[Q] Voice input in Android 3.2 switches from English to Japanese - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Not my normal wont to buy such a new machine, but circumstances led to my purchase of a first-day-in-the-store Toshiba AT 700 Regza tablet running Android 3.2. After a couple of days of use, I have encountered one particularly annoying problem:
Voice input works quite well, though still on the basis of a few sentences at a time. However, when I do voice input in Gmail, it switches from English (the current language setting) to Japanese (Toshiba's initial market for the new box).
I'm almost sure this is really a problem with the implementation of FSKAREN, the Japanese conversion system. It's possible that it involves the keyboard selector, however. (Sorry, Dorothy, but the Toshiba website is clearly not ready yet, though I may telephone them later...) This behavior is different from my prior experience with voice input in Android (both versions 2 and 3). However, for whatever it is worth, the Japanese recognition is surprisingly good since my Japanese pronunciation is certainly not native-like.
Any ideas or diagnostic suggestions? I was tweaking around in the keyboard settings and actually got it to accept one sentence in English from within Gmail, but that is obviously not a solution. I'm loathe to disable FSKAREN or even to poke at it too hard, but I'm thinking that one solution might be to use an alternative keyboard and enable the input system selector...
Not sure if the background will help, but most of the applications are running in Japanese, though the main applications (as in those from the Google) and including Gmail do run in English mode with English menus. I can usually get along well enough in Japanese, but most of my correspondents read English, not Japanese...
I posted the same question in the Google forums, but I'm almost certain the increasingly evil Google will evade involvement and my prior experience with those help forums has been distinctly unhelpful. So I decided to be optimistic and try over here, too.


[Q] using Android Tablet as Chinese Handwriting Pad for PC ?

want chinese natural handwriting recognition, but don't have $1000 for a wacom cintiq graphics tablet? google to the rescue. This is another one of those "why didn't I think of it before?" things whose answer a couple years ago was simply because it wasn't possible nor practical.
I know, microsoft pocket pc has had the Transcriber function for over 10yrs, but the english version couldn't recognize chinese, and the asian ime cabs, well, the largest ones i could find had writing surfaces of about a square centimeter, try using that with a stylus! Almost as frustrating as using a regular wacom on a Windows onscreen Handwriting Recognition drawing pad, that is if you can manage to get it installed on windows.
1. Android Tablet or phone.
2. free gPen writing program from android market, plus Google PinYin IME,
3. Instant Message program of your choice
4. WiFi/internet
Maybe I couldn't find the answer because I can't write much chinese, don't use IM much, and until I got the 7" android tablet, only had the 1cm IME on my WinMo phone.
The free android market SCUT gPen program on the tablet gives you a 4"x4" writing area, can toggle to full screen if you like, and has very fast and accurate writing recognition. I'm using it with the Hanping Chinese Dictionary for offline chinese learning
As for IM, i tried skype (too big), Evernote(60mb limit), DropBox(no IM), Fring(no pc, huh?), YahooMessenger(delay/offline issues), LiveMessenger(delay/offline issues), finally settling with Palringo, which works pretty fast on both android and PC. When I finish a sentence on my tablet, I right click on PC to copy to clipboard, and paste whereever i want.
So, my current setup involves, Palringo IM(free), 7"dellStreak(refurb under $100-$200), gPen (free), and Wifi. I suppose the cheaper ePad ($70 Android ipad on ebay) would work too... hell, even if only using my HD2, this combo is still way better than any PenPower or Wacom Graphics Tablet out there just for chinese handwriting.
I'm still a noob with regards to android and IM in general, since I'm still dualbooting the HD2 (90% on WM6.5). So here're my questions:
1. Anyone know of an easier IM program to copy/paste the writing over WiFi?
2. How well do those ebay $2-$20 capacitive pen work for writing? (are they all created equal?) (if anyone has any experience of it on the Streak7 or Samsung Tab?)
3. Recommendation for other drawing programs that'll work over wifi/IM ?
Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro now has Chinese handwriting recognition built-in.
atlaswing said:
... So here're my questions:
1. Anyone know of an easier IM program to copy/paste the writing over WiFi?
3. Recommendation for other drawing programs that'll work over wifi/IM and for chinese handwriting?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
... bump ...
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Moving to Q&A
Problem solved (?)
This is an interesting topic that had until now escaped my attention. I will risk a scold.
Maybe we can use this:
(Better use unified remote as described in edit2, below in this same post)
This program uses your android device as input. It does not recognize characters, it doesn't serve as drawing pad. I just gets characters from your android device and sends them to your PC. It is up to you to get a chinese input for your android, first, so you can use this software for chinese.
wifi handwrite pad uses a propietary program to link to windows and linux. This eliminates the need of IM and one copy paste in your scheme.
There are several chinese ime. For instance, sogou. It can recognize drawings into chinese characters, a la pleco. It is free. Pair with wifi handwrite pad your favorite pc-mobile input link and you have a character recognizer in your android powered device
Heck, I wish this existed 2 years ago. hahaha.
Maybe you will want to try Unified Remote for android instead of the other app. Because it is cheaper, first. It also supports many other functions. This latter advantage might have a 5 minute configuration penalty (learning curve) attached. Works like a charm too
You can use Google chinese input (IME), since it is english friendly. Sougou is far better, but the interface is in 中文 only
I know this is an old thread but I am interested in something that can do this now. I've been buying expensive devices to input Chinese characters for my parents but they keep breaking. We have extra Android tablets and would be very interested in a way to provide input from Android in the form of Chinese characters onto their Windows 10 PC.
just want to help all Chinese linux users with handwriting input as a redemption for my using everything open source all these years. Download KDE Connect at both ends. Find a handwriting app and install in your android phone. Use remote input via your phone.

