[Q] HOw many days do you guys go without a restart? - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Lately I have been observing lags/freeze-ups after just 1 day of use on my stock 351 streak!
(yeah- I do have tonnes of apps - but still!)
I mean I am observing the screen tilt ( after physical rotation ) is also sloww!
Only link I could find, that was- my restart interval was like 3 days or so.
I am restarting it once in 2 days now ( manually).
But, still - the lags/freeze-ups are getting more frequent!
I have case for the Streak- so its very annoying to open it all the time to pull out battery!
So- I have factory reset it now.
Will now check the performance. But- I am sure getting a feeling its getting slower
thought of checking here- whats the restart interval?
Are freeze-ups common? -- ( no much crashes though) just- freeze-ups.

I never ran a stock rom long enough to find out. If you want to stick with Froyo, since it sounds like you want stability, go with either my Streakin' 354, or Simple Streak. I wents days, maybe even a week, without a restart and when I did it was because of theming or something that required me going into streakmod.
If you want to stick with stock, then you may just have to resign yourself to manually restarting once a day. I used to have a profile set up in Tasker to do just that, before I found a stable rom that I liked.

Odd. Other than a brief switch to StreakDroid 2.4.4, I've run stock ROMs and have had only one occasion where it was necessary to forcibly shut down and reboot the Streak.

For the most part I only reboot mine every once in a blue moon. Like Morph, I have to reboot for a new theme or boot animation. But I run my streak with minimal apps loaded besides stock ones from Rom. (Total including stock apps 102) Mine doesn't lag after a few days.
Each phone and User is different. Sounds like a cliche' but ask 100 Streakers, and you might get 100 different answers.

Once a week
I'm stock, rooted, 2.2.2
I reboot once a week, regardless of if it isn't causing a problem.
Sunday before bed, I just pop the back cover, take out the battery
and reboot it.
I haven't had any lock up's or anything, but I'm not into playing streaming
I use it mainly as a phone & for work. 20-25 emails per day, 5-10 text messages,
viewing PDF's, web pages etc.

I'm currently running StreakDroid 2.4.4 and have gotten up to 60+ hours of uptime. Even then I only needed to reboot cause I was tweakin' the thing.
I've found my stability MUCH better after installing SetCPU (245min, 998maz, ondemand) and autokiller (all advanced tweaks enabled with aggressive profile activated at bootup)
but like people have said, you have to play with settings, cpu governors... to get your Streak stable. They're all different. I'm currently on my fourth. The one I'm on now is rock solid but the one before was a MESS. It could NOT handle overclocking and constantly had wifi/sleep of death problems.
Just like a baby... keep trying things til something works!

Up until the latest Gingerbread ROMs I've always found stock to be the most stable and had it running for upwards of 2 weeks without reboot. I've since found the new GB ROMs to be super stable but with tweaking and running out of battery i've had no longer than a week of late. I've got abut 200 apps installed

I reboot mine all the time. Not necessarily because of any problem, just to freshen it up I guess. I have a widget on my home screen, and if I'm doing something CPU intensive, when I'm done I'll just hit the button and stick it back in my pocket. When I pull it out- fresh Streak!
Why not...
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk

I flashed 2.3 straight away and I have never had a lockup....

I didn't have a freeze with 2.4.4 either. The camera didn't work properly however (white screen) which is why I went back to stock. I haven't tried the other ROMs yet so....

Thanks to all for super-prompt replies!
And, I have just done a factory reset.
and, yeah- this was the only phone with me-- so I did not go for root/flash yet.
But- I have a spare fone now ( HTC P3400! my trusty old friend!--ROMs flashed like flash on a camera!)
I have read quite some information on flashing streaky dear-- just some catching up to do.
and, lordmorphous -- I am a fan already Simple Streak looks awesome
Strephon - yeah- I find it odd too! but now- lets see what happens-- I will test this |clean| stock rom for weeks time -and then jump to Simple streak.
Gregionis- I had similar number of apps on stock-- will check now.
All - thanks for the help!
Keep Streakin'

I usea programme called fast reboot.Its great to clean ram up from various appliications.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

Fast Reboot is an excellent tool. I had it when I was using AdFree to implement the host file changes. After switching to AdAway, which has a full reboot routine included in the app, I still use Fast Reboot.

