Skype video chat leak - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Has anyone been able to get this to work on the Atrix?

cause a search would gave been so hard......

Thanks. Noob here. Ill try searching first next time.


CM7 Gtalk w/FFC

So i was finally able to get gtalk video to work with CM7. I was able to see the other person, but yet they weren't able to see me. I could see myself in the little square at the bottom from my FFC but the other person only saw my avatar.
Can someone help me out and let me know what i'm doing wrong? Did I get the wrong files? Do they need to do anything? The reason I think it is on my side is because it won't let the other person initiate the video chat, only voice, yet i can initiate the video chat. I would love to get this to work so i can video chat with my gf!
Thanks in advance!

Anyone use Eclipse? Need some help :/

Edit: Never mind, this programme is hard to get used to. Funny how you can search google for ages and not find an answer but as soon as you post a thread....

[Q] Phone App Locking Up (Stock Rom)

When i hit dial, on any rom i try (THS Build 14 and before, Gummy, CNA,, and stock 2.3.5) The phone freezes at the dialer. I can hear it ring, talk on the phone, hear the person, but i cant do anything involving controlling the call Only rom that works is Paranoid Android and that doesnt rotate and ive been having SMS issues with it as well. Any takers?
I seem to remember another thread with this exact same question, but I can't find it. I remember that it was solved by looking at catlogs. So please post them.
MultipleMonomials said:
I seem to remember another thread with this exact same question, but I can't find it. I remember that it was solved by looking at catlogs. So please post them.
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Your wish is my command:
So i remeber watching the logcat when i dialed, and there was some sort of opengl i/o error. Is that a graphics error?
Bumpity bump bump
No help?
I'm really sorry, I thought I posted but I guess it didn't go through. Here's the deal: I can't read logcat. You're going to have to weight 'till someone who can, like Droidstyle, sees this thread.

[Q] Video chat between Android and iOS?

Hey people.
I am currently looking for an app that will allow me to video chat with somebody who has an iPhone. Doesn't seem like a difficult question yet, does it? I know. Finding what I described so far isn't a problem at all, but the next part is.
I am sometimes not in a position to talk out loud, so I would like to type, while still seeing the other person, or only losing picture as short as possible.
Weird right? I am able to look at my screen and be looked at by somebody else, but not able to talk out loud. I know. And I know this isn't an easy question, but if it was an easy one, I wouldn't have to come to you guys .
In short, I want:
- Video chat
- Being able to type in a video chat, without losing video for too long
If anybody can help me, or point out an app I should try, please let me know!

[Q] Does the Google Now Update let you create Calendar events w/o the work around?

I have read about the Google now work around but that was before the most recently update.
I was curious if any one has gotten it to work since Aug when the workaround was posted.
I only ask since I have been able to get it to post directly to my calendar just not to the right time but I have gotten the correct date.
If someone has gotten it to work correctly without the work around could you please post a video how the exact way that you say the command to get it to register the time.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

