.
Weird right? I am able to look at my screen and be looked at by somebody else, but not able to talk out loud. I know. And I know this isn't an easy question, but if it was an easy one, I wouldn't have to come to you guys .
In short, I want:
- Video chat
- Being able to type in a video chat, without losing video for too long
If anybody can help me, or point out an app I should try, please let me know!


Sounds to Caller? Is it possible?

I've been reading the forum for about a month, and have a question about the feasibility of something (or where to get it if its already been developed). I have a T-mobile PPC/PE and want to be able to play sounds while on a phone conversation (i.e. play an MP3 so both parties on the phone can hear it). options to allow it to play only to user, only to caller, or both would be nice, but so far I haven't even seen the issue addressed anywhere (I'm probably going to regret saying that - the question has probably come up before and my searches just didn't use the right terms).
So does a program exist that can do this? Is it possible to do?
Just checked, and it does indeed appear that you can't make the PDA produce any sounds while in call. The PDA can record, because the call recording function wouldn't work otherwise.
No clue how to solve this.

CM7 Gtalk w/FFC

So i was finally able to get gtalk video to work with CM7. I was able to see the other person, but yet they weren't able to see me. I could see myself in the little square at the bottom from my FFC but the other person only saw my avatar.
Can someone help me out and let me know what i'm doing wrong? Did I get the wrong files? Do they need to do anything? The reason I think it is on my side is because it won't let the other person initiate the video chat, only voice, yet i can initiate the video chat. I would love to get this to work so i can video chat with my gf!
Thanks in advance!

[Q] Bluetooth chat from PC to Android?

I was trying to look around for this, but couldn't find anything. Is it possible? And if it is, what are the apps/programs for this?
Sorry for the bump (which im not even sure is allowed here), but I'd really like to know if this is possible

[Q] Forwarding App Source?

Okay, right now im in this club, i really dont want to explain much about it as i try not to reveal my personal info to the internet but there are ranks and stuff (similar to Boys Scout), so far, im managing alot of things but one of the most tiring and annoying things are forwarding any reminders/events/etc.... You see, our teacher sends me a text message about an event/reminder/etc... and i must forward it to others. The fact I got to keep clicking through each person annoys me since the list gets bigger and bigger
Im creating a blank app right now, just to make it run 24 hours in the background (Im very new to this and im trying to make it work).
If anyone can make me a source that whenever i receive a text message from my teacher, it automatically forwards it to others. Now, im looking for the source only, I can add the numbers and rest later, im trying to play and test as much as I can and this can be a good start
ONE THING THOUGH! If my teacher sends me a text message, i want it to forward AND appear to me also but i dont think thats a problem right?
If anyone can whip up a source for me to add to my app, that would be really helpful. If this works out well, i can probably make a good app out of it and give it out to others who come across my position.

Looking for a reliable app (or a fix for Skype/Discord) that allows calls 24/7

I am looking for an app (or a fix for Skype/Discord) that will allow someone to call me whenever they want. I know this is a little vague, and I have already tried asking on the appropriate forums for Skype and Discord for help but they are not willing to help.
The issue I am having is that calls from Skype/Discord do not always 'ring' my device, sometimes I look at my phone after the screen being turned off for a few hours and see notifications that someone has called me through one of these apps. I can't tell if it's because of some Android update that protects apps (or sleeps them) after a while, but it is quite annoying that I miss calls from my favourite chatting apps.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