Weeks at a time
I run simplestreak 1.3, before i used simplestreak 1.2. Cant remember any problems really. Now looking into 2.3 roms, mainly because its.. too stable and no thrills at all.
Maybe because i am alamoust religious when it comes to flashing. Going all trhe way all resets and wipes and all of it. Alaways.

Just a GRAND thanks to all!
Thanks to all - BIG time.
I took this problem forward- and got my Streak replaced!
and, now- this is really a fast one!!
I dont remember My streak being this fast in past 8 months!!
-- I guess, it is right! " No two streaks are the same!"
Now- I will check the uptime- but I already see the speed!
So, this is my 3rd streak in last 11 months!
But, I love this phone!!
CAnt wait to get on the flashing wagon now!!
In a weeks time
Thanks to all!!

Gingerstreak 2.4.4 installed for around a month now I think. Not a single forced reboot and it hasn't frozen either.
I have rebooted manually a couple of times whilst sorting the battery meter out but this is the most stable the thing has been since I got it in July last year! I've previously had stock 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, Streakdroid 1.5.3, 1.8.1 and 1.9.1 and couldn't get it stable on any of them. Finally after nearly 18 months it works as it should!
It lives next to the bed overnight on standby and has woken up and sounded my alarms every day without fail since going to 2.4.4
The only thing I seem to be able to point to that i've done differently is SetCPU running 576/1113 lagfree. If I go higher it doesn't like it on previous builds (including 2.4.3) so i've not tried it on this one. Going lower seemed to cause issues for me too so maybe the various stability problems people experience are CPU / governor related? We know that they all have varying max clock speeds so I wonder if they have varying minimums too?


Ginger Tazz.... my .02.....

Still can't post in the dev. forum; been following closely. I was getting a ton of reboots on v17 & v19. I think it may have been because of (at least partially) SetCPU. I think I read that its worked into CM7, which would make sense why it's causing problems if installed on top of it. Although my wife has and Eris, running v19 and has only had 2 reboots (I had her on KF for a week, she decided she wanted the "newest", so I nand/flashed hooked her up). I'm running v. 22, and haven't had a reboot in a few weeks, and it only happens while I'm at work, not on wifi, not running pandora; and is likely caused by not locking the screen before shoving it in my pocket; OR from using my boss' BB charger, and unplugging it, then reboot :/
It is fast, and without Set cpu, I have better battery life; but I may have gotten a little crazy with the advanced settings on Set CPU.
I have set up CsipSimple with no problems (for "peak hours" - a test for when I lower my family plan min, so far so good). So I make free data calls with little lag.
I also took auto task killer off, which seems to have added some stability (could have been some widgets?!?).
I see a version as new as v26, and have been through v19, v20, and v21 before sticking with v22 (Though my compulsion to have the "newest" myself is hard to resist)
I ramble.... but if Pandora is the problem.... why use it??? I use T-torrent to down load all of my newly purchased music when I'm on the road, whole albums d/l faster than ripping and syncing, (of stuff that I already own.... I'm no pirate).
For a feature rich, 2.3.3 android (on an almost legacy phone!); I'd gladly give up the lag time between songs, and a limited ability to skip songs per hour. Tazz, my hat's off to you; I Still think it's the best Rom I've used, and don't plan on switching to anything but your newest (nope, not even going to try v25, even if you does have your name on it, it just doesn't feel right...)
Funny OT (again) my coworker bought a Nexus S , and (from his old g2/hero) and we ran some real time tests (him on 4g) that I smoked him at (v19)... granted all the bench mark tests said his phone was exponentially better; but in application- Tazz rocks.
Droid Eris is my first smart phone bought on ebay a month back , after experimenting with different roms for couple of of weeks, i settled on Ginger Tazz 22, now flashed to 27 ... Ginger Tazz rocks
i ran into a lot of issues initially flashing ginger tazz before i wiped my SD card. I wiped SD, wiped dalv, did a factory reset, and then flashed it. It seems to work fine after that.

