Anyone selling their EVO 3D? - HTC EVO 3D

Hi all. I currently have an HTC EVO 4G but it is starting to give out on me. Things like the wake/sleep button is slowly descending into the phone and the charging jack not working correctly. Anyway I was wondering if anyone was selling their EVO 3D I figure might as well buy the 3D and move on from the 4G. Thank you

3D pics are amazing for showing relation.
Fantastic idea.
I, myself, am not selling but there are many sites that have it for a cool $50 with a contract, new or upgrade.
Three sentence review: My evo3d is super fast, no lag or stuttering like with the one android device people think is the end all.
I say do it! I went from the nexus s 4g to the 3d(evo4g before nexus) and im never disappointed with the performance.

why dont u look in the marketplace??? thats where u will find people selling phones..

tailsthecat3 said:
Fantastic idea.
I, myself, am not selling but there are many sites that have it for a cool $50 with a contract, new or upgrade.
Three sentence review: My evo3d is super fast, no lag or stuttering like with the one android device people think is the end all.
I say do it! I went from the nexus s 4g to the 3d(evo4g before nexus) and im never disappointed with the performance.
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I don't want to get into another contract

evod3 said:
why dont u look in the marketplace??? thats where u will find people selling phones..
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probably gonna sound stupid but the marketplace? I didn't know that you can buy phones from each other off the android marketplace...never heard of that before............

TheMC1192 said:
probably gonna sound stupid but the marketplace? I didn't know that you can buy phones from each other off the android marketplace...never heard of that before............
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Thank you Wiley

I'll sell you mine its a week old and has a clean can confrim with sprint if you wish,180 firm.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

bman55 said:
I'll sell you mine its a week old and has a clean can confrim with sprint if you wish,180 firm.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Can you pm me pics? I will take it off your hands. If you don't mindr me asking but why you letting go of it so early?

evod3 said:
why dont u look in the marketplace??? thats where u will find people selling phones..
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sent from this EVO3D... dope
nice, how is the phone?
Nice! Looks like you are sporting a pretty decent signal there as well.
It's really fast ..HTC sense is cool I have more control over everything.. its more secure I'm trying to one touch root it Smh not working a lot of apps I saved to my SD won't work on it
Dstiger1 said:
It's really fast ..HTC sense is cool I have more control over everything.. its more secure I'm trying to one touch root it Smh not working a lot of apps I saved to my SD won't work on it
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which apps are those?
i mean i have gingerbread on my evo now, this 3d is running gingerbread too right?
why wouldnt some be not working?
Well ROM gripper NOT working keeps saying connectivty problem... And z4root not working either ... its a EFFING TRAGEDY
sent from this EVO3D... dope
How did you get it early? LOL
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
WELL the HTC rep dude said this one can't be cracked its more secure he didn't get into detail but I see what he is saying
sent from this EVO3D... dope
Top sales @ sprint ... They gave it to me I'm not complaining
sent from this EVO3D... dope
Dstiger1 said:
Well ROM gripper NOT working keeps saying connectivty problem... And z4root not working either ... its a EFFING TRAGEDY
Looks like we need to start another face book revolution demanding too know when the OTA will be applied.
sent from this EVO3D... dope
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Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Dstiger1 said:
Top sales @ sprint ... They gave it to me I'm not complaining
sent from this EVO3D... dope
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Congrats man how about a small review after a day of use
Is that the Sprint iphone 4gs we've been hearing about?
I hope the battery indicator isn't starting the day from a full charge?
Dstiger1 said:
Top sales @ sprint ... They gave it to me I'm not complaining
sent from this EVO3D... dope
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Where is this department, and how do I speak with them? Do you have any idea how anxious I am to get this? I've about had it with my Hero. Friday morning can't come soon enough right now. I'll be at the local Sprint store as soon as they open to get my new phone. But if I can get it sooner, please tell me how!
eXplicit815 said:
Where is this department, and how do I speak with them? Do you have any idea how anxious I am to get this? I've about had it with my Hero. Friday morning can't come soon enough right now. I'll be at the local Sprint store as soon as they open to get my new phone. But if I can get it sooner, please tell me how!
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I think he means he works at Sprint, and as a result of good sales performance, Sprint gave him an Evo 3D.
Dstiger1 said:
WELL the HTC rep dude said this one can't be cracked its more secure he didn't get into detail but I see what he is saying
sent from this EVO3D... dope
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"This one" meaning the one you have, OR all the Evo 3D will be this way? I for one am still a tad bit worried about the HTC bootloader thing!
I think SPRINT is going to be getting many of these back if it is not rooted by 2 weeks.
I for 1 will ship it back if in 2 weeks it can't be rooted.
ydoucare said:
I think he means he works at Sprint, and as a result of good sales performance, Sprint gave him an Evo 3D.
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Oh, I get it. Ready to get this phone...
rdcrds said:
I think SPRINT is going to be getting many of these back if it is not rooted by 2 weeks.
I for 1 will ship it back if in 2 weeks it can't be rooted.
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Saving this and PRAYING for the love of everyone in the 3D forum that this phone is rooted 15 days AFTER LAUNCH. that way you can move forums.
rdcrds said:
I think SPRINT is going to be getting many of these back if it is not rooted by 2 weeks.
I for 1 will ship it back if in 2 weeks it can't be rooted.
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they will gladly collect our $35 restocking fees.

