optimus one stay in android logo :( after update - Optimus One, P500, V General

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help urgent i updated my p500 to android 2.3.3 with software update kdz but when it finechd i turn on my phone freez in android logo :'( haw can i solve :''''''''''''''''(((

kimogunz said:
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help urgent i updated my p500 to android 2.3.3 with software update kdz but when it finechd i turn on my phone freez in android logo :'( haw can i solve :''''''''''''''''(((
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ccdreadcc said:
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ow i have a p509 (potimus t) i flashed with a rom p500 and i dont know can i repair..my phone now intiimengency mode and i search of p509 firmware befor flashing plz can you tell me where can i download??

kimogunz said:
ow i have a p509 (potimus t) i flashed with a rom p500 and i dont know can i repair..my phone now intiimengency mode and i search of p509 firmware befor flashing plz can you tell me where can i download??
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p500 and p509 is same,
first try hard reset(home+vol down+power on)

Flash recovery using lgmdp and then flash a rom in zip format ie a custom rom i much better then flash using kdz updater.kdz is very risky if you flash work then kdz can break your phone completely but don't worry just flash recovery and flash a custom rom.


[Q] Custom recovery is not working on 2.2.2?

I have optimus one 2.2.2
I tried install Custom recovery on my phone
but it didn't work
it is working on 2.2, 2.2.1 only?
please answer for me
(I have korean optimus one)
sondw said:
I have optimus one 2.2.2
I tried install Custom recovery on my phone
but it didn't work
it is working on 2.2, 2.2.1 only?
please answer for me
(I have korean optimus one)
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다운그레이드 하시고 해보세요;;
Try downgrading it.
dongimin2 said:
다운그레이드 하시고 해보세요;;
try downgrading it.
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다운그레이드를 할수가 없어요 ㅠㅠ
지금 2.2 펌버전 kdz 파일도 없고,
a/s 센터 갈수도 없는 노릇이여요.
혹시 방법을 알고계신가요?

Official update after rooting?

I had updated my phone to the new base band using official Lg update and then i had rooted my phone and also have installed Recovery from Rom manager and Franco Kernel.
Now a update from Lg update tool pops up asking to update the phone.
Can i update my P500, Will there be any problems?
Can i install any custom roms for the new baseband?
I have franco.Kernel.v1-16082011 are there any better kernels out there now?
My phone vibrates when i receive a Msg even when i have switched vibration off, what do i do to resolve this problem?
Don't know if you can uptade by official way after rooting...(in my opiniom the oficials roms are very ugly and had lots of bloatware)...Yes, you can install any rom(if it's for old baseband just intall old baseband trough kdzupdater)...About kernel:if you are unhappy if the touchscreen lag, flash paolo kernel(v6=vsync on, v5=vsync off)...and about the vibration:try downloading audio manager from market and uncheck(or check) the boxes of vibration...
About msg vibration --go to message--setting --below notification--vibrate--never..
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
FPChaim said:
Don't know if you can uptade by official way after rooting...(in my opiniom the oficials roms are very ugly and had lots of bloatware)...Yes, you can install any rom(if it's for old baseband just intall old baseband trough kdzupdater)...About kernel:if you are unhappy if the touchscreen lag, flash paolo kernel(v6=vsync on, v5=vsync off)...and about the vibration:try downloading audio manager from market and uncheck(or check) the boxes of vibration...
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Can u please let me know how to use the Kdzupdater ??
androidusero1p500 said:
About msg vibration --go to message--setting --below notification--vibrate--never..
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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Tried that but still it vibrates...
globeent1980 said:
Can u please let me know how to use the Kdzupdater ??
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Try this method !
But also keep in mind that after using KDZ u will have to root and install custom recovery again.
globeent1980 said:
Can u please let me know how to use the Kdzupdater ??
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Rutuj said:
Try this method !
But also keep in mind that after using KDZ u will have to root and install custom recovery again.
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Use this method, it has more infos and less chance to bricky your phone and yes... you'l have to root and install recovery again if you install a rom, but if you just change the baseband your phone will not brick and you won't need to root again.For change the baseband you can use this method(don't forget to look at the first thread to check if you have the drivers and the lg modem disabled with more info and maybe something i forget, used to change basebands and roms)

