[Q] Question teamview, iteleport - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi guys,
My friend and i were playing poker on our computers using our tabs.
He has an ipad2 wich use iteleport
I got a galaxy tab 10.1 and i used teamview
We both succeed to play with similar controls except for one thing:
With teamview i have to drag the mouse cursor over the action button or the area i want to press
With iteleport the "touchscreen" ability stay in, making him really more efficient
Now here is the question:
Is there any other program for android that will let me control my pc WITH the possibility of using the "touchscreen" way of moving the cursor
Thanks for ur help

anyone can help ?
am sure some peoples are using another program than teamview

did you tried to use a remote desktop client li extralogic one?

Albertotuchi said:
did you tried to use a remote desktop client li extralogic one?
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am not sure i understand what you are trying to say.
Teamviewer is installed on my tab and on my pc, thats why i can take control of the pc.
what im looking for is a way to not "drag" the cursor once connected.
with teamviewer, with the tab, i have to drag the cursor
with iteleport, with the ipad, you just tap where you want the cursor to be

i guess i ask for something that doesnt exist since nobody has replyed

5 Minutes of googling and I came up with "Logmein". It's expensive, though, but it works how you want. You are able to move the mouse relatively like on Teamviewer, but you can use "absolute" input, like a touchscreen.

I also heard logmein works well
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App

Localhorst86 said:
5 Minutes of googling and I came up with "Logmein". It's expensive, though, but it works how you want. You are able to move the mouse relatively like on Teamviewer, but you can use "absolute" input, like a touchscreen.
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yea i saw that 30$ for an apps, ill look around to see how it really work


Pirazu (old utility for new device), mouse pointer for joystick...

This may be old news to some or all of you guys but I wanted to share it nevertheless.
Pirazu is a very old utility that was made for PPC2002. It basically gave you a mouse cursor for the d-pad on the device. On my Athena it works with the little joy stick.
Hope someone finds this useful. I had to sign up forum to download it and I couldn't find the developers site so I'm uploading it here for everyone.
Just unzip to a folder on your device and run the exe. If you decide to keep it just create a shortcut to the exe or put it into your start up folder if you like it that much. ;-)
Maybe someone can take this exe and dll and update it for the athena community, unless you know of a more updated one that you can refer me to.
EDIT: Please let me know of any other pointer utilities on the forum and provide links. I remember seeing a few around but don't have the links nor names to search on.
I'll try it, thanks...
Hack this to work with the Vueflow!
And man, this could have saved my Universal with dead touchscreen Too late now though.
not bad I prefer using it with the keyboard. as I still have no rubber on the joypad. and with the keyboard it can move diagonaly
johnwalk said:
not bad I prefer using it with the keyboard. as I still have no rubber on the joypad. and with the keyboard it can move diagonaly
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What keyboard are you using?
Pyrofer said:
Hack this to work with the Vueflow!
And man, this could have saved my Universal with dead touchscreen Too late now though.
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Yes, this is nice for devices with dead touchscreen functionality. Just wish it had smooth and diagonal motion. Someone can hack this since we have the exe and dll and enhance it. I hope they do because I haven 't learned how to do this....yet.
ltxda said:
What keyboard are you using?
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I've used both the ameo keyboard, and an external keyboard, which is handy if I havnt got a mouse in the car. it goes diagonally by holding any two of the cursor keys.
johnwalk said:
I've used both the ameo keyboard, and an external keyboard, which is handy if I havnt got a mouse in the car. it goes diagonally by holding any two of the cursor keys.
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Ah, cool.
I'm using a BlueTooth mouse with BlueMouse and love it.
If you could hack ANY of the mouse drivers to work with VueFlo it would be amazing. Sooooo cool.
Id happily pay for it. I wonder if its worth starting a paypal bounty to get vueflo working in other apps.

Request: autoclicker

Hey all,
i been following these forums for a while, now im lookin for an application that can basicly autoclick/record like a mouserecorder on the pc
my idea is basicly like this,
you have your application open, than press a key on your phone or 2 keys at the same time that starts the recorder when pressed again it stops and you are capable to run the saved record and or even loop it or run it a specific number of times
does this allready excist or is it easy for someone to make or a nice idea to do?
so after all this time, this app still doesnt excist?
Hawkysoft said:
so after all this time, this app still doesnt excist?
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i also need it, seeking on google and find no result
poor us !!!
I guess you are seeking what are called 'macros'. Closest on Android is Tasker. On rooted devices, it can simulate d-pad inputs.
I thought he meant something like this. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zausan.zscreenrecorder
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] Use Galaxy S II as iPad touchpad/mouse?

