[Q] I surrender - HD2 fried, battery main suspect - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Yes, I am a noob, and after searching and looking through a lot of threads, I decided to make this post, knowing full well how annoying it must seem to those of you who actually know even a little about phones.
Someone special to me got the HTC HD2, and it was a bargain. But she hated windows, so I offered to help. She's had it for ages by now.
I believe I did everything correctly, blindly following guides (which I know is a bad idea from reading threads similar to this one).
The thing that makes my problem somewhat special is:
- Everything went smoothly, the android build is amazing
- I was a hero for a few hours
- She's playing some game when it suddenly freezes.
- Buttons not responding, afraid the battery has to go.
- Boots up, android guy stares at us for more than five minutes, battery has to go again.
- Nothing, NOTHING, happens after. Can't boot, screen is black.
So obviously I'm suspecting the battery is completely dead. It won't charge either from the computer or by plugging it to the wall. It was connected when it crashed, and there must have been power left. Now, I have the HTC desire HD, so I can't test my battery with the other phone.
Before I try to buy a new one, I need to know, being completely oblivious with regards to anything more complicated than rocks, if it's possible that I have installed any kind of software that can permanently mess up a battery. Feel free to laugh if this is the dumbest question ever. It's weird how it booted a little before permantently shutting down.
To make matters a lot worse, she's going abroad for five months possibly only equipped with a really old nokia phone until I can get things fixed and sent off to her (which will be quite expensive and perhaps risky.)
Have I messed up good, or is it just chance that the battery should fry hours after getting the android rom? Should I get a new one? Her phone was actually smoother than mine until the crash.
Sorry to make yet another "dumb noob ruins phone" but I really need to redeem myself, and fast.
Edit: Remembered the course of events was a bit different.

well, if I tell you that the phone wont charge when off when magldr is installed, would that change your opinion of whether the battery is at fault?
id suspect the crash broke something preventing rebooting (had this myself once or twice with nand android ) followed by teh battery being flat so wouldnt come back on. (And of course magldr wont let it charge when off....)
get an old usb cable, any type, cut end off, bare red and black wires, plug into wall charger and then hold red to + black to - on the battery for about a minute, this should let the phone start, , put it into bootloader (coloured stripey screen, not magldr) and let it sit there for a hour or three with usb plugged in, should now be charged enough to see if you can get into magldr, from there into cwm, and from there id do a backup, and then perform 'wipe data/factory reset', , if it boots to the clean rom, you can try (again in cwm) selectively restore the data and/or sd-ext partitions, which should bring back teh data and the installed apps. if the restore doesnt work, just do another wipe data/factory reset and start from scratch.
also, check the battery pins very carefully, they bend easily, especially when you pull teh battery whilst panicking!

samsamuel said:
well, if I tell you that the phone wont charge when off when magldr is installed, would that change your opinion of whether the battery is at fault?
id suspect the crash broke something preventing rebooting (had this myself once or twice with nand android ) followed by teh battery being flat so wouldnt come back on. (And of course magldr wont let it charge when off....)
get an old usb cable, any type, cut end off, bare red and black wires, plug into wall charger and then hold red to + black to - on the battery for about a minute, this should let the phone start, , put it into bootloader (coloured stripey screen, not magldr) and let it sit there for a hour or three with usb plugged in, should now be charged enough to see if you can get into magldr, from there into cwm, and from there id do a backup, and then perform 'wipe data/factory reset', , if it boots to the clean rom, you can try (again in cwm) selectively restore the data and/or sd-ext partitions, which should bring back teh data and the installed apps. if the restore doesnt work, just do another wipe data/factory reset and start from scratch.
also, check the battery pins very carefully, they bend easily, especially when you pull teh battery whilst panicking!
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What ARE you?
It started. Honestly, when I was crossing wires I half suspected someone was pulling my leg. I can't thank you enough. Maybe I will be able to get this thing running again before I leave in the morning. I'll visit the link in your signature at a later point, too, as you may have saved me some money here.