network problem with rom 'BlackBird_v1.1_beta5' on p509 plz help :(

Hi guys ! finaly i install CWM recovery one my p509 with lgmdp and i install rom BlackBird_v1.1_beta5 this rom is so good <3 but my phone doesn't detect my operator network plz help
kimogunz said:
Hi guys ! finaly i install CWM recovery one my p509 with lgmdp and i install rom BlackBird_v1.1_beta5 this rom is so good <3 but my phone doesn't detect my operator network plz help
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Why can't people read? Our Optimus T has old baseband (v10) while BlackBird is based on new baseband(v20).
InfiniteRisen said:
Why can't people read? Our Optimus T has old baseband (v10) while BlackBird is based on new baseband(v20).
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thx ..can you tell me how can i restore my basband with this rom?
kimogunz said:
thx ..can you tell me how can i restore my basband with this rom?
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i solved the problem i flashed a new baseband on p509 from P500 v20G baseband into lgmdp ... it realy work

Help me lg flash tool

friends help me recognize my lg flash tool LGE970 AS A LGE971, and I can not flaher the stock rom my LG E970
diurno66 said:
friends help me recognize my lg flash tool LGE970 AS A LGE971, and I can not flaher the stock rom my LG E970
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Have you tried LGNPST, it is more widely used for E970.
Sorry but I am not able to understand the issue here.
Is your phone E970 or E971 ?? What is the issue with the phone. And is it that your phone is recognized as a different device ??
I think you can flash the teenybins/alt.bins and then flash the respective radio alongside , if you are not able to find a proper stock rom to re-flash.
You are using LGNPST or something else ?
Rishi. said:
Sorry but I am not able to understand the issue here.
Is your phone E970 or E971 ?? What is the issue with the phone. And is it that your phone is recognized as a different device ??
I think you can flash the teenybins/alt.bins and then flash the respective radio alongside , if you are not able to find a proper stock rom to re-flash.
You are using LGNPST or something else ?
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I have a LGE970, and I want to re-flash a stock ROM, but when utiliso LG flash tool detects it as a LGE971 and says fail when flash. sorry friend my English is not good
diurno66 said:
I have a LGE970, and I want to re-flash a stock ROM, but when utiliso LG flash tool detects it as a LGE971 and says fail when flash. sorry friend my English is not good
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What version of drivers are you using on the pc ?
What Rom you were having previously on the device ?

My phone thinks is D618 but is a D610 Help

HI !! I have LG D610AR and now have a TWRP recovery and installed a zip rooted lollipop from model D618, all works for me perfecty but l wanna flash my original software with flashtool and I get stuck in 2%, and tells me error to take out the battery and retry. How to fix? I have the drivers installed and i installed with flashtool several times before this zip and this time i tested with several KDZ with no succes i think my phone believes that is a D618. not a D610 anymore ! I dont know hiw to fix this Please give me advise
Try editing build.prop.
what line do i change?
what part do i change?
veritovdr said:
what part do i change?
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Everything with d618, I guess.
Sent from my D620r [Stock 4.4.2 , -V- Kernel]
veritovdr said:
HI !! I have LG D610AR and now have a TWRP recovery and installed a zip rooted lollipop from model D618, all works for me perfecty but l wanna flash my original software with flashtool and I get stuck in 2%, and tells me error to take out the battery and retry. How to fix? I have the drivers installed and i installed with flashtool several times before this zip and this time i tested with several KDZ with no succes i think my phone believes that is a D618. not a D610 anymore ! I dont know hiw to fix this Please give me advise
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i have the same problem, were you able to fix it somehow?
i don't want to flash kdz to avoid unlock bootloader and install recovery once again.. i have a twrp backup of stock kk and cm11 , but i don't want to brick my device when restoring..
I bricked my phone D610 trying to unlock the bootloader. I payed for the reparation, but they flash a D618 rom. I want my D610 rom back. How can I do it without brick my phone again?
Lg Flash Tool won't let me flash a d610kdz