[Q] Please help a newb!

I'm new to android and new to rooting/roms, but I've developed a bit of knowledge in a short time, so please bear with me. I am currently running Das Bamf Remix 1.6 with stock Kernal. It should be noted that I did a full Davlik/Data cahce wipe and reset battery stats prior to flashing. It has been running great and battery life has been good for a week. Two days ago out of the blue my gmail temporarily wouldn't sync (it showed I had mail but wouldn't display the message), but withing 5 minutes I was able to get it to work again and havn't had the problem since. Then this morning I woke up to find that the phone rebooted itself in sleep mode during the night while I was sleeping. Does anybody know why these things happened?, other than those two incidents, the phone has been perfect. Thanks in advance for your help!
Phone will ocasionally reboot out of no where. Some times its few and far between, other people tweak their phone to where its instable and it reboots daily. If its once a week, your good.
I have seen that bug with gmail too. Dont know what causes it, or what clears it. I usually reboot and it goes. But it will also clear in time.
Thanks for the info. What have you found to be the best battery kernal for das bamf?, the included kernal or is there something else you recommend?
every phone is going to like kernels different, just pick one to test, see if battery life goes up or down after a few days. Then try another... keep going to you find one YOU like the best.
Im still rocking one of Imosyn's old kernels. Its doing great for me so I just havent bothered upgrading. I just hit a new record of 65 hrs this weekend on a single charge but that was extremely light usage.
What Imosyn Kernal version are you using on the Thunderbolt?, or are you on a different phone?. I just want to use the one that most people are having success with, have you heard what is the most popular for TB?, because when I google, I get a million different answers.
bad4u6669 said:
I just hit a new record of 65 hrs this weekend on a single charge but that was extremely light usage.
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O.O crazyyyy
use one of the 3 big dogs, imoseyon, ardynalyne, or ziggys (from his web site)
from there you need to decide if you want overclocked or under volted. that will narrow it down to a handfull. From there you will have to test what works best on your phone. No one can tell you what will work best on your phone.
the one im using from imoseyon you wont find anywhere, and i wont give it out. He doesnt support it anymore so no sense in worrying about it.
Thanks, I can sense what kernal your using...

T-Bolt is reboot central, wait for the OTA update?

