[Q] Plume and Proxlet - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So, I've used like every twitter app out there, went back to them all many times, and I'm still in love with Plume. The problem is, it doesn't support other networks using a custom api url. So, I've been forced to use ubersocial to solve this issue.
I use proxlet to block out some of my twitter users that I don't want to see all the time, as well as specific apps, so I really need proxlet, or at least a way to block those same people/apps on plume. Now, I know plume comes with a management tool to do this, but the problem is, it would be an extreme pain in the butt to manually add one person at a time into plume, as I have many listed in my proxlet ignore list.
I was just wondering if anyone knows of a way to mass import blocked contacts into Plume. I know it has the import/export feature, but it has to be in the plume format already. Just curious to know if anyone could tell me an easy way to do this, just to keep them both synced up pretty well. Thanks!


[Q] Browser with AJAX support. Desktop GMAIL interface

I need access to full gmail (not simple html) through web interface. Gmail app and html simple don't work for me, because they ruin the organization and order of messages when compared to desktop interface.
I have tried Skyfire and it does load full Gmail interface, but it is painfully slow, consumes enormous amount of memory and loads cpu to 100%. Pretty much unusable.
I'm not sure if ajax (or gmail in particular) on android wouldn't run any better or if it is just a matter of finding the right software and setting.
I don't have a direct solution, but have you tried the other versions of gmail, stock email, and Sense email apps?
I'm using the ICS 4.0 version of gmail, and I like it a lot.
Search google for the apk.
They may have the layout and options you want.
Thank you for suggestion. I have tried to find something that works, but other than Skyfire (not useable) and Remote Desktop (quite uncomfortable), I couldn't find anything so far.
Here is my problem. I receive ton of emails everyday, I use several workstations to access emails, I sort, label and read them, reply from different workstations. Works great having the same screen on all the machines, no matter where I am. I can start my work on one and finish on the other without loosing track of what I was doing.
I would love to work on my emails using Flyer the same way, but as of right now it is very uncomfortable for me, simply because my mail boxes don't look the same on android.
For example I have one of the mail boxes set up to show important and unread first, next emails marked with specific labels (might have several labels), then everything else (important read, unimportant unread etc). This simple thing saves me a lot of time and I know what to do next regardless of what workstation I access my email from.
When I use GMAIL app on my flyer, my mail box looks like a mess in comparison to desktop version. I get lost there so bad that I miss what needs to be done next. At this point I decided not to use GMAIL app to access work email at all.
I have tried to get to my emails through Web Browsers with desktop user agent string, but it loads in plain HTML, hence I loose the order again.
Only Skyfire browser loads the full version of gmail, but as I have said earlier is consumes more than 200mb of ram and loads CPU to 100% and makes it pretty much unusable. Not sure if it is a problem just on my Flyer or if it is how ajax is done in Skyfire.
I'm hoping to find solution (browser with good ajax?) that would allow me to access full web interface. I was just wondering if anybody knows if such thing or add-on exists. I hope maybe when CHROME browser comes out they have the good ajax support.

HTC one x plus - apps advice

Hello everyone
I hope someone can help me with this.
I have just moved to android from ios and hopefully i'll stay on android because of the fact that it can customize everything on it.
I have a question regarding some apps at the moment.
Does anyone know any good app for hotmail that allows to see all the folders.
At the moment the native app it makes it very hard to browse through my hotmail account where I need a few steps in order to switch folder and in addition it doesn't tell me which folder has emails unless I go in it.
On the iphone I was greeted with all the folder as a root window and each folder had a notification showing how many non read messages were in each folder so browsing was easy.
I've tried hotmail seven as well but the problem with the folder is the same unless I need to do something with the settings,which I don't have any clue about.
If someone has used hotmail and know what I'm talking about then please let me know if you know about any app.
Secondly: I wanted to know if there's an app that allows me to receive notifications about messages, emails etc but without showing the contentn of the message and that gives me also the ability to put passwords on messages so that it can't be accessed without it.
and finally: I'd like to know if you guys are aware of a good contacts manager that allows to keep contacts private so that names and similar stuff is now shown in the incoming and outgoing calls.
Sorry for the many questions but will appriciate if you can help.
Thank you
What I do to find all this information is go on Google and type in (example) best hotmail app for android and read the post.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
I've done so,that's why I mentioned hotmail seven ad it was considered one of the best but it doesnt have those features that I mentioned,reason why I'm asking if people used different hotmail clients and wheter they found better features in them
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app

[Q] Anyone developing a Gmail app?

