[Q] Need help with Gmail- too many simultaneous connections - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use my g-mail account on my SGS2 and on my pc with windows live mail.
Half the time WLM gives me a message "The server has rejected your login..." and these details.
Server: imap.gmail.com
User name: xxxx
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Secure(SSL): 1
Code: 800cccd1
The problem is that there are too many simultaneous connections to my g-mail account. When I leave my home (wifi) and hit the road and my phone is connecting to g-mail using the data network, then bounces to another cell tower with another new IP address, then another, then another. By the time I get to my office and login on my PC, I've reached G-mail's maximum of 10 simultaneous connections.
The only fix I'm aware of is to open gmail with the browser and log out all open sessions, which really just re-sets the counter for another day or so. It is getting to be quite annoying.
Is there a better workaround??

hoopdaddy6 said:
Is there a better workaround??
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Would it be feasible (or even practical) to turn off the sync during your commute? There are widgets to make this easy - Power Control, for example. Or you could use profile apps (like Toggle Settings) to determine when/where sync should occur based on time or geographic location.

Youre on to something there.
It'd be a small sacrifice, but I'd be happy with an ability to toggle autosync to exclusively use a wifi connection when it's available and not use the data network at all, or otherwise a location based toggle.
I already use juice defender ultimate, but I don't think it has exactly the functionality I'm looking for.
Toggle settings is complicated, I couldn't quite figure out how to create rules to match such needs.
Still open to ideas or help.


HELP: Sync over the internet ???

Is it possible to sync using activesync over the internet without running an exchange server? I'd like to be able to sync my XDA while I'm out and about to my PC at home.
:shock: :?: :?:
been trying to do the same for ages , but never found out how to do it
It can be done, under a few conditions:
1. You need to have a static IP address for you PC
2. You need to install Pocket Hosts or a similar free utility to map the WINS host name to your PC's IP address.
3. Your carrier / ISP must not have a firewall that blocks ports 5678 or 5679 (T-mobile seems to block this)
Remote active sync was designed with a local area network in mind and it is configured to connect to you computer by using the WINS name and not using an internet based DNS name. When you connect over an internet connection from your XDA, it is not able to find you PC.
If you install a free utility such as Pocket Hosts (http://zimac.de/cestuff.htm) you can configure the Pocket PC to be able to find you PC. This utility will allow you to configure you Pocket PC to map your PC Name to an IP address (similar to the HOST file on a Windows based PC)
Before I had the unlimited GPRS plan, I created a dial up connection to an ISP on my PocketPC Phone and it works perfectly. However, when I try the same thing over the GPRS connection, it does not work. From my end, it looks like T-Mobile blocks ports 5678 or 5679 on their firewall, which are the ports that remote active sync uses to complete the connection. (It looks like it is about to work, but then fails to complete the connection)
I have tried to convince t-mobile to fix this, but they keep claiming that it will not work out of the box, they don't know how to make it work, and they won't support it. They try to "upsell" me the sidekick or other device. I can't seem to get through to the right people. It seems crazy that a setting on their end blocks us from being able to sync over the air. After all, what is the point of a data connection if you are still restricted to using a cradle to sync. I understand that they don't want to support this and walk people through setting this up, but blocking the functionality seems pointless.
Anyone tested this on ATT? With number portability starting, I may have to explore other options. Anyone have an in at T-mobile that can get them to open up these ports on the firewall?
try www.yahoo.com
get an account (if you don't have one already)
login -- click on mail
the click the tab for addresses
on the next line to the right you will see the word "sync"
this will take you to download intellisync for yahoo
then follow instructions
sync you pda and your good to go, you will have your info on the internet and sync from anywhere
one more thing if youown a palm os and a pocket pc pda and you want to have both devices with same info (contacts, mail, notes etc. etc.)
the change the settings on your intellisync for your other device and resync
hope this helps it did for me...
Hi, I'm from the Philippines and my Network is SMART Communications. I tried synching with my active sync via GPRS but it seems it can't find my PC eventhough I used Pocket Hosts utility. It seems they block the port too. Anybody from Smart to please open the gate for us.
I've setup up my Win2k PC as dial-up server. And with the help of the Pocket Hosts utility, I can now be able to sync my Outlook over the air. But the call charges is killing me.
I've been investigating this myself too - and have to say T-Mobile's attitude is also alive and well here in the UK on O2 (via crapphone-whorehouse data support team).
I was actually shouted at by one of their 'tech' guys when I tried to persuade them that it could technically be done, but I needed to find out whether they were blocking the relevant ports. He eventually hung up on me! Fantastic service, eh!
I've been trying to get ActiveSync working over the Internet for the past few days and have finally managed to get it to work reliably. There are a couple of things that I have found...
Firstly, at least one of the ports required for ActiveSync does seem to be blocked when using GPRS (Vodadone UK in my case). Setting up a normal dial-up ISP connection results in first time connections to ActiveSync every time. It would be nice to know why there is problem over GPRS.
Secondly, my device was still connecting as Guest. Whilst reading through various other forums I found a fix that seem to work for this but it involves deleting a registry key. I wouldn't recommend it as I have know idea what else this key might be used for but it certainly solved the problem for me. The key I removed is HKLM/Ident/Username value is guest. The key is replaced automatically at some point (maybe after a reset) so if it stops working, you have to go and delete it again! There must be a better way....
That's great information, thanks.
I now have my device remote synching!
Just to summarise my steps to get things working on my XDA II:
1) XDA: Set up new work connection (don't you just hate the organisation of conenctions...) to a dial-up ISP over GSM, as O2 UK also block the ports required for activesync.
2) PC: Open sockets 990, 999, 5678, 5679 on my firewall
3) XDA: Use pockethosts to set up the IP address for my PC name
4) XDA: Change HKLM\Ident\User from guest to my normal PC logon user id
5) PC: Set allow network connections in activesync
6) XDA: Manually Connect to the ISP connection
7) XDA: Open activesync and click synch - away we go!
As an update to this, I had to do a full restore at the weekend after loosing all my data on the XDAII. The problem was not related to these changes but it made me look again at the Ident key. There are two keys normally like...
HKLM/Ident/Name Value<Your chosen PDA Name>
HKLM/Ident/OrigName Value<Pocket_PC>
This time I changed only HKLM/Ident/OrigName to the same value as in HKLM/Ident/Name and it connected first time. Also, this value does not seem to be reset unless you do a hard reset on the device. This may be better than changing the Username value though I have yet to try either on another computer where my preferred connection should actually be as a Guest.
Got it working
Thanks to andyclap's suggestions I finally got it working. It looks like T-mobile does not block any ports, but without the registry hack the error I got was the same as when I tested this over a dial up connection and blocked the ports on my firewall.
The other change since my last post is that I am using WM2003 and it requires you to set up a VPN connection to the PC instead of just using PocketHosts for the name resolution.