So I've had less than stellar luck with this phone. I purchased it and rooted it pretty much on day 1, (this was back in early May) and immediately started seeing some pretty awful rebooting. I switched kernels from Das Bamf's to Imoseyon's, which helped it go from mind-numbing to merely bad (used to reboot EVERY TIME the screen was slept and turned back on, went to happening maybe once an hour)
I switched back to stock, same problem, rebooting literally once an hour. I called Verizon for troubleshooting help and they immediately had me switch it out for a Hardware version 2.0 phone, which I've now had since May 15th. It does work a lot better, but it's still pretty bad. Here's the timeline:
Ran stock for about a week, was seeing 1 reboot every other day, decided to root. Installed BAMF remix 1.7 with the .7/.6 CDMA/LTE radio, which left it pretty much the same, rebooting every 30 hours or so. It's particularly likely to do it when using Navigation or on phone calls. It's not a stress thing, I can run Linpack, quadrant, make calls and surf, whatever, it runs fine at stock speeds, 1.92, 1.92x... and will do so for hours without rebooting (until it does)
Switched to 2.0 w/ the MR2 radio, and the reboots were even worse. Now more like 1-2 times a day. Thinking this was not a radio issue now, I eased down the clock speed (I was running 1.92x kernel) down to stock speeds, no affect. Upped the voltage by switching to 1.92, still no affect, reboots a couple of times day, ALSO with a few random shutdowns thrown in for fun. I tried Standard as well, letting it top out at 1.4, still having the issue.
MR2.5 came out, switched to that, and it became unuseable. Reboots literally every 5-10 minutes, and I tried running it that way for the better part of a day, thinking it was maybe the kernel settling or whatever, but it stayed that bad. I switched back to 2.0 and kept seeing the reboots a couple of times a day, so since they were worse on GB I figured I'd go back to Froyo.
Loaded 1.8 Remix, and the reboots are still happening a few times day. At my wit's end, I decided to go straight back to stock, no root. It ran fine that way for about a day, then randomly shutdown again. It has seemed good so far today, but the random shutdown happening makes me assume it's still not stable.
I really don't think it's a problem with 2 phones in a row, and there's thousands of posts of people experiencing similar problems, so it's not something weird I'm particularly doing. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, as some people are rock solid with Froyo with the .7 radios, or the .6/.7 combo, or some are fine with Gingerbread MR2, or even 2.5. Me, I have no luck with ANYTHING.
Should I start another ticket with Verizon for another dud phone, or is the promised OTA update really going to do something magical that MR 2 or 2.5 haven't already tried to do to fix this thing?
If it were me Id be screaming at somebody at Verizon. If your sure that nothing u did rooting or flashing roms caused the reboots then get a new phone. Rumors say that gingerbread is coming tomorrow but you can't out to much stock in that and even if it does I doubt there is any miracle code written in that's gonna help you.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Some people have had random reboots on stock rom. But since you were on stock for less than a day, it's impossible to determine whether the reboots are due to a defective phone or something that happened during/after you flashed the custom rom. You obviously know your way around various roms, radios & kernel/cpu tweaks, and nothing seems to help. If you have the patience, go to the IRC channel for more suggestions. If no one there can help, I would restore to stock & exchange the phone. You may have a defective device that will never work right.

