Folio 100: Problems and warranty ignorance - Folio 100 General

As others here, I faced a cracked screen on my Folio 100 because the screen popped a bit out of it's housing.
As others, I faced a Toshiba that said: user abuse, basically saying I was a liar regarding how the problem occured. Repair cost higher than initial purchase of the tablet.
So... I told the store I bought it from I was willing to go to court. I don't care about a few bucks. It's the principle. The store went back to Toshiba, time passed. Somewhere along the line, the store found out I'm also involved with the biggest tech site in the Netherlands - which e-mail address I never use for orders as I don't want to get special treatment. So guess what happened...
Toshiba, out of the goodness of their hearts, still did not acknowledge my issue, but offered to make a special exception for my case. Surprise surprise. The snag however, they still state my issue can only be user abuse although I have stated to be prepared to go to court over that.
Very nicely done: the offer to make an exception for me, means I have no case in court for the warranty part. But... They're essentially still calling me a liar - I don't like that.
So... I have opened a thread on their forums, that are known for letting disappear the entire Folio section an many realted posts. See how they handle that.
** XDA spam prevention, I can't post the link: you'll find it on / forums / thread.jspa?threadID=65243 **
If you have issues with your Folio, especially the screen showing to be coming out of the housing, however little, post it there. I'm not the only one facing this.
Contact details are in the post @ Toshiba forums. Looking forward to your posts and if you'd rather keep anonymous, your e-mails.

Posted in your thread, I totally support this!
Gesendet von meinem Full AOSP on folio100 mit Tapatalk

I have the same problem with mine. The screen sometimes pop up in a corner about 2mm. I have not taken it to the store because I figured they would tell me it is just rough handling like you was told.


fluffcat1 is a CROOK.. dont buy from him

I told you I would run into you again...
Anyone looking to buy parts for your phone DONT deal with Richard...
([email protected])
We conducted a paypal transaction on May 2... and after 1.5 months and some nasty emails I am out of 25GBP... and still have NOT received my camera and back case as promised in the transaction....
I submitted a complaint on Paypal... He emailed me saying that he was upset with me and that if I closed the case he would ship the items... so I did and he did NOt ship anything...
Very clever on his part... since now I can not go back to Paypal and open the claim again...
Note to anyone buying using paypal... If you have a complaint open... DO NOT close it until you are completely satisfied... with the outcome...
Once you close a case you can not open it...
Any Way... just wanted to warn everyone... looking to buy parts for their phones... Richard([email protected]) is a CROOK.
And dangerous too :?: :twisted: :evil:
I've replied to all your messages so far and the package was sent insured so as per my last email I can send the proof of postage on to you as according to the royalmail it was succesfully handed to USPS. You are the one who takes weeks and in one case over a month to reply to emails....
The only nasty email I received was your filing the paypal complaint within 7 days of payment as I didn't reply to your email within the 2 days you requested. As it put the funds on hold of course I'd want them releasing before postage! And I don't post international items every day, I wait until I have a few to send as it's a special trip to the P.O to send them rather than going in my normal post collection, as well as filling out customs paperwork and insurance.
My ebay feedback of 1700+ should speak for itself. I'm really going to try and rip someone off over £25 with a turnover of £6k p/m.....
THINGS DO GO MISSING. In the UK I loose approx 3% of items sent but always manage to claim back from the royalmail as they are INSURED like all my items are. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 weeks, sometimes longer, but the do pay up. Minus postage costs though :-(
I post approx 50 items per week! I loose about 2! That sort of thing happens, and I'm actually better statistically for postage losses than the UK as a whole.
Now, if you want to do this in public, fine, I'll post the ref here and you can contact USPS on your own, or you can apologize and I'll look into claiming from this end and send you another set.
Lots of people here have bought from me and received their goods fine. Be careful how you slander me in a public forum where posting IP addresses are logged for all users...
ok... then this is a big misunderstanding....
I still have NOT recevied my items... nor an email from you as to what is happening...
I do not know you other than through our correspondence which has been very one sided...
So what am i to think...
history...on emails...
3/24 inquired into camera and back case...
4/28 apologized for not following up on purchase... as I stated I was called away... shortly after the initial inquiry.
4/28 made payment in error... 25 Us vs 25 GBP... waited for initial payment to be credited back to my account... which you denied payment on... thnak you
5/7 made correct payment via paypal... asked for email confirmation of date shipped with payment.
5/13 had not received a response on my email... so I emailed asking for an update.
5/16 received nasty email in ref to me taking weeks to respond... and expecting you to respond immediatley. asking to cancel complaint
5/17 responding to your email... I cancelled the paypal complaint... and asked politely for an update....
5/31 still had not received an update... so I emaile dasking for an update
6/2 still nothing.. so again i asked politellty for an update...
6/15 posted on this forum
I have not received anything.... Please provide me an update... at
concep86 @ yahoo .com
:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:
You forgot the email complaint you made to paypal just 6 days after sending the correct payment, my response via paypal to that offering a refund, and the several emails I subsequently sent that you replied to - I have emailed many times to [email protected] and have the server logs from exchange 2003 to prove it.
From you own logs you have given it just over 3 weeks to arrive to the US. Surface post ain't that quick you know and you were too cheap to pay for a courier service so what do you expect?
Check your spam filter etc.
Edit - you forgot to mention the reason for my 'long response' ( 9 days!) after payment was you had paid to my *old* email address from when you had first contacted me rather than my current address that I was replying from at the time and the one you so kindly plastered all over this group for the spam bots to find. Thanks. 2 can play at that game. Looks like you're gonna be on your own claiming from USPS.
