How to shut down X01HT's Internet connection? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Every month I have paid much money for phone and internet fee(9800 yen). I want to disable internet connection because it is not necessary for me.
thanks in advance

you can create a new internet connection and replace the default with it.

thanks for reply but how to make new connection.

Hello. What do you mean? You mean I can use it for a non-softbank account? (via 3g?) Of course, I suppose we could just delete the whole softbank account, and therefore it would not be able to "connect" via 3G, and we could connect via a wireless account, but then softbank mail would not work, right? I wonder if it is possible to just disable connecting to the internet via explorer.... any ideas?

@taicyber: i ran into a similar problem. sometimes while in my carrying case, my keitai would connect to the internet via internet explorer, and my monthly fee for internet usage was much higher than it should have been. so i took a couple steps. first, i changed the internet button on the front of the phone to a different function (that's apparently the button that often gets accidentally pressed). after that, i changed pie's (pocket internet explorer's) start page to a local file (ie. the help file). that step solved the majority of my problems. what was happening when it auto-connected was that was the start page, and that page has HUNDREDS of little pics and ads that refresh every few minutes and drive those packet amounts up. if you make it a local file you'll no longer have those mystery packets being sent. and it doesn't affect your mms/sms in any way. having the dummy file as a start page made it safe for me to change the pie button back to it's default function of opening up pie.
also, just for reference, i don't think you have to worry about the phone being connected to the 3g network too much. unless a page that refreshes itself frequently is opened, then no data is sent. the only problem i run into with 3g being connected is that it kills my battery faster.

thanks shunsai. I have experience like you said. and I also changed the button and defalult.html(in /windows).But I am not sure if my phone will connect internet via other way.

Hey it might not be super helpful in this case, but for me I disable gprs using a piece of software called 'NoData'. it will let you quickly switch on / off data connections. Search the forums for NoData and you'll find links to it.
The issue sounds specific to Softbank the carrier though so YMMV.


HELP: Sync over the internet ???

