[Q] hboot 1.07.000 - HTC Flyer, EVO View 4G

Hi all,
I have a HTC Flyer 32g, 3g and was looking to do the required to make GSM phone calls on it. However, my hboot version says 1.07.00 so revolutionary does not support to change to s-off....so any help on if/how i can change the hboot version to 1.10.000 would be much appreciated.
NB - totally new to the world of HTC/Android (having just moved up from a Motorola V3i...yep i know i know).
Thanks in advance

marcoliveruk said:
Hi all,
I have a HTC Flyer 32g, 3g and was looking to do the required to make GSM phone calls on it. However, my hboot version says 1.07.00 so revolutionary does not support to change to s-off....so any help on if/how i can change the hboot version to 1.10.000 would be much appreciated.
NB - totally new to the world of HTC/Android (having just moved up from a Motorola V3i...yep i know i know).
Thanks in advance
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Do the OTA update, if this is a UK stock one, the first update just updates Gingerbread and takes the bootloader to 1.10
Its the 3rd update that takes it to HC,
So you are safe doing the first update OTA to get to the 1.10 BOotloader.
THats the way I did mine (One of the Dixons 32gb 3g ones!)

Ah thats excellent thanks, updated, followed the instructions in (external link) and now have s-off.
Thanks for your help.


[Q] how to install HBOOT 1.01.1000 on my HTC legend

Good morning everyone.
I am desperately looking for a way to put my HTC which is 1.00.0000 by 1.01.X000 in order to put it in "S-off" with "XTC clip more" which is only compatible with versions 0.33.X000, 0.43.X003 and 1.01.X000
Thank you in advance for your reply.
PS: Sorry for my English certainly approximate.
I thought you can s off without using the clip at this point. But anyway I think Blay0 made a guide for this.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
Good morning.
Thank you for the reply but I tried all the procedures in this site without success. the phone tells me it is impossible to downgrade the HBOOT.
in fact I am looking for a LEGEIMG.zip whith HBOOT in 1.01 and not in 0.93
Thank you in advance for your reply
Hang on a second, my understanding is that if you have Hboot lower than 1.00 you can S-OFF without XTC clip via visionary method, if you change to Hboot 1.00 or higher you can't S-off except with XTC clip? (More Money)?
I have read on Blay0s guide that having Hboot 1.00+ can be really good because the recovery portion is slightly smaller? Which gives us slightly more rom space yeah? and also allows for bad sectors (I Have 2 on my phone btw).
If you do an upgrade to htc froyo it already has Hboot 1.01 as part of the upgrade, isn't this what you want?
P.S. when I first got my phone it was eclair with Hboot 0.43 when I put froyo i got Hboot 1.01.
I carry out its proceedings, but at some point the phone told me that he can not downgrade to 0.93.
So I try to upgrade to 1.01.0000.
In France the Froyo Only HBOOT 1.00
I had the wrong idea at the time to do the update from my phone company.
nicus74 said:
I carry out its proceedings, but at some point the phone told me that he can not downgrade to 0.93.
So I try to upgrade to 1.01.0000.
In France the Froyo Only HBOOT 1.00
I had the wrong idea at the time to do the update from my phone company.
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If your really that desperate to get S-OFF hboot 1.01, then the following might help, I emphasise MIGHT as in it possibily might not work.
Edit: as an after thought this will unroot your phone but with hboot 1.01 so you'll have to root again
have you been to shipped roms here
downloaded a froyo rom from another country with Hboot 1.01 and tried to install it? It may need a goldcard to work???
I know that the AU rom has the 1.01 update
I don't know what the difference is between these to releases.
I'm not sure if they support French language, so you may have to experiment with something from another European country.
Of course doing these things are all at your own risk, however being S-ON I don't see how you can brick your phone.
Once your S-OFF then you can flash what every you like.
Thank you!
I'll try that.
we'll see if it works.

[Q]What kind of system I am using?

