[Q] T-Mobile USA Flyer 4G HC OTA to HC Rom - HTC Flyer, EVO View 4G

T-Mobile USA HTC Flyer 4G
Gingerbread 2.3
S-Off (Revolutionary)
Root (Revolutionary)
Customer Recovery
Received Honeycomb OTA (Alert Only, have not installed)
S-Off, Rooted, Custom Recovery with Customer Honeycomb 3.2 Rom (LeeDroid or Cool Honey 3D)
I have heard the OTA update messes up things for running custom roms. I would like to know if I do the OTA update with my current situation, will I keep S-off, Root, Customer Recovery so I can load a custom rom after. Or do I need to use some other method.

Give me a copy of the OTA zip file and I'll make you a light version upgrade, what you have now is not compatible with doing an OTA upgrade.
I'd greatly appreciate if you could do a couple of things for me as part of this procedure, as this would allow me to provide and easy upgrade for TMO stock HC also.

globatron said:
Give me a copy of the OTA zip file and I'll make you a light version upgrade, what you have now is not compatible with doing an OTA upgrade.
I'd greatly appreciate if you could do a couple of things for me as part of this procedure, as this would allow me to provide and easy upgrade for TMO stock HC also.
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So I'm downloading the update right now, I'm guess that will be a zip on my storage that I need to upload to you. (I'm guessing to a file share site like megauploads). Then what is it that you are doing with the file. I guess I don't know what a light version is and what would be my process after that to get to Customer Honeycomb. I know that I need the honeycomb radio and HBOOT I think to run honeycomb custom rom or it won't work.

Yes, it will be on the sdcard somewhere and rapidshare is probably your best bet for a working upload site right now, or stick it in dropbox in plublic folder and send me the link.

Link to T-Mobile HTC Flyer 4G OTA Honeycomb Update

Just wanted to ask a question to Dynabass, does your flyer make and receive phone calls over tmo us gsm? How bout data?


3UK will lock the Hero down.

I have rooted my 3UK HTC hero and running Hero21 community 1.7.
If the Hero gets an official upgrade to 2.1 then if I upgrade, 3UK will lock the Hero down.
I want the best of both worlds, I want to have the latest upgrade, but I don’t what the network provider
To lock it down.
Any help!
What you mean exactly 3 will lock it down? I am also on 3 and are curious on what you mean.
official 3UK update
If you use the official 3UK update (on the HTC web site) you cannot root the phone with 3UK update 1.5
I can’t ... do you know different?
i think the official 2.1 will not allow the phone to be rooted anyway? So dont update if you want root until 2.1 is hacked
just dont update to the official 2.1 version....just wait for someone to come up with a custom 2.1 rom with htc hero driver and all....shouldnt take more than a day for dev to make one once the official version is released
nicknyhk said:
just dont update to the official 2.1 version....just wait for someone to come up with a custom 2.1 rom with htc hero driver and all....shouldnt take more than a day for dev to make one once the official version is released
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more like 10 mins or so...
more like 10 mins or so...
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yeah but only if htc can get 2.1 out the door
Sent from my aHero using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I have the latest 1.5 rom for 3UK on my Hero.
I've been reading that its difficult to root. Is there any special way to do this?
I hear the goldcard method is most successful, do I need to have an unlocked phone or can I just install a different rom?
If I goldcard the phone does that mean my current rom will be rooted or that I have to install a custom rom to allow root? Are there any rooted 3UK roms around?
raj2022 said:
I have the latest 1.5 rom for 3UK on my Hero.
I've been reading that its difficult to root. Is there any special way to do this?
I hear the goldcard method is most successful, do I need to have an unlocked phone or can I just install a different rom?
If I goldcard the phone does that mean my current rom will be rooted or that I have to install a custom rom to allow root? Are there any rooted 3UK roms around?
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Use BTDAG's guide linked in my signature. it gives all the information required to be able to flash custom ROMs with root access. You do not need a specific ROM for 3UK, just use any ROM you fancy, then re-install the 3UK stuff like MSN and SKYPE separately.

[Q] Revolutionary?

Hi there,
I currently have my phone rooted and running Clockwork mod. It is S-on as I rooted this mid-late last year.
I want to install CM7 (stable) and so I'm thinking maybe I should start fresh, get S-off and then install CM7.
How do I do this? Do I have to un-root and install a stock rom, and then root with Revolutionary?
EDIT: I have an old version of H-Boot too so I need to update that
arnienz said:
Hi there,
I currently have my phone rooted and running Clockwork mod. It is S-on as I rooted this mid-late last year.
I want to install CM7 (stable) and so I'm thinking maybe I should start fresh, get S-off and then install CM7.
How do I do this? Do I have to un-root and install a stock rom, and then root with Revolutionary?
EDIT: I have an old version of H-Boot too so I need to update that
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Yes before you can run Revolutionary you need to install the AT&T official 2.2.2 update to update the HBOOT if you have an AT&T branded Aria. If you have an unbranded Gratia, then there is a thread that documents how to upgrade the HBOOT so that you can then you can run Revolutionary.
Edit: Just noticed that you are in Austrailia. I don't know if the Gratia upgrade instructions will work or not.
You can try it or the next suggestion would be to visit the LiberatedAria IRC (link is at the bottom of attn1's signature in the Gratia upgrade post) and maybe they can assist you:
Do NOT run the Gratia tool on the phone. Since you don't have a Sense 2.2 boot partition, it will soft brick the device if you use it.
Instead I'd suggest using the AT&T RUU on your phone. However you can't just run the RUU application like you can with an American Aria. Follow the directions in this post instead: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=14953134&postcount=28. There was another user (the person who I was responding to in that thead) who was able to use this method successfully with his Australian Aria (although it was on another carrier I believe).
Thanks guys, I'm in New Zealand not Australia btw.
I used the AT&T ROM and did all the steps and am now running a nand unlocked CM7 phone
This should help, I followed it and successfully rooted my phone & installed CM7 http:// wiki. cyanogenmod.com/wiki/HTC_Aria:_Full_Update_Guide

[Q] Installing ROM on a branded HTC Flyer?