The only real problem is that with no prior experience, I didn't even really get into what the different programs I installed actually do, so I'm not even sure where to go from magldr. I took a backup of what was essential before flashing, so I guess I'll just try to navigate to wiping and resetting. So relieved.
e: Progress, thanks again, fantastic.

Multiplum said:
e: Progress, thanks again, fantastic.
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youre welcome.


Blank screen, red light?

Alright so a friend of mine wanted me to upgrade his phone for him to the new radio and all that stuff.
I tried run the official installer but I got an error that the battery wasn't at least 50 percent.
I left it charging overnight, came this morning to see a red light on the device. It won't power on at all. If it's plugged into the USB on my XP system, windows finds a new "Data Interface" device.
Tried doin the resets with holding the camera and power button and all that with no luck.
I've flashed both my phone and my girlfriend's in the past without anything like this going on.. obviously since I didn't get any kind of flash actualy going, I don't think that had anything to do with it.
Anyone know what do with a phone in this condition?
Also, my friend hadn't activated his sprint phone yet, he got the phone brand new from ebay, and had it for about a month or so, but had an overdue sprint bill he had to pay before he could activate it.. so if he took it to the store would they replace it there for him even if it was never activated?
Thanks for any help.
soft set it that will work
Dc_striker said:
soft set it that will work
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Is that just hitting the reset button? If so, I've tried that but it does nothing.. also tried that while holding the camera and power buttons but that does nothing as well.
If you're talking about something else, then please let me know.
Sorry for the double post, but I should also add that I put his battery into my phone and it works fine and shows 100% charge.
couple things here for debugging purposes.
Check your battery against your friend's for signs of abnormality. (especially leaks/contacts).
If all looks fine and it still doesnt work with your battery, you can try flashing with his battery (though that doesnt make much sense, but try it anyway just in case).
Since you say your phone works with his battery and not yours, it would lead one to assume you have a bad battery, though, you know what they say about assume, it makes an ass of u and me. ha. Anyway, try that and post results.
EDIT: See what happens when you put your battery in his phone, post results.
Psionfenix said:
couple things here for debugging purposes.
Check your battery against your friend's for signs of abnormality. (especially leaks/contacts).
If all looks fine and it still doesnt work with your battery, you can try flashing with his battery (though that doesnt make much sense, but try it anyway just in case).
Since you say your phone works with his battery and not yours, it would lead one to assume you have a bad battery, though, you know what they say about assume, it makes an ass of u and me. ha. Anyway, try that and post results.
EDIT: See what happens when you put your battery in his phone, post results.
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Thanks for the reply.
Both batteries will work in my phone just fine and both show a full charge. Neither battery will work in his phone, and neither will power up the device.
Both show only the red light when plugged in.
Any ideas?
Ah, i read it slightly backwards. Sorry.
Ok, so when you put a battery in his phone a red light comes on and a blank screen? No noises or any type of error message? Check the contacts on the back of his phone and make sure they're nice and clean, Check the back of yours against his, I think these phones have that open port on them (i dont feel like actually taking mine apart to be sure), and make sure those aren't "shorted" out by anything. If everything looks perfect compared to yours, I'd say your best bet is the phone is broken. (assuming you've tried getting it into bootloader with no luck, softresting and hard resetting with no luck). Let me know what you find under the batteries.
When I have the battery only inside the device, it does nothing, no red light, no screen, nothing whatsoever no matter what I press.
When i plug it in, it does nothing as well, but if I hit the reset button, the red light comes on and stays on until I unplug it. If it's plugged into a USB port, windows detects "Data Interface" but finds no drivers.
I checked the contacts, they look pretty much the same as mine, no signs of corrosion or anything.
that's very odd.
We've ruled out the battery at least. (send me the spare, just kiddin).
When looking under the battery there isn't a little hole for a factory reset is there? (i havent looked under my battery since i got the thing).
If not, that sucks. If there is, push it and see if anything happens.