Is it possible to sync using activesync over the internet without running an exchange server? I'd like to be able to sync my XDA while I'm out and about to my PC at home.
:shock: :?: :?:
been trying to do the same for ages , but never found out how to do it
It can be done, under a few conditions:
1. You need to have a static IP address for you PC
2. You need to install Pocket Hosts or a similar free utility to map the WINS host name to your PC's IP address.
3. Your carrier / ISP must not have a firewall that blocks ports 5678 or 5679 (T-mobile seems to block this)
Remote active sync was designed with a local area network in mind and it is configured to connect to you computer by using the WINS name and not using an internet based DNS name. When you connect over an internet connection from your XDA, it is not able to find you PC.
If you install a free utility such as Pocket Hosts ( you can configure the Pocket PC to be able to find you PC. This utility will allow you to configure you Pocket PC to map your PC Name to an IP address (similar to the HOST file on a Windows based PC)
Before I had the unlimited GPRS plan, I created a dial up connection to an ISP on my PocketPC Phone and it works perfectly. However, when I try the same thing over the GPRS connection, it does not work. From my end, it looks like T-Mobile blocks ports 5678 or 5679 on their firewall, which are the ports that remote active sync uses to complete the connection. (It looks like it is about to work, but then fails to complete the connection)
I have tried to convince t-mobile to fix this, but they keep claiming that it will not work out of the box, they don't know how to make it work, and they won't support it. They try to "upsell" me the sidekick or other device. I can't seem to get through to the right people. It seems crazy that a setting on their end blocks us from being able to sync over the air. After all, what is the point of a data connection if you are still restricted to using a cradle to sync. I understand that they don't want to support this and walk people through setting this up, but blocking the functionality seems pointless.
Anyone tested this on ATT? With number portability starting, I may have to explore other options. Anyone have an in at T-mobile that can get them to open up these ports on the firewall?
get an account (if you don't have one already)
login -- click on mail
the click the tab for addresses
on the next line to the right you will see the word "sync"
this will take you to download intellisync for yahoo
then follow instructions
sync you pda and your good to go, you will have your info on the internet and sync from anywhere
one more thing if youown a palm os and a pocket pc pda and you want to have both devices with same info (contacts, mail, notes etc. etc.)
the change the settings on your intellisync for your other device and resync
hope this helps it did for me...
Hi, I'm from the Philippines and my Network is SMART Communications. I tried synching with my active sync via GPRS but it seems it can't find my PC eventhough I used Pocket Hosts utility. It seems they block the port too. Anybody from Smart to please open the gate for us.
I've setup up my Win2k PC as dial-up server. And with the help of the Pocket Hosts utility, I can now be able to sync my Outlook over the air. But the call charges is killing me.
I've been investigating this myself too - and have to say T-Mobile's attitude is also alive and well here in the UK on O2 (via crapphone-whorehouse data support team).
I was actually shouted at by one of their 'tech' guys when I tried to persuade them that it could technically be done, but I needed to find out whether they were blocking the relevant ports. He eventually hung up on me! Fantastic service, eh!
I've been trying to get ActiveSync working over the Internet for the past few days and have finally managed to get it to work reliably. There are a couple of things that I have found...
Firstly, at least one of the ports required for ActiveSync does seem to be blocked when using GPRS (Vodadone UK in my case). Setting up a normal dial-up ISP connection results in first time connections to ActiveSync every time. It would be nice to know why there is problem over GPRS.
Secondly, my device was still connecting as Guest. Whilst reading through various other forums I found a fix that seem to work for this but it involves deleting a registry key. I wouldn't recommend it as I have know idea what else this key might be used for but it certainly solved the problem for me. The key I removed is HKLM/Ident/Username value is guest. The key is replaced automatically at some point (maybe after a reset) so if it stops working, you have to go and delete it again! There must be a better way....
That's great information, thanks.
I now have my device remote synching!
Just to summarise my steps to get things working on my XDA II:
1) XDA: Set up new work connection (don't you just hate the organisation of conenctions...) to a dial-up ISP over GSM, as O2 UK also block the ports required for activesync.
2) PC: Open sockets 990, 999, 5678, 5679 on my firewall
3) XDA: Use pockethosts to set up the IP address for my PC name
4) XDA: Change HKLM\Ident\User from guest to my normal PC logon user id
5) PC: Set allow network connections in activesync
6) XDA: Manually Connect to the ISP connection
7) XDA: Open activesync and click synch - away we go!
As an update to this, I had to do a full restore at the weekend after loosing all my data on the XDAII. The problem was not related to these changes but it made me look again at the Ident key. There are two keys normally like...
HKLM/Ident/Name Value<Your chosen PDA Name>
HKLM/Ident/OrigName Value<Pocket_PC>
This time I changed only HKLM/Ident/OrigName to the same value as in HKLM/Ident/Name and it connected first time. Also, this value does not seem to be reset unless you do a hard reset on the device. This may be better than changing the Username value though I have yet to try either on another computer where my preferred connection should actually be as a Guest.
Got it working
Thanks to andyclap's suggestions I finally got it working. It looks like T-mobile does not block any ports, but without the registry hack the error I got was the same as when I tested this over a dial up connection and blocked the ports on my firewall.
The other change since my last post is that I am using WM2003 and it requires you to set up a VPN connection to the PC instead of just using PocketHosts for the name resolution.

Anyway to disable data conn on phone?

