I'm looking for the source code for CWM recovery, does someone have a link?
I'm looking for a Stock Recovery Rom for a P7501 or P7500 that can be flashed with CWM Recovery. So I need a ZIP file, not the img.
Maybe someone can help me.
Thx !
I`ve somehow managed to lose the dump I saved for my Tablo 7".I have cwm based recovery and have been searching everywhere for a stock rom but had no luck.Does anyone know of any?
try here... http://forums.box.co.uk/Topics.aspx?Oid=17
good luck
CWM Recovery
Don't mean to hijack your thread, but how did you get cwm recovery on your tablo?
I just bought a Advance Sp6446. Now I want to install a custom recovery. I havent found any comatible recovery on the internet so my question: is there any recovery for my tablet or is there a tutorial to do the changes on the cwm recovery source on my own?:angel:
i i tried cwm builder thingie but it doesnt work now and im not smart enough to compile a recovery so i was wondering if someone can do it for me here is my stock recovery img please help me
Dear senior members,
problem with my s2 gt9100g is that i lost the custom recovery CWM after i install the cm13 via it now i have ROM recovery when i try to reboot into recovery.
then i tried to install again the CWM recovery via odin with PDA but what i get it only galaxy screen ... i happened to find no ROM ...then i again flash the ROM with CWM recovery and gaaps ...now i gain lost the CWM recovery... how do i retain the Custom CWM recovery?
thank you!
i hope you guys have easy solution