Can't send SMS'es from CM7 sms app - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I guess this goes beyond the Defy forums...
I have a Motorola Defy with CyanogenMod-7.1.0-11-Defy on and since about 3 days ago I noticed that it doesn't send SMS'es. At first I didn't care, but today I looked more into it.
The message center is the right one. Wiped the Messaging data, restored it from an earlier backup with Titanium Backup. Wiped the cache partition. Nothing! I even freezed some apps that I recently installed (nothing that might have to do with SMS'es).
Strangely, Handcent SMS sends the messages.
I've had a similar problem some time ago (before using CM7), but that time it was because of the CloclworkMod recovery. After I uninstalled that (not the market app) everything went back to normal. This time the recovery is included in CM7....
Any ideas what should I try?

I have the exact same problem. still haven't figured out a fix short of wiping your data and re-flashing your rom.

In the end I've made a back-up with Titanium Backup, wiped, installed ROM (newer version of CM7) and restored the backup.
Everything seems to work now.


[Q] Messy restore - Mybackup Root problem?

I've always used MyBackup Root to backup and restore my apps when going from ROM to ROM and never had a problem. Recently I backed up my apps (NOTE: I NEVER backup system apps, just user/third-party apps and the only system data I back up is calendar data) in a 2.2 ROM (Trigger) in order to flash a 2.2.1 one (Bi-Winning) without issues. I flashed the new ROM and proceeded to restore the apps using MyBackup, again with virtually no problems, everything went smoothly and the market apps had their links restored, etc.
However when I started using my apps, most of them had weird problems. Some were force closing, others had missing data or no data at all, and some were simply broken. I instantly lost track of what worked and what didn't. I assumed this was caused by a bad flash so I re-downloaded the ROM and flashed it again making sure I followed all the instructions to the letter. Then I restored everything again and all of my apps were behaving the same way. This isn't the case if I delete then reinstall an app using Market or another source that is not MyBackup.
After freaking out/****ting bricks/etc, I started looking for ways to deal with the problem. This is what I've done so far:
- Used a 1-week old MyBackup folder that had worked before when I went from Bionix to Trigger. (Failed: Similar, if not the same, results)
- Flashed Trigger again and both folders failed.
- Flashed a different ROM (phiremod) and tried both folders. Fail again.
I'm about to delete my folders, start from scratch with no app data, and use Titanium Backup from now on. Has anyone had similar problems?
Just thought I'd give an update since this has gotten over 90 views.
I started from scratch ever since and have been using Titanium Backup Pro. I've switched to many 2.2.1 and 2.2 ROMs so far without issues and all of the restores have been flawless.

[Q] Nandroid did not restore the previous state, all apps missing

Hi guys, I'm in awkward situation. I'd appreciate any tip what to do.
Intro: I might have got some (small) amount of water into the phone, so I removed the battery, dried it for some time and then started it. Everything was OK, but anyway I decided to get it cleaned in service to be sure no corrosion appears later. I wanted to give them phone without any private data, so I decided to root, backup, wipe, give it to them and restore afterwards.
So I rooted with Odin and cf-root-sgs2_xw_clk_kf3-v4-0-cwm4 (I have XWKI4 firmware and this was mentioned as the right one for KI4), everything went fine. The phone was working afterwards. So I booted into recovery and backed it up with nandroid, copied the backups and the content of external storage to the computer, wiped the phone in recovery mode and gave it to the service. They cleaned it.
Today, I wanted to restore the backup, but here came the problem. Everything seems to be running, the backup restore took up to 10 minutes, it showed restoring system, data, displayed file names looked real, etc. No error, so I restarted.
However, after restart, the Android intro wizard was shown, I was asked to enter google login and only standard applications were shown. But wifi got connected, flight-mode was restored upon first launch (I used it for backup), wallpaper was restored. In Titanium Backup, I can see the list of all previously installed applications, but in grey and crossed. I reinstalled some of them, but most of them were crashing. For some of them, backing them up, uninstalling, reinstalling them back and restoring only the data (in Titanium) helps. The rest is not crashing at least, but the data are gone. I also tried Titanium to open the CWM backup, but that works for CWM v5 AFAIK, so no luck here either.
What could have happened? Is there any way how to solve this or is it simply lost?
Some background: Bad things happen together as you might know, one of my SoDIMM modules in laptop failed during this operation. system.img was damaged as a consequence (MD5 hash showed this). I found this when I tried to restore the backup for the first time. So I made a wipe, then made another backup, compared the system.img. I saw the MD5 hash for the new system.img is the same as for the old backup so I took the system.img from there. I was lucky this was not data.img. I'm certain I'm restoring with the correct files now - MD5 hash check runs just fine in total commander and nandroid before restore.
I also remember that my first try was without restored external storage, I did put there only the clockworkmod backup. But I believe this would not cause such situation. To have as much information as possible, I did this - wipe data, restore backup, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache - start. Problem - wizard appearing. Restore the external storage, get into recovery, wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik, restore, reboot. Wizard again
Thanks for any tip. I'm slowly getting accustomed to installing and setting up everything from scratch. I might install custom ROM finally. But lost data and settings are painful.
Did you use CWM to backup and restore? I've had problems restoring when I backed up on CWM5 and tried to restore on CWM4. It looks like it copies fine but doesn't. Even if you're sure you have the same version, if you use CWM5 app and click restore in there, it reverts to CWM4 for restore (for some reason...) so you have to reboot into CWM mode from the app to get CWM5 to 'work'.
For both backup and restore I rebooted to CWM Recovery and navigated using volume up/down to "backup and restore". By the way ClockworkMod Recovery is v.
Anybody, no ideas?
Is it common that nandroid is unreliable?
Aleq said:
Anybody, no ideas?
Is it common that nandroid is unreliable?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, I had to use nandroid backup several times and every time everything worked fine for me.
First I thought that you forgot to wipe cache partition, but you wrote that you have done it.
Did you tried to wipe cache (and Dalvik cache) before restoring the CWM backup?
If that does not help, try to fix permissions.
If that does not help either, try to flash a stock ROM, then flash CF-Root kernel (or similar with CWM included), then try again to restore your system backup.
As all your apps are still in Titanium Backup, you can uninstall all corrupt apps after restoring your system backup and restore all user apps (+app data) using Titanium Backup.
Maybe you have to reboot your phone twice after restoring the system backup.
And only after the second boot, you will see all your restored apps.
It is just a guess.
Good luck !
Thanks all. I have no idea what was wrong, of course I tried everything - multiple restores, reboots, wiping cache/Dalvik cache, etc. CF kernel failed on me. Luckily not completely, as the data were there, only the apps did not restore. So I installed the apps using Market. They crashed upon start, but I found that if I back them up with Titanium, uninstall them and then restore, it works. Using these steps, I was able to recovery almost everything.
I have used other Kernels since then and never had that issue anymore.
Did you try using advanced restore from within CWM?
If I am not mistaken and that's that functionality that allows you to restore only particular part of backup, then I believe I tried (even though I'm not 100 % sure). I did try fix permissions also.
I'm blaming incorrect / faulty CWM recovery. It just puts some uncertainty into the process in my eyes.
You are the seccond person I've come across with that problem. It's a really strange issue you are facing.
When you tried to restore, did you have the same firmware and cf-root on your phone as when you made the backup?
Yes. I did backup, then wipe/factory reset and gave the phone to service shop (for cleaning after some possible moisture exposure). I have received it in the same state, so I restored - but the apps were missing. I should have tried a different kernel with slightly different CWM recovery.
in my case, this was caused by nandroid getting out of free space when restoring know what to do

