[Q] CWM recovery - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

I'm looking for the source code for CWM recovery, does someone have a link?


[Q] Where do I get a Stock Recovery ROM (P7500 or P7501) as zip for CWM Recovery?

I'm looking for a Stock Recovery Rom for a P7501 or P7500 that can be flashed with CWM Recovery. So I need a ZIP file, not the img.
Maybe someone can help me.
Thx !

[Q] tablo 7" firmware

I`ve somehow managed to lose the dump I saved for my Tablo 7".I have cwm based recovery and have been searching everywhere for a stock rom but had no luck.Does anyone know of any?
try here... http://forums.box.co.uk/Topics.aspx?Oid=17
good luck
CWM Recovery
Don't mean to hijack your thread, but how did you get cwm recovery on your tablo?

[Q] Advance sp6446

I just bought a Advance Sp6446. Now I want to install a custom recovery. I havent found any comatible recovery on the internet so my question: is there any recovery for my tablet or is there a tutorial to do the changes on the cwm recovery source on my own?:angel:

Need help porting a recovery to my device

i i tried cwm builder thingie but it doesnt work now and im not smart enough to compile a recovery so i was wondering if someone can do it for me here is my stock recovery img please help me

custom recovery is replaced by ROM recovery?

Dear senior members,
problem with my s2 gt9100g is that i lost the custom recovery CWM after i install the cm13 via it now i have ROM recovery when i try to reboot into recovery.
then i tried to install again the CWM recovery via odin with PDA but what i get it only galaxy screen ... i happened to find no ROM ...then i again flash the ROM with CWM recovery and gaaps ...now i gain lost the CWM recovery... how do i retain the Custom CWM recovery?
thank you!
i hope you guys have easy solution

