[Q] Bluetooth chat from PC to Android? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was trying to look around for this, but couldn't find anything. Is it possible? And if it is, what are the apps/programs for this?

Sorry for the bump (which im not even sure is allowed here), but I'd really like to know if this is possible


[req] ORIGINAL webOS Soundfiles - Upload

Hey there!
I don´t know if it´s either that I´m simply not able to use the search here or if it´s really not around...
I can´t find the webOS sounds anywhere in the web...whats kind of confusing, because normally you can even find sounds of the strangest things on earth^^
I kinda like the sounds in webOS, for that reason I would love to use them on my smartphone.
Is there anybody out there being able to upload them here?
Maybe...I should just *bump* this thread up!

What are the Benefits of Rooting

Hello, I wanted to know what the Benefits of rooting an Asus Transformer Prime would be if you are not going to flash roms?
For me....
I only wanted to use proxydroid. I have a proxy server that need domain auth.
But since I routed it, I'm amazed by other applications that needs root access. From simple overclocking apps to more complete backups.
In the end its what you want or need. I needed to use a proxy server and if asus doesnt want to add that function fine... but then dont blame me for rooting mine..
Perhaps searching this forum, or searching general android forums will give you the answer more quickly.
kind of an open and big question.
the main answer is, more freedom to do what you want with certain applications.
Severion said:
Perhaps searching this forum, or searching general android forums will give you the answer more quickly.
kind of an open and big question.
the main answer is, more freedom to do what you want with certain applications.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I really just want to do A2SD, which I can do on my EVO 3d without rooting, is there a way to do this on the ASUS 300?

[Q] Video chat between Android and iOS?

Hey people.
I am currently looking for an app that will allow me to video chat with somebody who has an iPhone. Doesn't seem like a difficult question yet, does it? I know. Finding what I described so far isn't a problem at all, but the next part is.
I am sometimes not in a position to talk out loud, so I would like to type, while still seeing the other person, or only losing picture as short as possible.
Weird right? I am able to look at my screen and be looked at by somebody else, but not able to talk out loud. I know. And I know this isn't an easy question, but if it was an easy one, I wouldn't have to come to you guys .
In short, I want:
- Video chat
- Being able to type in a video chat, without losing video for too long
If anybody can help me, or point out an app I should try, please let me know!

[Q] Android For IT?

Anyone reguarly use Android for IT? I'm curious if it could be done intead of Windows. I've been looking for reading material on the topic and have come up short with first and accounts.

Spotify Tablet Mode WP

Hi guys,
This is my first message and I'd like to learn as much as I can. I have a question to which I did not find answer in the forum.
When I had android, I did the root of my mobile phone and with a tool I used Spotify pretending that I was using a tablet instead of a mobile phone. In this way, I was able to listen to all songs that I wanted avoiding the shuffle.
Is there a way to enable a kind of tablet mode or something like that on Windows Mobile? I haven't done the unlock yet, so I don't really know if there is a tweak that allows me to do that.
Thank you in advance for all your answers

