[Q] How android manages SSD - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Recently I'm doing research about OS optimization when using SSD and I was wondering if Android implements some of them, but I didn't found anything about it. Do you know for example if it saves less timestamps (or other metadata) than normal to reduce writes, or how it handles the fragmentation of data?
Thanks in advance for any help!


[Q] [DEV] - Android Resource Management

Hi there folks.
I'm new to Android system, but I'm a lone wolf of Linux and Unix system administration.
I have some question about it's resource management.
As I have searched, Android manages the device memory as a pool where it lays the apps pre-loaded in a priority-fashion, layered from 1 to 6, closing what is no longer necessary and keeping recently used/most used apps loaded for fast paced use.
Is that correct?
Also, I want to know more about memory and processor management.
Speciffically if I can use the same concept of memory management in Linux and Unix systems in Android. I'm thinking about developing scripts for memory and processor optimizing (to save memory use and processor time for the sake of battery duration).
I searched but couldn't find any reliable documentation on it.
Could you enlight those for me?
Thanks in advance,
Rafael Umbelino

[Q] Analyzing RAM situation?

Considering Android's memory management, how can I tell how am I am really doing memory wise? Is there a way to see stop the world garbage collection times, without root?
I am having some odd stream buffering / stopping as well and wonder if it's a resource other than clean bandwidth. (Its on otherdevices at the same location)

[Q] Permanently chance background process limit?

I've seen several people asking about this on here, Facebook & G+ as well & most were only suggested apps, or just keep using the developer options, etc.... Never reaching a solution to the original subject
Is there a way to permanently change the background process limit?
... Either by editing a file, or adding in a init.d file?
# android 4.4.4
.... Anyone.. ?
would be useful for old smart-phone running especially lollipop on 1gb ram to have a persistent (at reboot) solution to limit background process

Debugging System Processes

Recently I've become more interested in security research. After reading about the Stagefright vulnerability, I thought it would be fun to learn how to debug processes running on the phone itself.
I've tried attaching debuggers to an emulated phone using different API levels and versions of android (Mostly KitKat). Even when I fire up GDB I cannot view the processes memory space. Does anyone here have experience with this?

Detailed Info or even Education about LMK and Virtual Memory

Hi fellas.
Long story short: I seek detailed information about how LMK and especially Virtual Memory works so I can educate myself for teletubbic purposes.
I'm my old, 1gb Samsung Galaxy S3 device I suffer quite a lot because of poor ram management. Slow insufficient memory for even 1 app ooorr app transitions(multitasking), laggy apps, out of memory reboots drains my will to live.
So time to time I searched internet (especially most of the XDA forums) to find a solution for this, for months(again, time to time). In this process I learned a LOT but unfortunately its not enough since I still haven't found what some virtual memory values and related build prop entries does. Some people made guides but it's not specific and explanatory enough, unfortunately. Just some basic info from surface.
There are a lot of apps and roms that claims to provide better ram management through different ways but as you might guess, none of them completely solved my problems.
Don't get me wrong. I know that at the and, it all comes down to my 1gb device. But through my whole Android experience, I know what this device is capable of. So.. Yeah.
I want specific amounts of apps to stay in memory.
I want my system to kill apps without a second thought in out if memory situations. Fast as if I use "force stop" button in Apps/Settings. (this is important, huh)
I want to set priority to apps about using memory according to app's needs and my use frequency.
To do all of that, instead of crying in forums, I want to educate myself about ram management and do my thing by myself by optimizing system to the end.
Any help, guides, links, courses, piece of info appreciated.
Thanks in advance