[Q] process has stopped unexpectedly

For the last 4 days or so whenever I flash a new ROM I keep getting this error @ random times, not even when I go to access the stock messaging app, sms stills works perfectly as well
After lots of research I have deleted the message.db, tried to do full wipes, factory resets and then flash Wanamlite Rom and there it comes back, tried other Roms as well same thing
I have a small suspicion it could be related to flashing different Siyah kernel's form 2.1 to 2.2 and now to 2.3
It just kinda seems to disappear after trying loads of things
....really frustrating.....any advice would be appreciated
What did you do after flashing a new rom or after a factory reset, did you restore anything from a previous backup at all?
All I would restore are my apps via Titanium but not system restores.
Don't think its that because I even get it when I restore to a perfectly good nandroid backup via CWM which never gave the issue but now suddenly does, even do full wipes before the restore as well.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
simple solution
I also had a same problem.
I copied an old sms from SIM to Phone memory.
Then started the problem.
Then I installed the third party app "go sms pro"
and deleted the same old message from phone memory inbox.
Now the problem has solved and able to access the default indox.

[Q] Error while restoring data CVM - Temasek CM 10.2

Hi all !
I need your help because I'm really desperate.
My phone was working fine but I had some error with Handcent application.
I decided to restore a previous nandroid backup (that I had previously successfully restored) but now I've got an "error while restoring data" after a long time working.
Tried to do 3 wipes (data factory, cache, Dalivk), but same issue.
Tried with some other backups, same issue.
I'm really lost....
Is there any way to get me out of this ? :crying:
My phone is now unusable.
When I run the phone after restoring faultly, it asked me my google account, as if it was the first time I was running the phone, and not all applications are installed.
When I try to install missing applications with Google Play, I've got an error, and no way to restore from Titanium Backup, no error but freezes.
Please HELP !
Flash your firmware using Odin or recovery, if the backup is corrupt then it can't be fixed.
Thanks, but this backup was OK last time I've restored it, and I had the same issue with some other recent backups.
It appears that the size was too big, over 2,5GB.
I've restored from a 2,41GB backup and it has worked.
The mistery is why I was able to restore from this backup one time, and now does not work anymore...
This thread can be closed now

What is 'persist' in TWRP while taking a backup?

hey guys, I just bought OPX 2 days ago and rooted and unlocked the bootloader yesterday. I also removed few apps like slides, doc etc and everything was working fine. Today when I saw storage was almost full (because of those google apps updates) I tried to integrate them into ROM using Titanium backup. 2 of 18 apps were successfully integrated (don't know which) but then it stuck for a lot of time. So i forced stop tit and tried integrating each app individually, but still same problem and it had f**ked system a little so fortunately I had restored the backup which I took before integration. During backup, I selected all the partitions (or whatever it is) and started restoring. Everything went well until the 'persist' was getting restored. Wiping of Persist was successful but it was stuck to restoring for a really long time so aborted the restoring, wiped everything and restored everything except persist. So my question is What is Persist and will it affect my phone 'cause I didn't restored it? and why are apps not getting integrated into ROM? any solutions will be helpful
(and extremely sorry for super-long post )