We could go back and forth... on this...
I did not forget to include the complaint as i was detailing just the emails that went back and forth between us.
I did mention the complaint in the emails...
However, I did apologize to you for submitting a complaint on the 15th and did not reveive a response...
I am the one putting up the cash for my litlle item... and 25GBP although a small amount is still hard earned.
and i have beenn burned on ebay before.... so sorry if i require a little hand holding...
Where do we go from here... sounds like we just had some bad communication issues to resolve.. we are both honest hard working gents...
lets get past this please... I am willing to make a public apology on this forum... once I receive my items...
as i have stated previously in my emails... i am truly sorry for the misunderstanding....
PS removed emails from previous posts...
concep86 said:
I told you I would run into you again...
Anyone looking to buy parts for your phone DONT deal with Richard...
(email removed)
We conducted a paypal transaction on May 2... and after 1.5 months and some nasty emails I am out of 25GBP... and still have NOT received my camera and back case as promised in the transaction....
I submitted a complaint on Paypal... He emailed me saying that he was upset with me and that if I closed the case he would ship the items... so I did and he did NOt ship anything...
Very clever on his part... since now I can not go back to Paypal and open the claim again...
Note to anyone buying using paypal... If you have a complaint open... DO NOT close it until you are completely satisfied... with the outcome...
Once you close a case you can not open it...
Any Way... just wanted to warn everyone... looking to buy parts for their phones... Richard(email removed) is a CROOK.
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I have ordered items from fluffcat1 without problems. He kept in touch with me and gave me pointers on installing a camera on my SX 66.
Would definately buy from again.
I've ordered from Fluffcat as well. Always very good service, fast and extremely helpful. Just look at his EBay feedback! Surely this could have been sorted out in private.
I'll also go with supporting Fluffycat
Fast and good service for a replacement keypad circuit board for my typhoon and even gave me some money back for the damaged part, sent by paypal only days after I sent it back to him
I'll also go with supporting Fluffycat
Fast and good service for a replacement keypad circuit board for my typhoon and even gave me some money back for the damaged part, sent by paypal only days after I sent it back to him
well it definitely appears that this was just a case of bad communication that went the worse possible way...
i simply wanted an update on the product, when it would ship, after 7 emails and more than 30 days, i still did not have an update.
as for settling this in private ...
What do you think the 7 emails were an attempt to do...
concep86 said:
well it definitely appears that this was just a case of bad communication that went the worse possible way...
i simply wanted an update on the product, when it would ship, after 7 emails and more than 30 days, i still did not have an update.
as for settling this in private ...
What do you think the 7 emails were an attempt to do...
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In the future you should refrain from calling someone a crook unless all of your bases are covered. Just some advice.
I have not been proven a liar...
fluffcat1 can say what he likes... but I have not received my items nor have I ever received an email telling me that the item was shipped...
what do you think the 7 emails were an attempt to do... do you think I was simply stalking... **** I just wanted to know if he had shipped the items...
So for the moment, all my bases are covered....
nswafford said:
concep86 said:
well it definitely appears that this was just a case of bad communication that went the worse possible way...
i simply wanted an update on the product, when it would ship, after 7 emails and more than 30 days, i still did not have an update.
as for settling this in private ...
What do you think the 7 emails were an attempt to do...
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In the future you should refrain from calling someone a crook unless all of your bases are covered. Just some advice.
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nswafford said:
concep86 said:
well it definitely appears that this was just a case of bad communication that went the worse possible way...
i simply wanted an update on the product, when it would ship, after 7 emails and more than 30 days, i still did not have an update.
as for settling this in private ...
What do you think the 7 emails were an attempt to do...
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In the future you should refrain from calling someone a crook unless all of your bases are covered. Just some advice.
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I agree.
It may be an idea to edit your first post to have a less litigious subject. Something along the lines of "Delivery from fluffcat delayed, has anyone else had similar problems?".
And why have you put his email back into your posts. That really does seem childish to me.
concep86 said:
I have not been proven a liar...
fluffcat1 can say what he likes... but I have not received my items nor have I ever received an email telling me that the item was shipped...
what do you think the 7 emails were an attempt to do... do you think I was simply stalking... **** I just wanted to know if he had shipped the items...
So for the moment, all my bases are covered....
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No, they are not. Lets see what you didn't do....
1: You didn't try using an alternative email address to email me incase either you or I was experienceing server issues. The free providors ( esp. yahoo and hotmail) randomly take to blocking domains if they are recently registered and / or not in their latest DNS list. The domain of the email you so kindly re-plastered over this thread was recently registered. This is one of the reasons I have moved away from a 'free' providor.
2: You didn't try contacting me via my previous email address where we were able to communicate albeit with long gaps for your replies.
3: You didn't try pm'ing me via this site.
4: You didn't try re-contacting me via ebay as first contact had been originally made.
Now, I don't know there is an issue unless I get told - I don't sit at a computer typing in tracking numbers all day checking if stuff has been delivered. All items are sent insured as I previously stated.
You don't want this sorting out it seems - you are just out to stir....with a different attitude on your part I would have been glad to handle the claim and send out a replacement camera module ( I have no free rear covers left :-( as I do when domestic items get lost / mislaid as the wait can be annoying for the claim to be processed.
