Clove Technoloy's stance on selling the Asus Prime - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Recently Clove Technology managed to grab hold of some stock of the Asus Prime and with all the issues surrounding the model they decided to carry out extensive tests on the stock they held.
The end result is they are not happy with the overall result and have concluded they will not be selling the Asus Prime at this moment in time.
Personally I think it is a bold and solid message they will send back to Asus and a credit that here we have the only seller who will stand up to Asus by showing although they are not an Asus Sales Partner they do have a louder voice in the selling of Mobile devices. That message will be picked up by the mobile industry at large... A message a lot of us want to pass back.
Great B***s Clove.
Here below is the message Clove are sending to all who pre-ordered the Prime with Clove:-
We are contacting you regarding the interest you expressed in the ASUS Transformer Prime 32GB model.
Stock supply has been a real issue and good levels of stock are not expected until late February/March.
However we have been able to obtain some stock sooner than expected; but because of complaints of faults with the model we took the decision to thoroughly test stock before fulfilling any orders.
We are at this time not satisfied that all units we could provide you with are working correctly, and performing to the standard we expect of the unit.
We have therefore taken the decision until further notice stop selling the ASUS Transformer Prime.
If in time we feel that the situation has changed and we are happy to sell the Prime, we will email you to let you know that we are once again accepting orders.
We apologise that this is the situation but trust you understand our reasons for doing so.
The Clove Technology Sales Team.

Got this too, been waiting for ages, was a bit disappointed but the more I think of it the better...
Didn't want my Prime delivered all the way to Gibraltar for it be a faulty product because returning it/RMAing it is a nightmare from Gibraltar.
I plan to wait till the issues iron themselves out, like that I will be able to save up my money better and not end up skint when I buy it

Bravo for Clove!
It's a tough decision to make when there's such a feeding frenzy over a new device. They've certainly earned my respect by doing this.

Asked them if they were going to blog about the tests they made and the results, they replied and said that at this moment they won't be revealing anything.

neoghio said:
Asked them if they were going to blog about the tests they made and the results, they replied and said that at this moment they won't be revealing anything.
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I wonder why?

Absurd! Asus has said that it is mostly your imagination! Remember unless you got some of the first shipments, the boxes dont say GPS,! And who would ever use wifi on a wifi only tablet? Anyone who uses wifi should just go buy a laptop. Tablets aren't meant for wifi.

... and soon they will have to label it "Single Core Tegra 3 chip*"
*with a random possibility that maybe the chipset will supoort operating the other 3/4 cores

I'm not sure I agree with all of this. Not having a go a Clove but just playing devil's advocate here:
- Clove blog about lack of stock and build issues
- ASUS post on FB to ignore Clove and that they are not an official supplier
- Clove can't get stock (either because they have been pushed down the list or because they were never on the 'list')
- Clove email people saying we can't deliver because we're unhappy with the quality. We might deliver next month...
Clove have no responsibility for testing. If buyers have a problem they can return for full refund, or if Clove were too concerned by this they could hold back 20% of stock to cover returns of faulty units.
They also state that they might supply them in time. What will time give them? - ASUS aren't going to rebuild the thing so any faults will be permanent ones.
Sounds to me like sour grapes or a lack of supply that they aren't owning up to.
PS No disrespect at all intended to the OP.

If I were a reseller of any product and I would be made aware of possible issues with the product I would definitely run my own investigation and decide whether I want to carry the product or not.
It's not just ASUS taking the hit on returns, it's also resellers having to deal with the logistics and the dented image.
PS I am not a customer or representative of Clove's, they don't have shops in my country, and I am not certain they actually did what they said but I would encourage all resellers, big and small, to test the Primes prior to dispatching to customers... as best they can.

remics said:
If I were a reseller of any product and I would be made aware of possible issues with the product I would definitely run my own investigation and decide whether I want to carry the product or not.
It's not just ASUS taking the hit on returns, it's also resellers having to deal with the logistics and the dented image.
PS I am not a customer or representative of Clove's, they don't have shops in my country, and I am not certain they actually did what they said but I would encourage all resellers, big and small, to test the Primes prior to dispatching to customers... as best they can.
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Except that they won't be revealing anything.
Secret tests with secret results? Our protector or sour grapes?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

I, too, would love for them to publish their results. I am a firm believer in the fact that the number of faulty Primes out there (processor, wifi, gps, screen etc) is far greater than Asus would like us to believe. Considering the various polls on this forum it is my own estimation that at least half of the Primes suffer from one or a combination of manufacturing/parts defects.
If a reseller with a decent stock were to carry out extensive tests over 100-1000 units and post their findings I think it would really ruin Asus' claims of "only a small percentage of units display this behavior".

I guess if we bombard their twitter/facebook/google+ we might pressure them to reveal what they did?

Bravo for Clove?
Not really, unless they won't sell because of weak GPS, majority of TF201's work relatively well. Sure they are not perfect devices, but they work.
I wonder if there's some other reason why Clove is not selling, such as simply not having enough stock.

Col.Kernel said:
Bravo for Clove!
It's a tough decision to make when there's such a feeding frenzy over a new device. They've certainly earned my respect by doing this.
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Quoted for Truth!
Great to see a site standing up and more worried about their Reputation, than selling a hot, but flawed, product. I know some people will swear they have a perfect unit (or one with only minor issues) but many of these devices have shipped with many issues (light bleed, GPS, WIfi, Serial Number Unknown, ICS Rebooting, lockups, etc). If I were a company, I wouldn't sell it right now either.

Life goes on. Asus will still sell primes. They will continue to make money. Everything isn't always what it seems. Might be ore to this story than people think.

remics said:
I, too, would love for them to publish their results. I am a firm believer in the fact that the number of faulty Primes out there (processor, wifi, gps, screen etc) is far greater than Asus would like us to believe. Considering the various polls on this forum it is my own estimation that at least half of the Primes suffer from one or a combination of manufacturing/parts defects.
If a reseller with a decent stock were to carry out extensive tests over 100-1000 units and post their findings I think it would really ruin Asus' claims of "only a small percentage of units display this behavior".
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Not likely a big enough sampling to reflect the amount of primes produced. I'm assuming there are 40,000 to 100,000 primes out of the factory already, and will be real mad if it's only 10k
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

Haha. Good for Clove. Asus just got ***** slapped, and they deserve it.

kristovaher said:
majority of TF201's work relatively well. Sure they are not perfect devices, but they work.
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You hit the nail on the head. All of the returns and exchanges are costing resellers a fortune. Why should Asus or the Prime be given any special consideration when compared to other devices? They're all supposed to perform the same and within very narrow tollerances. Something went horribly wrong with the Prime: trouble meeting production targets, spec changes after sales start, devices performing differently from each other in the same lot, display issues (dead pixels, screen bleed, varying color temperatures), random reboots, failed updates, and the list goes on. Clove's profit margin is narrow and if 1/3 of the devices they sell end up returned they'll barely break even. If the return and exchange rates continue in the U.S. I'd expect similar responses from resellers here too.
P.S. - I've bought tons of stuff from Clove. They're one of the best UK resellers to deal with for importing devices to the U.S. They typically do analysis on hot devices and are staffed by people that are really in to electronics. They've never done anything like this before so it would be hard to understand why they would suddenly single out one device unless something's really wrong.

Well god bless the capitalism of the USA (cronnie or not...LOL). Let me decided what to do with my money.
Like thousands of others I am perfectly happy with my Prime, and I am really happy I had the opportunity to get one. I heard all the horror stories at my time of purchase, but thank god i was allowed to decided for myself,
I can understand that maybe they didnt want to deal with ANY returns, and I feel for any of you guys that were waiting for one,
Sent from my fully functional TF201 Transformer Prime

You see in business, the last thing you want is returns. Sure you need it to survive, so customers think it's a good business/store and all, but with returns, it's always a hassle. So I can understand clove not wanting to deal with this as it seems a good number of primes have problems. Hence a lot of returns.
$1 gets you a reply


So how many Prime tablets did Asus actually ship to the US?