3VO or Within (Galaxy II)

I thought that I was completely sold on the thought of getting a 3VO. That was until I found out about the Within (Galaxy II), now I have all kinds of doubts. To make matters worse, now I've learned about the Nexus Prime. The only problem is that there is no real info about the Prime, it all seems to rumors for now. Lets get this conversation going. How does everyone feel about this?
I feel like whenever someone says "3VO", a cat gets killed. SGSII and 3D are both great phones. It don't matter which one to me.
JKDLBC said:
I thought that I was completely sold on the thought of getting a 3VO. That was until I found out about the Within (Galaxy II), now I have all kinds of doubts. To make matters worse, now I've learned about the Nexus Prime. The only problem is that there is no real info about the Prime, it all seems to rumors for now. Lets get this conversation going. How does everyone feel about this?
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Its not called the Within anymore. It'll be called the Epic Touch 4G. And it might have a Qualcomm chip, not a hummingbird. (Or whatever the current SGS2 has.) So.. especially.... We aren't getting the SGS2
Are We Not Phones?
We are EVO.
I face a similar dilemma. BUT, I was impatient and picked up a 3VO yesterday. Now, I've never messed around with the galaxy s2, but holy crap the 3VO is awesome. I rooted of course (couldn't help myself) and have installed custom roms and a kernel which lets me oc until about 1.8 (stable). The phone is incredible. I figure IF the samsung galaxy s2 comes out within the next 30 days and it's as good as I've heard, I can always return this bad boy and get one.
For now though, I'm VERY happy with my purchase. Although the 3D thing has been described as a gimmick, it's a very cool one and I'd be lying if I said I don't get a kick out of it (especially in games).
As for the Prime, not enough solid info on it yet. We'll see.
That's my two cents.
felacio said:
Its not called the Within anymore. It'll be called the Epic Touch 4G. And it might have a Qualcomm chip, not a hummingbird. (Or whatever the current SGS2 has.) So.. especially.... We aren't getting the SGS2
Are We Not Phones?
We are EVO.
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I ****ING CALLED IT. All U.S. Carriers water down the SGSII. It's a shame.
knowledge561 said:
I feel like whenever someone says "3VO", a cat gets killed. SGSII and 3D are both great phones. It don't matter which one to me.
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3d? are you talking about the lg opitimus 3d or Hauwei's new 3d. 3VO makes it easy to idenitify out phone, you should have voted in the poll to decide the nick name of the 3VO.
Op you can't really go wrong with either one. I would suggest to wait till the within is released and go hold both in your hand. And go play with the 3d on a friends phone to see if you like it. Don't make your decision based on the 3d pics the phone takes, look youtube 3d. I personally have hated how every samsung phone has felt in my hand.
Drewmungus said:
3d? are you talking about the lg opitimus 3d or Hauwei's new 3d. 3VO makes it easy to idenitify out phone, you should have voted in the poll to decide the nick name of the 3VO.
Op you can't really go wrong with either one. I would suggest to wait till the within is released and go hold both in your hand. And go play with the 3d on a friends phone to see if you like it. Don't make your decision based on the 3d pics the phone takes, look youtube 3d. I personally have hated how every samsung phone has felt in my hand.