Hi all,
I got a HTC Flyer P512.
It is running a Eng build Honeycomb rom I guess.
Since it is not so stable and not localized to my place, I would like to flash it with a stock rom image.
But before that, I would like to know more about that since I am not not so familiar with that.
1. I see that my flyer is Eng S-Off, will it turn to Ship S-ON if I flash a stock rom for that?
2. If I make a full backup for that? Can all the things be able to restore back (include Eng S-OFF and rooted Eng build system) by that, and how?
Thanks for that.
I have little experience on handling Xoom but HBoot and RUU in flyer is new to me.
Start here
and do some reading. Information is available for all your questions.
We didn't make a YouTube video because we are all so ugly the cameras cracked.
Thanks for your quick response.
I read the thread before.
According to this thread,
I found that my cidnum is 11111111
Which is not mentioned. However after I do some research, I found that it is a superCID.
Does it mean that My machine is S-OFF in permanently and can be able to flash any rom I want, and such kind of cid can not be changed by software in anyway?
OK, that's a new one to me. I recommend you contact Globaltron on the forum here and ask him. He's the expert on models, boot, etc.
That appears to be a US model, so you would have to flash a US RUU to return to stock if that is the case. Not sure what the effect of having Eng S-OFF is . If you do successfully flash a stock RUU it will return you to S-ON, locked. Then you have to go through the process to obtain S-OFF again
Thanks again!
My Flyer is got from Google ADL last year.
It is running an eng build Android 3.2 with testkey.
Therefore I am wondering if that is a engineering machine without any flashing limitation.
Thank you again.
studenttwok said:
Thanks again!
My Flyer is got from Google ADL last year.
It is running an eng build Android 3.2 with testkey.
Therefore I am wondering if that is a engineering machine without any flashing limitation.
Thank you again.
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If you saw my post on general subforum, you may noticed we have same flyer model. Which from contacting with Globaltron is Prerelease Engineering Model of Htc Flyer.
I also get the cid: 11111111 from my device.
I'm trying to install a stock wwe rom now and see what will happen.
Thanks or your reply.
I use RUU to updae my flyer to HK wifi room.
It works!
It turns from ENG S-OFF to SHIP S-OFF.
Cid remains 11111111
That is expected, you had ENG not SHIP s-off. Run revolutionary to get S-OFF again.

[Q] T-Mobile USA Flyer 4G HC OTA to HC Rom

T-Mobile USA HTC Flyer 4G
Gingerbread 2.3
S-Off (Revolutionary)
Root (Revolutionary)
Customer Recovery
Received Honeycomb OTA (Alert Only, have not installed)
S-Off, Rooted, Custom Recovery with Customer Honeycomb 3.2 Rom (LeeDroid or Cool Honey 3D)
I have heard the OTA update messes up things for running custom roms. I would like to know if I do the OTA update with my current situation, will I keep S-off, Root, Customer Recovery so I can load a custom rom after. Or do I need to use some other method.
Give me a copy of the OTA zip file and I'll make you a light version upgrade, what you have now is not compatible with doing an OTA upgrade.
I'd greatly appreciate if you could do a couple of things for me as part of this procedure, as this would allow me to provide and easy upgrade for TMO stock HC also.
globatron said:
Give me a copy of the OTA zip file and I'll make you a light version upgrade, what you have now is not compatible with doing an OTA upgrade.
I'd greatly appreciate if you could do a couple of things for me as part of this procedure, as this would allow me to provide and easy upgrade for TMO stock HC also.
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So I'm downloading the update right now, I'm guess that will be a zip on my storage that I need to upload to you. (I'm guessing to a file share site like megauploads). Then what is it that you are doing with the file. I guess I don't know what a light version is and what would be my process after that to get to Customer Honeycomb. I know that I need the honeycomb radio and HBOOT I think to run honeycomb custom rom or it won't work.
Yes, it will be on the sdcard somewhere and rapidshare is probably your best bet for a working upload site right now, or stick it in dropbox in plublic folder and send me the link.
Link to T-Mobile HTC Flyer 4G OTA Honeycomb Update
Just wanted to ask a question to Dynabass, does your flyer make and receive phone calls over tmo us gsm? How bout data?