I have not yet had to claim via the international process but domestic claims take upto 4 weeks ( and they pay the claim as stamps :roll: ) - so I think you need to contact USPS and find out their procedure as I am unwilling to help any further after your comments in this thread and petty re-insertion of my email into it for the spammers to harvest. (As I have admin status over my new domain I'll just set up another mailbox if it gets too much - thanks.)
Your ref is RI763769010GB. Good luck!
p.s thanks everyone else for the cheer squad! It's usually only the bad experiences people shout about. I appreciate it.
both of you are Guilty of the same thing
Cant we all get along ? Both of you made mistakes and have shown in this forum you are less than civized men. You are but children acting as they do. Both of you should forget the past and try to come to a compromise. As humans we all make mistakes and act on emotions and dont realize that airing your dirty laundry in public without looking at the big picture you show a side of yourselves that you should be embarrassed of. Now that you both should feel ashamed of yourselves(if you dont you should), lets come together and fix the problem. Be the men your parents raised you to be!!!
Re: both of you are Guilty of the same thing
kinmont said:
airing your dirty laundry in public without looking at the big picture you show a side of yourselves that you should be embarrassed of. Now that you both should feel ashamed of yourselves(if you dont you should)
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Well thanks for lumping me in here but I didn't start it posting here in this thread...just defending myself against points incorrectly made that I was a crook which I am not. Someone calls you a crook in a public forum would you turn the other cheek and be the 'bigger man'? I think not. You would defend yourself, as I have done.
Hi fluffcat1
I am also an eBay seller and read this thread with interest. I can sympathize with your situation especially when getting a Paypal chargeback in such a short time. However, there are some flaws in your argument.
You are a UK registered seller. As such you are responsible for the delivery of the item. It isn't good enough to say "you pissed me off, sort it out yourself" or "it is with USPS, ask them" (not exactly what you said, I know). The purchasers contract with you was for delivery of the item to him, not to USPS. In the UK you would wind up in small claims and rightly so. You are coming across as being quite unprofessional and taking advantage of the fact the purchaser is US based. You also quote some interesting statistics. I do not believe your claim that loosing 2 in 50 is better than the UK national average. The actual statistics are 0.07% - see the following news item for my references.
As I already stated I am an EBay seller too. However, a loss rate of 2 in 50 would be real trouble for us. We ship on average 120 items a day and that would mean we would lose about 5 a day. We don’t lose that many a month!
As for "with a different attitude on your part I would have been glad to handle the claim and send out a replacement camera module", that shouldn't be your choice, and in the UK it wouldn't be. You are responsible for that item and you have a duty to your customer to resolve it satisfactorily.
"Surface post ain't that quick you know and you were too cheap to pay for a courier service", eh, what about Airmail. You quote international signed for on your auctions but you don't mention that only covers surface mail. The difference between the two is small, for example a 1kg Airmail to the US is £10.00 while surface is £8.30. Did you explain it would take up to 6 weeks for delivery?
“I have not yet had to claim via the international process but domestic claims take upto 4 weeks ( and they pay the claim as stamps )”. I must imagine the cheques them send me when I claim for loss! They have never sent me stamps.
I am curious how you know the item is with USPS as tracking number RI763769010GB is giving no details at all. I was under the impression an International Signed for number would give the date it was collected from you and where it is with regard to processing. See these numbers for an example – RI537451069GB and RI537451072GB.

Gtablet Support/Store - bad bad bad!

It would seem reasonable that you could buy a replacement power supply for a current product from the manufacturer wouldn't it? Start on Viewsonic's web site. Try using the store - ha-ha. Now call the number. Get referred to another number. Call that number - get referred to another number. rinse and repeat. Go to their website to the gtablet page. Read call this number 866-501-6405 for anything you need. Get referred to another number call that number - get referred to another number - rinse and repeat. Get frustrated - call their corporate headquarters in Wlanut, CA. Ask for the name of the president so you can send a letter. Get told they can't give it to you for security reasons - but it is on the web. Get hung up on. Sadly, I really like my g-tablet but this is an awful company to deal with. I wonder what will happen if I need a replacement battery - will I be told to go to Radio Shack to find something that fits (like I was told to do for the power supply)? I'm really enjoying the g-tab but I can tell you that when it comes time to replace it, it won't be with another Viewsonic product. Anyone can sell you something - it is how they support it that separates the good companies from the bad. I feel better posting this and maybe someone has had a better experience but looking at the struggles here to get power supplies and docking stations, I'm going to guess that no one has much good to say about dealing with Viewsonic. Surprise me!
Unfortunately I will have to agree. Since day one the support has been far less than you would expect. There have even been times when they have referred to XDA to help out. Basically US Merchants buys from China, Viewsonic buys from US Merchants, and no one really know who's supposed to support it. I will have to say that's the beauty of open source and some of the people that are here. More times than not you can get support right here if you don't mind doing a little digging. I've only been playing with android's for about 8 months now and know more than I ever needed or wanted to all because of XDA.
But honestly, isn't that the way we've become accustomed to support? No one ever calls Microsoft anymore, we use Google.
It's truly a shame that you can't get a straight forward answer when trying to replace something so simple. I apologies on behalf of the business owners that still give a s**t.
it2steve said:
But honestly, isn't that the way we've become accustomed to support? No one ever calls Microsoft anymore, we use Google.
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That is because half the tech notes for MS are "Can not be found" when it comes to errors and such
Google search allows you to reach out to users who no these things first hand. That is why I always make a point if I can not find an answer to a question, even on line and I finally figure it out myself to post it somewhere so someone else can be helped by it.