Couple of Questions / Recommendations

I'm awaiting delivery of my new unbranded and unlocked Galaxy S2 really looking forward to having the best phone on the market, since March last year ive had a HD2 which was/is a superb phone and has served me well but ive sold it on to fund buying this, i notice some user names on here who used to be post on the HD2 forums just have a couple of questions regarding the few ROM's which are currently available for the GS2.
The most popular appear to be Villian ROM and Litening ROM, both seem to have superior battery life and are very fast, the Litening ROM sems to be easier to flash (i stand corrected on that) and you can flash this without having to root your phone first, im experienced in flashing ROM's for the HD2 but this is all new ground for me so out of those 2 ROM's which would you recommend beginning with, any pro's and con's,etc,etc ive read both threads and both appear to be excellent ROM's, Pulser in particular appears to be a very skilled developer.
Also any other recommendations/tips you have starting out, is it a good idea to get rid of all the Samsung bloatware to preserve battery life,etc,etc.
I've read quite a bit on here so im aware of certain things already but even though ive been on XDA a long time im so used to the HD2 i feel like im starting over again (well i suppose i am in a way)
Cheers folks..
I made the same jump as you and Im very happy with it.
With regards to the "easiest" rom to flash, I dont think theres any difference really, as long as you follow the instructions carefully its really very simple.
The VR thread has very clear and simple instructions. You'll get used to it
Bloatware, I would reccomend just leaving it as it is and seeing how your battery life is. If you feel it could improve then start stripping things out and see if it gets better. I've only got rid of the wifi sharing crap and can still make it through a day with 40% left. That could probably improve as well if I bothered to tinker some more.
You could always flash the lite version of villain rom, which contains NOTHING.
Not really willing to compare the two you mentioned as I havent tried litening so that would be unfair. For me, the main advantage of using VR is the VillainTweaks app and the level of support available, should you need it.
Cheers for the response and tips, just one thing about the Villian ROM is it very stable with minimal or no bugs/lag?
I've already acesertained that the battery life is superior so that is great to hear,and i can see that Pulser unlike some devs does seem to be involved in the thread (support) which is also a positive thing.
I might keep the stock on it for a few days then flash, I suppose if your on XDA it obviouss your gonna be flashing a custom ROM at some stage.
In all honesty I can think of only one bug I have suffered and I have seen it reported on other ROMS not just VR, sometimes my screen timeout settings will return to the default 30 second setting.
I have had 2 random reboots in the month or so that I've had the phone and both of those only occured after I had gone over 100 hrs without a reboot....
As for lag.....
Run your stock ROM for a few days, enjoy the blazing speed and responsiveness of this beast of a phone.
Then flash VR and marvel in complete amazement at the fact that this thing can get even faster
I keep mine underclocked to 800Mhz (sometimes I'll bump it up to 1Ghz for gaming) and its way snappier than my HD2 ever was.
Was similar to the first time I flashed an energy rom instead of stock winmo...
conantroutman said:
In all honesty I can think of only one bug I have suffered and I have seen it reported on other ROMS not just VR, sometimes my screen timeout settings will return to the default 30 second setting.
I have had 2 random reboots in the month or so that I've had the phone and both of those only occured after I had gone over 100 hrs without a reboot....
As for lag.....
Run your stock ROM for a few days, enjoy the blazing speed and responsiveness of this beast of a phone.
Then flash VR and marvel in complete amazement at the fact that this thing can get even faster
I keep mine underclocked to 800Mhz (sometimes I'll bump it up to 1Ghz for gaming) and its way snappier than my HD2 ever was.
Was similar to the first time I flashed an energy rom instead of stock winmo...
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Just out of curiosity mate why do you keep your phone underclocked to 800Mhz?
jonny68 said:
Just out of curiosity mate why do you keep your phone underclocked to 800Mhz?
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Just a balance between speed and extending battery life that little bit more. It really doesn't feel any slower at 800 than it does at 1.2 but it uses less power.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....
Sounds good when i get mine i think ill try that.
Just 2 more questions i forgot to ask first time
I haven't seen anyone mention using X-Scope browser on these forums just Dolphin and stock, X-Scope for me was the best browser i know of and i used it all the time with my HD2 am i to assume this browser also works fine with the GS2?
Also does ROM manager work on the GS2, reason i ask is because when i had the HD2 sometimes after installing certain apps or a new ROM i would get force closes but after fixing permissions in either ROM manager or CWM it usually fixed that problem.
Just tested x scope and it seems to work fine.
Rom manager is not something I've ever been a fan of, theres no way of knowing what your flashing. You can fix permissions through cwm anyway.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....

Which ROM are you currently running? Which have you tried?