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agreed. if you dont like 3vo you should have voted in the poll against it, but it (very largely) won the vote to be the nickname for the evo 3d.
You'll get biased opinions here. Just sayin'.
Overstew said:
You'll get biased opinions here. Just sayin'.
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That's for damn sure.
You just found out about the SGS2? Do you live under a rock or something??****-again.gif
Overstew said:
You'll get biased opinions here. Just sayin'.
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I don't mind the bias, as long as it's a strong point. If you believe in your point, then you should make it convincing. I came to the Lion's Den, to get the lion's point of view.
Bigjim1488 said:
You just found out about the SGS2? Do you live under a rock or something??
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That's a YES to your first question and a NO to your second question. I just have a life. Sorry I can't spend all my time on the latest phones.
JKDLBC said:
That's a YES to your first question and a NO to your second question. I just have a life. Sorry I can't spend all my time on the latest phones.
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With that said, buy the EVO 3D. Don't waste anymore time wondering "what if?"
Sent from my BEASTO 3D using XDA Premium App
CheesyNutz said:****-again.gif
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Lolz yesssss
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Noiro said:
With that said, buy the EVO 3D. Don't waste anymore time wondering "what if?"
Sent from my BEASTO 3D using XDA Premium App
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I do not buy on impulse alone. I like to make well informed decisions on my buys. I take all opinions, put them together with mines, and hopefully make a decision I can live with.
The sgs2 will probably not get as much development work done as the epic touch. It will end up probably being as bad as the original epic.
Alchem!st said:
That's for damn sure.
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Seriously. I think it's easiest to identify it by calling it the Evo 3D, cuz, well, after all...that's what it's fncking called already.
3vo, guh, "three-vo"... and what's the Evo 4G now, the OGvo?
I'd be curious to know the demographics involved in who would prefer to call it the E3D/Evo 3D vs who wants to call it the "3vo." No doubt it would be very telling.
I mean, just look at it ---> 3vo <--- It looks like a ballsack or a butt resting on an open book...I dunno....
sorry, had to vent, let us not turn this into yet another thread about this again...
felacio said:
Its not called the Within anymore. It'll be called the Epic Touch 4G. And it might have a Qualcomm chip, not a hummingbird. (Or whatever the current SGS2 has.) So.. especially.... We aren't getting the SGS2
Are We Not Phones?
We are EVO.
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[email protected]#!!!!!! You have got to be fncking kidding me....god, Samsung knows how to fnck up a realllly good thing...what, were they selling too well in other countries and didn't want to have to deal with all of that burdensome success in the US as well?!??
I would be shocked if it had a Qualcomm chip in it, though I have heard rumors of a watered down Tegra2 American version...none have been founded, and a Qualcomm chip is even more absurd of an idea....
For development, features & faster software updates. Go with the EVO 3D.
For Specs, NFC & an a colorful screen you have the Samsung.
It's hard to talk about a phone that isn't even stateside yet. Samsung has a bad track record .vs HTC.
Sent from my BEASTO 3D using XDA Premium App