How to shut down X01HT's Internet connection?

Every month I have paid much money for phone and internet fee(9800 yen). I want to disable internet connection because it is not necessary for me.
thanks in advance
you can create a new internet connection and replace the default with it.
thanks for reply but how to make new connection.
Hello. What do you mean? You mean I can use it for a non-softbank account? (via 3g?) Of course, I suppose we could just delete the whole softbank account, and therefore it would not be able to "connect" via 3G, and we could connect via a wireless account, but then softbank mail would not work, right? I wonder if it is possible to just disable connecting to the internet via explorer.... any ideas?
@taicyber: i ran into a similar problem. sometimes while in my carrying case, my keitai would connect to the internet via internet explorer, and my monthly fee for internet usage was much higher than it should have been. so i took a couple steps. first, i changed the internet button on the front of the phone to a different function (that's apparently the button that often gets accidentally pressed). after that, i changed pie's (pocket internet explorer's) start page to a local file (ie. the help file). that step solved the majority of my problems. what was happening when it auto-connected was that yahoo.co.jp was the start page, and that page has HUNDREDS of little pics and ads that refresh every few minutes and drive those packet amounts up. if you make it a local file you'll no longer have those mystery packets being sent. and it doesn't affect your mms/sms in any way. having the dummy file as a start page made it safe for me to change the pie button back to it's default function of opening up pie.
also, just for reference, i don't think you have to worry about the phone being connected to the 3g network too much. unless a page that refreshes itself frequently is opened, then no data is sent. the only problem i run into with 3g being connected is that it kills my battery faster.
thanks shunsai. I have experience like you said. and I also changed the button and defalult.html(in /windows).But I am not sure if my phone will connect internet via other way.
Hey it might not be super helpful in this case, but for me I disable gprs using a piece of software called 'NoData'. it will let you quickly switch on / off data connections. Search the forums for NoData and you'll find links to it.
The issue sounds specific to Softbank the carrier though so YMMV.