I leave data conenction off, but somehow I'm still using data from time to time. I don't have an unlimted data plan and so any usage is to much. I'm running dcd 2.3.2 vzw. I'd rather not disable data via VZW network in case I need data but normally would never use it.
Anything I can do to disable data connection on phone to stop completely any data being pulled OTA and be able to enable when/if I need it?
I use my wifi so I'd still want that to work, but this shouldn't be affecting my data connection, right?
Thanks everyone in advance?
mc6800 said:
I leave data conenction off, but somehow I'm still using data from time to time. I don't have an unlimted data plan and so any usage is to much. I'm running dcd 2.3.2 vzw. I'd rather not disable data via VZW network in case I need data but normally would never use it.
Anything I can do to disable data connection on phone to stop completely any data being pulled OTA and be able to enable when/if I need it?
I use my wifi so I'd still want that to work, but this shouldn't be affecting my data connection, right?
Thanks everyone in advance?
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What I did was go to settings, connections, connections, manage existing connections, data network, select data network, then edit, Next, delete #777 and then enter 1 then hit next, and finish.
From then on it will show you the login screen but cannot connect.
Hey man, I had this VERY issue with my xv6800.... You have 2 options.... You can call every month and ***** that the phone automatically connect and uses data by itself, which it does.... or you could delete your data connection setup but this will disable your MMS.... There is nothing on their end they can do.... I went thru this just like you are... SUCKS.... I ended up getting the unlimited data plan because: A) it allows me to game at work, Corp network is firewalled for the ports I need... B) FTP ports are also firewalled so I use the phones data.... works excellent.... I had to have them take 111 bucks off my bill the 1st month because the phone used 6.7 megs in 2 weeks by itself, then I got the 24 dollar 10 meg data plan, but when it went to 10 megs and I still had 2 weeks left to go, I called and had them add the unlimited plan..... My bill would have been 1400 bucks without the unlimited plan..... So now I USE THE CRAP out of the data side..... screw em......
You could also call VZW and ask them to put a DATA BLOCK on your account so that no matter what your phone will not be able to use data.
I deleted the data password (vzw) on my phone so whenever it tries to connect it asks for the password. I also changed the default "for programs that connect to the internet" to use work network instead of the data connection and then setup my mms to use the data connection to pull pictures from. I only use the data side for mms and wifi for everything else.
Cool - knew I wasn't the only one with this issue.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll see about getting vzw to credit me and I'll turn off the connection by changing the #777 or password.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
You can disable your connection in the registry. On the flip side I set mine to "Always on" in the registry.
Try this
I use an app called "NODATA" you open the app, select your "CDMA1X" or what ever and toggle it off. you can toggle it on when you need it by opening the app and selecting it. I don't have the link but I found it here. So you shouldn't have any trouble.
Sirhcchris said:
I use an app called "NODATA" you open the app, select your "CDMA1X" or what ever and toggle it off. you can toggle it on when you need it by opening the app and selecting it. I don't have the link but I found it here. So you shouldn't have any trouble.
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I've been using that program for a year now it's easy to use no need to keep entering ur password with the #777 method or having to edit ur registry everytime u want to go online... I live on US canada border and roaming charges were killing me first 2 months I had this phbone because it would bounce back and forth between verizon and telus... this proggie saved me tons of cash and hassles with telus... well worth the download
Completely disable 3g data connections forever, save wifi
This is my first contribution to xda-forums! I'm glad I can help at all when I've benefitted so much... Thanks to all!
NOTE: After the following steps, Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably will want to use Nodata, and NOT the following solution. You just might have to open Nodata and disable the data connection every time you soft-reset.
I was finally able to completely 100% block the 3g data connection on my Verizon XV6800 (aka Mogul aka Titan) was the following three steps:
1. The key culprit is HTC_CM_Guardian.exe in the windows directory. I couldn't edit it or delete it via Total Commander file explorer, but I was able to rename it! This makes the OS unable to find the program when it tries to re-set the Data connection settings.
2. Under Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > "Select which networks are automatically used," hit "Select Networks."
3. Under "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" hit "New...".
4. Enter any name you want (mine's "nodata!") and leave all the other settings blank.
5. To be safe, you may have to delete the Verizon Or "Internet" Connection on the Tasks Tab of Settings > Connections > Connections. Save and exit.
Voila! Wifi, yes; 3g, no! No more nasty billing surprises.
Modaco's Nodata program is awesome, but the problem was that HTC_CM_Guardian.exe re-enabled the data connection every time I reset the phone. Plus, HTC_CM_Guardian.exe would also thwart any effort to block data via the "Connection Settings." By renaming HTC_CM_Guardian.exe and creating a "nodata!" connection that programs auto-connecting to the internet would try to use (and fail), we get three results:
1. Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably won't to use this solution.
2. When you reboot, the OS is unable to mess-up your "Connection Settings", so
3. Unless you have an active wifi connection, programs will try to connect to the Internet using the "nodata!" settings, which, being empty, will fail, exactly as planned.
Hope it helps.