Photon 4g or nexus s 4g

alright guys some of you may know i have a nexus s 4g, and i love it.. but my team already has people on it, so i offered to take on photon 4g. now that puts me in a spot, as i dont have one
so anyone unhappy with their purchase interested in trading?
Even trade? Not gonna happen, Sorry. That's like trying to trade your Sterling silver chain for a white gold chain.
ha samsung>motorola
tx_dbs_tx said:
Even trade? Not gonna happen, Sorry. That's like trying to trade your Sterling silver chain for a white gold chain.
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the 30 day window is coming soon to an end, i imagine after that there will be lots of people trying to sell them on craigslist etc, i heard teh return rate on the photon so far has been a high one
and it looks kinda goofy
newalker91 said:
Had the Nexus S 4G prior to using the Photon. I would never in a million years go back.
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I owned the nexus 4g for about 3 months and decided to upgrade one of my lines on the family plan (Family hand me down program hehehe)
I agree with newalkwer, I would not go back. I know you read about the screendoor effect, but let me tell you, yes, you will see it, BUT only if you really look for it. Otherwise, its a great phone so far and I will not look into returning it anytime soon. Sound quality is great and unlike the nexus 4g, the speaker volume on the Photon is LOUD! Let's me sneak in a couple movies in the data center with the servers humming away hehehehe.
Also, when i first looked at the nexus screen, I was wow, the display and the colors were great. But now that i think about it, It does look over saturated.
Well, to each his own, but these are my opinions on what i have seen so far.
Wrong post sorry
ZiggSVO said:
Anyway to be on topic...sorry shabby ill have to pass
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hes talking to the guy talking smack about the photon ;P
but thanks for coming in for teh rescue
shabbypenguin said:
alright guys some of you may know i have a nexus s 4g, and i love it.. but my team already has people on it, so i offered to take on photon 4g. now that puts me in a spot, as i dont have one
so anyone unhappy with their purchase interested in trading?
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Shabby I have the ns4g also, I will be taking the leap to the photon tommorow, though I'm keepin the nexus, just love it to much.
And of course a member of Acs would be great! Do it
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
shabbypenguin said:
hes talking to the guy talking smack about the photon ;P
but thanks for coming in for teh rescue
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Yeah realized that about 20 seconds after the post so deleted the comment lol. But anytime dont mention it lol
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
shabbypenguin said:
the 30 day window is coming soon to an end, i imagine after that there will be lots of people trying to sell them on craigslist etc, i heard teh return rate on the photon so far has been a high one
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You heard? Show some proof. I highly doubt that will be the case. This phone is off the hook and being unlocked and rooted now its only a matter of time before we get some sick kernels and ROMs. This phone rocks and I knew it would awhile back, no one believed me. Owell
If they are such a high sell rate why don't you buy one of CL then??
Good Luck
My roommate works at a corporate sprint store and he just mentioned tonight that they have sold about 30 photons and have had only 1 return, and that was just because the person didnt have coverage in their area and decided to go with att.. though the customer liked the photon so much my roomy told him of the atrix (with the updates the atrix performance wise is pretty close now besides the obvious upgrades of mopho). So thats b.s. about the high return rate. If anything the nexus s 4G is higher because of the obvious network issues stock (though update should have fixed this). Either way look on ebay, if u think u can get a even trade then why not sell on ebay and just use paypal to buy a photon on ebay as well...