Otherwise, I can't think of much else aside from a broken phone. Defect of some sort perhaps. I'm going to browse my manual real fast to see if it says anything about a red light, i'll edit this post if i find anything.
Try installing different bootloaders on there to see if anything happens. Also, try the exit-bootloader program to see if that helps. I'm not sure but when my phone has a redlight, it usually means that something is wrong. If all else fails, make that dreadful call to Sprint's technical support. Their customer service is a joke but their technical support can be very helpful.
i cant find anything in my book about a red light. I would probably give Tech Support a call (and tell them to send me their book) and see if they know what it is.
But as the guy above said, try different bootloaders see if you can get anything at all.
have u tired your battery onto his phone or try to see if your computer picks up anything expect data device
I had this happen once, Try this...
1. Remove the battery.
2. Plug in wall charger.
3. Power the device. (this may not do anything)
4. Install battery and wait for yellow light.
5. Press reset button on bottom of phone.
If you still get a red light and no power after that, I would guess that the phone is defective.
Sorry to say, but the phone is bricked...good luck having sprint replace a phone that was bought on ebay.
Please have a look at my thread and determine if this project appeals to you. Remember though, only submit it if you are totally sure that there is no fix for it any other way. Thanks.
hi, im having the same exact problem.. was there ever a fix for it?
thanks in advance
anyone? please helppp!! i just got this phone :[
ive had this happen twice since i got the phone. it happens right when i plug it into the charger, screen goes black and red light comes on. i found that taking out the battery for a little over 10 minutes while off the charger and it will come back on. havent had this happen since i got a replacement though.
Three days after I bought mine, this happened. Had done nothing with it (no third party software, nor rom changes). The tech said to let it sit on the charger over night, which did nothing. They replaced it for being DEFECTIVE.
Slack in my duties but not forgotten
Greetings all,
The symptoms described here are the classic where the bootloader has become corrupt. I am still working on it and have not given up, just had lots on the plate.

Phone died on its own today... Any advice ?

Hi guys,
I'm truly desperate tonight. This morning I was at work and recieved a phone call. Answered, everything was fine, and put the phone back again on my desk. Half an hour ater, wanted to send a text, so I tried using the phone: screen remained black. I was like "ok,, this stupid S2 froze again, I'll just reboot it bu pulling the battery out".
Did so and........ still nothing. WTF? So I tried plugging it to charge (AC adapter). No "battery" symbol on screen, nothing. Starting to freak out a bit... I trie with a colleague's AC Adapter, same deal. I also tried with his battery, still no go. Phone remains totally off, nothing on screen, can't enter download mode. The only change when I remove the battery/put it back in is that the phone remains cold at first, and then a couple seconds (30?) after I hit the power button, you can start feeling CPU/GPU getting warmer on the right of the camera lens. So basically there's electricity flowing.
Tonight I gave it a go and opened it up to check if something's fried inside. The only odd thing was that BAT500 (google for some explainations) had leaked but the leak was NOT (and I really mean it) causing damages (yet). I removed the battery, as it does not impact dramatically the phone (just causes the date etc to reset to 01/01 when you remove the battery, apparently). But phone still won't boot, no logo, no "battery chrging", no light on screen...
This really looks like the "hard brick" emmc bug, however I've been running 4.0.3 rooted with Chainfire's CWM kernel for the last 6 months or so, and I never did any wipe or "reset to factory". So the so-called "hard brick bug" shouldn't occur. But symptoms sure look like it.
So to get back to my opening phrase, I am truly desperate. I do have backups of nearly every SMS/MMS (maybe not the last 2-3 days but well... I'll get over it) on my Gmail account, however what I don't have is a backup of my contacts. For some reasons, I don't like my contacts to be synced with Gmail, so they were left on the phone's memory (and not the SD card, because I always thought (how stupid of me) "well why put a SD card inside when there's like 16GB of embed storage ?!"). So I'm f**ked for my contacts, and also for many many pictures that were still inside the phone and not yet extracted to my computer.