I did that here on XDA and getting ADB to work on my win 7 64bit system. All the help was on 32b this and that. I finally figured it our myself and wrote a tutorial for others that "will" need it.
Viewsonic is a very big company that is dabbling in android based tablets that at least with thegtab did not design. I would also argue that the cost/price is such they don't really know where this is going.
same with all the other tab makers save on, the apple. Think about apple's model with iTunes, what I call a consumption model. They can actually give away the ipad at cost because they can get it from the model.
now in order for company's like viewsonic to compete they need to provide all accessories and have a hook. We know from the official viewsonic Rep that they are thinking about some kind of development site, makes no money and meanwhile Steve has to bring in accessories because viewsonic dropped the ball. So yes, basically unsupported. A lot cheaper for the hardware though.
I don't see another development site as a good thing. Viewsonic needs to spend its energies on marketing the apple way or just stick with monitors. Maybe they look at the gtab as a monitor. But we know that can't be because the screen is not in usual viewsonic quality. I'm sure they saw the ztab as quick entry and OEM'd, it.
I've got to agree..
I've been trying to find a source for the mini-vga cable for the ViewPad 10. Support told me to go to Best Buy. When I pressed them on exactly what to purchase they admitted they did not know and that Besy Buy probably did not carry them. Support handed me off to the parts dept.
Parts pointed me to a cable designed for the Viewpad 100, which was a product released in 2001. When I asked if he was sure if they cable would work, he said "probably". When I noted the website said the product was 'out of stock' he said "order it anyway, that will tell us we need more". Since the conversation did not exactly instill my confidence in the parts dept I did not order the $20 cable.
I'm still looking for a mini-vga cable for the ViewPad 10 if anyone can point me in the right direction.

ASUS tech company or a Circus of amateurs.

I got my Prime on January 16th, very happy and proud.
That was the only short period where I have been in that mood.
The more I used the Prime the more I could see that something was not as expected.
1) weak WiFi, compared to any other unit at home, and I have many and from different companies.
2) GPS did not work, (they did not have it removed from specs. yet)
3) Lot of waiting time to get ICS installed (because it was German and needs a specific firmware).
4) and most important thing, WiFi and BT does not work together, which in a tablet is like to say that "a car does not break unless you put your feet on the road to stop."
I have used HOURS on this tablet, troubleshooting, testing, reading, writing, tried 5 different firmwares, 2 different headsets, WiFi Channels, B,G,N. Reboots, resets.
Then 2 days ago, I decided to RMA mine, also after recommendaton by Gary, and ASUS Customer Service. (The latter.. in DK is poor as I never experienced before).
I have been told tuesday that I have to wait up to 48 hours, before getting ans answer, fine!.
Today at 11am the 48 hours were gone. I called and the first thing they asked me was:" what browser do you use"? I said why? I have Tablet's android, IE8 and IE9.. Why? "Ah because sometimes we have issues with RMA made on Explorer browsers."
So are you telling me that you do not receive the RMA, even though the side told me that "all was fine and was sent"?
After 10 minutes, the guy at ASUS CS found out, that nothing has been registered in their system, and he offered me to make a new one, directly.
I am so pissed of at this bunch of amateurs that I will NEVER EVER buy a nail from them.
They could not ask this question or make me aware of that issue, after I spoke to them 3 times the same day about it.
They are making fun of many and they are the less serious company I have ever handled with.
I work as Supporter.. I have some experiences with IT companies and suppliers.
This is the bottom level!
2 times I made the RMA and 2 times "all was fine according the site. I made it 2 times to be sure that I wrote the correct S/N number, as I was in doubt.
Gary if you read this, it's not excuse. Not your fault for sure, but this is out of line and I really believe that ASUS needs a HUGE Team Building, starting from your CEO and ending with you canteen people.
Tomorrow this "innocent" ASUS guy should call me to confirm the RMA is now created correctly. If this is not the case. All media in Denmark and Nothern Europe will read this and more.
Shame on ASUS, idiot me to handle with them!
sorry to hear about it. just keep on their case to make sure they get it done. good luck
If you want to contact Gary Key, PMing him is the method
Asus, And rep generally don't respond to thread on XDA or other forum, unless said topic is made by them.
And if they do respond, they will hardly respond to a thread with threats and insults.
Yelling and screaming at Customer service agent has been outdated 10+ year ago.
I mailed him and the Marketing Manager in Denmark.
Let's see!
bluewr said:
If you want to contact Gary Key, PMing him is the method
Asus, And rep generally don't respond to thread on XDA or other forum, unless said topic is made by them.
And if they do respond, they will hardly respond to a thread with threats and insults.
Yelling and screaming at Customer service agent has been outdated 10+ year ago.
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PMed him twice...................still waiting !
bluewr said:
If you want to contact Gary Key, PMing him is the method
Asus, And rep generally don't respond to thread on XDA or other forum, unless said topic is made by them.
And if they do respond, they will hardly respond to a thread with threats and insults.
Yelling and screaming at Customer service agent has been outdated 10+ year ago.
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I've seen Gary post in quite a few threads that weren't his which had particularly nasty attitudes toward ASUS/him. That's really more his job around here than anything IMO
Anyway, yeah, ASUS doesn't seem as organized as they should be. Especially things which are electronically filed, the information should be available to any and all relevant employees immediately upon receipt. As soon as the shipping company updates that the package has been shipped from the user up until the point it's back in my hands, ASUS reps should be able to tell me exactly what's going on and where it is. Naturally they move things in batches, but however they keep up with it is atrociously behind the times or something.
bimbobo said:
Shame on ASUS, idiot me to handle with them!