Sent from my gingerbreaded delight using XDA App
Shabby is this even a serious question?!!!! Comming from a fellow epic and nexus 4g owner. Pack your things and head over here!!!!! Bring that creative sob mystery with you aswell!!! Convince konane aswell lmao....
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Custodian said:
Shabby is this even a serious question?!!!! Comming from a fellow epic and nexus 4g owner. Pack your things and head over here!!!!! Bring that creative sob mystery with you aswell!!! Convince konane aswell lmao....
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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This lol
shabbypenguin said:
alright guys some of you may know i have a nexus s 4g, and i love it.. but my team already has people on it, so i offered to take on photon 4g. now that puts me in a spot, as i dont have one
so anyone unhappy with their purchase interested in trading?
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We need you on our team Shabby..but seriously toss in like $50 extra and swap some poor sap on craigslist for a Photon. I had an NS4G and the Photon is leaps and bounds better. Here's how i upgraded....Evo 4g + $50= Nexus. Complained about radio on nexus = free 2 yr upgrade. Sold nexus for $220. Bought Photon for $219.48 with tax ftw.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
My Daughter has the Nexus S and I just got the Photon yesterday and there is NO WAY I would take her Nexus S. WHile the Nexus S is a very nice phone, to me it's not as good as the Photon ( I am coming from the OG EVO) which the Photon puts to shame. The Photon is being compared to the SGS2. It's Crazy Fast and has ALOT of things that it did right. Downloaded Netflix and watched The Thing and it looked Amazing. I don't know why I hear people *****ing about the screen, it looks Incredible to me. Photon>>Nexux S. Plus with Google buying Motorola Mobility, I can only see this as a Win/Win
Guys, I'm in a bind!!! I can't decide between the Photon or the HTC Sensation... I know this is the Photon Forums and thus the bias is going to be towards the Photon, but can someone make a good argument as to why I should go with the Photon instead of the Sensation?
I will be heading out to the store to buy ONE OF THEM but I just need that extra push towards one of them!
Thanks in advanced.
PS. Also take into account the carrier. In other words, taking into account the phone AND carrier, which one is the best overall guy?
Photon hands down sprint has better coverage in buildings but T-Mobile data is faster but u get capped on T-Mobile, Sprint is unlimited. Photon processor is better then sensation and da 3d which is actually clocked at 1.2ghz, battery lasts longer on the photon, plus moto down wit google i kno dat locked bootloader nonsense is ova wit, photon has better voice quality and sound. Should i keep goin?
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snoopy1e11 said:
Photon hands down sprint has better coverage in buildings but T-Mobile data is faster but u get capped on T-Mobile, Sprint is unlimited. Photon processor is better then sensation and da 3d which is actually clocked at 1.2ghz, battery lasts longer on the photon, plus moto down wit google i kno dat locked bootloader nonsense is ova wit, photon has better voice quality and sound. Should i keep goin?
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
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Aight dog, im sold wit wat u said. Ill be goin wit dat Photon!
Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk

The Waiting Room - Off-Topic Chat

While we're waiting for our phones, I thought I would start a thread where we could just talk without worrying about going off-topic. If you want to talk about how other phones compare to the Evo, rant about rotten fruit and the vegetables that use them, etc, than this is the place.
Just please remember that all of the forum rules still apply here though.
New EVO LTE feature just announced!
I just received my EVO LTE today, It seems that it was shipped with the new stealth invisibility feature enabled by default...Nice feature, huh?
Vinchenzop said:
Considering Google just got the go ahead to buy Motorola (and it's patents)...this could get interesting.
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Now that is going to be awesome!!
Is there any writer, reporter here in XDA to start a petition or something so we can ALL sign. Don't you guys think it would be a great IDEA to voice it out our opinions? I am just thinking how big XDA network is, Dev's who started from here still on Android now have there own site can always get the word to them as well..
Can someone call this Guys already
johnmclin said:
I just received my EVO LTE today, It seems that it was shipped with the new stealth invisibility feature enabled by default...Nice feature, huh?
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Hey off topic but what kind of case is that?? I've been searching for a clear one to no avail!
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Clear case
fhnguyen said:
Hey off topic but what kind of case is that?? I've been searching for a clear one to no avail!
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Should look something like this but even better if it ever arrives.
alchemist316 said:
Yup more than Exxon, google has about half the spending cash as apple
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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You're crazy.
Exxxon, Shell are the biggest companies in the world by revenue.
I saw this posted on AC. Thought it might lighten the mood.
Sent using my EVO 4G LTE locked inside the U.S. Customs hold in the Port of Los Angeles.
mrshades812 said:
I saw this posted on AC. Thought it might lighten the mood.
Sent using my EVO 4G LTE locked inside the U.S. Customs hold in the Port of Los Angeles.
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Lol nice video..
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
exSD said:
You're crazy.
Exxxon, Shell are the biggest companies in the world by revenue.
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Click to collapse apple is near half trillion total market cap
A little factoid.
Smartphone adoption fastest in the US than any other device in history
Disregard - wrong package
Just wanted to say a quick hey to my fellow EVO enthusiasts! This is my first of hopefully many posts in the LTE forum. Coming from the OG EVO. I've rooted, unrooted, rooted again, flashed crashed and bashed. Really looking forward to this new phone! Here's hoping good news on Monday! See ya soon!
Started this thread "2nd January 2012, 02:14 AM"......The Force is with you xHausx!
Did anybody see last nights NASCAR race with the fourteen million signs saying EVO 4G LTE....pissed me off lol
Gordon Ramsay said:
Did anybody see last nights NASCAR race with the fourteen million signs saying EVO 4G LTE....pissed me off lol
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saw it. watch them all here every week. What I thought was funnier was the phone they were using in the Speed social media center(social garage) was the Samsung Epic 4G Touch...least thats what it looked like when R. Wood was showing off the Nascar app....Found it real interesting they didn't give him an EVOLTE to use....esp if they had a ton of signage for it...
Gordon Ramsay said:
Did anybody see last nights NASCAR race with the fourteen million signs saying EVO 4G LTE....pissed me off lol
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Yes I did and yes it was everywhere. Last year they were showing off the EVO 3d to all the drivers and even the announcers had them. its also in the best buy ad this morning. I bet a lot of people go there and are pissed when its not
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
rdub4nd said:
Just wanted to say a quick hey to my fellow EVO enthusiasts! This is my first of hopefully many posts in the LTE forum. Coming from the OG EVO. I've rooted, unrooted, rooted again, flashed crashed and bashed. Really looking forward to this new phone! Here's hoping good news on Monday! See ya soon!
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sgt. slaughter said:
Started this thread "2nd January 2012, 02:14 AM"......The Force is with you xHausx!
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lol, I've been preparing for this moment for a long time
My ex old lady used to always say she thought I was psychic afterall, or was it psycho.. don't remember
I've been having problems with my OG Evo for like a month now. I didn't know about the charge dock problems even though I'm always here flashing new roms. I was anxiously waiting for the new one and then all of this happened. For a while, I was seriously considering cancelling my order but then I realized that that would be a win for Apple and I could not contribute to their gain. I decided to wait patiently for my phone.
In terms of the patent I think its BS, and this is coming from a software engineer. I don't want to go deep into that discussion but working with code is a whole different ballgame.
In terms of the whole GS3 vs. EvoLTE vs. iPhone5 thing, I think both the GS3 and the EvoLTE are good phones. I don't know much about the iphone5 specs yet. What I can say is that apple products are not that unarguably better overall for them to have so much money and crazy fanboys right now.
The best apple product was the iPod by far. It revolutionized the industry. Everything else from there has come off branding. You can argue about the OG iPhone and iPad being nice too but that feels like a century ago. Like I said, everything else is marketing. Its funny people buying expensive macs just to log in to facebook and serious customers run parallel half of the time to use windows programs.
Right now, we have competition and we have android developers working their a** off to get a small share of the pie and that's why I can't cancel my order. After I read this, I was shocked by how this blind fanaticism is hurting the industry around the world. I don't wanna be a part of that. Like I said, some Apple products are great, but they are not unarguably so ahead of the curve for them to be squashing everyone that easy. My two cents...
see this...
now go back off topic....
david279 said:
see this...
now go back off topic....
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Awesome I guess, but who cares thats not off topic man!
Lets continue the talk about Nascar ... Yes I saw all the branding and yes it ticked me off..
Now watching the New cars at Indy, wow they are funny looking. I can't get used to them. They do go fast though, unless of course your car has a Lotus motor in it... those suck. Chevy is dominating! YES!