So the question (for which I fear I already have the answer): is there ANYTHING I can do? i've contacted a guy in Paris who owns a USB jig, so I'll give it a try this week-end if he's available. But other than that, is there ANY way to recover something from my brick? Or someone witha genius idea of how to turn it back on for at least 5-10 minutes... ?
Any help is appreciated I'm really feeling stupid, as I'm always backuping everything, and I probably have backups of backups of backups.... but just not for this stupid phone...
PS: Symptoms:
* Black screen, nothing booting nor charging
* When putting battery back on, nothing happens. If I hit the power button, phone starts getting just a bit warm near the lens (right side of it)
* No download mode
* Power+Vol down+Home + usb connection: nothing on screen, nothing on computer, no USB detected, ODIN sees nothing
* No it's not just the screen who died
Edit: Could JTAG be the magic solution? If so, is there any thread here like the "find a USB jig near you"... ? Wouldn't find the equivalent.
CoinCoin88 said:
Hi guys,
I'm truly desperate tonight. This morning I was at work and recieved a phone call. Answered, everything was fine, and put the phone back again on my desk. Half an hour ater, wanted to send a text, so I tried using the phone: screen remained black. I was like "ok,, this stupid S2 froze again, I'll just reboot it bu pulling the battery out".
Did so and........ still nothing. WTF? So I tried plugging it to charge (AC adapter). No "battery" symbol on screen, nothing. Starting to freak out a bit... I trie with a colleague's AC Adapter, same deal. I also tried with his battery, still no go. Phone remains totally off, nothing on screen, can't enter download mode. The only change when I remove the battery/put it back in is that the phone remains cold at first, and then a couple seconds (30?) after I hit the power button, you can start feeling CPU/GPU getting warmer on the right of the camera lens. So basically there's electricity flowing.
Tonight I gave it a go and opened it up to check if something's fried inside. The only odd thing was that BAT500 (google for some explainations) had leaked but the leak was NOT (and I really mean it) causing damages (yet). I removed the battery, as it does not impact dramatically the phone (just causes the date etc to reset to 01/01 when you remove the battery, apparently). But phone still won't boot, no logo, no "battery chrging", no light on screen...
This really looks like the "hard brick" emmc bug, however I've been running 4.0.3 rooted with Chainfire's CWM kernel for the last 6 months or so, and I never did any wipe or "reset to factory". So the so-called "hard brick bug" shouldn't occur. But symptoms sure look like it.
So to get back to my opening phrase, I am truly desperate. I do have backups of nearly every SMS/MMS (maybe not the last 2-3 days but well... I'll get over it) on my Gmail account, however what I don't have is a backup of my contacts. For some reasons, I don't like my contacts to be synced with Gmail, so they were left on the phone's memory (and not the SD card, because I always thought (how stupid of me) "well why put a SD card inside when there's like 16GB of embed storage ?!"). So I'm f**ked for my contacts, and also for many many pictures that were still inside the phone and not yet extracted to my computer.
So the question (for which I fear I already have the answer): is there ANYTHING I can do? i've contacted a guy in Paris who owns a USB jig, so I'll give it a try this week-end if he's available. But other than that, is there ANY way to recover something from my brick? Or someone witha genius idea of how to turn it back on for at least 5-10 minutes... ?
Any help is appreciated I'm really feeling stupid, as I'm always backuping everything, and I probably have backups of backups of backups.... but just not for this stupid phone...
PS: Symptoms:
* Black screen, nothing booting nor charging
* When putting battery back on, nothing happens. If I hit the power button, phone starts getting just a bit warm near the lens (right side of it)
* No download mode
* Power+Vol down+Home + usb connection: nothing on screen, nothing on computer, no USB detected, ODIN sees nothing
* No it's not just the screen who died
Edit: Could JTAG be the magic solution? If so, is there any thread here like the "find a USB jig near you"... ? Wouldn't find the equivalent.
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Sorry to say your motherboard is fried...
