[Request ] htc ime trace keyboard with arrows - HTC Rezound

I have tried to flash the HTC ime trace keyboard with arrows in the sensation but ran into a problem....the sensation screen resolution is qhd where our resounds is hd. Can any themers out there port this for the rezound?


[Q] Htc ime mod theme "Q"

is there a way to install a themed HTC IME keyboard over the default one from gimpsta on Axura?

[Q] HTC IME with arrows

Is there a way to get arrows on the keyboard? I've tried shiftx keyboard and I prefer the htc one.

[Q] Sense 3.5 Quick Launch

Is there any way to get the Quick Launch widget from Sense 3.5 working on a non rooted Evo 3d??

[Q] HTC Style Keyboard

I just switched from a HTC Desire to a Galaxy S3 and what I miss most is the keyboard. Its not only the style, its also the button layout (yes, the small differences with , and . buttons make a difference for me, also the hide keyboard key)
Is there a keyboard that comes close to HTC Keyboard (white keys, similar layout) or even a port of HTC_IME_mod?
Edit: I got the HTC_Ime_mod to run (downloaded from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24612766&postcount=3431) but the keyboard does not scale in resolution, so its small in the bottom left corner ^^
have a look at smarkeyboard, it has a HTC skin

LeeDroid Tweaks GSM/Remove arrows from Keyboard

Hey, can anyone share the APK file of LeeDroid tweaks for GSM version of ICS as found in roms like Predator's? All I have to do is remove arrows from Sense 4 HTC IME keyboard. If there's an alternate method, do let me know