Just a thread to see what the majority of people are choosing to run right now and which you have tested as well. This is NOT intended to be any type of a bashing thread, just please stick to what you've tested and what you've chosen to currently use.
As for myself, I'm running UnNamed from gtg and have been for a bit now. I've removed a few additional pieces of software that I didn't want and modified the battery icon but other than that, it's pretty much as is.
I've tested and have a backup of CM 7 and I'm planning to test Cognition next...
I am running UnNamed, I had a circle battery mod, but flashed the full update and have stuck with it as-is. I ran Cognition with no issues or complaints, but wanted the extended power menu.
Sent from my SGS II
I'm running Cognition as of yesterday. For a few days before that I was running a stock + root ROM.
I must say, my battery lasts sooooooo much longer since installing Cognition compared to Stock. I just now hit 90% and it's been off the charger (getting regular use: some idle, some web browsing, some pp installs) for about 6 hours now.
I love it.
Kadin said:
Just a thread to see what the majority of people are choosing to run right now and which you have tested as well. This is NOT intended to be any type of a bashing thread, just please stick to what you've tested and what you've chosen to currently use.
As for myself, I'm running UnNamed from gtg and have been for a bit now. I've removed a few additional pieces of software that I didn't want and modified the battery icon but other than that, it's pretty much as is.
I've tested and have a backup of CM 7 and I'm planning to test Cognition next...
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I'm on Cognition and haven't tried others, yet. It works and as ROMs have appeared, I've pulled what I wanted from them. I get great battery life (3 hours of display time, but lately it's been increasing - yesterday I got 4 and today I'm on pace for over 5 hours of display ). I'm really interested in CM7. I hadn't tried it yet because I'm not convinced that it's bug free (which is important for me). What did you think of it?
I'm getting such poor battery life still, even after rooting and removing data hogs (AP Mobile, etc.), running BBS and CPUSpy to monitor, and turning off unnecessary sync. I'm thinking about moving to Cognition, but I kinda like Touchwiz's interface and the safety of running stock.
Simba501 said:
I'm on Cognition and haven't tried others, yet. It works and as ROMs have appeared, I've pulled what I wanted from them. I get great battery life (3 hours of display time, but lately it's been increasing - yesterday I got 4 and today I'm on pace for over 5 hours of display ). I'm really interested in CM7. I hadn't tried it yet because I'm not convinced that it's bug free (which is important for me). What did you think of it?
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I liked CM7. I probably didn't give it enough time to make an accurate assessment of it as I liked the idea of trying UnNamed simply because I like the stock build as it is... minus the garbage bloatware and wanted the extended power menu. I'd highly recommend giving CM7 a shot though. I simply get each rom running and then do a full nandroid backup in case I want to go back in the future - barring any major improvements of course in which case I'll start out fresh.
Dranakin said:
I'm getting such poor battery life still, even after rooting and removing data hogs (AP Mobile, etc.), running BBS and CPUSpy to monitor, and turning off unnecessary sync. I'm thinking about moving to Cognition, but I kinda like Touchwiz's interface and the safety of running stock.
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I have to say that I was never much of a believer in Juice Defender but between running that program and doing a battery calibration with the app, BatteryCalibration, my battery life has increased quite a bit. I've still got Gmail auto syncing but I have turned off 'Back up my data' in Privacy and keep GPS off until I need it. Everything else is running as is. Oh and no Facebook or Words with Friends. I login to Facebook via Dolphin HD when I have to check it on the go.
Running UnNamed 1.0.3 and really like it. Clean, snappy and excellent battery life (yes, better than stock rom).
verncat05 said:
Running UnNamed 1.0.3 and really like it. Clean, snappy and excellent battery life (yes, better than stock rom).
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+1 for UnNamed.... love that rom!
Ive been on cog beta 4 for a while and it is perfect. Picked up DD exp kernal a few days ago and its still perfect. Perfect combo i guess. Battery life is amazing. After 15 hour days i am always getting 4 hours of screen on time along with playing music thoughout the day and few calls and messages data and sync always on.
I have yet to have any problems and gonna make this my offical "go back to, stable rom" when others start to drive me nuts. I would like to just stay on this rom and call it good cause its perfect but that never happens.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
UnNamed 1.0.3 for the past two days. Had no issues and I like the added features. This is the only custom ROM I tried so far.
roadrash7 said:
Ive been on cog beta 4 for a while and it is perfect. Picked up DD exp kernal a few days ago and its still perfect. Perfect combo i guess. Battery life is amazing. After 15 hour days i am always getting 4 hours of screen on time along with playing music thoughout the day and few calls and messages data and sync always on.
I have yet to have any problems and gonna make this my offical "go back to, stable rom" when others start to drive me nuts. I would like to just stay on this rom and call it good cause its perfect but that never happens.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Wow.... That sounds impressive. I may need to give that rom a whir then.

