CM7 Gtalk w/FFC - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i was finally able to get gtalk video to work with CM7. I was able to see the other person, but yet they weren't able to see me. I could see myself in the little square at the bottom from my FFC but the other person only saw my avatar.
Can someone help me out and let me know what i'm doing wrong? Did I get the wrong files? Do they need to do anything? The reason I think it is on my side is because it won't let the other person initiate the video chat, only voice, yet i can initiate the video chat. I would love to get this to work so i can video chat with my gf!
Thanks in advance!


Suggestions for future Steve builds

I really am pleased with the work you have done so far Steve and have donated already. I wanted to make a request for yahoo messenger video chat to get the front facing camera option like you did for oovoo if its an easy fix. Also if Skype can recognize video chat. 1.7 Runs very smooth and I had to do a factory reset whithin 1.7 to get it working fully. I kept getting stuck in wifi or 3g and could not go to the other. In case someone is experiencing the same issue. always willing to support and will donate again in the future.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
I Also am having difficulty pulling up my work contacts when sending a e-mail with the new keyboard. It just freezes when trying to retrieve the contact from the server.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
I would be eternally grateful if Master Steve could provide us with a dialer (Gingerbread/GalaxyTab/dontknowwhatelse...) that supports native video calls.
I do not know if this is possible without Dell's help, but i would really really love this feature that even 50 euro cellphones have nowadays.
I think it would be awesome to get a rip of the new "Facebook phone" apk and build it in. Or hell, just the rip would be fine!

Skype video chat leak

Has anyone been able to get this to work on the Atrix?
cause a search would gave been so hard......
Thanks. Noob here. Ill try searching first next time.

How to video chat with PC

Just bought Amaze yesterday and this is my first phone with a Front Facing Camera.
Question is is there a way to video with a PC where we can both see each other.
Important to know because my wife is going away with my little for a month and a half and I want to be able to video chat with them.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Henry R
henry1970 said:
Just bought Amaze yesterday and this is my first phone with a Front Facing Camera.
Question is is there a way to video with a PC where we can both see each other.
Important to know because my wife is going away with my little for a month and a half and I want to be able to video chat with them.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Henry R
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So are you asking if you can use the Amaze and she can use a PC?
If that's your question than the answer is yes.
You can use free programs (for PC) and apps (for phone)
Skype is one. Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo Messenger w/Video is another.
You install the app, she installs the program. And you guys should be able to follow the steps to figure everything else out. Yeah?
Hope that helps.
henry1970 said:
Just bought Amaze yesterday and this is my first phone with a Front Facing Camera.
Question is is there a way to video with a PC where we can both see each other.
Important to know because my wife is going away with my little for a month and a half and I want to be able to video chat with them.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Henry R
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Click to collapse talk comes preloaded with video chat capability and is very good...all she has to do is log into her gmail account and she can chat with you there...I do it all the time with my dad. too bad SGS2 users don't have video chat option with their google talk...and they have to download third party on both ends....

Lumia 800 Video Calls

Hello guys im new into WMP stuff,soon ill get my new nokia lumia 800 so i want to ask few things
1.I know this phone dont have front faceing camera but i wonder,if i use example skype or tango and somone call me am i able to see the other person i know the person wont see me but i wanna know if i can see somone else and talk????
2.I also wan't to know is it able to make video call using skype or tango with back camera so somone see trough my back cam or i just see them??
maybe questions are stupid but i really want to know if someone try this THX A LOT!!!
CAn anyone answer me pls ???
cikl0n said:
Hello guys im new into WMP stuff,soon ill get my new nokia lumia 800 so i want to ask few things
1.I know this phone dont have front faceing camera but i wonder,if i use example skype or tango and somone call me am i able to see the other person i know the person wont see me but i wanna know if i can see somone else and talk????
2.I also wan't to know is it able to make video call using skype or tango with back camera so somone see trough my back cam or i just see them??
maybe questions are stupid but i really want to know if someone try this THX A LOT!!!
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When you use Skype for videocalls you can see the other person. The person on the other end will see what your rear camera shows.
Ok thx a lot mate cheers!

[Q] Video chat between Android and iOS?

Hey people.
I am currently looking for an app that will allow me to video chat with somebody who has an iPhone. Doesn't seem like a difficult question yet, does it? I know. Finding what I described so far isn't a problem at all, but the next part is.
I am sometimes not in a position to talk out loud, so I would like to type, while still seeing the other person, or only losing picture as short as possible.
Weird right? I am able to look at my screen and be looked at by somebody else, but not able to talk out loud. I know. And I know this isn't an easy question, but if it was an easy one, I wouldn't have to come to you guys .
In short, I want:
- Video chat
- Being able to type in a video chat, without losing video for too long
If anybody can help me, or point out an app I should try, please let me know!