Retail Device Discussion

Ok guys i have been off contract with sprint for like 6 months and I've bought every EVO (Flagships) since the OG. What I exactly is the benefit of buying retail? I remember buying the 3d for $200 like 4 months after release and I bought LTEVO release day for $608 with body glove. The HTCO is an inferior device imo because I know s800 EVO or beast is coming but LTEVO land is pretty much dead. I may be forced to get The One because all the devs are migrating there... So I'm stuck.
***I Just Woke Up... Tell Me Where The Drugs At***
Not dead here man. Not everyone is bouncing to the One. HTCO is not inferior cause s800 won't be out until the end of the year, probably the Verizon "One" will get it but not Sprint, ATT and T-Mo. Sprint lets you upgrade every 18 months nowadays, not as good as 1 yr with Premier but still better than 22 months like the competition.
KaoMinerva said:
Ok guys i have been off contract with sprint for like 6 months and I've bought every EVO (Flagships) since the OG. What I exactly is the benefit of buying retail? I remember buying the 3d for $200 like 4 months after release and I bought LTEVO release day for $608 with body glove. The HTCO is an inferior device imo because I know s800 EVO or beast is coming but LTEVO land is pretty much dead. I may be forced to get The One because all the devs are migrating there... So I'm stuck.
***I Just Woke Up... Tell Me Where The Drugs At***
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Theres like 4 teams working together on sense 5 right now, Jamie just dropped liquid and updated pac, nin still has digital bath and wild for the night with dastin, theres evervolv, cm 10, operation jelly, rootbox, meanbean, thick chad g and flar are all still building kernels, super jelly, viper4g, omj's rom, and others im definitely forgetting and theyre all being actively updated except meanbean.
I hate when people make comments like that when their only contrbutions are discussion and picture posting threads..
+1 for youdug. Development for this device is in high gear. There are a ton of roms in active development, both Sense and AOSP. You want to see a dead phone? Head over to the Optimus G forums. There's nothing going on there despite being a higher-specced phone.
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maxpower7 said:
+1 for youdug. Development for this device is in high gear. There are a ton of roms in active development, both Sense and AOSP. You want to see a dead phone? Head over to the Optimus G forums. There's nothing going on there despite being a higher-specced phone.
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Amen to that!
youdug said:
Theres like 4 teams working together on sense 5 right now, Jamie just dropped liquid and updated pac, nin still has digital bath and wild for the night with dastin, theres evervolv, cm 10, operation jelly, rootbox, meanbean, thick chad g and flar are all still building kernels, super jelly, viper4g, omj's rom, and others im definitely forgetting and theyre all being actively updated except meanbean.
I hate when people make comments like that when their only contrbutions are discussion and picture posting threads..
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Well maybe dead was too strong, but idk... I just don't have the motivation. Since Virus left and now Mikey I'm just sitting on Viper. The Sense 5 looks nice, but I rarely flash ports. CMX and all the others AOSP roms are nice... PAC has my interest most, but sound quality kept me from CMX.1 again. I can't stand not having the latest and greatest either. I want the One, but S600 just can't compare with the big beasts like T4 and S800 eventho they aren't released.
Could someone tell me the benefit of buying retail tho?
FYI... I may not have contributed much to android, but I'm a recognized Dev/Hacker elsewhere. Lets not forget transcendent mugen GOD
***I Just Woke Up... Tell Me Where The Drugs At***
KaoMinerva said:
Well maybe dead was too strong, but idk... I just don't have the motivation. Since Virus left and now Mikey I'm just sitting on Viper. The Sense 5 looks nice, but I rarely flash ports. CMX and all the others AOSP roms are nice... PAC has my interest most, but sound quality kept me from CMX.1 again. I can't stand not having the latest and greatest either. I want the One, but S600 just can't compare with the big beasts like T4 and S800 eventho they aren't released.
Could someone tell me the benefit of buying retail tho?
FYI... I may not have contributed much to android, but I'm a recognized Dev/Hacker elsewhere. Lets not forget transcendent mugen GOD
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I dont see a benefit. If youre gonna be with sprint for the next two years i say take the subsidized price and sign the contract. You can always cancel later and pay the etf and youll still save $100+.
youdug said:
I dont see a benefit. If youre gonna be with sprint for the next two years i say take the subsidized price and sign the contract. You can always cancel later and pay the etf and youll still save $100+.