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Maybe you'll feel little better knowing that ASUS Technical Support here in Poland is at the same or even worse level. I had no problem in registering my tablet for RMA but please be aware, that if you are going to RMA your Prime due to not working GPS it won't be repaired.
I decided to RMA me Prime at 9th of January and will never see it again because after one month since it has reached the Service Center in Czech Republic, ASUS Poland contacted me to say that GPS won't be fixed. They asked, if I want to start DOA procedure which should take about 3 weeks to get my money back.
We have 1st of March today and I'm still waiting... and what is really annoying, ASUS Poland is now unable to give me the exact date when my money will be returned!!!
My advice for you is to give up the RMA and request DOA, you'll save some time and health.
Gary won't help you here. I read at some thread here, that he has no way to contact with ASUS Europe. He has never replied to my PMs
rdalev said:
PMed him twice...................still waiting !
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Yeah me too. No response and I'm in the USA. Pmd 2 weeks apart. I will enjoy owning my prime but definitely will not buy Asus again. No laptops, monitors, tablets or motherboards ........
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Most unfortunate. I don't mean to be rude when I sy this, but if you're an IT guy, why the hell would you be using IE?
That confuses me immensely.
Doktaphex said:
Most unfortunate. I don't mean to be rude when I sy this, but if you're an IT guy, why the hell would you be using IE?
That confuses me immensely.
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IE 9 is pretty good as long as you dont care about printing I am in the IT field and will use it from time to time but I do think overall Firefox is king
I'm sorry to read that you the "OP" is being ran through the ringer. I hope they get on track with your RMA. I have come to find that Asus outside of Taiwan sucks Donkey D. Asus Taiwan rocks!! They will bend over backwards to take care of their customers. If things don't work out in your favor, shoot a detailed email of your case, a long with a reasonable resoultion to Asus International.
jdbaker82 said:
IE 9 is pretty good as long as you dont care about printing I am in the IT field and will use it from time to time but I do think overall Firefox is king
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Even IE 8 has this issue with certain printers. I'm actually just running into that issue with a customer, and they can not grasp the fact the IE is not the only portal to the internet...
Firefox is the most stable in my experience. Chrome and Maxthon are fast; Chrome's heavily unreliable and its cache likes to act weird over time, Maxthon I haven't used but for a few seconds so don't know its drawbacks.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium via my tethered HTC Vision
..mail with UPS label arrived.
BUT it was WRONG, name and zip code to my house were not correct.
Called UPS, they could not change the info with the correct ones, and could not assure me that all could go well having the wrong address.
They suggested to call ASUS again and ask them for a new. I did it!
So now again new waiting time!
My trust in ASUS is gone, they do not do much to "re-gain it"
The unit will be sent to Chech Rep. for repair, and as I read, they probably do not fix WiFi/BT as "non faulty".
is this post a kind of therapy?
Enviado desde mi GT-I9000 usando Tapatalk
bimbobo said:
..mail with UPS label arrived.
BUT it was WRONG, name and zip code to my house were not correct.
Called UPS, they could not change the info with the correct ones, and could not assure me that all could go well having the wrong address.
They suggested to call ASUS again and ask them for a new. I did it!
So now again new waiting time!
My trust in ASUS is gone, they do not do much to "re-gain it"
The unit will be sent to Chech Rep. for repair, and as I read, they probably do not fix WiFi/BT as "non faulty".
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Wow, that really is impressively awful on their part. I hope you get all of this resolved in the end.
.. I thought that somebody else could be interested in knowing that ASUS is not trustworthy when things goes bad.
Service is as important as the "fancy" products you sell.
Plus I wanted to share the fact, that if you do not check, push and follow up what they do, you won't get help.
If the mods are not happy with this thread, they are allowed to close or delete it.
There are many Europeans in this forum, who cannot mail or call Gary and his team.
We in Europe are left on our own. All the messages I read from people in Europe here, seems to confirm that.
Anyway, sorry for bothering some of you.
bimbobo said:
.. I thought that somebody else could be interested that ASUS is not trustworthy when things goes bad.
Service is as important as the "fancy" products you sell.
Plus I wann saher the fact, that if you do not check, push and follow up what they do, you won't get help.
If the mods are not happy with this thread, they are allow to close or delete it.
There are many Europeans in this forum, who cannot mail or call Gary and his team.
We in Europe are left on our own. All the messages I read from people in Europe here, seems to confirm that.
Anyway, sorry for bothering some of you.
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I don't think you need to apologise at all. ASUS on the other hand owe you a rather large apology.
It seems that using the big voice and words helps.
A manager from ASUS in Sweden called me on the phone, apologizing for all the troubles.
The short story is, that they offered to fully refund the product.
Why? Because there is a 10% risk that even sending this at the Repair Center will not sove the issue. He wouldn't and couldn't tell me more, but the story is that, for some "reasons" and even though the WiFi/Bt is now a known problem, they cannot be sure to fix it.
I referred to Gary's mail to me and here in this forum about a possible solution, but yet, he COULD NOT be sure that the replacing parts will do the job. (Metal backplate still jamming everything?? This is MY guess!)
So now ASUS is creating the second RMA label, I will send it to Chech Rep., I will await what happens, and I will contact this manager at ASUS SE when I get it back.