Was it less than 10,000? This is utterly ridiculous.
I remember back when the PlayStation 2 debuted in 2000 and Sony shipped only half of their projected 1 million units for launch, and it was mad crazy trying to find one, you had to be at the right store at the right time that wasn't taking only pre-orders to get one.
Fast forward to today with Asus Transformer Prime it's like barely any store have one. Worst launch of a new product in history IMO.
I swear had this not be the only Android tablet with the highest specs I wouldn't be clinging on to wanting one this long. But sadly all the other alternative tablets fall short on the specs.
Idk probably that number!
But idk anyone who has gotten a 64gb they are saying January (amazon)
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I dont think its time to go "OMFGWTFBBQ" over this yet. Asus's statements have always said things to the effect of "we plan to start shipping units on the X day." They never said anything about fulfilling every kids want and need across the planet by day 1 of product launch.
Yes, it does suck that its not overstocked everywhere ready to go for everyone and their brother with enough extra supply for everyone to buy a second unit as a fallout backup unit, but they never really got all crazy with it. I think their aim has been to make sure the product stays quality, and to start opening the product flow pipelines this week, which they are doing.
the_game_master said:
Was it less than 10,000? This is utterly ridiculous.
I remember back when the PlayStation 2 debuted in 2000 and Sony shipped only half of their projected 1 million units for launch, and it was mad crazy trying to find one, you had to be at the right store at the right time that wasn't taking only pre-orders to get one.
Fast forward to today with Asus Transformer Prime it's like barely any store have one. Worst launch of a new product in history IMO.
I swear had this not be the only Android tablet with the highest specs I wouldn't be clinging on to wanting one this long. But sadly all the other alternative tablets fall short on the specs.
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I am Right there with you its down right shameful how this has been handle alone turning would be buyers away i thought long and hard yesterday about just getting another tablet but my Gf told me to stay with it because ive already been waiting so long
Yup I feel the exact same way.
I really don't want to get something else. This is my first tablet because I've been waiting for something I really like.
But with a seriously flawed release plan, Asus has pretty much told me, "Sorry, we're not interested in your business."
I will NOT cancel my order until there is no more hope for me getting it before I leave back overseas on Dec. 29.
Come on people, its not like Asus doesn't want you to have the device before Christmas. I'm sure they tried their hardest to get these things out, but ran into lots of issues on the way. I do agree that Asus should of been more upfront about what was happening. Asus certainly isn't saying they're not interested in your businesses and they will be shipping these things out as quickly as possible.
If I wasn't so Anti-Apple, I would have cancelled this order a long time ago. How can the Android tablet market possibly ever grow in numbers with a launch like this??? Things like this really make me question my judgement in choosing a tablet, but I still think Android as a tablet platform would be more preferable for my needs than going with Apple, and its locked down platform.
I just am concerned for the future of the Android tablet market... If future launches from other companies go like this one, Apple will be laughing its way to the bank, even more than it is doing right now.
This would be a shame.... the Asus Transformer prime, and all of the Android Tablets coming out next year, have the potential to definitely compete against whatever apple brings. Let's hope Asus gets these out quickly, and in large quantities.
I think they shipped 4
no wait 3
yes 3 is the number.
also holy crap you people complain like woah. These are what they call "white people problems"
veggicide said:
Come on people, its not like Asus doesn't want you to have the device before Christmas. I'm sure they tried their hardest to get these things out, but ran into lots of issues on the way. I do agree that Asus should of been more upfront about what was happening. Asus certainly isn't saying they're not interested in your businesses and they will be shipping these things out as quickly as possible.
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Gotta agree with you. They obviously seriously screwed up by not making a pre-Christmas release of a decent size and you can be sure that they're not happy about it.
The problem I have with them is the almost complete silence on the matter. For that there is no excuse. They knew that many of us were purchasing this for Christmas so they should have been up front when they knew they weren't going to be able to fulfill pre-orders.
Update: Pre-orders for the #TransformerPrime starting to be fulfilled this week. Inventory set to reach normal levels in January
the_game_master said:
Was it less than 10,000? This is utterly ridiculous.
I remember back when the PlayStation 2 debuted in 2000 and Sony shipped only half of their projected 1 million units for launch, and it was mad crazy trying to find one, you had to be at the right store at the right time that wasn't taking only pre-orders to get one.
Fast forward to today with Asus Transformer Prime it's like barely any store have one. Worst launch of a new product in history IMO.
I swear had this not be the only Android tablet with the highest specs I wouldn't be clinging on to wanting one this long. But sadly all the other alternative tablets fall short on the specs.
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you said it yourself, its the only tablet with the highest spec. why do you think other manufactures aren't making them? they are, but none of them can release them yet, theres not even an official statement yet, because of the time constraint. The fact the asus is able to release them before the Xmas is impressive enough. I know its dissapointing to have an expected release date and got pushed back, i know it sucks when their first shioment fall short. But should them wait till they have enough for everyone and release people are gonna complain that its too late.
Falhawk said:
Update: Pre-orders for the #TransformerPrime starting to be fulfilled this week. Inventory set to reach normal levels in January
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Again, that could mean late January which is another 5-6 weeks. Amazon says that they won't be able to fulfill new orders for another 4 weeks at minimum.
andyxover said:
you said it yourself, its the only tablet with the highest spec. why do you think other manufactures aren't making them? they are, but none of them can release them yet, theres not even an official statement yet, because of the time constraint. The fact the asus is able to release them before the Xmas is impressive enough. I know its dissapointing to have an expected release date and got pushed back, i know it sucks when their first shioment fall short. But should them wait till they have enough for everyone and release people are gonna complain that its too late.
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Yea, i seriously doubt Asus is sitting on a stockpile of these things and saying, "Let's ruin everyone's Christmas." They are doing the best they can. They are a business, they want to sell these things. I am grateful that they caught the wifi problem and then decided to do something about it. Other companies would have just shipped and not said anything (i.e. Apple and the many bugs that their devices have come out with ala Siri, iphone 4 radio fiasco, and 4GS battery life). Asus wanted the product to be the best possible before shipping and it makes me feel like the device I get will be of the highest quality, even if I don't get it before Christmas.
Yea, I'm dissapointed. But I'm not going to come on XDA and throw a childish hissy fit about it. I do really really really want mine, but come on people, this is a "first world problem."
Go ahead and cancel your orders out of anger. I will happily bump up in the line.
2 Waves, 12/23 and 1/11/2012
htowngator said:
Again, that could mean late January which is another 5-6 weeks. Amazon says that they won't be able to fulfill new orders for another 4 weeks at minimum.
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Just got off the phone with Gamestop where I have my pre-order, the January date is for the 2nd wave of ordered inventory. If you already have a pre-order out there, you "should" as of now, get yours the 23rd, at least this is the word at Gamestop and I assume other retailers are on the same or close to the same schedule.
---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------
Years ago when I was working for IBM, we came out with a very hot Thinkpad/Laptop right before Christmas, the VP massively underestimated the demand, he was fired over it, the money on the table that was lost. I think we can say Asus under estimated the demand. To bad to, the numbers they could have achieved. To have done this right, the pipeline should have been full on 12/1. So here we are, we wait, my last best hope is Gamestop saids my pre-order will be available the 23rd, the first wave, if they don't have it, I think I will default to a new laptop instead.
