shared photos - HTC EVO 3D

I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to sharing pictures taken from my phone.
What are my options if I want to share photo's with family/friends. I thought dropbox would be good, but unless I read the directions wrong I can't send anyone links to folders - just individual pictures.
For example, if I am on vacation and take pics with the phone I would like friends and family to view these photo's.

Create an account with Photobucket, or Picasa etc. You can take photos and load them to your account. They have apps you can use to manage the folders you place photos in. Then just direct link people the photo albums.


[Q] Assigning contact photo issues

Stock Galaxy S3 - Android 4.1.1
I can only use photos taken by my phone as contact photos.
If I go to gallery, and select any picture from the camera album that was taken by the phone ( internal or external storage ) I'm good to go, but if I select a photo from any other stored or edited album I have created, and try to set it as contact photo it will bring up the phone book, allow me to pick my contact, then allow me to crop the picture if need be, but when I click done, I get a black screen and no photo is assigned to my contact.
In other words, if I have downloaded a picture from a text, email, or just transferred from my computer, I can never get that to assign to a contact. I even tried dragging these photos into the camera album and repeating the process.. but still no luck.
I have an application called Deja office I use for contact syncing as I use ACT contact database on my PC to maintain my contacts, and although I can assign photos to my contacts through that app, there is no editing capabilities when I do it that way.. no cropping, resizing, etc.. and the photos look like crap. Reason why I mention that is the app takes over the editing capabilities of contacts direct from the phone itself and I can't edit a contact through the normal samsung phone book.
But with that said... strange I can change any contact photo as long as it is taken by the phone itself via the camera gallery(s), and cannot with any other photo??
I searched for anyone having a similar issue.. and seem to be all alone? Anyone.. anyone??
Problem solved on my own...
Found out that the only contacts I could assign photos were one's also in my google contacts. Those that were set up just in Deja office would not allow me to edit photos.. period.
I synced all my contacts to google, ( didn't really wanna do that ), but merged them and combined duplicates and now I can update the contact photos.
If a mod wants to delete this thread.. go ahead. It might serve some purpose for those that use Deja Office though.

Gmail creating albums in Picasa with no permission at all??

Hi all,
Yesterday, I was updating the picture of around 15-20 of my main contacts. I did that from the web interface of Gmail. It took a long hour to select the pictures from my computer and add them all from this not-very-friendly web interface.
Once finished, I ran to take my new Nexus 4 and I was pleased to see all those 15-20 contacts updated with a decent resolution version of the picture.
But the second surprise was not so good at all: when I enter in the Gallery of the Nexus 4, I realize that for each picture that I upload from Gmail, an album in Picasa was automatically created and therefore, in the Android Gallery I had 15-20 new albums with one pic each... Thanks Lord that I decided not to update the pictures of the 178 contacts that I have in Gmail account...
REALLY Google??... Is this really necessary?
Do you really need to generate one Picasa album with one (and only one) picture in it for each contact that you decide to update the picture of?... C’mon, if you want to force me to use your Picasa service, what about to generate ONE and only one Picasa album named “contact pictures” and place inside of it all the contact pictures that you upload from Gmail?
Needless to say that I have already deleted all those 15-20 albums from the Picasa web interface because that was the only way to make them disappear from my Nexus 4 Gallery…
Am I missing something or this is, by far, the most stupid thing that Google has implemented recently?
PS: apologies for my poor English.

[Q] Can someone explain how Google+ Photos works?

I had been using Dropbox for Camera Uploads that I take with my phone so that I know I have them backed up, but Dropbox has such a low storage that I wanted to turn to Google Drive/Google Photos.
Ever since I made the attempted change, it's been a huge headache. From what I've gathered, if you use Auto Backup for your phone, photos that you take will be uploaded to Google Photos BUT not into ANY album and simply sorted by date. Even local files that are neatly organized into folders are just thrown into Google Photos, forcing you to hope you can find that one photo you are looking for.
Of course, you can put those photos into albums AFTER you back them up/upload them but that's a huge pain in the arse to do, so why do they NOT have it organized by folders/albums? Is there no way to do this? I also wanted to be able to do that by having my photos from my desktop to backup to Google Photos but it is a hellish nightmare trying to sort through all of them.
I've searched and searched for questions related to Google Photos but almost none of them have been found, thus I am asking here. Does anyone have anything to help me? I just want to be able to organize my photos (around 2k worth) and not have to take a day or two just to sort my photos in albums when they should be in the first place. :/
Never use it myself, but the Help page here: describes how to set up the folders to backup. Maybe that'll do it?

[Q] Sync Picasa albums with multiple accounts

I have my pictures loaded on Google Picasa. I can see the pictures in my Android Gallery app.
Id like to see my pictures also on my wife's gallery app. So far I havent been able to.
Ive tried adding my google account. Tried adding her to My Circles (Goggle++ thing) and having the albums shared to that group.
Anyone know if its possible?
Only way so far is to just give her a link to my pictures, in which she can then use the browser to see them. But sure beats the purpose of having them for offline viewing on her phone. BTW, from what I read, Gallery is going away for 5.0, and offline viewing of online pictures will be removed.

Facebook: Camera Roll to Folders - when Uploading Pictures

whenever I go to upload a photo on facebook, it automatically goes to camera roll. Having thousands of pictures in all different folders to search and hunt the one photo I care most about to send... this is VERY frustrating. Is there any way to switch it so that when I go to upload, it allows me to choose from my folders?
No reply at all? ?