Solved? peace of mind and enjoying finally this device
Not Solved? Refund.
If you get a case manager ***** at them till they send you a free accessory I got a free mouse with my full tablet+ dock refund
Mouse should be here Tuesday
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Wordlywisewiz said:
If you get a case manager ***** at them till they send you a free accessory I got a free mouse with my full tablet+ dock refund
Mouse should be here Tuesday
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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*****ing is not what I wish, I like information, competence and support.
I have a tablet for 629€, with issues, they know it, and they should fix it.
I am not fishing about other stuff, just a working tablet.
All this caos is due to the fact that several people either know a little, or tell me different things about same question
Anyway. They will have another chance to act correctly, and I am in touch with a person, who can and will try to help.
Let's see how it goes in "Czech Rep. repair centre".

Samsung Repair Service Woes

I understand this is not the most appropriate place to post this, but I'm sure many of you have experienced the Samsung Repair Service Centre (I would post this in a Samsung sub-forum but I couldn't find one) and you will be able to give me some advice.
So, if you want the whole story of how my phone got broke, read this:
In short, I completely broke my Samsung Galaxy Ace plus the day after I took it out of the box. It's seemingly 100% bricked (literally no sign of life, no lights no screen no sound, nothing).
I phoned Samsung up a couple days later (after nobody replied to my emails) and I organised it to be repaired.
It's been 11 days since I sent it back.
I phoned on the 7th day to ask if it had even got there because there were no updates on my samsung product repair status page since the day I first phoned them up. I also asked if the address I was given was right (Just put on envelope "FREEPOST SAMAN REP", that was it) because it sounded invalid.
I gave them the IMEI and was told that it had reached them. I said thank you and goodbye.
Yesterday, my product repair status had finally updated to : Cancelled by ASC Non Defect (Working properly)
I rang up again.
I was on the phone for 10 minutes with this guy and he told me that they had no record of my phone arriving. He handed me on to his supervisor who I spoke to for a further 20 minutes.
She confirmed that it had not reached them yet or it had been improperly logged or it was lost in the mail.
I sent her a copy of my proof of postage through email in case it was the latter, so they could "organize something for me if it comes to the worst case scenario"
Knowing their reply rate to my emails, I doubt they'll even see it.
So, I sent off my broken phone to them like they told me to, and now they've lost it... or the address they gave me was indeed wrong like I originally expected, however it has not been sent to the return address after 10 days. I doubt the Post Office is at any fault here.
I understand how at the beginning of this mess I was at fault. I made my phone faulty through my own carelessness...
However, since then I feel like there's been an awful lot more Samsung carelessness. And it sounds like if they don't find my phone they won't even replace it, otherwise the woman over the phone wouldn't have been so ambiguous. The way she said it I expected nothing more than book voucher in return for all my trouble and their incompetence.
It's very troubling to think that my £166 may have only bought me just 1 day of pleasure and many weeks of distress.
Anyway, I'm hoping I can make the best out of a bad situation.
I have very little respect for these types of companies, and I have no problem in wrangling out a few pounds from them when they have wronged me. If this doesn't get resolved soon, I'm very tempted to go to Samsung UK directly and ask politely but firmly for a little compensation for all this crap. Maybe one of those Galaxy S3s.
Me and my Dad have been able to get similar compensations for bad service through a letter and a phone call before.
Maybe I can do something similar here.
Does anybody have any helpful advice? short you do have the right to sue them.....
But then , you shouldn't have sent it through postage , but to the Service Centre
"I have to go. It's just....they really need me." - Sora
Perhaps you can sue them,If you have a written proof that samsung gave you wrong address..Sue those darned idiots mate.I will wish for your succesz
Ya...Sue them...Don't they even know to take care of a phone?
Is it me or Samsung really has problems with service, ok I understand, that in my country those are the sellers who do warranty repairs, but that makes Samsung look bad? Today I have called my sellers HQ, none answered, then I tried to skype, still no answer.
100% sue clearly you have the right
Okay, I get the overwhelming impression that you all think I should sue them...
I have never sued anybody, neither have I tried. I imagine it's a little easier said than done
In the past though, I have found that the threat of legal action from similar situations gets results.
Shall I just write a letter to Samsung HQ in Surrey describing their problem with the threat of legal action if I don't get fully refunded and compensated?
Would it be so bad to ask for a Galaxy S III? Drafting the letter in my head, it seems a bit weedy if I tag along the sentence, "and in return for my troubles I'd like a Galaxy S III please, otherwise I will sue you!!!" It would just sound like an opportunist geek trying to get the phone that all his friends have.
However I can imagine they'd be more willing to send me a free and superior phone than to write me a cheque of x amount of £.
The only problem is, there's still the possibility that it might genuinely be lost in the mail through no fault of their own... seems very unlikely, but it's arguable.
Shall I wait a bit longer before I write a letter?
It's 12 days since I posted it. On the 15th day I should assume it has been lost in the mail and Samsung will "sort me out with something".
Further thoughts please.
Thanks for all the replies so far
You don't give a location, but I am guessing you are in UK. I was unable to follow the link to your original thread, but if you put a return address label on the package I would have thought that it would have been returned to you by now or it is at your local sorting/Post office.
Have you checked with them?
My suggestion would be to follow up your recent phone conversation with a letter to Samsung Customer Services in Gateshead and send a cc to the HQ in Surrey. Send both by recorded delivery, so that you have some kind of proof of delivery/receipt. In my experience, although not with Samsung, reason and facts can get better results than threats, you can keep the option of legal action if you get no satisfaction.