Only motherboard replacement will do...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q]Galaxy S2 i9100 keeps rebooting on standby

Hello, yesterday I cleared some cache using some app called "App Cache Cleaner - 1 Tap Clean" because my Dad's phone was low on storage, and it cleaned allright and then I umnounted the 2GB SD Card and then rebooted the phone. I don't know if this could be the cause, but ever since I did it the phone always reboots when the phone autolocks (or someone locks it). Sometimes it even reboots and stays black (note when someone calls you don't get a message that the subscriber is offline, it keeps ringing!) and then I have to hold the power button long enough for the phone ro reboot...
I removed the SD Card, tried factory reset, but nothing seems to work. The phone was never rooted or with a different ROM than the officials,. so I honestly have no idea why it keeps rebooting and doing stuff like that. It's on the latest available Android firmware -- 4.1.2.
What can I do to fix it?
Clean battery contacts with isopropyl alcohol, then try replace battery, then replace USB board/port - which is a relatively easy fix to do yourself for around 10 bucks (if you pay someone else to do it, labour could easily take this up to $70/80 or even more depending on labour costs in your country). If you decide to do this, KeithRoss39 has a guide in the General section (search for 'replacing USB charger board') that has all the info you need to get it done.
The other thing you could try before replacing the USB board is to flash stock firmware manually with Odin/in download mode (assuming you haven't already done this/the updates you've done up until now have been via Kies).
If I had to bet money though. I'd be wagering the battery (particularly if it's getting on age-wise) or the USB board (which is a common fault with Samsung phones).
Seriously, that is the only thing to do? I mean, it was okay yesterday and this suddenly hapenned... How can I be sure that it's from the USB Charger Board? And also, the phone won't reboot while I'm using it, but as soon as I lock it and wait a while, it reboots. I just tried wiping the phone again, and it even does that on the setup screen at the beginning... :crying:
Okay, I flashed a stock rom with Odin, as suggested, but it's doing the same thing... Now it's even worse! When I push the lock button when the phone is on, the phone freezes immediately and you can hear the lock sound looping over and over and over again. I have to hold the lock/power button for the phone to reboot... but it does that every time. Even when I don't press the lock/power button, only leave it to lock on its own, it does it again. It charges the battery just fine, I recharged it last night and it has 100% baterry... what could this be?

Phone Dies when not plugged in

Alright, I've got a hum-dinger here. I've been running CM12 for some time now, I started noticing much more frequent blue screens due to modem crashes so I wiped and reinstalled the ROM. Now I'm getting a really strange problem where so long as the phone is plugged in to something (charger, or computer) I can use the phone completely normally. The moment I unplug I get 1 of 2 scenarios:
1: the screen immediately goes blank (no power down sequence, no blue screen) and I'm kicked back to LG splash screen which then proceeds to go to the power off state. Attempting to power on again gets as far as the CM12 boot animation and then screen goes blank again. I've tried powering on several times from the stage only to get part way through the boot animation and then kicked back to the black screen.
2: Screen does not immediately go blank, I can swim around the home screens scroll to an app, even start an app - but about 10 seconds into the app the screen suddenly goes blank and I'm back at scenario 1.
The only way to get the phone past the ROM boot animation is to plug it back into something....but then I can't unplug lest I end up back at scenario 1.
The shutdown sequence almost looks like I tanked the battery, but going into the recovery (TWRP) I can see that I actually have a good 98% left.
Thinking CM12 had some issues, I tried another Lollipop ROM (blisspop) and I got the exact same behavior. Thinking Lollipop was still half-baked for this LG I reverted back to a KitKat ROM (CM11) and I got....the exact same behavior.
I tried wiping all the data, system, cache, dalvik, partitions and reinstalling completely from scratch -- but I get the exact same problem. The only thing I haven't tried yet is LGNPST back to 100% stock, but I'm struggling to see what difference that would make as I'm wiping out everything except the recovery between tries.
Anybody have any ideas, thoughts, comments? I'm grasping at straws here.....
You could always try to load the stock rom back on the phone to see if that does anything. Another thing you can try is to power off the phone, plug it up to the charger and see if it charges overnight, however I have a sneaking suspicion that the battery is toast.