[UPDATED 2/25/2009] SocksProxy v1.0: Free SOCKS proxy for internet sharing

I have created an SOCKS proxy server application to run on Windows Mobile phones. A SOCKS proxy is a proxy server that is capable of forwarding nearly all types of network traffic, similar to a NAT router. It is very simple to use. Simply type in the port you would like the proxy server to listen on (defaults is 1080), then click the large "Start Proxy" button.
In order to run this application you will need the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 installed on your device.
Some applications are SOCKS-ready and others are not. You can use FreeCap (freeware) to SOCKS enable any Windows application. ** FreeCap seems to have problems connecting to SocksProxy. Let me know if it works or doesn't work for you. **
I am *NOT* responsible for any fees charged to anyone for the use of this software. There is no warranty and no guarantee.
[UPDATE 2/25/2009]
I've completed the new version of SocksProxy. It implements socks version 4a. There is no security, so it will allow anyone to connect with any user id.
Please let me know of any issues you find.
[UPDATE 2/24/2009]
SocksProxy v1.0 Reboot
I've completed the new proxy server. It looks pretty much like the old one, but I've anchored the controls to the edges so it should scale properly with VGA devices.
I've written a new Socks 4a proxy from scratch and completed ditched all the old code. It seems to be working pretty well, though a bit slow. I think I need to increase the size of my read buffers. I will have to write a smarter heuristic for determining the size of the buffer per connection though. I have them at 128 Kb now. I need to grow each buffer dynamically according to how it's being used, that way I don't create large buffers for connections that are only transfering small amounts before closing (downloading a small gif or javascript file, for example).
I'll probably release it tomorrow after some more testing.
BTW: I'm posting this through the proxy right now!
[UPDATE 2/24/2009]
I've decided not to move forward with the J2ME version of SocksProxy. I will however be writing a new .NET CF version. The current version's proxy is based on code I ported from a proxy targeted to the standard .NET framework. Some features in the standard framework are absent in the compact framework. When porting the proxy I pretty much just did it as quick and dirty as I could because I really wanted something that just got the job done. I didn't care how stable or 'good' it was because I hadn't even intended on releasing it to anyone. Since it looks like there's still a lot of interest I will be writing a new one from scratch. Don't expect too much; It'll be the simplest thing that possibly works, but it'll be stable and reliable.
I'll be naming this version SocksProxy 1.0 Reboot. I'm not upping the version number because I'm really not going to be adding any new features.
[UPDATE 11/4/2008]
I am working on a J2ME version of this application. I will no longer be maintaining the .NET version of the application. The SVN repository for the .NET version will continue to be available. I have no plans on taking it down.
I have decided to switch to J2ME because I will be able to reuse source code in a future Android release -- that is, if Google or someone adds the ability for Android to have more than one IP address.
[UPDATE 10/27/2008]
There is a usage issue with the application with certain configurations of Windows Mobile and Activesync. It seems that when the Activesync host (your PC) has a connection to the internet the handheld device will prefer to connect to the internet via the PC's connection rather than its cellular connection. This completely eliminates any benefit to using the proxy. Does anyone know how to prevent the handheld from routing its internet traffic back through Activesync? Note that this is NOT solved by setting the "Allow data connections" setting in Activesync.
[UPDATE 10/27/2008]
I have updated the SVN respository (https://pchasco.homedns.org/svn/SocksProxy/trunk). Here are the changes:
* Changed "Listening on" box to list all IPs on the handheld
* Added an IP box. Enter an IP to listen on that IP or leave blank to listen on all.
* Rearranged form
* Added "Use selected IP" button to insert into the IP box the IP selected in the list of available IP addresses.
You can enter any IP address in the IP box, but the proxy will fail to start if the IP is not valid for your device.
Hi pchasco,
Could you explain a bit more what this does (and how it works)?
The reason I ask is that I'm looking for an application for the PPC which allows me to share its internet connection by pointing the Desktop browser' proxy to the PPC.
This allows me to be connected to the wired network and using this proxied browser to browse even the blocked sites ...
Can your application be used for this?
If so could you also explain how it works..
I've ran the App on my PPC, and clicked start, this gave me an IP address
next i hooked it up to USB and pointed IE's proxy to that address...didn't work
I also tried to activate the 3G first and/or with ICS activated
but both times I didn't see a IP address...
I'm probably doing something wrong..
This is a SOCKS proxy, so it does not work in quite the same way that a normal HTTP proxy does. For internet explorer you'll have to open the advanced proxy options and fill in the information for the SOCKS hostort entry.
Can someone please explain a sample usage of this software on Windows Mobile?
pchasco said:
This is a SOCKS proxy, so it does not work in quite the same way that a normal HTTP proxy does. For internet explorer you'll have to open the advanced proxy options and fill in the information for the SOCKS hostort entry.
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Have you used this with ICS? In other words, share your internet connection with a computer and then have the computer connect via your sock proxy to the internet?
abdulzis said:
Can someone please explain a sample usage of this software on Windows Mobile?
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I'm not sure what you mean. An example of how to use it or an example describing why someone would want to use it?
hoopsbwc34 said:
Have you used this with ICS? In other words, share your internet connection with a computer and then have the computer connect via your sock proxy to the internet?
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I am not sure why you would need to use both SOCKS proxy and ICS at the same time. They are both means to provide internet connectivity through your phone to another device. If ICS were an option on my phone, I would use it over SOCKS unless the client device did not support it.
pchasco said:
I am not sure why you would need to use both SOCKS proxy and ICS at the same time. They are both means to provide internet connectivity through your phone to another device. If ICS were an option on my phone, I would use it over SOCKS unless the client device did not support it.