Hey guys!
I got an iPad 2 because of someone's success, so it's kinda emotional - long story short, I can't sell it, so I want to use it in an efficient way.
- the question: is there an app that turns my Galaxy S II into a touchpad/mouse that doesn't require software on the client's side - or is there any app that pairs my phone with my iPad in this way?
/pushing myself into greater heights
You might be able to pair a bluetooth mouse to the ipad and hope it works like a cursor(it works on the sgs2 i believe) but no way is there anything that will allow you to use the touchscreen on the sgs2 as a mouse for the ipad.
peachpuff said:
You might be able to pair a bluetooth mouse to the ipad and hope it works like a cursor(it works on the sgs2 i believe) but no way is there anything that will allow you to use the touchscreen on the sgs2 as a mouse for the ipad.
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and what about using SG2 as mouse on a normal PC windows based?
hsh1979 said:
and what about using SG2 as mouse on a normal PC windows based?
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I use RemoteDroid. Works pretty good for me.
that looks to be using just wifi, i would prefer bluetooth without a client-server system
I use gmote.
ctomgee said:
I use gmote.
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that is exactly what i dont want because it requires an application installed on the PC.
hsh1979 said:
that is exactly what i dont want because it requires an application installed on the PC.
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Sorry, I had my add post window up before your post showed up for me, so I did not see your added criteria, and you didn't have this criteria in your original post.
Also, through a quick search of the market and google, I couldn't find ANY that don't have to install some kind of server software on the pc you are attempting to control.

[MOD by APP] Nebtop - Universal HDMI Webtop hack

This MOD by APP is different than the existing MOD by replacing system apks:
1. No risk of brick
2. Ease of use
3. Universal hack for phones and ROMs that has Webtop
Since this app is intended to support multiple devices, see the original post from the Razr thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1404625 .
Please report the test result in this thread. Whether success or fail and your device, ROM, etc.
It'd be nice to use the "Send" option in the app if it failed.
Working for me on mopho 198_7,rooted,with jokersax 1.3 preuvHighpro! Thank you!
it worked for me too!
It works, but the screen doesn't properly emulate a track pad. Connecting a bluetooth keyboard works fine though.
fendergrab said:
It works, but the screen doesn't properly emulate a track pad. Connecting a bluetooth keyboard works fine though.
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Is anyone else having this problem? I actually have this issue on occasion with the current webtop over HDMI hack that replaces the stock files. But, it doesn't happen all the time, only some of the time.
Also, if anyone can answer this for me, I haven't bought a lapdock yet, but I am considering it, if I do, I think the other webtop over HDMI hack will have to be removed to make the lapdock work, is that true? Second, if that is true, then this method shouldn't have the same problem right?
Please try with the latest version(v0.5). More diagnostic messages are logged and can be sent using the "Send Info" menu item from the app.
fendergrab said:
It works, but the screen doesn't properly emulate a track pad. Connecting a bluetooth keyboard works fine though.
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For the first question, I have no idea since I have never tried the "webtop over HDMI hack that replaces the stock files".
For your last question, if the Webtop related things are restored to the stock, this method will still work thus it should have no interference with the Lapdock.
bradleyw801 said:
Is anyone else having this problem? I actually have this issue on occasion with the current webtop over HDMI hack that replaces the stock files. But, it doesn't happen all the time, only some of the time.
Also, if anyone can answer this for me, I haven't bought a lapdock yet, but I am considering it, if I do, I think the other webtop over HDMI hack will have to be removed to make the lapdock work, is that true? Second, if that is true, then this method shouldn't have the same problem right?
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fendergrab said:
It works, but the screen doesn't properly emulate a track pad. Connecting a bluetooth keyboard works fine though.
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I cant make the track pad work at all. What stock apk files have to be installed for this to work? I am stock rooted with some bloat removed. I am thinking I might have removed one apk file to many...
Could you use the "Send Info" option in the app after you tapped the "Load' button?
my2cents said:
I cant make the track pad work at all. What stock apk files have to be installed for this to work? I am stock rooted with some bloat removed. I am thinking I might have removed one apk file to many...
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400757 said:
Could you use the "Send Info" option in the app after you tapped the "Load' button?
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All give it a go. I tried rebooting my phone, but still no luck. I sent the debug info via email. This is pretty cool. I've never bothered using webtop, but it looks pretty interesting.
EDIT: I already got an email back from the developer. He said that it all looks good, but the extdock state cant be set to 4, which is what mine loads to when I press load. I see what he says.
Yep, it seems that even everything for Razr looks good for Photon 4G, the track pad on the phone could only react to orientation but couldn't receive any touch action.
I will try to first locate this track pad from Razr, and how are the events being sent then inspect if this is working correctly for Photon 4G.
So this may not work at all.
If anyone got any real dock that made the Photon 4G to have the track pad working correctly, please kindly run logcat to log how all these happen and send to me for analysis. This may boost up the progress by differential analysis.
my2cents said:
All give it a go. I tried rebooting my phone, but still no luck. I sent the debug info via email. This is pretty cool. I've never bothered using webtop, but it looks pretty interesting.
EDIT: I already got an email back from the developer. He said that it all looks good, but the extdock state cant be set to 4, which is what mine loads to when I press load. I see what he says.
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I don't have a dock, so i cant be of much help there. Hopefully someone can run the logcat for you. If you need me to test anything else, I will gladly do it.
Now it seems to me that logcat is not enough.
I've figured out that evbridge is the process that draw the virtual pad on the phone and responsible for translating and forwarding touch events to mouse movement and key inputs to the Webtop world.
It seems to be using /dev/webtop/input/event4 as a placeholder for the touch event. But when evbridge is not running, those event devices won't work.
So in the worst case your phone have the evbridge running, some event4 receiving touch events but just that are not being processed and forwarded to the Webtop world.
In this case I will need to look deeper inside evbridge for how it actually emit the events or how the Webtop world see and process them then find out which part is broken.
my2cents said:
I don't have a dock, so i cant be of much help there. Hopefully someone can run the logcat for you. If you need me to test anything else, I will gladly do it.
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More of the "track pad" stuffs have been studied(https://sites.google.com/site/androidnothize/nebtop/webtop). What remain are testers like "my2cents".
In short, we used TeamViewer(on PC) + PuTTY(on PC) + SSHDroid(on phone) + WiFi(connect PC and phone) + time.
In the last test I haven't studied enough of the track pad so couldn't make real use of it. But now I've studied more of it and have sorted out 3 possible points of breaking the chain of events from the touch screen to the Webtop. Unfortunately "my2cents" seems to be on a vacation.
If you know what are these and could prepare these, we could arrange a time that both of us could go online at the same time to perform the investigation.
Send me a PM or email me at either this nick name or another at gmail.
400757 said:
More of the "track pad" stuffs have been studied(https://sites.google.com/site/androidnothize/nebtop/webtop). What remain are testers like "my2cents".
In short, we used TeamViewer(on PC) + PuTTY(on PC) + SSHDroid(on phone) + WiFi(connect PC and phone) + time.
In the last test I haven't studied enough of the track pad so couldn't make real use of it. But now I've studied more of it and have sorted out 3 possible points of breaking the chain of events from the touch screen to the Webtop. Unfortunately "my2cents" seems to be on a vacation.
If you know what are these and could prepare these, we could arrange a time that both of us could go online at the same time to perform the investigation.
Send me a PM or email me at either this nick name or another at gmail.
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Hi 400757,
I was on vacation for new years. I got your email, but it was at 5 AM my time and we left that morning to go see family. I am back at home now and I am happy to help again. I will be available all day tomorrow and possibly tonight. I have to get the kids in bed first...
Follow up of the freshly done live investigation on my2cents's Photon 4G.
Turn out that it is quite different than Razr....that lead to more unknowns and needs a working Photon 4G as the basis to compare with.
One must-fail point is that evbridge is expecting /dev/input/by-id/touchscreen which doesn't exist at all. This is the first problem that made the track pad unresponsive.
Secondly the aev and evfwd input devices are not exposed to the X using xinput like in Razr.
After linking this path to the touch device /dev/input/event4, the track pad buttons became responsive though those events are not forwarded to the Webtop cursor.
strace didn't show further open failure afterward.
Thus in order to ease the life, a working Photon 4G Webtop with track pad is needed for inspection.
Does that mean that if someone has a dock, you could debug that way?
I'm not sure....
If someone has the HD dock, and used it to activate the Webtop mode, and if the track pad works.......
Then later using the Nebtop to activate the Webtop mode should work too.
In contra, if a fresh boot using Nebtop doesn't work, (due to the missing device link) but if the HD dock make it work, then it means there're some extra stuff done by recognizing a real HD dock.
Otherwise, if both Nebtop and HD dock failed, perhaps it's regional issue? eg. Some region's Photon 4G has track pad bug since there will be no selling of HD dock?
The last possibility perhaps related to the "bloat" apps that you've removed/disabled? But this is odd that if the app would create the device link under /dev...
my2cents said:
Does that mean that if someone has a dock, you could debug that way?
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works great on stock rom rooted. but is this where ads that pop up in notification bar?. .... they are driving me crazy!
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using XDA
ads r driving me crazy! they pop up in my notification bar! are they from this app?!
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using XDA

