[Q] Screen burn-in? - Motorola Photon 4G

I'v noticed a burn in signs somewhere in the middle of the screen (later I'll take a photo), its looks like a little shadow, darker...
Seen it only when I used RGB screens...
There is something to do (without replacing the screen)?
I'v heard about 2 options, donno how much its safe or will effect:
1. Using Jscreenfix - most for stuck pixels (its not the situation) but maybe it will do something after running few hours
2. Use blank white screen for few hours while the phone is on.
some says with full brightness, some says with low brightness, some says it will burn in the screen and will cause more damage....
Do you have any experiance with these 'methods' or any other tips to get it fix or halfix?

Are you using a non-oem battery? I order one from eBay (yes, I know ugh) and it was a snug fit and caused dark spots on the screen from the pressure.

Mine has a dark spot too, right in the middle of the screen. Looks almost like a shadow. I noticed it the first day I purchased the phone, within 2 minutes of first turning it on so its not burn-in. Its more noticeable for me on white screens like the google search page. I seem to recall one of the many cell phone models I've owned also having this problem. Maybe EVO?
Personally it doesn't bother me but I could see how it would drive others nuts.

I can personally vouch for the jscreenfix when you have issues with stuck pixels, however i dont think it will do anything for a burn in or dead pixel. I had a cluster of 4 or 5 pixels on an old blackberry of mine get stuck and played that jscreenfix for hour or two and it brought them back. But like I said I don't see that helping with a burn in though, if that is your issue.

Here's a picture of this burn-in, bad quality but can't miss the 'shadow' ...
@jrebo - I'm using the original motorola's battery.
Any chance it will 'fix itself' or there is nothing to do?
What about the option of using a white blank screen on with low/high brightness ? will it make it worst or its possible help?

I have a white spot in the middle of my screen and I've been using the oem battery.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

Why these dark spots / clouds appears anyway?
Seems like its happening at lots of smartphones...
I have a Nexus One which have a top notification/status bar burn in - maybe because it was on the stock rom with the white bg and set to be shown all the time.
But here its looks different, as you mention - cloud / smoke / dark spots...
Still not sure if keeping the phone on with full white BG will do the job or will **** it up more.... also not sure what brightness should use with this white bg...high or low...

@jrebo - about the replacement battery you bought, after how much time using this non-oem battery you've notice these dark spots ?
I'm considering to buy another battery from ebay (there is no other place here to buy oem batteries for photon) seems like there are some 'OEM' batteris (HF5X) out there with tag price of ~10$, not sure if its real or knockoff and what problem could it cause...

screen burn in can not occure on lcd and plasma displays since there is no phosphorous layer that the colors are being shot through... however there is something similar but its not permanent... pixels of other colors are not releasing there charge so they end up not going back to their neutral state. To cure this issue you get any one of the apps out there that run your screen through random colors every so often or leave the phone off and with no battery for a few days that will get rid of the immage permanence that you see. if that area on your screen is showing a cloud that does not match your current wallpaper than there is some other issue going on. and to cure that i have no clue lol