Modem Link and End Data Call

OK. This is really "Another TouchPro Tethering Thread Squared" but it's driving me crazy.
I have a new TouchPro on Verizon and am trying to use it (isn't everyone) through a USB cord to tether my netbook. I have the BroadBand Connect add-on from Verizon and am using VZ Access Manager. After a rough install (mainly because I didn't read the manual) VZAM is installed properly as is the modem connection in XP.
Problem comes when I try to start "Modem Link" in the Touch Pro. 99% of the time (or even more than that) when I hit "Start" I get the WModem Error Message "End Data Call First". I've tried everything I can think of in Comm Manager; e.g. Airplane Mode on, Phone off, Data Connection & Direct Push Off. I've checked to see if ActiveSync is running (I'm hooked via DirectPush to an Exchange Server). Regardless there seems to be SOMETHING in the TouchPro trying to keep a data connection alive (when I go back to CommManager after turning off, say, Data Connection, it's back on). If I manage, through some procedure I can't reproduce, to get the ModemLink started, the tethering seems to work but can be flaky with 1010 Errors on the TouchPro or device.exe crashes. The final insult comes when I disconnect: the TouchPro shows an "antenna" icon above the signal strength bars (Modem connection?) and seems to block the phones normal EV data connection. I need to do a soft reset to get back online.
Has ANYONE come up with a reasonable routine that will let me tether without doing exotic incantations? I don't want to have to go back to my old BB8830 but tethering with that was a dream!!
Yes, I WILL call Verizon tech support but, as we all know, that is better left as a last (or next to last, I can always try to return the TP) resort.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
go into the communications menu, disable the data connection. leave the phone connection on.
This will end your current data call on the network.
This is because you're currentl;y loged in with a [email protected] username and vzam needs a [email protected]. It's not a blackberry which automatically switches, but that was blackberry's doing.
Thanks for the reply but I actually had done that.
I would kill the data connection but then it would start again almost immediately.
What it turned out to be was Windows Live/ActiveSync re-establishing the connection because I had them on a schedule of "As Items Arrive". What I need to do now is go into AS and set Schedule to Manual, then go into WL and do the same and even go into my IMAP email account and set the schedule to Manual (it WAS every 15 minutes). THEN I can kill the data connection and it stays killed and ModemLink works. Afterwards I reverse the process. PITA since this was never necessary with my BB, but I realize a WinMo device is different.
Again, thanks for taking the time to post a response.

[Q] Internet connection problem (WIFI)

Hi all,
I got problem with internet connection on my HD2 (ROM 1.48). There are 2 ways I connect to the internet - WIFI and GPRS. GPRS connection works fine - I can download and read e-mails, make backups with MyPhone, update weather information, etc. But when I connect to the internet with WIFI, there are only 2 things I can do. I can browse web pages with Opera and update Twitter messages. But I can´t download e-mails, make backups, update weather information, etc. When I try to update or backup something, there is connection error (through that connection between phone and router is fine and web pages are running).
It seems to me like most of applications want to connect to internet via GPRS only. Is there any way to set up (or check) the phone to connect to the internet via WIFI when it is turned on?
Thanks for any advice
Sorry cant help but agree - it would be fantastic if there was some way of knowing / controlling when it used GPRS data and when it uses wifi. When wifi availabe obviously would rather use that than be charge a small firtune for data.
Any one out there about to help with this??
Internet browsing
Ditto. I can - after HUGE effort - connect WiFi but I cannot browse the internet using either Opera or IE. 2 year old Nokia connected and browsed literally within 2 secs! Also, the phone keeps connecting via GPRS all the time even with data connections off. Can anyone help? Thanks PS I know it's unproductive & forgive me, but I have to get this off my chest: this is the worst cellphone I've ever owned. Bluetooth doesn't work, internet doesn't work, handsfree car kit doesn't work. Does anything work?
kakphone said:
Ditto. I can - after HUGE effort - connect WiFi but I cannot browse the internet using either Opera or IE. 2 year old Nokia connected and browsed literally within 2 secs! Also, the phone keeps connecting via GPRS all the time even with data connections off. Can anyone help? Thanks PS I know it's unproductive & forgive me, but I have to get this off my chest: this is the worst cellphone I've ever owned. Bluetooth doesn't work, internet doesn't work, handsfree car kit doesn't work. Does anything work?
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correction, YOUR Bluetooth doesn't work, YOUR internet doesn't work, YOUR handsfree car kit doesn't work.
Get it exchanged. (if they genuinely dont work)
@others, go to settings menu all settings connection connections advanced select networks.
there are two dropdowns, in teh top one should be the name of your mobile data, , this is what automatic progs will use to connect to the web, in teh bottom one it should be 'the internet' (or sometimes 'my work network'), meaning they use wifi if available, and data if not.
(At least thats how they should work....)
If you set the top one the same as teh bottom one, nothing should try to use mobile unless wifi is not connected.
Could be a proxy problem? some operators set up a proxy, which can screw with connections.
samsamuel: Thank you for your advice. I´ve tried it - in both dropdowns I got "my work network", but no success.
I´ve found something interessting. When I turn on YouTube client (using WIFI), I can´t play videos. That should be ok when I got problem with internet connection. But YouTube client shows on the welcome screen preview of today´s added videos. So the question is why should application download preview of video, but it can´t play the video? I´m a little bit confused
Thanks for the suggestion, but I had tried that already and it did not work. I don't think it is just my cellphone. There are many comments re the HD2 that make it clear that it does not work with a Parrot handsfree carkit, Motorola S9 headset etc, and the 2 earlier posts reveal problems using WiFi too. It seems to be problematic on many fronts. I cannot even connect it using Windows Mobile via an USB port! And while I appreciate all suggestions it seems to me that this model is a (very expensive) lemon and frustrates huge numbers of owners. I find it odd that a 2 year old Nokia N95 can connect and browse instantly and a 'smart phone' doesn't work at all. I find it to be very gimmicky. I don't need twitter, facebook etc. I need voice dial, good PC software (like Ovi and PC suite) and bluetooth that works etc. The HD2 has none of this, but great graphics of a windscreen wiper, exactly the sort of pointless gimmick that reveals that the designers were interested in making a toy and not a useful phone.
I suggest you try and install "HTC_Wi-Fi_onDemand_by_Krocher". This program will always use wifi when available and stop the GPRS from connecting and will also keep your wifi on a stand-by. Please do read through the thread as you have to make sure that no programs using wifi are activated when you want it to be off. For me it solved several problems with wifi.
Second thought is to upgrade to one of the much more stable and already tweaked OS's. There are quite a lot out and you'll find everything about that on this forum as well.
Last thought, if it does not work it must be something to do with either the settings or the OS version as for others it works absolutely fine. These are complicated phones that, much like computers, must be set and tweaked to the correct settings in order to get the best out of them. If you just want a "buy and run" phone this is not the one.

