What is 'persist' in TWRP while taking a backup? - OnePlus X Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hey guys, I just bought OPX 2 days ago and rooted and unlocked the bootloader yesterday. I also removed few apps like slides, doc etc and everything was working fine. Today when I saw storage was almost full (because of those google apps updates) I tried to integrate them into ROM using Titanium backup. 2 of 18 apps were successfully integrated (don't know which) but then it stuck for a lot of time. So i forced stop tit and tried integrating each app individually, but still same problem and it had f**ked system a little so fortunately I had restored the backup which I took before integration. During backup, I selected all the partitions (or whatever it is) and started restoring. Everything went well until the 'persist' was getting restored. Wiping of Persist was successful but it was stuck to restoring for a really long time so aborted the restoring, wiped everything and restored everything except persist. So my question is What is Persist and will it affect my phone 'cause I didn't restored it? and why are apps not getting integrated into ROM? any solutions will be helpful
(and extremely sorry for super-long post )


[Q] WTF Titanium Backup

So I rooted my Atrix some time ago, and installed TB. Made a backup 2/23.
Motoblur ****ed up (no surprise) and I was directed by customer support to do a factory wipe yesterday. I didn't have a more recent backup than 2/23, so I reinstalled to that and then re did everything I'd done since then (dl apps, changes settings, etc).
So today I ran TB again ... I chose "Batch -> Backup all user apps + system data". I didn't think this would do anything other than create backups.
However, now my Motoblur is ****ed up again!
My home screens are all screwed up, my widgets are all mis-sized (1x4's are 1x1??), my contacts are screwed up, etc etc.
Has anyone else had this problem with TB? I'm running the free version ... I didn't think that creating (not restoring) a backup would screw up my phone ...
I know the immediate response would be to blame motorolla but I think that this is a TB issue.
Did you do a backup of the system and user apps? If so this is probably your issue. I've read to just do user apps and not system included with that. If you had an issue in the system files and you back that up and restore that it will replace the fixed files with the older "broken" files.
I'd suggest do a batch backup of apps and reflash again and then restore the app data.
Mustang302LX said:
I'd suggest do a batch backup of apps and reflash again and then restore the app data.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1, ive never had good results with restoring the system stuff... it will overwrite weird stuff in the system and you're always much better off just restoring the apps. PIA to have to reconfigure the home screen, accounts, etc... but it doesnt take too much work and things will run _much_ smoother...

[Q] Messy restore - Mybackup Root problem?

I've always used MyBackup Root to backup and restore my apps when going from ROM to ROM and never had a problem. Recently I backed up my apps (NOTE: I NEVER backup system apps, just user/third-party apps and the only system data I back up is calendar data) in a 2.2 ROM (Trigger) in order to flash a 2.2.1 one (Bi-Winning) without issues. I flashed the new ROM and proceeded to restore the apps using MyBackup, again with virtually no problems, everything went smoothly and the market apps had their links restored, etc.
However when I started using my apps, most of them had weird problems. Some were force closing, others had missing data or no data at all, and some were simply broken. I instantly lost track of what worked and what didn't. I assumed this was caused by a bad flash so I re-downloaded the ROM and flashed it again making sure I followed all the instructions to the letter. Then I restored everything again and all of my apps were behaving the same way. This isn't the case if I delete then reinstall an app using Market or another source that is not MyBackup.
After freaking out/****ting bricks/etc, I started looking for ways to deal with the problem. This is what I've done so far:
- Used a 1-week old MyBackup folder that had worked before when I went from Bionix to Trigger. (Failed: Similar, if not the same, results)
- Flashed Trigger again and both folders failed.
- Flashed a different ROM (phiremod) and tried both folders. Fail again.
I'm about to delete my folders, start from scratch with no app data, and use Titanium Backup from now on. Has anyone had similar problems?
Just thought I'd give an update since this has gotten over 90 views.
I started from scratch ever since and have been using Titanium Backup Pro. I've switched to many 2.2.1 and 2.2 ROMs so far without issues and all of the restores have been flawless.

[Q] What is lost during a ROM change? How to backup phone so I can play with ROMS