Those of us who bought the original transformer know ASUS had similar problems with the launch of that product and many feel they didn't learn anything. I think they did but what they forgot was instead of one color with two memory size variations they now have two colors with the same two memory variations, so all the revised plans based on the previous screw up didn't work when they doubled the options. So you get cancelled from one retailer, Amazon because they took too many orders for one color and you cover yours bets by getting the opposite color with another retailer, Best Buy and bam, you lose that one because they had the opposite problem. The introduction of two colors and the missing 64GB versions are the prime, excuse the pun, factors in this screw up. IMHO.
The big test for me now with this shipping fiasco is how well and how quickly they get ICS much for all the "worlds first" claims!
I think we can say Asus under estimated the demand. To bad to, the numbers they could have achieved.
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I don't think it's under estimating demand, it's not like 10K+ users are happy and have their Primes, and countless others are waiting for the 2nd/3rd batches.. they just failed to deliver the product, logistical, technical, marketing, lack of communication with consumers, etc. First batch obviously got pulled back to be reworked.
I'm not certain the demand is outrageous for this product. Maybe just the people who pre-order them (like myself). Stir crazy wanting the device before Christmas. Rightfully I guess, most of the expectations have been set by the retailers and not ASUS. ASUS seems to be trying to "ignore" the problem and not communicate except through third parties and rumor mill. This is 2011, you have to be engaged directly with your customers through social media, twitter, facebook, etc.. but they are 'mostly' silent.
My 2 cents -
If they could of got it in B&M store by Black Friday, week after Thanksgiving, etc.. they'd be selling like hot cakes probably. Horrible launch planning, they tried to hit a date and failed, and it'll cost ASUS with all the upcoming announcements at CES, Ipad 3 rumors, etc..
I'm sure quite a few jobs will be lost over this, marketing/PR, QA, Product Management, etc... they can't be successful if they can't learn how to launch a product. These aren't motherboards, or GPUs where the specs will sell the product, they need to market to the average consumer, and they are failing. Maybe it's different in other regions, but in the US, you gotta really knock it out of the park.
Conduitz said:
I dont think its time to go "OMFGWTFBBQ" over this yet. Asus's statements have always said things to the effect of "we plan to start shipping units on the X day." They never said anything about fulfilling every kids want and need across the planet by day 1 of product launch.
Yes, it does suck that its not overstocked everywhere ready to go for everyone and their brother with enough extra supply for everyone to buy a second unit as a fallout backup unit, but they never really got all crazy with it. I think their aim has been to make sure the product stays quality, and to start opening the product flow pipelines this week, which they are doing.
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Overstocked? Try just "stocked at all'. None of the stores have them.
It's obviously on Asus's end -- probably with their supply chain management. This isn't the first failed launch so no, they don't get a free pass.
See, I don't think consumers would have minded if Asus made a public announcement BEFORE release about delay issues. They left costumers in the dark and even now, we're getting conflicting reports.
A week or so ago they stated 19th was still a go, but that clearly was a bust.
This isn't a small start-up we're talking about -- they have over 110,000 employees! Not one of them could make a public announcement and communicate more effectively? No, that's ridiculous.
jwigginton said:
I don't think it's under estimating demand, it's not like 10K+ users are happy and have their Primes, and countless others are waiting for the 2nd/3rd batches.. they just failed to deliver the product, logistical, technical, marketing, lack of communication with consumers, etc. First batch obviously got pulled back to be reworked.
I'm not certain the demand is outrageous for this product. Maybe just the people who pre-order them (like myself). Stir crazy wanting the device before Christmas. Rightfully I guess, most of the expectations have been set by the retailers and not ASUS. ASUS seems to be trying to "ignore" the problem and not communicate except through third parties and rumor mill. This is 2011, you have to be engaged directly with your customers through social media, twitter, facebook, etc.. but they are 'mostly' silent.
My 2 cents -
If they could of got it in B&M store by Black Friday, week after Thanksgiving, etc.. they'd be selling like hot cakes probably. Horrible launch planning, they tried to hit a date and failed, and it'll cost ASUS with all the upcoming announcements at CES, Ipad 3 rumors, etc..
I'm sure quite a few jobs will be lost over this, marketing/PR, QA, Product Management, etc... they can't be successful if they can't learn how to launch a product. These aren't motherboards, or GPUs where the specs will sell the product, they need to market to the average consumer, and they are failing. Maybe it's different in other regions, but in the US, you gotta really knock it out of the park.
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Couldn't agree more with this. I too don't think that there was that much demand for the Prime in terms of pre-orders (compared to the Ipad for example). After all, I haven't heard a thing about the Prime in the mainstream media. I think ASUS just completely missed their launch target and for some reason thought that if they ignored everyone it would just go away. Not in this day and age.
I think that they could have avoided ALL the negative reaction if they had just communicated with people. I'm fine with the fact that my Prime is late, it's the complete lack of communication by ASUS and all the rampant speculation about release dates that's driving me nuts. The Prime will be ready to ship when it's ready to ship but I would REALLY like to hear from ASUS when it's going to come out. We don't even have a release date for the Prime in's become a joke.
jwigginton said:
I don't think it's under estimating demand, it's not like 10K+ users are happy and have their Primes, and countless others are waiting for the 2nd/3rd batches.. they just failed to deliver the product, logistical, technical, marketing, lack of communication with consumers, etc. First batch obviously got pulled back to be reworked.
I'm not certain the demand is outrageous for this product. Maybe just the people who pre-order them (like myself). Stir crazy wanting the device before Christmas. Rightfully I guess, most of the expectations have been set by the retailers and not ASUS. ASUS seems to be trying to "ignore" the problem and not communicate except through third parties and rumor mill. This is 2011, you have to be engaged directly with your customers through social media, twitter, facebook, etc.. but they are 'mostly' silent.
My 2 cents -
If they could of got it in B&M store by Black Friday, week after Thanksgiving, etc.. they'd be selling like hot cakes probably. Horrible launch planning, they tried to hit a date and failed, and it'll cost ASUS with all the upcoming announcements at CES, Ipad 3 rumors, etc..
I'm sure quite a few jobs will be lost over this, marketing/PR, QA, Product Management, etc... they can't be successful if they can't learn how to launch a product. These aren't motherboards, or GPUs where the specs will sell the product, they need to market to the average consumer, and they are failing. Maybe it's different in other regions, but in the US, you gotta really knock it out of the park.
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When you said: "If they could of got it in B&M store by Black Friday, week after Thanksgiving, etc.. they'd be selling like hot cakes probably"
The key word is IF. Not meaning you, but anyone who has been saying "Asus blew it. They should have had this thing out (insert date here) and it would have been a HIT, is just being naive. a) It IS a hit, if not on the scale of Apply or Sony releases. b) ASUS has been busting their ass trying to get this out, and in spite of several setbacks (the wifi issue in one place reported 300 units were recalled, which is a ridiculous number.. more like 3k units I would guess, or possibly ALL unites to test, and reship unaffected tablets) and if ASUS could have had thousands of these ready for Black Friday, you can bet they would have.
I am personally pissed at all the outright LIES that Bestbuy CSR's were telling folks, when they OBVIOUSLY kept selling Pre-orders beyond any commitment of what they would receive. If everyone else could pull the pre-orders, theres only ONE reason Bestbuy didn't - out & out greed and ^%$# the customer business methods.
I have communicated to ASUS that they can NOT compete with the like of Apple, Samsung, or even Motorola when they don't even get the english tranlastions correct in their marketing materials. I personally saw them change the WebStorage Portal page and add corrections I sent in an email.... Small time operators, they don't get that they are peeing in the tall grass with the big dogs now. They need to hire a top Advertising Agency, and Marketing consulting to provide someone with a degree in Language to proffread their silly statements.
I have a Motherboard here that has this on the box: "Rock Solid" Heart Touching" ??? Heart Touching? WTF does that have to do with a high spec motherboard? LOL