Kilogrm, I've left it charging overnight and and am able to carry it around all day without issue doing the occasional glance at the time, but if I try to do anything of significance I will end up at a black screen again, so I'm rather inclined to believe it isn't the battery. I do have a replacement battery that I bought a while back that I never got around to installing....so I could try that.
I'm guessing that if I'm going to install a stock ROM I might as well just LGNPST back to stock....thoughts?
Ok well I used LGNPST to go back to JellyBean Stock, and I got the exact same behavior. I'm thinking it might be a hardware problem, but not sure what.
Well, it was definitely a hardware problem. I opened up the phone and took a look at the rigid-flex board that LG used to connect to the micro-usb jack and I noticed that one of the footprints was missing a component. I quick look around showed that a small(looked like 0402 size) diode had somehow sheared off at the solder joint and was rolling around in the case. I soldered it back on, replaced the battery with the new one I had gotten and closed the phone up. Everything works like a charm again. Now I just have to go back through the root/freeg/rom process again because I flashed all the way back to at&t ROM.
Remove the back cover, remove tiny screws on bottom and pop the cover off. There are another two tiny screws holding the battery connector on the pcb. Unscrew the tiny screws and unplug the battery, then plug in to power. Then unplug, plug battery in and plug power in. Let it charge. This added 8 extra hours on my battery from 15 hours to 24 hours. It appears to be going up too if u drain it to 0 dead and charge to 100 and unplug. Do it over and over again forever and the battery will slowly repair the damage.

Restoring Interrupted, Possible Bricking?

I started to restore to a back-up I made two days ago in TWRP and I think it got interrupted by my accidentally canceling it. I was on my way out the door and wasn't paying attention and must've touched the screen (phone in hand).
Now it behaves much like cadcamaro's description in his recent post about having tried to install a Z2 ROM. I can get into FastBoot, but all options simply shut down the phone. If I don't choose an option, it shuts down by itself after a a minute or so.
Power + Volume Down gets a short vibration.
When I plug it into the PC, Power + Volume Up Gets me a blue LED that stays lit, but the PC (and Flashtool) doesn't see it.
Power + Volume Down gets an orange, then green LED with vibration that repeats.
The first time I realized it was screwed up, I did get into Recovery. I tried to re-run the back-up (which is saved to external SD), and it shut down.
Thanks, all.
AddictedToGlass said:
I started to restore to a back-up I made two days ago in TWRP and I think it got interrupted by my accidentally canceling it. I was on my way out the door and wasn't paying attention and must've touched the screen (phone in hand).
Now it behaves much like cadcamaro's description in his recent post about having tried to install a Z2 ROM. I can get into FastBoot, but all options simply shut down the phone. If I don't choose an option, it shuts down by itself after a a minute or so.
Power + Volume Down gets a short vibration.
When I plug it into the PC, Power + Volume Up Gets me a blue LED that stays lit, but the PC (and Flashtool) doesn't see it.
Power + Volume Down gets an orange, then green LED with vibration that repeats.
The first time I realized it was screwed up, I did get into Recovery. I tried to re-run the back-up (which is saved to external SD), and it shut down.
Thanks, all.
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Have you tried pressing and holding the reset button next to the SIM tray? Try holding it down for 2+ minutes and see what happens.
Have you tried pressing and holding the reset button next to the SIM tray? Try holding it down for 2+ minutes and see what happens.
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Thanks for responding, BladeRunner.
I just tried that in a variety of ways, and got either no response or it simply did what it was doing. I'll explain;
Believing the phone to be OFF, nothing happens for 2 1/2 minutes of pressing the Reset button.
Same goes for a variety of combinations of switches also depressed, such as Volume Up/Down, Power, or any combo therof.
(At this point, I'm uncertain if I even have much of a charge in the phone.)
FastBoot is the menu that has the green Droid with a choice of 4 options, including Power Down, Continue to Power Up, Factory Reset, and something else, correct?