Give details of what has happened so far. (omitting the bit about how your phone was bricked! )
Try to give times and dates, what you discussed and, if possible, who you spoke to. Attach a copy of your proof of posting (but dont send original), copies of emails etc
Ask them what they are going to do now, tell them what you would like to see as the outcome of this situation. A phone and some kind of compensation for the inconvenience/phone calls/wasted time, I would guess? Give them a date by which you would like a reply, 14 or so days.
Best of luck.
That's just the kind of advice I was looking for.
Thanks Angewg, your help is very much appreciated
hedgehog90 said:
I understand this is not the most appropriate place to post this, but I'm sure many of you have experienced the Samsung Repair Service Centre (I would post this in a Samsung sub-forum but I couldn't find one) and you will be able to give me some advice.
So, if you want the whole story of how my phone got broke, read this:
In short, I completely broke my Samsung Galaxy Ace plus the day after I took it out of the box. It's seemingly 100% bricked (literally no sign of life, no lights no screen no sound, nothing).
I phoned Samsung up a couple days later (after nobody replied to my emails) and I organised it to be repaired.
It's been 11 days since I sent it back.
I phoned on the 7th day to ask if it had even got there because there were no updates on my samsung product repair status page since the day I first phoned them up. I also asked if the address I was given was right (Just put on envelope "FREEPOST SAMAN REP", that was it) because it sounded invalid.
I gave them the IMEI and was told that it had reached them. I said thank you and goodbye.
Yesterday, my product repair status had finally updated to : Cancelled by ASCNon Defect (Working properly)
I rang up again.
I was on the phone for 10 minutes with this guy and he told me that they had no record of my phone arriving. He handed me on to his supervisor who I spoke to for a further 20 minutes.
She confirmed that it had not reached them yet or it had been improperly logged or it was lost in the mail.
I sent her a copy of my proof of postage through email in case it was the latter, so they could "organize something for me if it comes to the worst case scenario"
Knowing their reply rate to my emails, I doubt they'll even see it.
So, I sent off my broken phone to them like they told me to, and now they've lost it... or the address they gave me was indeed wrong like I originally expected, however it has not been sent to the return address after 10 days. I doubt the Post Office is at any fault here.
I understand how at the beginning of this mess I was at fault. I made my phone faulty through my own carelessness...
However, since then I feel like there's been an awful lot more Samsung carelessness. And it sounds like if they don't find my phone they won't even replace it, otherwise the woman over the phone wouldn't have been so ambiguous. The way she said it I expected nothing more than book voucher in return for all my trouble and their incompetence.
It's very troubling to think that my £166 may have only bought me just 1 day of pleasure and many weeks of distress.
Anyway, I'm hoping I can make the best out of a bad situation.
I have very little respect for these types of companies, and I have no problem in wrangling out a few pounds from them when they have wronged me. If this doesn't get resolved soon, I'm very tempted to go to Samsung UK directly and ask politely but firmly for a little compensation for all this crap. Maybe one of those Galaxy S3s.
Me and my Dad have been able to get similar compensations for bad service through a letter and a phone call before.
Maybe I can do something similar here.
Does anybody have any helpful advice?
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Since your in the UK (yay!) you can take them to a small claims court. Also check out the amazing Martin Lewis MoneySavingExpert website. It explains your rights as a consumer.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
I'm very tempted to go to Samsung UK directly and ask politely but firmly for a little compensation for all this crap. Maybe one of those Galaxy S3s.
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Drafting the letter in my head, it seems a bit weedy if I tag along the sentence, "and in return for my troubles I'd like a Galaxy S III please, otherwise I will sue you!!!" It would just sound like an opportunist geek trying to get the phone that all his friends have.
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even though i really understand your feelings and frustration i wasnt able to stop my slef from laughing lol... anyways i guess you shoud do as "Angewg" said .. the right and higher authority in Samsung first and keep the threat at court part for the end or if i may say you can argue first and threat/sue later on .... but you cant threat/sue first and then try to argue ... always play the "BIGGEST CARD/ACE" in the end .... good luck and do let us know what happened in the end .... if they gave you an S III too lol
even though i really understand your feelings and frustration i wasnt able to stop my slef from laughing lol... anyways i guess you shoud do as "Angewg" said .. the right and higher authority in Samsung first and keep the threat at court part for the end or if i may say you can argue first and threat/sue later on .... but you cant threat/sue first and then try to argue ... always play the "BIGGEST CARD/ACE" in the end .... good luck and do let us know what happened in the end .... if they gave you an S III too lol
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My objective is not to get a Samsung Galaxy S III per se, but my thought was that I deserve not just my phone back but a little compensation. And I feel like it might be a stretch to ask for straight up money. So what could I realistically ask for? A superior phone. S III was the first that came to mind, and I think I am right in thinking it's the best smart phone that Samsung are producing right now.
I'll write the letter today. Thanks again everybody
hedgehog90 said:
My objective is not to get a Samsung Galaxy S III per se, but my thought was that I deserve not just my phone back but a little compensation. And I feel like it might be a stretch to ask for straight up money. So what could I realistically ask for? A superior phone. S III was the first that came to mind, and I think I am right in thinking it's the best smart phone that Samsung are producing right now.
I'll write the letter today. Thanks again everybody
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I think the £400+ price difference between the two models makes it a bit of a stretch!