[Q] If ASUS doesn't recall defected TF201 tables, is it considered illegal?

Ok so this is my question:
If ASUS doesn't recall defected TF201 is it considered illegal?
Now think about this for a second, every year we see on the news that some gadget has some sort of defect and the company that created the product announces a recall to resolve this issue. ASUS has admitted there is a WiFi and GPS issue but is taking measures to deny it. Are ASUS's actions considered illegal since they are selling us products with known defects? Why hasn't the FCC or BBB required them to recall all the tablets that have these defects. My Transformer Prime came in today and I get about 1 bar right next to my router and it can't even keep a stable connection. On top of that, my 8MP camera is more blurry than my Galaxy Nexus 5MP camera. This tablet has severe hardware issues and after considering this, I think there could be a serious lawsuit involved.
Please comment, I would love to hear people's opinion.
Snwspeckle said:
Ok so this is my question:
If ASUS doesn't recall defected TF201 is it considered illegal?
Now think about this for a second, every year we see on the news that some gadget has some sort of defect and the company that created the product announces a recall to resolve this issue. ASUS has admitted there is a WiFi and GPS issue but is taking measures to deny it. Are ASUS's actions considered illegal since they are selling us products with known defects? Why hasn't the FCC or BBB required them to recall all the tablets that have these defects. My Transformer Prime came in today and I get about 1 bar right next to my router and it can't even keep a stable connection. On top of that, my 8MP camera is more blurry than my Galaxy Nexus 5MP camera. This tablet has severe hardware issues and after considering this, I think there could be a serious lawsuit involved.
Please comment, I would love to hear people's opinion.
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This is an EXCELLENT question that I would love a lawyer or an expert answer because I would love nothing more then to sign up for this class action lawsuit and really stick it to these sons of *****es I am totally fed up with this.
Also you are forgetting the main thing false advertisment for advertising GPS in specs and then taking it out I think this would be the homerun swing here.
Nope, not illegal. gps issue is not a safety risk. Only time they are required by law is if it poses a danger.
However you can get then for false advertising. But, first you would have to make attempt to return the product. If they don't allow return then u can say it was misleading and they didn't make reasonable effort to correct their mistake.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
Your telling me, I had to wait forever just to get a DEFECTED product shipped to me that won't even be fixed. All they do is ship you another with a good 75% chance to have a defect as well. ASUS knows the new back will fix all the issues. I am getting sick of this because now I have to bring this back to Best Buy. Oh did I also mention the entire corner of my box was completely destroyed when I got my tablet...
ravizzle said:
Nope, not illegal. gps issue is not a safety risk. Only time they are required by law is if it poses a danger.
However you can get then for false advertising. But, first you would have to make attempt to return the product. If they don't allow return then u can say it was misleading and they didn't make reasonable effort to correct their mistake.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
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But the action is not regarding a safety risk, rather, its paying for a product you didn't fully receive and I am not about to go return mine to get another that is broken; especially since they don't even have them in store at Best Buy. I am not waiting to have one shipped again.
Snwspeckle said:
Your telling me, I had to wait forever just to get a DEFECTED product shipped to me that won't even be fixed. All they do is ship you another with a good 75% chance to have a defect as well. ASUS knows the new back will fix all the issues. I am getting sick of this because now I have to bring this back to Best Buy. Oh did I also mention the entire corner of my box was completely destroyed when I got my tablet...
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I never said anything of that sort. Idk if my writing was unclear.
I said u can return it, but if they don't allow you to get a refund, then u have a claim because of false advertising. Never mentioned exchanges at all.
Edit 6pm PST:
You asked if it was illegal and if they were required to issue a recall.
They don't have to issue a recall. If they want to they can.
Add per my understanding they said they removed gps from the list now, do they made reasonable attempts to address false advertising. If you bought before they did that, then you should be entitled to a full refund. If they deny such refund then you have a good case.
And when I say return, I mean return. Not exchange. If lack of gps is the prob, then the prime just isn't for you, maybe wait for the t700 which has plastic back.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
My opinion is that a handful of people called the Backplate Conspiracy Theorists who are dead set on going up against the Great Evil otherwise known as Asus would look like a bunch of fools.
False advertising that the tablet has......... aGPS? I'm still waiting for someone to show me where Asus advertised the Prime as having a dedicated unassisted GPS unit.
Your box got messed up by UPS, that that issue up with them.
And you return your product to the vendor you bought it from. That would be Best Buy.
New back plate has nothing to do with the biggest problem of all.... Primes crash/rebooting and having video issues making them unusable at this point I could care less about the GPS and weaker WiFi signal.
jdbaker82 said:
New back plate has nothing to do with the biggest problem of all.... Primes crash/rebooting and having video issues making them unusable at this point I could care less about the GPS and weaker WiFi signal.
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Well luckily my prime is fine, but if I was in your situation I would return or exchange my prime as it is obvious you got a bad unit.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
Snwspeckle said:
Ok so this is my question:
If ASUS doesn't recall defected TF201 is it considered illegal?
Now think about this for a second, every year we see on the news that some gadget has some sort of defect and the company that created the product announces a recall to resolve this issue. ASUS has admitted there is a WiFi and GPS issue but is taking measures to deny it. Are ASUS's actions considered illegal since they are selling us products with known defects? Why hasn't the FCC or BBB required them to recall all the tablets that have these defects. My Transformer Prime came in today and I get about 1 bar right next to my router and it can't even keep a stable connection. On top of that, my 8MP camera is more blurry than my Galaxy Nexus 5MP camera. This tablet has severe hardware issues and after considering this, I think there could be a serious lawsuit involved.
Please comment, I would love to hear people's opinion.
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If its defective, return it. If it does not meet your standards, return it.
As far as the denying there is an issue part, they have come out and said in official press release that the design of the solid aluminum back degrades the signal. Its more design flaws then defects, not to say people have not had their share of mfg defects.
If customers are not happy they should speak out by not buying the products.
At the end of the day are you happy with what you got?
Loving mine so far, no mfg issues to speak of and wifi range is decent. I have not ran into an issues where I could not connect to wifi.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Snwspeckle said:
Your telling me, I had to wait forever just to get a DEFECTED product shipped to me that won't even be fixed. All they do is ship you another with a good 75% chance to have a defect as well. ...........
I am not waiting to have one shipped again.
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You think that 75% of the Primes are defective? The tablets that no vendor can keep in stock? The same tablet you waited forever to get? The one you wont wait to get replaced?
Did I just read someone else thinks they are defective because of the rebooting after the OS update?? You do realize this is happening to a very very small number of devices, right?
Get a grip. Look around. Do some research. MOST of the articles written about problems with the Prime refer right back to here - this site, xda. Almost everything else written, reviews, consumer reactions, buyers, etc are loving their new Primes. We are NOT the average consumer of these types of devices.
Really folks. Put yourself out of this misery and return them for a refund or exchange. You may not want to keep, others do, you can make money on it by selling it on ebay.
Class action law suit over a friggin tablet that reboots after an OS update. Ridiculous. Have the FCC force a recall on a tablet. A TABLET!!!
slugbug2010 said:
Class action law suit over a friggin tablet that reboots after an OS update. Ridiculous. Have the FCC force a recall on a tablet. A TABLET!!!
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The class action lawsuit would be under the false advertising part of removing a GPS from specs. Just curious though from your tone it seems like you think this is not a big deal that roughly 20% of Primes right now have a constant locking up and rebooting issue rending them unusable with no way to fix them not even factory resets?
There could be grounds for a civil suit if ASUS falsely advertised the capabilities of the device and/or breached their implied warranty because the Prime is not fit for the purpose for which it was sold. I'm not a lawyer but I've been in business for about 20 years and that's my understanding of the relevant legal concepts.
I think that for the period of time prior to ASUS changing their marketing of the Prime as including "GPS" (I don't remember any marketing materials specifying aGPS), they could be liable for breach of implied warranty and subject to a class action suit (or individual action, although the costs would likely be prohibitive for most people and not worth the time). Bottom line is that a reasonable and fairly knowledgeable person would assume that the GPS would work well enough for one of its primary common purposes, i.e., navigation, unless ASUS had specified otherwise.
This would only be available to anyone who purchased their Primes before ASUS changed their marketing. It would be hard to prove which customers who purchased the Prime prior to this date were aware of the GPS issue, because it's not as if ASUS sent an email to every registered customer letting them know of the defect and offering a solution. Therefore, a class action suit would likely include everybody who purchased their Prime prior to an established date regardless of whether they COULD HAVE known about the GPS issue within any return period. It's not as if most people visit forums like this one or read the ASUS Facebook page and are therefore aware of the problem. ASUS could post notice of the issue by taking out ads in newspapers, issuing press releases, etc., but to my knowledge they've done none of that.
Indeed, the fact that ASUS did publicly, albeit not widely, admit the design error works against them. They've admitted culpability and haven't yet offered compensation to those who might have been harmed. The generally poor wifi performance contributes to that harm, or at least to evidence of a design flaw that makes the Prime less fit for its purpose as a mobile connected device. Toss in the redesign of the case in the TF700 that's obviously aimed at improving radio performance, and ASUS would have a hard time claiming they're not aware of any issues.
I'm still expecting ASUS to do something, up to and including what they've said they'll do in Taiwan, that is, offer an extended return policy. They could head off a class action lawsuit simply by offering to give everyone's money back who purchased a Prime before they changed their marketing of it. The coverage date remains up in the air, in my opinion, because retailers still list GPS in the specs and the packaging itself lists GPS. It's hard for them to argue that they're no longer marketing it as a GPS-enabled device (again, specifically NOT an aGPS device) when their own packaging still lists it as a feature.
Again, I'm not a lawyer, but I've seen class action suits succeed based on far less clearly justified claims. I would be shocked if there isn't a class action suit if ASUS doesn't respond soon.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
slugbug2010 said:
You think that 75% of the Primes are defective? The tablets that no vendor can keep in stock? The same tablet you waited forever to get? The one you wont wait to get replaced?
Did I just read someone else thinks they are defective because of the rebooting after the OS update?? You do realize this is happening to a very very small number of devices, right?
Get a grip. Look around. Do some research. MOST of the articles written about problems with the Prime refer right back to here - this site, xda. Almost everything else written, reviews, consumer reactions, buyers, etc are loving their new Primes. We are NOT the average consumer of these types of devices.
Really folks. Put yourself out of this misery and return them for a refund or exchange. You may not want to keep, others do, you can make money on it by selling it on ebay.
Class action law suit over a friggin tablet that reboots after an OS update. Ridiculous. Have the FCC force a recall on a tablet. A TABLET!!!
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Agreed, I wonder if some of these people threatening legal action ever discovered women at some point in their lives. I wouldn't want these disgruntled cry babies exchanging their "defective" products. I would rather they get their money back and once and for all put an end to their misery.
jdbaker82 said:
The class action lawsuit would be under the false advertising part of removing a GPS from specs. Just curious though from your tone it seems like you think this is not a big deal that roughly 20% of Primes right now have a constant locking up and rebooting issue rending them unusable with no way to fix them not even factory resets?
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unfortunately you cant class action on the false advertising unless they deny u from returning your tablet (within a reasonable time frame) for a refund. This is because asus has gone out and acknowledged and corrected the issue. they made a reasonable effort to correct their mistake.
And also on second thought, the device is in fact equipped with a gps sensor (it just sucks due to aluminum body) so the false advertising isnt really that strong of a case in the first place. The device does get a gps signal (although weak and horribly unusable when not on wifi)
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Lock ups and reboots happen were acting like nothing ever happens when sh*t like this goes out to the masses. All and i mean all updates and os upgrades will have bugs. Ios had them android has them windows has em. Asus has been the only company on the android side that has released more updates to their products than any other company. If you dont like what you got return the damn thing and stop the QQ.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
jdbaker82 said:
The class action lawsuit would be under the false advertising part of removing a GPS from specs. Just curious though from your tone it seems like you think this is not a big deal that roughly 20% of Primes right now have a constant locking up and rebooting issue rending them unusable with no way to fix them not even factory resets?
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I'd love to know where you guys get your numbers from.
I would much rather ASUS developcement back with the plastic strip like on the TF 700 that could be installed by Best Buy for about $25.00. While it should work correctly out of the box, I would galdly spend $25. to replace the back.
Itaintrite said:
I'd love to know where you guys get your numbers from.
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You know that 93.7% of all statistics is made up, right?
---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------
What is a defected TF201?
Seriously, guys, if you are so passed off with Asus, return it already. It's just a tablet.
joehanratty said:
I would much rather ASUS developcement back with the plastic strip like on the TF 700 that could be installed by Best Buy for about $25.00. While it should work correctly out of the box, I would galdly spend $25. to replace the back.
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Two problems with this:
1) It's not just a backplate. It's the back frame, with stuff built onto it. If it were a piece that was pried/screwed off and could be easily swapped out, maybe, but if you go look at the teardowns for this, you'll see this isn't the case.
2) Best Buy?? I wouldn't trust them to replace an external keyboard for a desktop, much less let them tinker inside a tablet, lol. Plus, in addition to their crappy quality of repair services, their prices are horrible. They charged money to pair bluetooth headsets to phones! D:
lol, ranting aside, welcome to XDA and enjoy your stay. Feel free to keep throwing out ideas, and watch out for the trolls. Usually they're pretty reserved, but the Prime situation has them out in force!
Itaintrite said:
I'd love to know where you guys get your numbers from.
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Its a estimate based on a poll on XDA and its not just a couple its hundreds of Primes effected.