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Basically, I'm trying to allow access to two networks at the same time. So I want to adjust my settings in firefox to point to my WM phone and your socks proxy. Then my other applications and IE can use my LAN. Otherwise, to get my WM ICS to work I have to disable my LAN connection which I need for certain apps.
edit... I'm good with using it without ICS, but that doesn't seem to work either. No matter when I click start proxy, I get an IP of and if I connect my computer via USB I can't ping that address.
hoopsbwc34 said:
Basically, I'm trying to allow access to two networks at the same time. So I want to adjust my settings in firefox to point to my WM phone and your socks proxy. Then my other applications and IE can use my LAN. Otherwise, to get my WM ICS to work I have to disable my LAN connection which I need for certain apps.
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Then setting the SOCKS proxy setting without setting any other proxy settings should work in Internet Explorer. I've been trying to test it, but my phone refuses to access the internet through the cellular connection right now; it's always going through my PC while activesync is connected. I can't get it to stop! The funny thing is IE on my PC is making its HTTP requests through my phone, then my phone is going right back through my PC to the internet!
pchasco said:
Then setting the SOCKS proxy setting without setting any other proxy settings should work in Internet Explorer. I've been trying to test it, but my phone refuses to access the internet through the cellular connection right now; it's always going through my PC while activesync is connected. I can't get it to stop! The funny thing is IE on my PC is making its HTTP requests through my phone, then my phone is going right back through my PC to the internet!
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That's what I tried... but the IP address I get is from your app. What IP do you usually get back when you run it? Do you just connect via USB? If ActiveSync is running is that an issue?
pchasco said:
Then setting the SOCKS proxy setting without setting any other proxy settings should work in Internet Explorer. I've been trying to test it, but my phone refuses to access the internet through the cellular connection right now; it's always going through my PC while activesync is connected. I can't get it to stop! The funny thing is IE on my PC is making its HTTP requests through my phone, then my phone is going right back through my PC to the internet!
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I think there is a setting in ActiveSync that says "allow wireless connections when connected" sounds like that might be your problem.
Mr_Gee said:
Hi pchasco,
Could you explain a bit more what this does (and how it works)?
The reason I ask is that I'm looking for an application for the PPC which allows me to share its internet connection by pointing the Desktop browser' proxy to the PPC.
This allows me to be connected to the wired network and using this proxied browser to browse even the blocked sites ...
Can your application be used for this?
If so could you also explain how it works..
I've ran the App on my PPC, and clicked start, this gave me an IP address
next i hooked it up to USB and pointed IE's proxy to that address...didn't work
I also tried to activate the 3G first and/or with ICS activated
but both times I didn't see a IP address...
I'm probably doing something wrong..
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Sounds like the same thing that is happening to me. I finally got it to give me an IP address, but only if my data connection is inactive. As soon as the data connection is active it becomes a IP address. Bug?
I tried to establish the IP, then activate the data connection... still doesn't work when I enter the IPort into my proxy list for firefox.
hoopsbwc34 said:
That's what I tried... but the IP address I get is from your app. What IP do you usually get back when you run it? Do you just connect via USB? If ActiveSync is running is that an issue?
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I am not sure why you are receiving 0 as your IP address. Check in Settings->Connections->USB to PC that "Enable advanced network functionality" is selected.
Gave it another try
Connected to ActiveSync (AS) loaded the application
removed the AS connection, started the application
It showed me the IP address op (localhost)
Stopped the App, initiated the gprs and started the App again.
now i'm getting an IP of, I restarted the App a couple of times but no dice
I also checked if the advanced network functionality was enabled and it was..
Mr_Gee said:
Gave it another try
Connected to ActiveSync (AS) loaded the application
removed the AS connection, started the application
It showed me the IP address op (localhost)
Stopped the App, initiated the gprs and started the App again.
now i'm getting an IP of, I restarted the App a couple of times but no dice
I also checked if the advanced network functionality was enabled and it was..
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Hmm... I'm not sure what's going on here. is the loopback interface-- It is only valid for your phone to connect to itself. If your computer attempted to connect to it would connect to itself, not your phone.
pchasco said:
Hmm... I'm not sure what's going on here. is the loopback interface-- It is only valid for your phone to connect to itself. If your computer attempted to connect to it would connect to itself, not your phone.
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Yes I know... :-/
Well, if I have time in the next few days I will take a look and see whether there is anything I can do. Maybe there is another IP address available on your device but for whatever reason I'm displaying the loopback instead of the external interface.
What happens when you set your proxy client up to go to
Mr_Gee said:
Gave it another try
Connected to ActiveSync (AS) loaded the application
removed the AS connection, started the application
It showed me the IP address op (localhost)
Stopped the App, initiated the gprs and started the App again.
now i'm getting an IP of, I restarted the App a couple of times but no dice
I also checked if the advanced network functionality was enabled and it was..
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Sounds like the same bug I am getting.
An example describing why someone would want to use it?
abdulzis said:
An example describing why someone would want to use it?
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If you can't use ICS and want to connect to the internet from your desktop, you can connect your phone using USB and start this proxy, then you can setup your desktop connection to use the proxy to get internet access.