Applications for the Visually-impaired.

I'm practicably legally blind and reading emails/SMSs and text in games is damn near impossible for me.
I've got the Samsung Ace and I've found an app to switch the answer slider with a big-ass button, I'm using WP_Clock (Which was mentioned here, thanks!) to see the time and date.
I've rooted and tried a few font resizers but none worked and the ones that did only worked on the English font (most of my phone is in Hebrew).
Does anyone have any idea how can I deal with this, other than getting Android eyes
Oh, one more thing:
I've used Total Recall and CallRecorder to record my calls, both record me fine but the other side through the mic, any idea if there are other apps that can record both sides at the same quality?
May all who read this post be touched by his noodly appendage,
Oh yeah, My doctors told me it'll be easier to read white text on a black background, so I downloaded a few of those modified apps (Gmail and DropBox). If you know of any others, I'd appreciate a mention.
Noob to android!!
On my Samsung GT 5570, there is an accessibility option under "options", with text to speech features. But looks like the phone has to download several components. Have not tried them, will try them out if you are interested.
Running Gingerbread 2.3.3 (but it was there in froyo 2.2.1 Africa version too).
Saw that option on my run-through of the device (saw isn't exactly the word...)
Not that comfortable using an actual magnifying glass on your cellphone.
Can't stand that thing, that's why I'm posting, looking for something a bit more comfortable like resized fonts and such.
Thanks for trying though, appreciate your assistance!
Using accessibility features in Android
Ok. I have a Samsung GT S5570, "mini".
I have upgraded from 2.2.1 Froyo to 2.3.3 Gingerbread.
To enable accessibility features, more specifically, text to speech, you need to go into two options,
1, Settings > Voice input and output
2. settings > accessibility
I cannot remember which one I opened first, but the phone asked me to enable data downloads / background sync as I entered both menus. ("Always on GPRS" - if you are new to android - especially were using Nokia phones so far).
Once the data is downloaded, go to #1. First entry is "Listen to an example". You can change the language and speed of text to speech engine in other menu options below. At the bottom, I have and entry, which says "engine" and underneath, "PicoTTS". This means required data and text speech engine are installed on the phone.
I guess the available languages are dependent on the ROM you use - you probably need to have the African ROM. (Hope somebody will correct me here).
Here is how to actually enable the phone to read the screen,
Settings > Accessibility > Talkback.
Just enable Talkback. That is it.
Again, I appreciate your help but as I've said, I'm not too comfortable with the TTS and prefer, as long as I have other options, not to use it.
If anyone has any other apps in mind, I'd love to know.
Otherwise, The built in TTS has been checked and discarded, thank you.