Thinking about switching to a Lumia 920, however Gmail support is very important to me. It really is too much hassle to change to outlook - I've looked into it and it won;t happen.
Question: will WP8 allow developers to come up with alternative mail clients for Gmail, like Sparrow for iOS? If so, is anyone developing such an app?
What would you get from a GMAIL app that you wouldn't get from setting it up in the email settings?
buffalosolja42 said:
What would you get from a GMAIL app that you wouldn't get from setting it up in the email settings?
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a really nice and intuitive userinterfae for example?
I'm using the email-app for it, but i have to say i really miss a Gmail-App.
anyway, google is messing with Windows Phone users, i'm thinking about switching to outlook.com because of goggle being evil
Here's someone who wrote down a howto
Dave-Kay said:
a really nice and intuitive userinterfae for example?
I'm using the email-app for it, but i have to say i really miss a Gmail-App.
anyway, google is messing with Windows Phone users, i'm thinking about switching to outlook.com because of goggle being evil
Here's someone who wrote down a howto
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Intuitive.......ok I can see all my folders and emails..... Are we talking about gtalk being in the app or something. As far as email goes it works fine for my 2 Gmail accounts.
OK let me clarify. I am talking about the changes Gmail is going to make with activesync. I would like to use an app on WP8 that handles Gmail in a way as Gmail is intended to be used including multiple labels. An example of such an app, however this one is on iOS, is Sparrow. Does anyone know of a similar app that's being developed for WP8?
PS: thanks for the tutorial for moving to outlook.com, it seems easier than I thought.
buffalosolja42 said:
Intuitive.......ok I can see all my folders and emails..... Are we talking about gtalk being in the app or something. As far as email goes it works fine for my 2 Gmail accounts.
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hey, no offense, but i think you're missing the point. Everyone is a individual and has some wishes how to handle things. if someone aks for something he would like to have, it's his own decision how to have it. so it's rather useless to tell him not to have it the way he would like to have it because the way YOU have it works.
and! in case of googlemail. google ****ed up active sync on purpose, so if you buy a new windows phone you have to use imap or pop. i think giving google a kick in the a.. by moving on is a good idea. they have become too strong. atm i'm testing if outlook.com is able to replace googlemail and while outlook.com is working prettyx nice on Android, maybe i will move on. there's nothing missing on Lumia except the Lable "google" everything they made is replaceable.
---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------
wouwout said:
OK let me clarify. I am talking about the changes Gmail is going to make with activesync. I would like to use an app on WP8 that handles Gmail in a way as Gmail is intended to be used including multiple labels. An example of such an app, however this one is on iOS, is Sparrow. Does anyone know of a similar app that's being developed for WP8?
PS: thanks for the tutorial for moving to outlook.com, it seems easier than I thought.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
sorry, but atm i don't know an app like this and google btw. clarified that there's no need for them to build googleapps for Windws phone
I understand user individuality and I understand your point of view. His statement after mine would have made a better response. I am well aware of the google activesync fiasco, and Outlook.com is great my kids use it. Now I thought that they wouldn't support if for people were free customers....That is sad indeed and I will then be forced to either jump ship or get email every 5mins-2hrs either way I will have to deal with it. Regardless I hope you find what you are looking for and I can vouch for the outlook.com or gmail (with activesync).

[Q] Gmail app crops photos from ads etc..

Hi all,
I witnessed an issue regarding all android phones/versions between 2.1-4.2 without any solution, and I couldn't find any thread that talks about it in the proprietary+google search.
The issue: pic's get cropped, and I'm forced to click the "can't view properly? click here" link to the web page.
Here's a screeenshot:
The issue isn't for all mails, and there are some mail that can be viewed properly within the Gmail app itself.
I'm currently running the latest Gmail app as you can see with the top nav buttons.
Anyone else experiencing this issue ?
Go into : Menu -Settings - General settings - Auto -fit messages. Check it, and back out. The message should now be entirely seen in the screen. To Zoom in just tap the screen, or use the two finger spread method.
Tried that already...just forgot to mention.
any other ideas?
It's something a bit more complicated than a just a setting or wrong usage.
Other than that, the only other thing I can suggest is to unistall mail. Then reinstall.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your answer !
Well I've uninstalled the gmail several times when tried the leaked Gmail apps(the first one that supports swipe to archive+pinch to zoom, and obviously the last one who supports the new tabs interface).
I'll just mention it's not a specific problem but cross device and cross android+Gmail versions.
I tried every version of android/gmail combo(forwarding lots of mail to friends etc) but each time they all get the same problem.
The only thing I figured out who kinda gave me an alternative is use the stock mail client and not the gmail one, but in that case I'm loosing lots of the Gmail app functionality.
This is really something that just myself noticed? this is not one mail or a specific sender.
In the OP you mentioned that it does not happen on all your Gmail Email. Is it just from certain People / Companies ?
No, it's usually when I get promotion emails from my bank or some online shopping websites that uses big photos that are basically links.
Moreover, it's always from automated mails BUT I think that's only because I'm not receiving large photos in personal emails.
I would recheck settings. I know sometimes when I'm frustrated, I miss stuff.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your effort, I'm really certain that I haven't miss an option as every new app version that releases I'm scanning all of the features.
Here's a screen shot of my settings, I've highlighted the only possible option that can affect this, by my understanding:
BTW In case that I'm not clear enough with the issue I can forward(if you want to PM me with your mail) you one of those mails, I got lots of them. Of course if it's ok by you...
I'd love to hear any other ideas

[Q] Webmail app...?

My apologies if I am posting this in the wrong area, but I seem to be looking for something that is difficult to find. Either that or I REALLY don't know how to ask/search for that which I am looking.
I need an app on my phone [android - Samsung Galaxy S4] for my emails, however I don't want the messages stored on the phone. So I guess I am looking for an app-etized webmail interface. Important features:
The ability to have a formatted signature (bolding, etc). The ability to add a logo would be nice, but not required
The ability to send formatted messages (HTML?)
The ability to use Templates
The ability to send/manage multiple attachments
Those are the biggies that I can think of at the moment.
Every time I find something it seems to want to save/manage the messages locally, and I am just REALLY paranoid about having business emails on something as easily lost/stolen as a phone (regardless of the ability to remote wipe)
Would anyone happen to know of a good solution? Doesn't have to be free, but reasonably-priced is a plus.
Many thanks (and a few beers) in advance!