Possible pixel problem on second Hero phone, help ;(

Yesterday i bought a HTC Hero (my first one). When i turned it on and toke a good look at the starting screen (the one that says Hero, and HTC), i found a white pixel, probably dead or something. I went back to the store to get a new phone. This was not a problem at all and i got a new Hero. Now again, when i turned on the phone and toke a good look at the black screen, i also found 2 pixels with a other wierd problem:
The pixels also turned out white when i looked at them in a specifica angle. Just to be clear, i am watching on a black screen (starting screen). If you look at the screen and not in a specific angle i cant spot the pixels directly, but when i tilt over the phone slightly they show up and are 2 little white dots.
After i found out i downloaded the Detect Dead Pixel app. This app can create a black screen, the same screen as the home screen. When i use this app to spot the pixels again they are way less visible than on the home screen... I can spot 1 of them a little bit if i look at the screen in a certain angle and i can see a little dot, but i cant see them that good as on the home screen. They are not visible on other colors, only black.
I really dont know what to do with the phone now ... does anyone know what this is? im a bit concerned. Thanks!
After a bit more research on my phone i firugred that the dots really arent that visible. Maybe its just dust under the screen? When i put on a black screen using some kind of Android app i can not spot them. If the pixel is lazy or dead it should be clearly visible on a black screen right? for the lazy one then.
Anyway, i spotted a other problem on a black screen:
A brighter spot on the top part of the screen (like someone is pressing on it a little bit). Is this a problem ? im deciding if i should return the phone again..
Well its entirely upto you mate - i dont know what contract you've taken out but you may have that phone for 2 years. If your not entirely happy with it i'd take it back while you still can.
Issues with the screens rarely correct themselves.
My first Hero had around 10 dead pixels and i got it replaced as i wasn't happy with it. I now have one with a perfect screen and i'm really happy with it!
Well i just returned to the store and got another phone. This is the 3th one, and it still has problems, even more then the previous ones ....
On the boot screen there are about 10 very very tiny white wierd points visible ... im getting a bit frustrated here. What is this with all the screen problems ? :S
looks like they got a bad batch in your shop... have you considered powering up the phone while you are still in the store? might save you same time and way...
kendong2 said:
looks like they got a bad batch in your shop... have you considered powering up the phone while you are still in the store? might save you same time and way...
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I have done that, but as i said, its only really visible in a dark room with screen brightness on 100%. I have checked the phone in the store and it just wasnt visible. When i checked the screen in a complete dark room i spotted the little things again. Looks more like dust to me =\
If your brightness is 100% you should see that one single pixel immediately.
Try making an image in paint (480*320) with a black background and a single white pixel. Open that image on your phone. The dead/lazy pixel should be just as bright as the one you drew.
Also the brighter spot is normal. It's called "backlight bleeding". Every lcd screen has this 'problem'.
They are not clearly visible, i think they are smaller then pixels, but they are countable on the bootup screen. When i tilt the screen them seem to change color (might just be dust). Green etc. I dont know what to think of it, come on. A wrong batch shouldn't be the problem if its dust, then its just a assamblation error. But 3 in a row?
I'm getting a bit pissed
It's dust or a fingerprint blocking a very small subpixel. Can't you just wipe it off? But I suspect very tiny scratches.
idk whether this is possible, but it might be dead subpixels. that would explain why they are smaller than a full pixel...
Does anyone know if that is possible? it sounds like a good explaination. Dead sub pixels could be the problem. They are smaller then pixels, but beg enough to be counted (i can count over 13). Little white dots on a 100% brightness black screen.
It must be dust, its a common question among hero owners. Most of the time the things they see is dust. It would be crazy if all new hero's have up to 10 or 13 dead pixels.
Ok well, here's what happened next:
I returned my phone again, god my cash back, bought a new one at a other store, SAME problem. Swapped it for a new one again, same problem!
Got my money back and i completely changed my mind of buying a Hero.
It is not dust. Its a perfect white dot, and definately some kind of pixel issue.
To bad..
Are you sure you're not being pixel-paranoid?
When reading all of this it sounds mostly like small dust particles under the screen. And looking at the number of phones you have tried, chances are you also got one with a real dead pixel (hot pixel, always on).
But I also think you are obsessed about it. My phone also have one dust thingy somewhere which I found just like you did (pixel tester, black screen). Smaller than pixel and less bright though.
I never notice the thing under normal use, unless I really go searching for it with a black background.
So you might make it bigger than it really is and miss out on a really nice phone.
Then again, we all have our own quality standards and its good yours is a high one!
I have had a tiny dead pizel since I bought my phone. Only really see it on the bootscreen.
I was always more bother by the light you can see coming from under the keys at the bottom and near where the lcd meets the keys.
I also have 3 dead pixels but they aren't that irritating.
I also discovered them when booting up the phone, but for me, they are sea blue (all three)
Maybe it is 2nd hand stuff HTC uses on their phones?
i have about 7 or 8 dead pixels too. it doesn't bother me too much anymore... only notice it in a completly dark room on the boot up screen... probably a common problem with the lcd screen the hero uses
All Hero's have this, or will have it inevitably:
The screen does not connect fully; there is a rubber-border between the glass and the metal frame surrounding the screen.
Look from the right angle, and you can see that there is a small 1/10th mm opening. Dust will come through here, and it will get on the screen.
HTC will wipe it off free of charge of course.
It is NOT a dead pixel; these can be seen from any angle, although the color changes a little but because of the viewing angle.
Call HTC and say you have dust under your screen, they will fix it for you, free of charge.