The one time that I did get that to appear during these last few attempts to use the Reset switch, the menu simply shut down after 15 seconds. I continued to press the reset switch, but nothing happened.
Plugged into the PC, the phone continued to cycle Power-On every 8 seconds, with the Orange LED followed by the Green, then Shut-Down. (Apparently, as without the screen on I have no idea what it's really doing....)
Plugged into PC, Power Button in and Volume Up gives me the Blue LED that stays on constantly, but depressing the Reset Switch does nothing.
As I stated earlier, I have no idea how much charge the phone has, so I'm leaving it on the PC in the Blue LED state. It may not be charging, but all it does when I try to charge it any other way is cycle through every 8 seconds with the Orange & Green LED.
Sigh... This would be the first phone I've ever bricked, and I've been messing around since Vivo on the V3m, and always very careful. Sucks since this has been my favorite of them all.
AddictedToGlass said:
Thanks for responding, BladeRunner.
I just tried that in a variety of ways, and got either no response or it simply did what it was doing. I'll explain;
Believing the phone to be OFF, nothing happens for 2 1/2 minutes of pressing the Reset button.
Same goes for a variety of combinations of switches also depressed, such as Volume Up/Down, Power, or any combo therof.
(At this point, I'm uncertain if I even have much of a charge in the phone.)
FastBoot is the menu that has the green Droid with a choice of 4 options, including Power Down, Continue to Power Up, Factory Reset, and something else, correct?
The one time that I did get that to appear during these last few attempts to use the Reset switch, the menu simply shut down after 15 seconds. I continued to press the reset switch, but nothing happened.
Plugged into the PC, the phone continued to cycle Power-On every 8 seconds, with the Orange LED followed by the Green, then Shut-Down. (Apparently, as without the screen on I have no idea what it's really doing....)
Plugged into PC, Power Button in and Volume Up gives me the Blue LED that stays on constantly, but depressing the Reset Switch does nothing.
As I stated earlier, I have no idea how much charge the phone has, so I'm leaving it on the PC in the Blue LED state. It may not be charging, but all it does when I try to charge it any other way is cycle through every 8 seconds with the Orange & Green LED.
Sigh... This would be the first phone I've ever bricked, and I've been messing around since Vivo on the V3m, and always very careful. Sucks since this has been my favorite of them all.
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I'm not sure what fastboot mode on the z3v looks like honestly, but your description sounds about right. You could try getting into xz dual recovery again and wiping the cache maybe? The instructions to there are in the xzdr thread. If you can get there wiping, a factory reset or flashing something might work but failing that you might want to try letting the battery drain all the way down. If you just let your phone sit that can take a while ( days at least) or you use a rubber band to hold down the poet and volume down button, I believe, to drain the battery. Once its dead completely connect it to your PC and see what happens.
A failed flash on a eeprom can be a hard thing to recover from, sometimes it can ruin the eeprom preminently, depends on the state the eeprom was in in the flash process,usually in erase process it will not be recoverable. . Removing power will not reset the eeprom, eeproms are preminent memory, but it can allow the device to be discovered again hopefully.
You have to get something to erase and flash again, if the eeprom is in a failed state that may be impossible to do.
1linuxfreak said:
A failed flash on a eeprom can be a hard thing to recover from, sometimes it can ruin the eeprom preminently, depends on the state the eeprom was in in the flash process,usually in erase process it will not be recoverable. . Removing power will not reset the eeprom, eeproms are preminent memory, but it can allow the device to be discovered again hopefully.
You have to get something to erase and flash again, if the eeprom is in a failed state that may be impossible to do.
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So I'm assuming the eeprom is like an order of operations & file allocation index or something really basic upon which everything else is built? This is an old school term for file index, right?
So even if I manage to get everything wiped, I need to start fresh by installing the stock ROM that the phone came with and progress to where I can load the saved Back-Up that's on the External SD?
If the eeprom gets wiped as it's re-written from the Back-Up, and interruption blew this process mid-wipe, will my Back-Up still be useable?
