Getting Webtop to connect to windows shares - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

alright, I'm getting really frustrated with this, webtop is pretty much doing everything I need it to, aside from connecting over local networks to Windows based file systems.
I have an unlocked bootloader, rooted, running stock ROM with faux 1.3 ghz kernel (which should add CIPs support right? or is that just for android?), webtop2sd running xfce4 with gigolo trying to connect to windows shares, and it is just not working. I cant even get gigolo to connect to an FTP server (hosted on a windows machine), much less connect to an actual shared windows folder. It said comes up saying "Failed to mount windows share" or something of that nature.
At this point, I'm willing to pay some cold hard paypal if someone can help me out here, because this can totally replace my laptop if this can get working.
I dont know what the problem is, but I do know that the samba-common package is broke. I'm not sure if that is related to the problem or not.
Webtop can be a real headache!

You mean CIFS support, right? Not CIPS support. CIFS is related to Samba implementation. If this is what you are needing you may have not found anything if you were searching for the wrong acronym.
Here is a post about CIFS support in another forum.
By the way what Rom are you using? And are you using Webtop2sd?
I really like the Darkside 4.2 rom but I cannot get Webtop2sd to recognize my partitions.

lol.yeah,wrong acronym, I am a pretty big linux nub
im using stock ROM, with webtop2sd like I said in my initial post...
EDIT - just double checked, the faux kernel I have has CIFS support, so I am still at a loss what the issue is. I do have a couple theories though:
1. The broken samba-common package is still causing a problem
2. How do I know that the programs trying to connect to shares locally, are connected via the wifi,and not trying to connect via the 3G? As an example, if I have a server on, could the program be looking on the internet for that address over the 3G instead locally over the wifi?

so if ES File Explorer on my phone in mobile view can connect to both FTP and Windows share servers, why cant the webtop connect to either?

My offer still stands, if someone can help me get the webtop linux to connect to either windows file shares or at least an FTP server, I will be more than willing to donate some money via paypal.

have you checked out CifsManager linked by faux on his kernel thread?

Thats an andoid app. Esfile explorer works on android too, i am able to connect to both windows shares and ftp servers
But i am looking for webtop linux to do that instead, which it doesnt seem to want to do


[Q] Mount Network Shares on the X10 ?

So, in doing a few searches (I read the instructions here, yes), I came across a wonderful idea of a tool called CIFS, and even across an old thread that talks about making it work for the X10... on the old 1.6 roms.
Unfortunately, the FreeX10 2.2 that I'm using doesn't like the module, and I was wondering if anyone knows of either (a) an updated module that works on 2.2, or (b) another way to mount my network shares from my desktop (Win 7 Pro x64, but can be anything with my VMWare if need be) on my X10.
Any ideas from the wonderful folks of the XDA X10 Forums ?
ve6ay said:
So, in doing a few searches (I read the instructions here, yes), I came across a wonderful idea of a tool called CIFS, and even across an old thread that talks about making it work for the X10... on the old 1.6 roms.
Unfortunately, the FreeX10 2.2 that I'm using doesn't like the module, and I was wondering if anyone knows of either (a) an updated module that works on 2.2, or (b) another way to mount my network shares from my desktop (Win 7 Pro x64, but can be anything with my VMWare if need be) on my X10.
Any ideas from the wonderful folks of the XDA X10 Forums ?
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You could just install ES File Explorer from the market. I use it to connect to the shares on my home PC and to the Network shares at work.
Astro (Also available in the market) has a SMB module as well to connect to shares but I was never able to make it work for me.
Edit: In a pinch you could also setup a FTP server on your pc and use an app like "And FTP" to connect and transfer files, or if you want to do it from the PC you could install "SwiFTP" on the phone, setup the FTP server on your phone and connect to it from your pc.
Thanks for the update. I will give ES a try. I have SSHDroid on my phone already and can WinSCP file from the PC if needed, but when I am roaming the house, it is better to not have to go back to the computer.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

Motorola Phone Portal USB Linux?