You could try asking for
a replacement phone with either a higher specification or a more recent model bearing in mind the inconvenience all this has caused you.
The ball is then in their court.
It might be a stretch... but not as much as a stretch as you suggest. I've just checked and the price difference is actually about £270.
I could argue that the trouble this has caused is about £270... Maybe?
I'll be phoning up the call centre at around 2 PM, explaining all this crap once again (taking names this time), and once and for all asking what's happened and what they are willing to do to help me, because this phone has well and truly been lost IMO.
Yeah there in the wrong but,
Am I the only person the doesn't like the American sueing thing. I just think that people make mistakes. Never see the need to sue anyone.
I thought most people in Britain thought the same way.
Sent from my GALAXY Ace.
I'm pissed off. Here's why:
I've just posted an extremely detailed letter explaining everything, along with copies of emails, pictures, screenshots, etc.
It took ages to write and compile all of this together.
I showed it to my Dad (who is well educated on legal matters such as this) and he told me it was a brilliant letter.
I wrote it on Friday, but didn't want to post it before checking that it was okay with my Dad, so that meant I had to wait til Monday.
At the end of the letter I requested a superior replacement phone as recompense (Galaxy S III), but if they didn't resolve the matter or they didn't reply within 14 days I'd take legal action as they were in violation of my consumer rights.
After posting this letter, I was told by a family member to try phoning the customer service 1 more time.
So I did, and then I was passed around several times between different operators, but I was eventually told this:
My phone was in repair and I should have it back shortly. I think they said 7 days, which would make the entire process a total of 25 days.
I was given the repair centre's phone number so I can track the progress.
So, it actually looks like I will be receiving a phone back...
This doesn't actually please me. I've been under the assumption the last few days that I have a very solid case against Samsung.
I believe that on receiving my letter I may just get what I want.
Would a company like Samsung prefer I took them to a claims court? I doubt it. I think they would probably sort me out with what I wanted before it would get to that.
But now that my phone is apparently safe and sound on its way back soon, I doubt my letter will be taken very seriously.
If they don't look into it and just throw a phone my way willy nilly, then I'd be very surprised, and i don't really consider that a possibility.
Now all I've got to complain about is the massive repair time and the time I've wasted on phone calls, research, emails and one long-ass letter.
In my eyes I still deserve compensation for this, and I probably still could say that I will consider legal action if they don't compensate me in some way, but the lack of a phone sure made it a lot easier to argue my case.
I'll report back in a few days.
Imo, too stupid samsung solve this problem at the court. They can replace your unit than repair because unit defects, in 5 minutes at samsung store.
Just got a phone call this morning. I should have my phone back before the end of the week.
This sucks. I bet they're not going to acknowledge my letter and I'm just gonna have to let all this **** go.
hedgehog90 said:
Just got a phone call this morning. I should have my phone back before the end of the week.
This sucks. I bet they're not going to acknowledge my letter and I'm just gonna have to let all this **** go.
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Ask for compensation from them.
It's Monday, I haven't received a repaired phone, I haven't got a phone call, I haven't received a written reply.
I hate this.

Shame on you Omate. Never again.

I made the below post on Omate's facebook page in response to their announcement of the Omate X. Omate deleted my post and banned me from their facebook page. So being a Omate fanboi is OK, however if you criticize Omate in public on their forum, they ban you. Here's the post I made:
Omate: I have a saying, fool me once, I won't give you another chance to fool me.
Sorry, but with everything I've seen others go through, I considered myself extremely lucky, but I won't give you another chance. People buying the watch and getting a dead unit or dead battery and told "Sorry, we don't have replacements yet" or "Go find a battery on ebay". I lost the rubber gasket for the sim door, and you said you don't have them. I can't do business with a company that doesn't even have simple replacement parts available. And then, to add insult to injury, after delaying and delaying and delaying, you start to ship, and then announce a much lighter version is available, but too bad, you don't get one. And then the Omate app which - I don't know if I'd describe "working" as something you can call it, because it didn't work. Seeing the Omate CPU operating well below the stated specs, etc. I ended up selling my Omate. Sorry, but you aren't going to get me as a repeat customer based on how you treated me as a pre-order customer.
phirephoto said:
I made the below post on Omate's facebook page in response to their announcement of the Omate X. Omate deleted my post and banned me from their facebook page. So being a Omate fanboi is OK, however if you criticize Omate in public on their forum, they ban you. Here's the post I made:
Omate: I have a saying, fool me once, I won't give you another chance to fool me.
Sorry, but with everything I've seen others go through, I considered myself extremely lucky, but I won't give you another chance. People buying the watch and getting a dead unit or dead battery and told "Sorry, we don't have replacements yet" or "Go find a battery on ebay". I lost the rubber gasket for the sim door, and you said you don't have them. I can't do business with a company that doesn't even have simple replacement parts available. And then, to add insult to injury, after delaying and delaying and delaying, you start to ship, and then announce a much lighter version is available, but too bad, you don't get one. And then the Omate app which - I don't know if I'd describe "working" as something you can call it, because it didn't work. Seeing the Omate CPU operating well below the stated specs, etc. I ended up selling my Omate. Sorry, but you aren't going to get me as a repeat customer based on how you treated me as a pre-order customer.
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I feel sorry for you dude. I have 2 pieces of these paper weight with me. Forget about the support and after sale service. Their facebook is only for their fanboys and girls. Our Mr.Romantic- Laurent Le Pen probably used all the money in world tours and left nothing for the after sale service. Good luck.