From: Gregory Lee Joplin
To: "godwin_yan "jonney_shih "Jerry_Shen
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: Transformer Prime
Dear Mr Yan,Mr Shih,Mr Shen
I'm very sorry that you chose to not answer my email re the WI-Fi/GPS issues that continue to plague the Prime Tablet and I'm glad I decided to return mine. I feel your lack of interest in my concerns as a consumer mean you do not value me or the quality of the product you bring to the international market. So much for your mission statement(“Passion for Technology, Focus on Quality, Long-Term Relationships and Perseverance”.It's only a matter of time before people in the forums(Prime/Xda Developers will realize this truth also and that the magic software update that they continue to be promised will not fix the Wifi/Gps issues. This is why the Transformer Infinity 700 is going to be released.After the Prime I'm not waiting around you had your chance for another consumer and chose to ignore me.
There are plenty of new tablets coming out this year which can match the Infinity specifications the Acer Iconia Tab A 700
is one of them.
As I said in my first email I REALLY WANTED the Asus Transformer Prime.
I'm considering sharing my Prime experience by posting this this email in the forums.
Yours truly.,
Gregory Lee Joplin
From: Gregory Lee Joplin
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 9:57 PM
Subject: Transformer Prime Concerns Case #1654881
Jerry Shen, Godwin Yan, Jonney Shih
Re Transformer Prime TF201Case #1654881
I tried getting my case #1654881 resolved through Mr Hai Trat through emails and telephone calls with no success and totally unacceptable answers to my situation. I also tried through your head office in Ontario Canada and was put on hold.
As a last resort I'm going to the top and hoping you will look after me through ASUS’s mission statement states: “Passion for Technology, Focus on Quality, Long-Term Relationships and Perseverance”.* It's only a matter of time before people in the forums(Prime/Xda Developers will realize this truth also and that the magic software update that they continue to be promised will not fix the Wifi/Gps issues. This is why the Transformer Infinity 700 is going to be released.After the Prime I'm not waiting around you had your chance for another consumer and chose to ignore me.
There are plenty of new tablets coming out this year which can match the Infinity specifications the Acer Iconia Tab A 700
is one of them.
As I said in my first email I REALLY WANTED the Asus Transformer Prime.
I'm considering sharing my Prime experience by posting this this email in the forums.
Yours truly.,
Gregory Lee Joplin
*Here is my situation:
I recently purchased (within the last 90 days) the 32GB version of the Transformer Prime in Victoria, BC Canada from Staples and paid $600 and I was looking forward to getting the keyboard and getting a lot of use out of it. Instead of this I had nonexistent GPS in that I couldn't get a decent/accurate reading from my apartment. I live in a one bedroom apartment in a small building with no large buildings around. All I wanted was the location of my apartment and it could not do that. I had NO INTENTION of using it as a GPS unit in my car. Mr Hai Trat (ACI) answer to this question was GPS on the Prime has been removed from Marketing sheets so getting great accuracy will not occur if you purchase a Prime.* At this point it will not be up to par for this function unfortunately. I attach that email for your reference.
The Wi-Fi was not strong and varied strength even at a distance of less than 10 feet.* Mr Hai Trat’s answer to this was for the Wifi/BT strength/symptoms the newer iterations perform better, however they will not be as great as our Prior TF101.* I believe this is because of the antenna redesign we had with the Prime.* I have tested the new C3 batches and getting good download speeds within 15 feet of our routers.* Anything passed will degrade quite significantly. I also attach that email for your reference.*
These are totally unacceptable answers in that I'm been told the product is not up to par and the previous model TF-101 has better download speeds. This makes no sense at all that an older model preforms better. *Besides the problems are due to the metal back on the Prime and these issues will not be fixed with software updates, this is where the new Asus Infinity 700 when released will solve these problems as it has a plastic strip on the back.* Mr Hai Trat confirms this in his email, (I believe this is because of the antenna redesign we had with the Prime)* What is the point of a $600 Wi-FI only tablet with lousy Wi-Fi and Gps problems* I ended up returning it to Staples.You are doing software updates on a regular basis but these do not address the WI-Fi/Gps issues at all.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to your response as I really want an Asus transformer prime that has the quality you talk about in your mission statement and lives up to its specifications.* My alternative plan is the just announced Acer A-510 or the A-700 the Lenova K2 when its released and than the Infinity A700 providing it works according to specifications.* I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH APPLE PRODUCTS.
What I'm asking for is an Asus Transformer Prime that has a proper plastic panel along the top in the back so that WI-Fi/Gps/ can work fully the way they are intended to and download speeds that are better than the previous model TF-101* in other words a Prime that lives up to and matches the its specifications.this is what I want* just like your mission statement says Focus on Quality, Long-Term Relationships and Perseverance”.
I look forward to your response.
Yours truly.,
Gregory Lee Joplin
Here is a copy of the last email I sent to Hai Trat
JR. Technical Product Manager
From: Gregory Lee Joplin
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 4:51 PM
To: Hai Trat (ACI)
Subject: Re: Transformer Prime Concerns Case #1654881
Hi Hai
Its really important that you answer my questions as this will determine whether I wait for the infinity 700 or get the Acer A700 or the Lenovo K2.
Re The prime
1/ has the gps been disconnected?
2/Does the Gps function to find your current location?(ie home/wifi spot in Coffee Shop or on street)
(I'm not talking about using the Gps in a car at all)
3/ As the WiFi signal strength/problems been fixed at all withe the various updates?
There is so much contradiction on Blogs/forums I HAVE NO IDEA who to believe.
I would really prefer to get the 64gb prime along with the dock from Staples as I can get a good deal but on the other hand I expect gps/wifi to function really well for the price I would be paying.
I know the infinity is going to cost more and the Gps/Wifi will be better and it will have a higher resouloution screen and cost about a $100 more.
So Hai please tell me the answers to the above questions
You have never lied to me so i trust your opinion.
From: "" <Hai_Trat
To: joplin_gl
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: Transformer Prime Concerns Case #1654881
Dear Gregory,
Yes, sorry I was out of office for some time.
Here is the answers as best as I can provide them for you.
1)***** GPS on the Prime has been removed from Marketing sheets so getting great accuracy will not occur if you purchase a Prime.* At this point it will not be up to par for this function unfortunately.
2)***** Yes, it will still function as an A-GPS (Assisted GPS) as long as the condition of keeping an active Wi-Fi and using it within the scope of Google Maps occurs.* All our testing has confirmed accuracy to be within 100 meters.* But this is mostly because of wi-fi location and not for GPS itself.
3)***** For the Wifi/BT strength/symptoms the newer iterations perform better, however they will not be as great as our Prior TF101.* I believe this is because of the antenna redesign we had with the Prime.* I have tested the new C3 batches and getting good download speeds within 15 feet of our routers.* Anything passed will degrade quite significantly.
I am not sure if I answered your question on the Infinity.* But it has not been declared for an official release on North American shores.* I am anticipating closer to the end of the year before it gets released.* But this may change as we have executive management from headquarters in Taiwan change info on release dates, I do not determine this.* When the time comes and more details emerge for the Infinity Pad for North America, I can let you know.
I do want to say that I would prefer to keep our customers but this is the best info I can provide to let you use for our tablets for making a good purchasing decision.
Hai Trat
JR. Technical Product Manager
Inspiring Innovation.Persistent Perfection
Oh god, not another one of these threads.
detta123 said:
Oh god, not another one of these threads.
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What..did the thread title mislead you?
I don't think he should've posted this. lol. If true, this blows all the doors on Infinity pad. Letter said there is no confirmation on an American shore release. plus it said if it were to release here, it won't be till the end of the year. DANG!
I would think alot who were waiting on Infinity pad should be disappointed reading this. I don't get significant drop offs of download speeds past 15ft. from
Seems like he purposely left some info out though. Especially in regards to the announcement coming up. Which would affect some of his statements in there regarding the prime and how it would perform on certain tasks.
I've seen some people with newer models post they don't have the wifi/BT drop off issue. That's with using BT headset to stream audio while using tablet to stream movie or video through wifi. Someone in another thread basically summed up what's happening though. Anytime a manufacturer goes with a single chip that has wifi and Bluetooth on it, its liable to suffer that issue. Manufacturers do this to cut down on costs. When they use a seperate chip for wifi and Bluetooth, it hardly suffers from issue or not at all. Most companies now are using the single chip design. we already know, from FCC report, that the new 300 model has the single chip design and it specifically states that wifi/BT can't operate together, so simultaneous mode not needed. Other phones and tablets suffer from same issue. Its dependent on whether the wifi/BT is on the shame chip or sharing the same antennae.
micaman said:
What..did the thread title mislead you?
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Nothing misleading.
I think alot of people like myself are just making the best of what we have. Asus will not rectify the situation and most of us are outside of return policy, so we just try to live with the problems. Once this tablet breaks (wont be long, im sure.....) then I will either cash in my warranty or sell my replacement online, take my losses and move on.
Its kind of like if you have a bad disease and are trying to move on with your life but someone keeps saying "aww man, really sucks you have XXXX disease huh?"
Thats my 2 cents atleast, but I do share your concerns.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Yay, another exciting thread like this! Thanks for posting! OMG!
teh_lorax said:
Yay, another exciting thread like this! Thanks for posting! OMG!