[Q] Problem with hone wireless network connection

A couple of days ago my wireless connection quit working at home. The wireless network icon turned white all the time, and never switched to green. I hard wire the modem/router (ATT Uversre 2Wire 3800HGV-B) into a 5 port switch and plug my computer, network storage drive, and media streaming box into the switch. I've had all of this set up for a few months in it's current configuration and there was never an issue before. This just seemingly happened out of the blue...funny how computers do that sometimes, right? I have an HTC Aria, I was running CM7 RC1 when the problem happened, I just updated to RC2 hoping maybe it would change and it didn't.
After reading posts and checking settings here's what I've found:
My wireless router is set to act as the DHCP server. I set all of the IP addresses manually. I've had it set this way for some time, haven't made any changes recently. The attached network storage (D-Link DNS 323 also has DHCP server capability, but that is disabled)
I found that while my phone was set in the router's setting to connect to for whatever reason it was connecting to (which is out of range, my DHCP is set to address to -
Any idea what would cause this?
I have a temporary fix right now, I've set the phone for static IP and entered all the values. It now connects to my home network on the correct IP and appears to work. This will be a hassle though because there will likely be conflicts when I try to connect to public wifi or at my office. I could just go in and set it back to automatic IP when I leave home....but that is a hassle, and obviously, something isn't working quite right.
Anybody have a clue what would be making this happen?
theWilly said:
A couple of days ago my wireless connection quit working at home. The wireless network icon turned white all the time, and never switched to green. I hard wire the modem/router (ATT Uversre 2Wire 3800HGV-B) into a 5 port switch and plug my computer, network storage drive, and media streaming box into the switch. I've had all of this set up for a few months in it's current configuration and there was never an issue before. This just seemingly happened out of the blue...funny how computers do that sometimes, right? I have an HTC Aria, I was running CM7 RC1 when the problem happened, I just updated to RC2 hoping maybe it would change and it didn't.
After reading posts and checking settings here's what I've found:
My wireless router is set to act as the DHCP server. I set all of the IP addresses manually. I've had it set this way for some time, haven't made any changes recently. The attached network storage (D-Link DNS 323 also has DHCP server capability, but that is disabled)
I found that while my phone was set in the router's setting to connect to for whatever reason it was connecting to (which is out of range, my DHCP is set to address to -
Any idea what would cause this?
I have a temporary fix right now, I've set the phone for static IP and entered all the values. It now connects to my home network on the correct IP and appears to work. This will be a hassle though because there will likely be conflicts when I try to connect to public wifi or at my office. I could just go in and set it back to automatic IP when I leave home....but that is a hassle, and obviously, something isn't working quite right.
Anybody have a clue what would be making this happen?
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I don't understand when you say your router is your DHCP server but you set all the addresses manually...I can understand setting your network storage and media streaming to static IP's but you may want to reconsider for everything else, if your router allows for that to happen.
Have you tried rebooting your router and switch? May be worth doing that. I would not recommend a RESET because you'll have to reconfigure everything and I know how much of a hassle that is.
So, when you say you set the phone for static IP, do you mean through the phone gui or through the router?
Another thing to check is the number of available IP addresses. You could be out. I doubt this is the case in a home network, but never hurts to check.
"Do you mind if I turn up the AC?"