[Q] Chaning Hardware Keyboard Layout Independantly Of System Language.

My granddad recently purchased a 9" android tablet from china, for him it really hasn't paid off. He loved being able to sit down anywhere and just browse the web, play some little games, check emails and view documents for his various charity groups. But the device was slow, poor screen resolution and backlighting and awful at locking onto a WiFi signal.
So this week he bought a galaxy tab 10. He has been much happier with this device and decided to buy a Bluetooth keyboard at the same time.
However he didn't check the layout before purchasing and has accidently bought a US layout keyboard in the UK. Otherwise the keyboard is fine. It doesn't look flash and is made of plastic but it works and you can actually type quite nicely on it, does the job.
Our problem is that when we set the system language on the galaxy tab to English UK shift 2 returns a " symbol as is normal for UK keyboards but the keyboard is a US keyboard and it is marked as @. Setting the system language to English US fixes that. But we're British and use UK English. So far he has been using it this way anyway but it has been annoying him, setting the system language to English US annoyed him more.
Is there a way to set android to use a US layout keyboard but still use a UK system language?
He doesn't want to buy a new keyboard and seems happy enough to live with the US one but would still like the symbols to match up.
I think your solution is External Keybord Helper.
EDIT: It can setup different layout for your external keyboard including different language. And most probably you can manually set up the keyboard layout. First try the demo version if it works than get the pro one.
Pease press the thanks button if you find this helpful.

[Q] Soft keyboard with HTML5

Hi there, first time poster. I was wondering if someone could answer a few questions for me as it pertains to HTML5 and bringing up a Keyboard on Android (any version). I am a website developer and I have recently gotten into making my web applications mobile friendly, but I'm running into some snags when trying to get a certain keyboard to show up on Android / iOS and I'm wondering why it's not a bigger issue than I've seen so far.
Right now, if I add an <input> onto my page and add type="number", Android will pull up a keyboard that has numbers, etc. My problem is, the field I'm using isn't a "real floating point number", which all major browsers (except IE11) disallow. If I have an input set up to take a credit card number, I cannot allow the user to add dashes to make it easier to read while using type="number". However, I'd rather have the number keypad pop up by default as it really is all numbers, just not a calculatable (is that a word?) number.
I was wondering how difficult it would be for Android to add in something so when a field is clicked into, it would look for a specific vendor prefix to load a soft keyboard of the web developer's choosing? For instance:
<input type="text" data-soft-keyboard="number">
<input type="text" data-soft-keyboard="email">
which will give the device very clear and explicit instructions on which type of keyboard to display.
Sorry if this seems way out in left field, but I haven't found a decent solution to this issue. I went to Chrome forums to discuss and people said Chrome is 100% working off of the HTML5 spec. My personal opinion is that the HTML5 spec is wrong and why the hell are browsers doing validation against data in textboxes when I didn't specifically ask for it. However, I'm not really sure which direction to go at this point.
Any suggestions or opinions on the matter would be very nice, thank you

regarding my user dictionary, i want nothing else

I would like to remove all preinstalled dictionarys from my phone (or deactivate them permanenetly), to use only a dictionary created by the way i type. Like a learnable keylogger that skips words with contained numbers (passwords and alike). How is this possible? I searched quite some time an could not find a sollution.
A dirty workaround would be to prioritize user dictionary words, which is currently not done, and is annoying as f.
Android 7, rooted
If somebody knows, great, if not, no problem. Please enlighten me
For the record. It seems like swiftkey keyboard solved my issues, not exactly what i wanted but close enough.