I'm running streakdroid 1.9 but I would like to do some experimentation with my streak. If I flash a new rom what will I lose? How do you backup your data so you can flash to your hearts content?
if u flash stock roms, they do a factory reset during first start up.
So u end up loosing everything.
However if u flash .zip version of the stock roms using CWM or streak recovery , u will retain almost everything but may loose somethings like root and so on.
Remember stock roms will flash its default recovery everytime it boots up
Ok thanks. Is it wise to do a factory reset anyway?
What tools can I use to backup messages, apps, photos, etc?
I use titanium backup.
If you do a nandroid backup, when you restore it, everything will be just as it was before you flashed another ROM...
As far as using Titanium... it has never worked for me completely, nor has MyBackUp Pro, they cause me more headache than being useful...
I have gotten to the point to when I flash a new ROM, I just manually install everything, I know it sounds like some hassle, but you end up with a much smoother operating phone.
I even do a nandroid backup first, then go into my ROM and manually uninstall everything, so that when I boot up my new ROM and setup my market account, it doesn't try to install everything on its own and bog down my phone at first, I install everything manually in the order I want and set them up as I go.
I know this sounds cumbersome, but I have found it creates a cleaner environment and practically eliminated force closes
That is the way I like to do things also but what about the things that you can't just re-install e.g. sms, application specific data?
I was having a sim card and constant restart issue after updating to streakroid 2.4.4, and even after flashing dsc, the problem persisted. After I reviewed the steps I had taken I realized that I never did a factory resest (fearing I would forever lose my precious app data, which I did -_-). It turned out that was the fix, after doing the factory reset, my sim card was recognized immediately and a couple of the text I had missed showed up. However, I fixed one fixed problem and developed another.
Even though I restored a MyBackup and Titanium backup I did right before resetting I recovered my several apps without their precious data (setting, notes, bookmarks). I tried doing internal backups within the apps, some conveniently had syncs to a cloud yet I missed doing that with a few apps because I have over 100+ and I use more than half on a regular basis (even if for 5 minutes). All my apps are on my device, which is a good thing but I cant appreciate that given the missing data.
So my advice is:
Use apps that have can automatically backup or sync data -- there are enough apps with similiar utility that you can avoid ones without that function.
Do a manual backup within your important apps. -- Some apps backup files to locations that may be wiped during update, doesn't have auto backup or the last backup is months old.
Pics, texts, call logs are easily backed up -- Backup programs will explicitly state or ask what to back up in that regard.
Do a nandroid backup -- I believe this only restores rom and apps but someone can correct me.
Through all the research done before actually need to restore a backup I missed the fact when restore apps depending on the restore program every app has to be reinstalled individually. If you have more than 25 apps then #$#@!, also for some reason when restoring with titanium if during a batch restore you come across an app if you hit cancel during one of the install prompts because you actually don't want to restore that app the batch will freeze and you'll have to force close titanium and start the restore all over. Go through the list of restore options and choose each app one by one, save yourself the time.
Lastly, to piggy back off what was said before, a factory reset( FR) after updating rom is always recommended but its not always needed. Most roms will update without causing you to lose any data but like I said previously I had sim card issues when I updated without a FR. YMMV
At this point I don't know if this helps the OP but maybe it will benefit someone else who reads this thread.
This guide by _n0p_ tells how to do an upgrade and minimize the re-installation of apps.
Key items:
Use the backup function of any apps that have it
Don't count on restoring data with TB or My Backup
Make a nandroid - just in case
I have found TB and My Backup to be useful for things like browser bookmarks.
The post linked to discussed going from Froyo to Gingerbread but the same techniques apply for moving to any other ROM.
Last time i changed roms, i used the Dell backup utility for evertyhing but the apps, which can be backed up together with their data with QtADB which creates a backup folder on your SD. After installing the new rom, i chose advanced recovery from the Dell Utility and set it to recover everything but the apps, which i recovered with QtADB. However, I also strongly recommend nandroid, in case the steak doesn't boot after the install.

Can't send SMS'es from CM7 sms app

I guess this goes beyond the Defy forums...
I have a Motorola Defy with CyanogenMod-7.1.0-11-Defy on and since about 3 days ago I noticed that it doesn't send SMS'es. At first I didn't care, but today I looked more into it.
The message center is the right one. Wiped the Messaging data, restored it from an earlier backup with Titanium Backup. Wiped the cache partition. Nothing! I even freezed some apps that I recently installed (nothing that might have to do with SMS'es).
Strangely, Handcent SMS sends the messages.
I've had a similar problem some time ago (before using CM7), but that time it was because of the CloclworkMod recovery. After I uninstalled that (not the market app) everything went back to normal. This time the recovery is included in CM7....
Any ideas what should I try?
I have the exact same problem. still haven't figured out a fix short of wiping your data and re-flashing your rom.
In the end I've made a back-up with Titanium Backup, wiped, installed ROM (newer version of CM7) and restored the backup.
Everything seems to work now.

[Q] Error while restoring data CVM - Temasek CM 10.2

Hi all !
I need your help because I'm really desperate.
My phone was working fine but I had some error with Handcent application.
I decided to restore a previous nandroid backup (that I had previously successfully restored) but now I've got an "error while restoring data" after a long time working.
Tried to do 3 wipes (data factory, cache, Dalivk), but same issue.
Tried with some other backups, same issue.
I'm really lost....
Is there any way to get me out of this ? :crying:
My phone is now unusable.
When I run the phone after restoring faultly, it asked me my google account, as if it was the first time I was running the phone, and not all applications are installed.
When I try to install missing applications with Google Play, I've got an error, and no way to restore from Titanium Backup, no error but freezes.
Please HELP !
Flash your firmware using Odin or recovery, if the backup is corrupt then it can't be fixed.
Thanks, but this backup was OK last time I've restored it, and I had the same issue with some other recent backups.
It appears that the size was too big, over 2,5GB.
I've restored from a 2,41GB backup and it has worked.
The mistery is why I was able to restore from this backup one time, and now does not work anymore...
This thread can be closed now

