[Q] Tweetcaster - How to transfer/Backup Direct Messages - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello people,
To those who are familiar with the Tweetcaster App and bored to read a lot.
I am an everyday Twitter and Tweetcaster user.
I am trying to find a way to Backup (and probably transfer to another android phone) the Direct Messages that the application has stored in my phone.
There is no button for that.
I tried to copy/paste the “Tweetcaster” folder from my Samsung Galaxy S’ memory. Didn’t work.
For those who want more details and explanation.
Let’s say that I bought a new phone, and I want to transfer my Direct Message Data from the old one, to the new one.
1. Fact: Twitter.com archives ONLY the ~200 latest Direct messages to their server. Everything older, is deleted, and cannot be retrieved.
2. Fact: In my old phone, I have access to ALL Direct Messages, I have sent or received via Tweetcaster since I start using that phone. More than 1000 Direct Messages.
3. Fact: I have installed to my new phone the Tweetcaster app, and only the ~200 latest Direct Messages have appeared.
So. I assume that Tweetcaster, somewhere in my Old phone's memory, has a Directory of Data which includes all my Direct messages. I am seeking a way, to find and transfer that Directory to my computer, so I can have a Backup, and also to Transfer it to my new phone, and continue my Direct Messaging from where I stopped in my old phone.
(The app, saves in the phone’s memory, ONLY the Direct Messages, not ALL timeline activities)
I communicated with the online OneLouder Support didn’t help me at all.
So, I’m counting to you guys.
Probably someone pro here, can track the data movement this app makes every time you receive or send a Direct messages.
Thank you in advance.
Usefull stuff:


Backing up before flashing

Hey guys,
First, I want to apologize because I"m about to ask dumb questions. I've spent some time wandering around reading threads and FAQs trying to understand all this, but I'm still fairly lost.
Before i begin, some basic info:
I'm on Sprint, currently on ROM 2.09.651.3
I use ActiveSync to connect to my company's Outlook server to get my work email, calendar, and tasks. However, I sync with my home PC for files and favorites.
I'd like to update to the most recent ROM as i'd like to get the faster web speeds, GPS, and SprintTV if possible.
The only thing I really don't want to lose are my contacts, which I don't have syncing anywhere currently. These are obviously not work contacts...and I don't have Outloook on my home computer....so what are my choices as to how I can backup my contacts? Preferably, a free application.
Lastly, am I understanding correctly that I can download the file from this page:
and simply follow the instructions on this page:
http://www.htc.com/uploadedFiles/Co...es/Mogule_Detailed_RUU Instructions_R1 _2.pdf
And that's it?
Sorry for the dumb questions. I'm pretty good with technology, but I've never done any updating or tweaking with my phone. Aside from the HTC Home app, it's mostly stock. Any suggestions and help will be appreciated.
I just asked this question last week. What I discovered are 12 different answers from 12 different people. SO I will just tell you what I found.
SPB backup or Resco Backup. Those cost money tho. I prefer the free options.
I just discovered Dashwire. It's an online site that does the backup for your phone. It only does contacts, messages and conversations, call history, media (video and picture), bookmarks, ringtones, voicemail (but not on Sprint), speeddials, and has some social networking involved (including syncing with Twitter).
It seems to have worked great for me. I haven't noticed anything missing since my upgrade.
It doesn't do calendars, but I use the free version of Goosync for that.
if all you want are the contacts, "pim" in the my device folder contains the contact info. To verify, rename, reset, and see if your contacts are still there. As I recall you cant overwrite directly, you need to rename the original and then copy the old file to that location after the wipe.
Sounds like you have the rest figured out already.
Personally I run exchange for everything important, a UC file for my programs, and dont care about texts/etc. I did save my SPB P+ config, which is one of like 5 things I have to do manually on a hard reset (today screen plugins, buttons, contacts on phone suit, and exchange settings are the others.)

Which app for manage client?

a friend of mine bought a few days ago a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" to manage his clients (he's a doctor).
He started to build his contact library (he doesn't have an android phone and no gmail contacts) adding name, surname, eventually mail and phone number and in the "Note" field he wrote all the note he'd taken. BUT this field has a characters' limit, and he can't add even a letter anymore (for the most visited client of course).
I tried to search for an app for this purpose but I can't find anything. I don't even search ONLY an app, it can be enough another method using the in-build feature of the tablet and android.
I searched for some CRM app, but most of them are ugly (since it's not a power user the more simple and clean is the better) and not optimized for a tablet. I found Insightly, but it's only online, and if he does'nt have a wifi network around he can't, not only record the new data, but also access to the old ones! They MUST be always available.
I thought about a simple folder + text file in G Drive, but these are only online too. Dropbox, too.
If it can interact with the G Mail contacts (the Note field is very useful at this) it would be wonderful, otherwise he'll build up his library with his contacts.
How can I do to have these data always on the tablet (cloud sync is not absolutely necessary)??? Any idea for an app or an alternative method?
He bought a tablet to use for work, without any idea on how he would use it for work or if it would even do what he wanted? If he throws money around like that, why not recommend him to get an app written for his company and it's needs. There are many app developers who design and write custom apps for clients.

[Q] Sync folder to <x> storage

Hey everyone,
I've been googling for many hours. I've been to many shady places. But I've come up empty handed.
I'm basically looking for an app, that can provide syncronisation between a folder on my device, and a folder on <insert cloud storage here>.
I'm personally trying to migrate away from Dropbox, of which I've been a heavy user for many years. But in the light of the recent NSA gate, I thought I'd take a look what else is out there. I've chosen MEGA, as they provide (on paper) the security I like, and enough storage for my cloud-storage-needs.
I've been using Dropbox to automatically store the images I've taken with my phone camera and I take a backup of my texts every night at 2pm, which is also, automagically, uploaded to Dropbox. The official MEGA app takes care of the first, but the latter is taken care of within the backup app itself. It can be disabled, though.
I've looked for sync apps, but neither those or apps like Helium doesn't support MEGA.
So dear XDA,
Is there hope for me?
ownCloud provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices — wherever you are.
It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.

[Q] Webmail app...?

My apologies if I am posting this in the wrong area, but I seem to be looking for something that is difficult to find. Either that or I REALLY don't know how to ask/search for that which I am looking.
I need an app on my phone [android - Samsung Galaxy S4] for my emails, however I don't want the messages stored on the phone. So I guess I am looking for an app-etized webmail interface. Important features:
The ability to have a formatted signature (bolding, etc). The ability to add a logo would be nice, but not required
The ability to send formatted messages (HTML?)
The ability to use Templates
The ability to send/manage multiple attachments
Those are the biggies that I can think of at the moment.
Every time I find something it seems to want to save/manage the messages locally, and I am just REALLY paranoid about having business emails on something as easily lost/stolen as a phone (regardless of the ability to remote wipe)
Would anyone happen to know of a good solution? Doesn't have to be free, but reasonably-priced is a plus.
Many thanks (and a few beers) in advance!

SendMe my new app. Beta version.

Hello everyone. Few days ago my new WP app has been posted in Windows Market. And now I have to ask you, could you help test it? Search in market: SendMe
You can easy send and receive messages. Also you can easy copy text to clipboard. For example: You need to text really BIG URL-address, here you can easy do it, just click on message.
App will have a lot of changes, so this is just beginning.
I'm really curious: what the reason and purpose of the app? There are SMS, emails, bunch of different messengers on the platform to "send and receive messages"... Why do you think anyone will install it?
Use device network services, music, media items currently playing, any of sensors, acces browser, send push notiifications, use data stored on external storage device (sd card? ).