S743 on AT&T Data Conn. off big bill from AT&T

So I've had this S743 for 3 days now and I thought I had it setup correctly to use wifi for data comm.
wifi enabled and selected to use my home network. I can see the radio tower status icon.
Under the comm manager data connection is off.
I have a very simple $45/mo plan with no data plan.
Over the last 2 days I have been surfing the web a bit did some email tests with my ISP and used the on board GPS app which is horrible. Not heavy usage but experimentation to see if I like how the phone works.
Then after 2 days I get an email from AT&T that I have extremely high data usage exceeding my account limit and that I should sign up for a data plan at once.
$29 over 2 days for this little bit of fluff? A total of 2,900kb in data.
So I call up AT&T and they tell me this and that and want me to sign up for a plan which I may do.
But I want to be able to know that the datacomm is happening via WIFI when I can see it's in service.
They also told me that all GPS data is forced through 3G and bypasses WIFI???
Can anyone here give me an idea about what I may be doing wrong and whether AT&T is correct about the GPS service?
Is there a better GPS app that doesn't do this? This one pretty much stinks anyway. A resolution of 1000 meters doesn't cut it.
AT&T also informed me that I can't have a smart phone without a data contract. Really? I've had one for 6 years.
Thanks for any light you shed on the subject.
One th I have subsequently found out is that if data connection is off and wifi is off then when I go into IE and start surfing it does bring up pages. Then when I go back to the Comm Manager the Data Connection is still off for an instant and then it automatically turns itself on as though it had been turned on by use of IE and the status was just being updated.
Is there any way to stop this?
The only way to completely stop data usage is to delete the APNs from within the Settings->Connections dialog.
ashasaur said:
The only way to completely stop data usage is to delete the APNs from within the Settings->Connections dialog.
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What exactly are APNs? I don't see anything labeled that way in that section on my phone.
Thanks for the reply.
Try to download the NoData app; google it. I believe it's freeware. Toggle all connections to "Disabled" and that should do the trick..
About the GPS; all I can think of is that the QuickGPS app (under desktop accessoires or whatever it's called in english) automatically downloads new info about the GPS locations.
GorillaHuman said:
Try to download the NoData app; google it. I believe it's freeware. Toggle all connections to "Disabled" and that should do the trick..
About the GPS; all I can think of is that the QuickGPS app (under desktop accessoires or whatever it's called in english) automatically downloads new info about the GPS locations.
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Thank you.
I did manage to delete the APN and that did work but now I've decided to keep this phone, put it on an AT&T GO-Phone plan and add a very limited data plan. So I will be trying to find a better way to make certain it doesn't always automatically go for the GSM even when you have it turned off.
I looked at your suggestion but it sounds like it conflicts with netframe 3.5 which I have installed.