[Q] I badly need help - Please give thread a read - HBOOT, S-OFF question

Hi guys
Sorry if this has been already answered. I tried to search for solution many times and asked in threads of ROM but people give very vague answer. I don't want to risk losing my device and want to stick with easy rooting.
I followed this guide to root my phone: http://androidforums.com/evo-3d-all-things-root/494212-complete-newbies-guide-rooting-flashing-evo-3d-roms-kernels-using-fastboot.html. I installed everything but didn't do S-OFF. One thing I'd like to share is that I did unlocking through HTCdev and also that I run Rogers phone. Currently I'm using kingcobra 2.4 ROM.
So now I wanted to install ICS but I need to install new firmware. I tried to revert back to stock ROM and do ICS update but it'd stop at HTC screen and same thing happened when I tried to install ICS rom.
So I need to install this new firmware for sure, but I have S-ON I think. Now things I need to know and perform I believe are:
Install new firmware
Now do I have to do RUU update as well? If so, where do I do that and how do I know what RUU I am running? Also I'm running HBOOT 1.49.0008 because I did unlocking through HTCdev
If I wanted to simply use the Rogers ICS update, how can I get it? Do I still need to S-Off? I did full back up. Please explain very clearly.
you want to go back to stock so you can install the OTA / official ICS rom?
You can dl the RUU from the htc website. Rename it to PC86IMG.zip and let it install in bootloader
Whats the link for it please? I am on Rogers evo 3d
Also I think i have the base RUU?
The only rom I installed had this:
Base: Rogers RUU 1.20.631.2 HTC EVO 3D (Shooter U GSM)
Android Version: 2.3.4
HTC Sense: 3.0
Kernel: Your choice:
I chose original kernel, meaning not installing any. I don't think I need stock ruu now do I?
If someone can find me an easy S-off tutorial, I would be more happy to do that and stick with rooting.
I have spent too much time trying to find a way to update to ICS and I am regretting to root my phone now =[ I can't get ICS either way...
go to htcdev, enter your info and they'll let you dl the ruu for your phone.
i used s-off wire trick , try that for hboot 1.5


I am new to the forums and read the forum post, i needed to in devs for this. However since I cannot actually post there and get some help until i get 10 posts, I thought I might post here. I am completely lost in these forums hehe
Anyway to the point.
I have a European HTC One S (S4) sim is unlocked, bootloader unlocked and rooted phone. It shows on bootloader screen tampered and unlocked.
However my hboot is 1.15.0000
The reason I wanted to get s-off is so i can download and install the latest 4.2.2 sense 5 update, but apparently cannot with s-on? I actually thought it didn't matter if it was on or off, most roms can be flashed regardless as long as bootloader and is rooted?
Basically, I need some advice / help for a newbie to allow me to achieve s-off with all the above done (i guess the chance for bricking is really small compared to when rooting?). I really do not want to brick my phone, and I have no idea about supercid or whether its even needed on the european models, since there does appear to be differences in the software.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give to me
Any help would be appreciated.
sylvantino said:
I am new to the forums and read the forum post, i needed to in devs for this. However since I cannot actually post there and get some help until i get 10 posts, I thought I might post here. I am completely lost in these forums hehe
Anyway to the point.
I have a European HTC One S (S4) sim is unlocked, bootloader unlocked and rooted phone. It shows on bootloader screen tampered and unlocked.
However my hboot is 1.15.0000
The reason I wanted to get s-off is so i can download and install the latest 4.2.2 sense 5 update, but apparently cannot with s-on? I actually thought it didn't matter if it was on or off, most roms can be flashed regardless as long as bootloader and is rooted?
Basically, I need some advice / help for a newbie to allow me to achieve s-off with all the above done (i guess the chance for bricking is really small compared to when rooting?). I really do not want to brick my phone, and I have no idea about supercid or whether its even needed on the european models, since there does appear to be differences in the software.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give to me
Any help would be appreciated.
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for some reason it wouldn't let edit the initial post to add this link in ->http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2155135 this is outdated for me, because the latest hboot is 2.15.0000