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If you ETF... do you lose service and number?
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KaoMinerva said:
If you ETF... do you lose service and number?
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Yeah youd lose both. But if you sign right back up with them im not sure if you could just get the number back or if it goes into a hold state for an amount of time. Idk. Im sayin if youre gonna be with sprint for the forseeable future why not just get the discounted phone. Do you plan on jumping to att, verizon, or tmobile? You can always buy retail while youre on contract so why not take the contract and get a phone cheaper if youre gonna stay with sprint anyway.
KaoMinerva said:
If you ETF... do you lose service and number?
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port the number to another carrier before you cancel, that way you don't lose your number
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I see no benefit to buying retail. I'm not even gonna comment on "dead" forum.
Maybe T-Mobile might be worth looking at if they have decent coverage in your area. You can get the HTCO for $100 without signing up for 2 years . I know you pay $20 a month but still seems like a good deal .
Regarding S800. I'm sure its a beast but how much more computing power do you need when you look at the ONE's benchmarks. 12k on quadrant or something ridiculous like that
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Does it really matter that the s800 or whatever has better specs? Android)/apps won't be optimized to use it for a long time and its not like you're going to be compiling code on your phone.
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corcgaigh said:
I see no benefit to buying retail. I'm not even gonna comment on "dead" forum.
Maybe T-Mobile might be worth looking at if they have decent coverage in your area. You can get the HTCO for $100 without signing up for 2 years . I know you pay $20 a month but still seems like a good deal .
Regarding S800. I'm sure its a beast but how much more computing power do you need when you look at the ONE's benchmarks. 12k on quadrant or something ridiculous like that
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The reason I don't want to be on contract is just because how this economy is... Yes I work a good job now, but what happens if I fall on hard times and can't afford the bill? I don't want to be in debt because sprint 4g blankets my house.
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KaoMinerva said:
The reason I don't want to be on contract is just because how this economy is... Yes I work a good job now, but what happens if I fall on hard times and can't afford the bill? I don't want to be in debt because sprint 4g blankets my house.
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Dude... seriously with this thread?
KaoMinerva said:
The reason I don't want to be on contract is just because how this economy is... Yes I work a good job now, but what happens if I fall on hard times and can't afford the bill? I don't want to be in debt because sprint 4g blankets my house.
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If your LTE works why not keep it for another year? That would be the least risky thing to do
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FrozenRiff said:
If your LTE works why not keep it for another year? That would be the least risky thing to do
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I just can't be on a device with dated hardware lol. Seeing as how the One is a qual device... Its sure to get s-off, so I may wait a month or two and get it on craigslist
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So here's the guy who's been "bragging", ' I buy off contract', going, "wait, maybe that wasn't smart'? ?
Am I missing something?
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scottspa74 said:
So here's the guy who's been "bragging", ' I buy off contract', going, "wait, maybe that wasn't smart'? ?
Am I missing something?
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Just was evaluating plans on T-Mobile etc and thought about my last decisions regarding phones. I don't think I'm really saving anything with Sprint . 4G in my area is good, 3G still blows, but I kinda feel like it'd be a mistake to shell out $700 this time.
***I Just Woke Up... Tell Me Where The Drugs At***
KaoMinerva said:
Just was evaluating plans on T-Mobile etc and thought about my last decisions regarding phones. I don't think I'm really saving anything with Sprint . 4G in my area is good, 3G still blows, but I kinda feel like it'd be a mistake to shell out $700 this time.
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Ha! I told you!! I told you to take that nex4 deal!
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FrozenRiff said:
Ha! I told you!! I told you to take that nex4 deal!
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I don't think that deal existed.
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