How is it that battery drain will help my device become recognized by the PC?
Thanks for all the help.
AddictedToGlass said:
So I'm assuming the eeprom is like an order of operations & file allocation index or something really basic upon which everything else is built? This is an old school term for file index, right?
So even if I manage to get everything wiped, I need to start fresh by installing the stock ROM that the phone came with and progress to where I can load the saved Back-Up that's on the External SD?
If the eeprom gets wiped as it's re-written from the Back-Up, and interruption blew this process mid-wipe, will my Back-Up still be useable?
How is it that battery drain will help my device become recognized by the PC?
Thanks for all the help.
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Correct. Your backup is safe as long as you don't mess with sdcard storage. You have to get the eeprom healthy before you can do a recovery.
Back to working on my bricked Z3v...
Plugged into PC with Volume-Up held in yields solid Blue LED. This is the only time that in Windows 8.1 Device Manager that the phone shows up as a connected device. The name of the device is "S1 Boot Fastboot", for which there is no driver installed. When I navigate to Z3-lockeddualrecovery2.8.23-RELEASE.combined / files / adbdrivers and try to install the driver, Windows says "Windows could not find driver software for your device."
However, in the "Events" tab it shows three previous dates that the device was configured. It listed the device as such "Device USB\VID_0FCE&PID_0DDE\BH900JCL1N was configured." on those dates.
Was there something different I had to do for Windows 8? I cannot remember, but this feels familiar.
Driver Name: Google, Inc. (WinUSB)...
Status: Install failed
Meanwhile other drivers do install. What gives?
Well I was hoping for a bit more. Extremely frustrated right now as it took me about 15 minutes just to get here to see that nobody can help.
In the meantime with all the **** I've downloaded trying to fix my phone, I've completely scxrewed my computer. 4 virus scans later and I'm still f'd.
AddictedToGlass said:
Well I was hoping for a bit more. Extremely frustrated right now as it took me about 15 minutes just to get here to see that nobody can help.
In the meantime with all the **** I've downloaded trying to fix my phone, I've completely scxrewed my computer. 4 virus scans later and I'm still f'd.
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Your phone is toast and the only way to get it back is through the Flashtool imo. It wouldn't be common for many to have your circumstances with a bricked phone so you aren't getting much feedback. See if you can follow these instructions with Flashtool that I posted. I've gone from 4.4.4 to 5.02 non-rooted and back to root on 4.4.4 and then forward again so it has worked well for me.
See if you can download the 4.4.4 firmware after getting flasthool 09.18.6 installed. Granted my instructions are from Windows 10 64 bit but it should work.
Couldn't do any of it. My PC is s screwed up, but even in Safe Mode I was unable to load drivers that would recognize my z3v.
So I'm typing this on my replacement phone that came today via FedEx. I was very nervous about getting a refurb, but this one really is like new. I managed to get the glass protector of the old one, rinse it off, and apply it to the new one.
Now I'm on unrooted kitkat.
If I root and install TWRP, can I simply flash my saved lollipop backup from my SD card and make this phone exactly like the other one was before I borked it?
AddictedToGlass said:
Couldn't do any of it. My PC is s screwed up, but even in Safe Mode I was unable to load drivers that would recognize my z3v.
So I'm typing this on my replacement phone that came today via FedEx. I was very nervous about getting a refurb, but this one really is like new. I managed to get the glass protector of the old one, rinse it off, and apply it to the new one.
Now I'm on unrooted kitkat.
If I root and install TWRP, can I simply flash my saved lollipop backup from my SD card and make this phone exactly like the other one was before I borked it?
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I wouldn't recommend that. I have used titanium backups before from one device to another and it worked. The whole system from a twrp backup really doesn't sound like a good idea.
OK. Think I'll just be patient and do it from scratch. Have to get the computer cleaned up first.
Really glad to have a clean, new z3v back again, but this ordeal has certainly impacted my confidence doing this stuff.
Thanks for your help, everyone.