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OMG! thanks for replying!
benefit14snake said:
Nothing misleading.
I think alot of people like myself are just making the best of what we have. Asus will not rectify the situation and most of us are outside of return policy, so we just try to live with the problems. Once this tablet breaks (wont be long, im sure.....) then I will either cash in my warranty or sell my replacement online, take my losses and move on.
Its kind of like if you have a bad disease and are trying to move on with your life but someone keeps saying "aww man, really sucks you have XXXX disease huh?"
Thats my 2 cents atleast, but I do share your concerns.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
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So what you are saying is that the OP should have been sympathetic to your feelings?
teh_lorax said:
Yay, another exciting thread like this! Thanks for posting! OMG!
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Funny, I was thinking the same of your response. OMG!
thank you for posting this. its disappointing to see the response. i think asus has little concern for end users.
yes, I'd like to thank Joplin for this as well. I think he did most of us a service, as I did not recceive an official response from Asus yet (Thanks SmartAssPhone for the idea). It confirms what most of us surmise, either you get a great router and repeater or else you are SOL. BT and Wifi are crap as well. Oh well. Glad I picked up the Squaretrade warranty. All I can hope now is that the dock works with the 700 and it works up to par. If not, I'll move on to something different. One of these days one of these companies is going to do us right - with working components, great screen, great brightness, great wifi and bt, and great support. Until then, bah.
micaman said:
So what you are saying is that the OP should have been sympathetic to your feelings?
Funny, I was thinking the same of your response. OMG!
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No, what I am saying is people should just move on enjoy it while they can and speak with their pockets. Emails (rarely) work on a corporation like this. I could care less and I really shouldn't talk for other people but I am done with Asus. Period.
I will play with my toy until it breaks and then buy a different manufacture.
What's probably going through his head is: well, its just one customer there is 6 billion more. Idk.
Sent from my Droid Razr using Tapatalk
benefit14snake said:
No, what I am saying is people should just move on enjoy it while they can and speak with their pockets. Emails (rarely) work on a corporation like this. I could care less and I really shouldn't talk for other people but I am done with Asus. Period.
I will play with my toy until it breaks and then buy a different manufacture.
What's probably going through his head is: well, its just one customer there is 6 billion more. Idk.
Sent from my Droid Razr using Tapatalk
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I get it, you're frustrated (I have some issues with the tablet myself) but no need to attack OP. Had the email response from Asus been positive like "free upgrade to TF700" members would be lined up to thank his ass. So is your issue with the OP for sending and posting the email or with the response from ASUS?
Think about it.
I'll throw in my two cents, but its just my opinion. I have owned devices from a handful of different Android manufactures: Motorola, Samsung, Asus, etc and with each device there was ALWAYS problems and each manufacturer got scolded just as Asus is now. I learned a while ago that it really IS NOT THAT BAD, and what happens here is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE. Sounds a bit far fetched, I know, but trust me (the guy with less than 10 posts), unless your device is completely fubared you are just making it out to be worse than it really is.
What happens is, you get a new shiney toy that is extremely over priced. You feel guilt for spending so much money, but you justify it to yourself. You get on the forums to read up about your newly aquired device, only to see all types of complains from other users. You get to thinking, maybe I made a mistake, maybe spending this much money on this device was a mistake. You franticly look through your device to see if you have the same problem. If you find that your device shares a similar problem, then you are eager to justify to yourself that you did in fact make a mistake. ZOMG Wifi is only getting 30mbs down, while your ISP doesn't even provide 15mbs down.
But look, there are some really messed up devices out there and sometimes these types of posts are warranted. But, just remember, nothing is perfect, and regardless of what you might think the Prime is an amazing device.
robproctor said:
I'll throw in my two cents, but its just my opinion. I have owned devices from a handful of different Android manufactures: Motorola, Samsung, Asus, etc and with each device there was ALWAYS problems and each manufacturer got scolded just as Asus is now. I learned a while ago that it really IS NOT THAT BAD, and what happens here is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE. Sounds a bit far fetched, I know, but trust me (the guy with less than 10 posts), unless your device is completely fubared you are just making it out to be worse than it really is.
What happens is, you get a new shiney toy that is extremely over priced. You feel guilt for spending so much money, but you justify it to yourself. You get on the forums to read up about your newly aquired device, only to see all types of complains from other users. You get to thinking, maybe I made a mistake, maybe spending this much money on this device was a mistake. You franticly look through your device to see if you have the same problem. If you find that your device shares a similar problem, then you are eager to justify to yourself that you did in fact make a mistake. ZOMG Wifi is only getting 30mbs down, while your ISP doesn't even provide 15mbs down.
But look, there are some really messed up devices out there and sometimes these types of posts are warranted. But, just remember, nothing is perfect, and regardless of what you might think the Prime is an amazing device.
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there it is in a nutshell. very well stated. thanks for this post(I ran out for the day till it resets).
nobody gives two ****s about your whiny emails. take your device back if you don't like it
knives of ice said:
nobody gives two ****s about your whiny emails. take your device back if you don't like it
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nobody gives two ****s about your whiny replys. don't read the thread if you don't like it.
See how it works?
robproctor said:
I'll throw in my two cents, but its just my opinion. I have owned devices from a handful of different Android manufactures: Motorola, Samsung, Asus, etc and with each device there was ALWAYS problems and each manufacturer got scolded just as Asus is now. I learned a while ago that it really IS NOT THAT BAD, and what happens here is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE. Sounds a bit far fetched, I know, but trust me (the guy with less than 10 posts), unless your device is completely fubared you are just making it out to be worse than it really is.
What happens is, you get a new shiney toy that is extremely over priced. You feel guilt for spending so much money, but you justify it to yourself. You get on the forums to read up about your newly aquired device, only to see all types of complains from other users. You get to thinking, maybe I made a mistake, maybe spending this much money on this device was a mistake. You franticly look through your device to see if you have the same problem. If you find that your device shares a similar problem, then you are eager to justify to yourself that you did in fact make a mistake. ZOMG Wifi is only getting 30mbs down, while your ISP doesn't even provide 15mbs down.
But look, there are some really messed up devices out there and sometimes these types of posts are warranted. But, just remember, nothing is perfect, and regardless of what you might think the Prime is an amazing device.
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From getting into quite a few debates on this subject about several devices, I have come to the conclusion (opinion) that there are two types of people involved in these debates.
1) Your average working guy. he either saves up quite a bit of money or is buying a tool (not a toy) that he plans to make good use of.
2) People with a large amount of disposable income who buy something like the Prime as a toy or a status symbol.
In the first case we have someone who expects to receive the value they paid for, either because it cost them a relatively large amount, or because they bought a tool to serve a purpose or purposes.
When it doesn't work these people feel they have not gotten good value for their money or are unhappy that the tool they purchased does not do what it was advertised to do. In either case they feel defrauded. In most cases they want the tool and would like to see the manufacturer actually FIX the problem so the product works as advertised.
In the second case you have, IMO, people with more dollars than sense who bought a toy or a status symbol and they don't really care if it performs to the advertised spec or not as long as they can play with it a bit (till the next new shiney comes out, pretty much like children) or so they can hold it up to their friends for the "cool factor" (actual functionality not required).
Personally, I hold the second case as at least partially responsible for the problem. If more customers (I am NOT some brainless consumer, thankyouverymuch!) stood up and *****ed at the manufacturer until the manufacturer made things right, the manufacturer would be less likely to release shoddy merchandise in the future. And if retailers had to (by law) eat the cost of returns they'd be less likely to carry merchandise from manufacturers with shoddy reputations.
So you can either be a sheeple (i.e. consumer) and continue to get fleeced by slipshod design/manufacturing/testing processes from shoddy companies, or you can stand up and let 'em know this behavior is unacceptable.
And as for you whiney Prime (or insert device here for other XDA forums) fanbois/fangurls, the thread title is pretty clear. If this type of thread triggers your angst or vapours or whatever your issue is, stay out.
cool story bro...
now be gone from the prime forums.. enough bad wifi threads here. go wine on apple forums.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
micaman said:
I get it, you're frustrated (I have some issues with the tablet myself) but no need to attack OP. Had the email response from Asus been positive like "free upgrade to TF700" members would be lined up to thank his ass. So is your issue with the OP for sending and posting the email or with the response from ASUS?
Think about it.
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Attacking the OP? I didn't think I attacked anyone. Just expressing my views just like anyone else on this forum. If I did "attack" someone, I am truly sorry.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