Has anyone gotten this to work, or come close? Wifi over work really isn't an option..
Switching to phone portal gives me a srX device, none of the settings give me any type of usb interface.
I've done searching but haven't found any threads discussing USB moto phone portal for linux, i'd be willing to help figure this out.
arch/gentoo/lfs/ubuntu user.
Are you trying to use it as a Mass Storage Device under linux? Make sure you have the following working under your linux installation. Scroll down to the linux section.
No, I can mount it as storage no problem.
I want the web portal you can use with Windows. Where I can view text messages, etc from a browser.
My main work pc is linux, as are all my home PC's. I don't like the idea of using WiFi for this at home, and it's simply not an option to have WiFi running at work.
I tried installing the motorola suite under wine to no success.
If I could get the phone to be in the state it is when it's connected to a windows PC(serving that web interface), I could manually configure the usb0 interface, bridge, and connect?
any linux guys been working on this?

CIFS Manager with OSX SMB

Does anyone have any idea how i can get CIFS working with my OSX SMB Server? I have probably tried every option and keep getting an invalid argument.
I set up my IP as and the mount point as mnt/cifs/Downloads, put in my login and pass but the thing just won't connect. Im running OSX Lion and this is driving me crazy. Is there some secret setting that I'm overlooking? Some special **** that needs to be done to get the phone to see my Mac??
Im running KingCobra v1.3 (Rogers ShooterU stock kernel w/ CIFS support).
Im hoping someone with some more experience can help me out.
Also want to point out that ES File Explorer can connect to the SMB Server and stream from it just fine. Only issue is that i would like to use CIFS to mount this drive so i can play my 3D Movies with the stock player as if they were on my phone.

[Q] Samba woes with Win7

Hello, I'm trying to access my UrukDroid 1.6RC2 from a Win7 desktop.
Samba is disabled in the UrukConfig and when I turn it on it just gives error. However the one time I did get to to work was when I had it turned off and used the Samba app that was included with UrukDroid. By just enabling it I managed to get some files across from the Win7. I tried enabling a custom pass but that proved useless seeing I was able to just access the share without needing one.
Reset that, then gave up on it for a few days then tonight I tried the same thing and somehow the share doesn't show up under Network in Win7 so no way to even access it...
Anyone have any answers or advice? This is a shame cause I love me some Samba.
well im not sure waht urukconfig is doing for samba.
But if u wanna know how to start:
U can ALWAYS setup each service manualy without UrukConf.
To get started - read the sama man pages - or some general linux samba howto - its anolog to the android versions...
Anywy if u just want to figure out what's wrong with the urkukconfig-samba - start a terminal-session on your archos (or use ssh from win7) and browse to /etc/uruk.conf and /etc/uruk.d wich hold the configuration and the startup files for the UD services.
To debug simplay run the samba script in /etc/uruk.d/ and check for the error output
if u don't knwo what the error means - report it here - or even better: use google
good luck

[Q] wifi file transfer from windows xp to android

Yes, I did search. I didn't find what I was looking for.
I have a Samsung Galaxy 5 player running gingerbread. I'm trying to access files on it from my WinXP box via wifi. This seems like it should be a very common thing to do, but I simply can't find it. If I plug it into a usb port, I can access the drives. Can this be done via wifi?
Again, I want to access the android from the PC. Not the other way around.
Thanks for any help.
Three possible solutions pop into my mind (I guess there are many more):
1) Use a ftp server on the phone and access the files using that.
2) Use AirDroid or a similar app. It will give you wireless access to your phone's file.
3) This includes something that you said you didn't necessarily want to do but should also work: Use an app such as ES File Explorer and connect to your Windows XP PC via network. You can share a folder over the network (with write access) and then you can copy files from your android to your pc. But I guess that is the least ideal solution of the above.
I hope that the apps mentioned above are available for your device and that a method works.
Thanks, Fabur. I'm sure one of them will work.
The reason that "android -> pc" isn't an option is that much of the time, I'm using it as a wifi camera to monitor what my dogs are doing elsewhere in the house. But it would be nice to be able to access the files on the player from my pc.