Can An Android Program Control The Mouse Pointer?

For windows, you can write a program which moves the mouse pointer and sends keyboard/mouse clicks. Is the same possible in Android?
There are already apps that do that, and even you can use to phone todo input text and as a gamepad.
sent from my Optimus Black V28c
Get remotedroid
Joey121215 said:
Get remotedroid
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RemoteDroid uses your Android phone to control windows. I want something like RemoteDroid to control another Android. I couldn't find anything so I was going to write one, but as far as I can tell, Android doesn't let you move the mouse pointer. Is this true?
nothing is there yet which can make mouce work on android
but you can try tablet remote to control one android with another
can be used as arrow keys of a keyboard
please tell me about an app with which I can use my mobile as a gamepad after connecting it through USB cable (mobile is rooted)
dheeraj (dhlalit11) said:
nothing is there yet which can make mouce work on android
but you can try tablet remote to control one android with another
can be used as arrow keys of a keyboard
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No mouse though. Starts to confirm my findings that the xda doesn't support mouse control. Darn.
Questions should be posted in Q&A forums, not Development forums.
See rule #15
Thread moved.
MSmithXDA said:
For windows, you can write a program which moves the mouse pointer and sends keyboard/mouse clicks. Is the same possible in Android?
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Yes, you can but you MUST have root.
Try Droidmote
or LANmote