Has anyone seen this petition?

I was browsing around today and I came across this. A petition to recall the prime and give users a full refund or an upgrade path to the 700. Not sure why no one but the person who started it signed it. I know if you ***** enough asus will refund your $ so maybe that's why the poster didnt pursue the petition?
edit: I just signed it for ****s and giggles.. I doubt anything will come from it especially since it doesnt seem the person who posted it is really pushing it.
Probably because it was created yesterday.. I believe.
Oh god, here we go again.
detta123 said:
Oh god, here we go again.
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what do you mean?? I was just asking if anyone has seen it... so oh god yourself.
actually, there was one created with exact same theme a long time ago. it never really gained any traction as the path to upgrade wasn't realistic from a business point of view. I'm not sure if the one you have linked to is the same one. But I've seen a petition just like that made several months ago. I think when we all first heard of the Infinity Pad. Made alot of people
demandarin said:
actually, there was one created with exact same theme a long time ago. it never really gained any traction as the path to upgrade wasn't realistic from a business point of view. I'm not sure if the one you have linked to is the same one. But I've seen a petition just like that made several months ago. I think when we all first heard of the Infinity Pad. Made alot of people
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yeah I doubt anything will come from it, Just was wondering if anyone else came across it.
But I do know they are offering really unhappy users refunds (my friend was told by gary he could get a full refund for the tablet and dock)
My way of looking at that is this:
If they refund everyone who is extremely unhappy they have to refund them for the full retail price of the tablet and the dock(and I'm guessing tax?). So they have to dish out the retail price of it when we all know it cost them a fraction of that amount to produce them. I honestly think from a business stand point and upgrade path would be better because then they would only have to replace the tablet(assuming the docks are compatible) which is much cheaper for them then refunding the full retail purchase amount. Even if they didnt upgrade the tablet to the 700 and just replaced the backplate on the prime and maybe the wifi/bt and gps modules it would also be cheaper for them than having to refund the purchase price.
And just let me say again.. I was just asking if anyone has seen it or heard of the one I linked. Not trying to promote, have it gain momentum or start a WW3. Just simply wanted to know if anyone else stumbled on it like I have.
These petitions are always worthless.
You bought a consumer product. If you don't like it or it doesn't meet your expectations, return it to where you got it within the return period.
I have never seen a return period that is less than 14 days, and if it takes you more than two weeks to realize that the product doesn't meet your expectations, there is something obviously wrong with you.
If you waited months for an update to be released in order to make the device meet your expectations, I am sorry but you are a fool. You should always buy a device for what that device is NOW, not for what is may become in the future.
In any event, if you want an "upgrade path" here it is:
Sell the Prime on eBay. If you have taken good care of your device you should get at least $400 for it. Use that $400 to help pay for the Transformer Infinity.
almightywhacko said:
These petitions are always worthless.
You bought a consumer product. If you don't like it or it doesn't meet your expectations, return it to where you got it within the return period.
I have never seen a return period that is less than 14 days, and if it takes you more than two weeks to realize that the product doesn't meet your expectations, there is something obviously wrong with you.
If you waited months for an update to be released in order to make the device meet your expectations, I am sorry but you are a fool. You should always buy a device for what that device is NOW, not for what is may become in the future.
In any event, if you want an "upgrade path" here it is:
Sell the Prime on eBay. If you have taken good care of your device you should get at least $400 for it. Use that $400 to help pay for the Transformer Infinity.
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I think you need to read my post again.. did I say anything about being unhappy? No.. Did I say I wanted an upgrade? No. All I did was ask if anyone came across it... gessh..
I even signed it with this comment:
"I agree there have been many issues with the prime. Not all users have issues but it seems more have them than not have them. I will support this as I do feel the prime wasnt ready to be released. I had issues with my first 2 units. The only issue I have with my current unit is some backlight bleed but my tf101 has worse BL bleed than my prime"
And I do feel the device wasnt ready for prime time. I'm pretty happy with mine. the only issue I really have is the screen bleeding and that's not even that bad and since I have squaretrade I'm thinking of popping it open and fixing that myself.
Hell I was outside yesterday and tried gps for the first time on this unit without the dongle and I got a 12/13 sat lock. Today I tried and I got 8/9. I was pretty surprised by that
graffixnyc said:
I think you need to read my post again.. did I say anything about being unhappy? No.. Did I say I wanted an upgrade? No. All I did was ask if anyone came across it... gessh..
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Dude, take the bug out of your ass!
Did I say anything specifically about you?
Did I mention you in any way?
My comment was 100% focused on the futile nature of these online petitions, which generally go ignored by manufacturers and which are generally started by people who don't exercise the procedures that already exist that allow customers to gain compensation for purchases that do not meet expectations.
almightywhacko said:
Dude, take the bug out of your ass!
Did I say anything about you?
Did I mention you in any way?
My comment was 100% focused on the futile nature of these online petitions, which generally go ignored by manufacturers and which are generally started by people who don't exercise the procedures that already exist that allow customers to gain compensation for purchases that do not meet expectations.
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ok fair But the fact that asus is offering refunds to people really unhappy says something as well. It says the company knows they kinda screwed up. Because in most cases: yeah, it is your problem and they dont have to offer you a refund at all. Like you said you have at least 14 days(if not longer) to return to the store. But the fact they are offering refunds to people who ***** enough does say something. Some companies no matter how much you put up a stink wont issue you a refund. A replacement? yes, but how often do they offer full refunds?
Asus should offer a upgrade and make Nvidia pick up the tab for the not ready for prime time T3
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
graffixnyc said:
ok fair But the fact that asus is offering refunds to people really unhappy says something as well. It says the company knows they kinda screwed up. Because in most cases yeah it is your problem and they dont have to offer you a refund at all. like you said you have at least 14 days(if not longer) to return to the store. But the fact they are offering refunds to people who ***** enough does say something.
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I think any company that is serious about their customers does the same kind of thing. At least, HTC replaced my malfunctioning EVO 4G no questions asked. Samsung has replaced televisions and refunded me for broken televisions with no problems.
Some companies give you the run around when it comes to this kind of stuff (Looking at you Sony) but for most companies it isn't worth the negative press, especially in this day and age of internet blogging and twitter.
almightywhacko said:
I think any company that is serious about their customers does the same kind of thing. At least, HTC replaced my malfunctioning EVO 4G no questions asked. Samsung has replaced televisions and refunded me for broken televisions with no problems.
Some companies give you the run around when it comes to this kind of stuff (Looking at you Sony) but for most companies it isn't worth the negative press, especially in this day and age of internet blogging and twitter.
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you must be good. haha I've never been offered a refund. Replacements I have been offered but never a full refund. Hell I just dealt with an issue with Dell. They replaced my laptop with a refirb(accidental warranty) and started having issues with it two months later. They sent a tech to fix it, he fixed those issues but didnt send him a preloaded HD just a blank one so I have to load everything myself, and after the repair the keyboard didnt fully work. So they come again to fix that, they fix that then one speaker dies.. It took me filing a BBB complaint to have them contact me to give me a brand new system. No matter how much I *****ed before they just wanted to keep trying to fix it.
almightywhacko said:
I think any company that is serious about their customers does the same kind of thing. At least, HTC replaced my malfunctioning EVO 4G no questions asked. Samsung has replaced televisions and refunded me for broken televisions with no problems.
Some companies give you the run around when it comes to this kind of stuff (Looking at you Sony) but for most companies it isn't worth the negative press, especially in this day and age of internet blogging and twitter.
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Oh and sorry for being a little snippy.. It's hot and humid as hell in NYC today and all the garbage is out for collection tomorrow so you can imagine the streets just smell like roses
Technically, refunds aren't given to just any and everyone who asks for it. you have to meet specific criteria for them to even consider it. Mostly just early adopters or people who bought prime before they removed GPS From their official spec, like beginning or first week of January, are eligible. but even then terms have to be met and not all of them can get it. just wanted to clear that up so everyone don't get their hopes up thinking they can get a refund. there's already several reported cases here in xda of people being denied.
I'm still waiting to hear back on certain info that'll clear up alot of things. I think Asus knows even people who have good working tablets might try to get a refund just because infinity pad right around the so they trying to eliminate refunds that have no real basis for getting one. Chances are very high that if you never sent your tablet in for an RMA, then try to come out the blue wanting a refund, they will deny it. They will just say send it in for RMA.
graffixnyc said:
ok fair But the fact that asus is offering refunds to people really unhappy says something as well. It says the company knows they kinda screwed up. Because in most cases: yeah, it is your problem and they dont have to offer you a refund at all. Like you said you have at least 14 days(if not longer) to return to the store. But the fact they are offering refunds to people who ***** enough does say something. Some companies no matter how much you put up a stink wont issue you a refund. A replacement? yes, but how often do they offer full refunds?
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I was just about to comment on this ... I purchased my Prime on December 24th and after trying to, more or less, put up with horrible WiFi, completely non-functional GPS, and a proposed dongle solution that was not satisfactory, I was able to return my Prime (and dock) to Asus for a full refund. As a matter of fact, I just shipped it in last week, so I am still waiting on the refund, but I don't foresee any issues. The reason they let me return it was due to GPS issues, and probably legal ones on their part since GPS was a feature when i bought, but did not work, was removed from the spec list, and the solution was not satisfactory. I said all that, to say that the petition is not necessary. If you have a legitimate reason for requesting to return you TF201, they will probably work with you. On the other hand, people trying to get a refund just to get an upcoming model just need to learn some patience, and not jump on the first generation of something (ie. tegra 3). With that said, if your reason for requesting a refund has to do with the GPS issue, I was finally able to get someone with the authority to authorize one in what he said was the "Transformer Prime GPS issue department."

Possible To Exchange (non Best Buy ) Prime for t700 on ASUS Company itself?