I have somewhat of a similar situation... I just installed CM7 RC2 and I can connect to my home's wifi and browse the internet etc... but some apps like Facebook won't update. With Facebook, I can retrieve messages sent to me but the news feed never updates and I can't view profiles. And for some reason everything works when I use my university's wifi...
corber22 said:
I have somewhat of a similar situation... I just installed CM7 RC2 and I can connect to my home's wifi and browse the internet etc... but some apps like Facebook won't update. With Facebook, I can retrieve messages sent to me but the news feed never updates and I can't view profiles. And for some reason everything works when I use my university's wifi...
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Have you checked (turned on) your Background Data and Auto-sync?
Menu > Settings > Accounts & Sync ......
Have you checked (turned on) your Background Data and Auto-sync?
Menu > Settings > Accounts & Sync ......
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Yeah, it's on. Still doesn't work. One other thing I noticed is that even though I'm with At&t the Amazon App Store works when I'm using my university's WiFi but no where else...
corber22 said:
Yeah, it's on. Still doesn't work. One other thing I noticed is that even though I'm with At&t the Amazon App Store works when I'm using my university's WiFi but no where else...
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Go here and download the latest Nightly cm_liberty_full-30.zip
WiFi performance has been dramatically improved since RC2, and if nothing else, it's a better place to continue trouble shooting from.
Go here and download the latest Nightly cm_liberty_full-30.zip
WiFi performance has been dramatically improved since RC2, and if nothing else, it's a better place to continue trouble shooting from.
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Didn't help I don't get what's happening. I can use the browser fine but certain applications always time out and won't update.
I have the same problem. I've found the following apps to not work correctly when I connect my Sprint HTC Evo 4G (CM to my home wireless network (Apple Airport Extreme Base Station):
Facebook (news feed won't update)
Amazon MP3 (Only the cloud player doesn't work)
Netflix (won't let me log in)
Speedtest (downloads fine but shows 0.00Mbps for uploads)
Again, all features works great on 3G or on the wifi at work (a university network running WPA2 Enterprise with LEAP authentication), which leads me to suspect there's something wrong with my home wifi setup. I have updated the Airport Extreme to the latest firmware and reset it several times yet the problem persists. Any ideas?

[Q] App to Stay Connected to Wi-Fi At Work

I have an HTC ONE S, and I hoping someone can recommend an App for a very specific situation.
Recently, my employer switched to a Guest access Wi-Fi. Basically, when I walk into the office in the morning, all my settings and passwords are still saved to login to the corporate network; however in order to connect to the network I have to open my web browser, a web page will load listing the conditions governing the use of the corporate WI-Fi, and I need to click on the Accept button on the page. I'm then connected to the network. So far, so good.
Here is where I'm hoping for assistance: I typically leave the phone charging on my desk. I'll check it periodically throughout the day (or if I receive a text). The problem is that the network must sense a lack of activity after a certain amount of time. At which point, I'm no longer connected to the network and must then open up my web browser again, Accept the conditions of use again, at which point I'm logged back onto the network.
Is there an application I could install that would automatically generate some sort of activity to keep me logged into the network? I have the weather app that come stock on the HTC One S; however the smallest update interval the app allows is one hour. I thought that might have been a possible solution, but along with the 1 hour time interval, I'm unsure if it is web browser activity or of any sort of network activity that is required to stay logged in?
If this is helpful: I have Automagic installed and I've used Tasker in the past but I'm not well versed in writing scripts for Tasker.
The phone is an HTC One S
Network is T-Mobile
Android version is 4.0.4
I did root the phone as there is no SD Card slot on this phone, and I removed the bloatware to free up some space.
Many thanks in advance.