Got an o2 branded HTC Flyer. Don´t want to root it or install custom images but only would like to install an unbranded image on it. Read that there could be a risk to brick the device by OTA due to a special provider CID. Right or not?
I would contact GlobalTron on this forum. I think he has the most expertise in stock ROM installation.
Easiest way, run revolutionary to S-OFF and flash an unbranded ROM excluding the hboot image.
Second way is to use a goldcard and flash a custom image...of course I recommend the former.
After s-off I can get OTA updates for the official ROM without any problems? You wrote that hboot will remain the same.

[Q] I badly need help - Please give thread a read - HBOOT, S-OFF question

Hi guys
Sorry if this has been already answered. I tried to search for solution many times and asked in threads of ROM but people give very vague answer. I don't want to risk losing my device and want to stick with easy rooting.
I followed this guide to root my phone: http://androidforums.com/evo-3d-all-things-root/494212-complete-newbies-guide-rooting-flashing-evo-3d-roms-kernels-using-fastboot.html. I installed everything but didn't do S-OFF. One thing I'd like to share is that I did unlocking through HTCdev and also that I run Rogers phone. Currently I'm using kingcobra 2.4 ROM.
So now I wanted to install ICS but I need to install new firmware. I tried to revert back to stock ROM and do ICS update but it'd stop at HTC screen and same thing happened when I tried to install ICS rom.
So I need to install this new firmware for sure, but I have S-ON I think. Now things I need to know and perform I believe are:
Install new firmware
Now do I have to do RUU update as well? If so, where do I do that and how do I know what RUU I am running? Also I'm running HBOOT 1.49.0008 because I did unlocking through HTCdev
If I wanted to simply use the Rogers ICS update, how can I get it? Do I still need to S-Off? I did full back up. Please explain very clearly.
you want to go back to stock so you can install the OTA / official ICS rom?
You can dl the RUU from the htc website. Rename it to PC86IMG.zip and let it install in bootloader
Whats the link for it please? I am on Rogers evo 3d
Also I think i have the base RUU?
The only rom I installed had this:
Base: Rogers RUU 1.20.631.2 HTC EVO 3D (Shooter U GSM)
Android Version: 2.3.4
HTC Sense: 3.0
Kernel: Your choice:
I chose original kernel, meaning not installing any. I don't think I need stock ruu now do I?
If someone can find me an easy S-off tutorial, I would be more happy to do that and stick with rooting.
I have spent too much time trying to find a way to update to ICS and I am regretting to root my phone now =[ I can't get ICS either way...
go to htcdev, enter your info and they'll let you dl the ruu for your phone.
i used s-off wire trick , try that for hboot 1.5

Update bootloader? HD Voice?

I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction. I gave my wife my Evo 4G LTE over a year ago, and it's worked great running Mean Bean (not sure about the version). The phone is unlocked, rooted and S-Off. Recently, I thought it would be a good idea to update it to KitKat, mainly because I was hoping that the newer ROMs would utilize HD voice. Long story short, I realized that I need to have the 2.10.0000 bootloader and mine is 1.19.something. So, I have a couple questions:
1. Do the newer custom ROMs support HD voice, or do I need to revert to stock?
2. What is the recommended method to update the bootloader?
Sorry if I seem clueless, but I've moved on from this phone a while ago and forgot all about the S-On/S-Off hoops you have to jump through.
ED2O9 said:
I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction. I gave my wife my Evo 4G LTE over a year ago, and it's worked great running Mean Bean (not sure about the version). The phone is unlocked, rooted and S-Off. Recently, I thought it would be a good idea to update it to KitKat, mainly because I was hoping that the newer ROMs would utilize HD voice. Long story short, I realized that I need to have the 2.10.0000 bootloader and mine is 1.19.something. So, I have a couple questions:
1. Do the newer custom ROMs support HD voice, or do I need to revert to stock?
2. What is the recommended method to update the bootloader?
Sorry if I seem clueless, but I've moved on from this phone a while ago and forgot all about the S-On/S-Off hoops you have to jump through.
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The latest official update was to Android 4.3 which is Jelly Bean, not KK. I believe the HD voice update was part of the software version 3.17 update (Hboot 2.09). There were only 2 or 3 custom ROM's for that particular software version, mostly due to the fact that it was not a major update for the EVO LTE. Any ROM based off that software version should support HD voice. You can run the RUU for that update and you'll remain S-off. Hit the top link in my sig and scroll down to the section on RUU's for further info. This method will also update you to Hboot 2.09.
Magnum_Enforcer said:
The latest official update was to Android 4.3 which is Jelly Bean, not KK. I believe the HD voice update was part of the software version 3.17 update (Hboot 2.09). There were only 2 or 3 custom ROM's for that particular software version, mostly due to the fact that it was not a major update for the EVO LTE. Any ROM based off that software version should support HD voice. You can run the RUU for that update and you'll remain S-off. Hit the top link in my sig and scroll down to the section on RUU's for further info. This method will also update you to Hboot 2.09.
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This doesn't answer the question of how to get to HBOOT 2.10.