So I have a 64gb Prime, 1, almost 2 months with me after buying it from "AMAZON." this is a fraud product. it is not "primed to perfection" like the prime's slogan states. i have expeirenced the faulty wifi, and gps just like the others and is bothering me alot. i really want to exchange it for an infinity, or at least a newer prime w/o connection defect. has anyone tried this and successfully exchanged it for a infinity/fixed prime? we should also make a petition about this on asus for making a defective product to us consumers....
I too bought my prime 32gb from amazon, and would like to hear if we could exchange it for the Infinity
Staples wont help
MalayaleeRemo said:
I too bought my prime 32gb from amazon, and would like to hear if we could exchange it for the Infinity
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I tried to return at staples , no go. Sent mine in to Asus waiting for an answer
No candy coating. Its not going to happen. Best thing you can do is send it in for RMA. If you plead your case enough and sound convincing enough, there's a minute chance of refund. They not even really doing refunds anymore but you won't know unless you ask or try. But don't get your hopes up on them exchanging prime for an infinity pad. Its not going to happen. Not to sound negative but just being realistic. I've already looked into this. This came from Gary and Tien. No exchanges for infinity pad happening. If you experiencing problems with your device, best solution is to RMA it. Depending on what the issue is, good chance it will come back fixed. even for wifi issues, there have been sligght improvements made from rma. On the flipside, some have no noticeable improvements also coming back from rma. It all depends on how the performance of it falls into thier baseline standard or whatever. They do havea new method of reworking the antennae sttenuation to improve its reception.
Just call them and see whwt they say. A petition wont really do any good, IMO. We have seversl other similar petitions that seemed to fail or not produce any results.
Good luck!
Actually, Never say Never. They could change something in the near future. But at present time, what I previously said was the response on exchange from them. Aside from possible wireless issues, I still believe JB update will bring about a huge improvement in prime performance. JB will include new rom, newer updated kernel, newer up to date drivers, more optimizations.
Sound like interesting on the up coming JB for the Prime. I hope that it is worth to wait.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
demandarin said:
Actually, Never say Never. They could change something in the near future. But at present time, what I previously said was the response on exchange from them. Aside from possible wireless issues, I still believe JB update will bring about a huge improvement in prime performance. JB will include new rom, newer updated kernel, newer up to date drivers, more optimizations.
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You seem to be hinting at something you know something we don't?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
cbasse said:
You seem to be hinting at something you know something we don't?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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It is probably based on his experience with JB on the Nexus 7 and the fact that Asus has publicly stated the TF201 is scheduled to get JB at some point in the future.
The current Asus policy is no refunds or exchanges but Asus could always have a change of heart. The Infinity is just now hitting the stores. If demand is weak and Asus is left with a lot of product sitting in their warehouse they may be more open to some kind of upgrade program for Prime owners.
I hope there is a change of heart. I bought mine from newegg. Really wish BB had one in stock when i was looking to purchase, otherwise this thing would have been taken in for exchange like all the other lucky members have been able to do.
cbasse said:
You seem to be hinting at something you know something we don't?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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Basically what texstar said.
demandarin said:
No candy coating. Its not going to happen. Best thing you can do is send it in for RMA. If you plead your case enough and sound convincing enough, there's a minute chance of refund. They not even really doing refunds anymore but you won't know unless you ask or try. But don't get your hopes up on them exchanging prime for an infinity pad. Its not going to happen. Not to sound negative but just being realistic. I've already looked into this. This came from Gary and Tien. No exchanges for infinity pad happening. If you experiencing problems with your device, best solution is to RMA it. Depending on what the issue is, good chance it will come back fixed. even for wifi issues, there have been sligght improvements made from rma. On the flipside, some have no noticeable improvements also coming back from rma. It all depends on how the performance of it falls into thier baseline standard or whatever. They do havea new method of reworking the antennae sttenuation to improve its reception.
Just call them and see whwt they say. A petition wont really do any good, IMO. We have seversl other similar petitions that seemed to fail or not produce any results.
Good luck!
Actually, Never say Never. They could change something in the near future. But at present time, what I previously said was the response on exchange from them. Aside from possible wireless issues, I still believe JB update will bring about a huge improvement in prime performance. JB will include new rom, newer updated kernel, newer up to date drivers, more optimizations.
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First time i've heard of RMA's. return merchandise agreement right? so basically we return it to amazon? i now live in the philippines, but we ordered online and received it from the US.. we then moved here. i am still deciding on returning it for a fix but then it would take months i guess if i deliver it there.... i am going to the embassy tomorrow and then i will go to the asus store and company nearby, i will inqure about fixing it...
small claims court
Wahaha123 said:
First time i've heard of RMA's. return merchandise agreement right? so basically we return it to amazon? i now live in the philippines, but we ordered online and received it from the US.. we then moved here. i am still deciding on returning it for a fix but then it would take months i guess if i deliver it there.... i am going to the embassy tomorrow and then i will go to the asus store and company nearby, i will inqure about fixing it...
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If mine comes back with unacceptable wifi/blutooth/wifi/gps I WILL START MY CLAIM WITH SMALL CLAIMS COURT
I'll Join you
markd311 said:
If mine comes back with unacceptable wifi/blutooth/wifi/gps I WILL START MY CLAIM WITH SMALL CLAIMS COURT
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lol, im with you if that the error still persists on mine as well. we tried to file a suit on samsung for no support of ics, but we then cancelled and made our own.... still on alpha stage tho.
markd311 said:
If mine comes back with unacceptable wifi/blutooth/wifi/gps I WILL START MY CLAIM WITH SMALL CLAIMS COURT
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I seriously hope I don't have to go this route... my prime is getting back from RMA sometime this week. If they couldn't fix the problems I mentioned, (specifically WiFi and Bluetooth) I have enough faith that they will have someone reasonable enough I can talk to who can get me an infinity replacement. Considering the infinity is being sold side-by-side at the same price as the prime, I don't see why they would argue against that. The infinity model simply doesn't have the defects the prime has which are covered by their warranty.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
My prime has just entered RMA for a cracked screen. I'm kind of hopeful that there might be some QA type improvements so GPS might work better - and that's really all I need (assuming I/O can be improved enough with unlocking - was holding out for an RMA reason before i unlocked, but was hoping it would be something minor!).
If the repair is not free, it'll be small claims court for me too.
tshoulihane said:
My prime has just entered RMA for a cracked screen. I'm kind of hopeful that there might be some QA type improvements so GPS might work better - and that's really all I need (assuming I/O can be improved enough with unlocking - was holding out for an RMA reason before i unlocked, but was hoping it would be something minor!).
If the repair is not free, it'll be small claims court for me too.
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I now find asus as idiots, releasing a defective model. even when they know millions of primes are experiencing the problem, they still do not do anything but repair nothning. a simple recall and change for a really fixed version or the infinity that really fixed the networking problems should be implemented. wahahha
A recall is not necessary if only a small percentage of devices have bad problems - they need to be realistic about replacing genuine bad units though.
markd311 said:
If mine comes back with unacceptable wifi/blutooth/wifi/gps I WILL START MY CLAIM WITH SMALL CLAIMS COURT
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Could it make sense to head to a collective lament, incl. international customers? Even if we wont get it through, it might forces ASUS to move and avoid negative press.
Reading these latest posts are like experiencing deja vu from months ago. They are filled with newer users filled with hope that ASUS will fix the issues promptly via RMA and surely have people ready at the phone to assist with issues.
My greatest fear for you all, since this is a development forum afterall, is that the rma process doesnt turn off your ability to unlock your device, as it has for so many, once you get your device back and you eventually decide to unlock to actually partake of the "development" and use roms that actually fix many of the issues.
Fireplug said:
Reading these latest posts are like experiencing deja vu from months ago. They are filled with newer users filled with hope that ASUS will fix the issues promptly via RMA and surely have people ready at the phone to assist with issues.
My greatest fear for you all, since this is a development forum afterall, is that the rma process doesnt turn off your ability to unlock your device, as it has for so many, once you get your device back and you eventually decide to unlock to actually partake of the "development" and use roms that actually fix many of the issues.
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Why would we, or should we, has to unlock? Possibly voiding any ASUS warranty for a device we expected to be 100% out of the box. And paid over $650US for.
Unlocking is a bandaid that ASUS should supply.
The guys who bought from Best Buy are incredibly lucky and yes I am jealous, lol
Getting an exchange from my point of sale (Dixons) is out of the question
If it wasn't for the Asus presence on this forum stating that the teething problems were being worked on and would be fixed, I would have returned the tablet shortly after receiving it.
I'm very disappointed that they claimed the Prime was *not* being EOL'd and now look at where we are.
Personally I feel like Asus has just abandoned this tablet and the loyal customers that bought it.
(I've lost count of the Asus motherboards, soundcards, routers etc. I've purchased over the years...)
RMA'ing is just beyond a joke, and support is next to useless.
I would love to see Asus do the right thing and offer an exchange program for remaining Prime owners, but I cannot see that happening
Heck, I would even pay £££ to exchange and be rid of this tablet and it's sluggishness, under performing WiFi/BT and the plethora of other problems.
Oh, and I do not see the GPS dongle as a true solution to the non functioning GPS that was advertised as I cannot use it with the dock attached (which peeps in the UK were forced to purchase with the Prime as there were no tablets being sold without the dock.) or even a power cable.
Sorry for the rant, but after living with the problems of this tablet, and then seeing people able to return in exchange for a fixed version, It kinda pisses me off and I think that everyone should be treated fairly and be able to use the same/similar service no matter where you are or what store you purchased from.
Don't get me wrong though, I am very happy for those who managed to get an exchange, I am just annoyed that others like myself cannot do the same thing.
And before anyone suggests unlocking and flashing custom ROMs. Why should I let Asus off the hook and void my warranty?
Asus should be fixing the problems or replacing the hardware with something fit for purpose.