[Q] SGS 2 - low light reveals screen defect?

There are a few threads out there that have touched on this issue but none as far as I can see that deal with it directly.
The problem comes when you display a pure black screen in low light conditions. It shows that the AMOLED screen is actually grey / blotchy / cloudy instead of being pure black. Initially I thought mine had fingerprints or smudge marks on it, until I realised they were behind the screen. I guess I might have got a phone with a screen that was replaced, but the amount of people who have also reported a similar issue leads me to believe that it might be a manufacturing default? The blotches / clouds on the screen dont change, but exhibit a random formation as one would expect from a defect. It is also possible to see a very faint outline of light running along 3 edges of the screen.
Naturally this is a situation that doesnt reveal itself very often. But I as I use my phone a lot at night, especially reading ebooks or watching films, you start to notice it more and more where you have large expanses of empty black screen.
What I would like to know is how many people have got screens that exhibit this behaviour and how many of you have sent them in for service or had them replaced?
Is it a common issue and something that is to be expected from this type of screen?
You can test if yours has this problem using 'Screen Test' (its free) from the market place. It cycles through solid colours and patterns every time you touch the screen.
Just do it in bed with all the lights out P), give your eyes a few seconds to adjust and see what your screen looks like displaying pure black.
I'm very interested in everyone's experiences and any input or information you have.
Thanks everyone in advance!
ps: I came from a ZTE blade (OLED) which has a uniformly dark grey background when displaying pure black. I kinda expect this as it is a budget phone (albeit with a better than budget screen), but I didnt expect the SGS2 to be quite as bad.
Use "screen adjuster" from the market and set contrast to -60
i have never seen this black low light screen defect. but i am asking you people if any of you have noticed that ugly blurry shadows which are perfectly visible with low light, on white backgrounds especially. they look like marks above the actual display and make high quality images look like low resolution.. it is annoying as hell..
I have this. Noticed it one night when my phone was switched off and charging.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I also have this, noticed the first evening i used the phone...you can notice this during the screen wake delay, or when in a call if you cover then uncover the proximity sensor...don't know if it's a defect but sure it bugs me, i know many won't notice it and will say they don't have this...i will add that if u look carefully to the screen dimmed at lowest brightness in a low light (buy not dark) environment, like early morning, you'll see some "interferences" behind the image, also the darker/yellower left half screen is still visible in these conditions
These things shouldn't be there in a 500€ phone
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Thanks for the feedback already.
@elmerendeiro: I have also noticed some 'interference' lines on my phone from time to time. I did a bit of research and it seems when your phone's brightness is set around 25 - 30% it picks up interference from either the wifi or 3g radio. Notch the brightness either above or below this level and you wont see it anymore.
I agree with you when you say we shouldn't be having these problems on such an expensive phone.
It bugs me too - if it wasnt for this i'd have to say it would be an amazing phone
Might give the Samsung service center a call and see if its something they're aware of and if they are replacing screens with this problem?

Screen Burn what to do ?

I got my hands on a Razr x910 and it has screen burn. what are my solutions for this? Can i order a screen from someplace on the web ? what are my options?
please post a picture, i ve never seen a problem like this in a so short amount of time
Do you mean like black dots when the the screen is black?
I thought only plasma screens have burn marks
There are a couple apps that can attempt to reverse it, like Display Tester, fixes the burn by scrubbing the pixels with white and black nars, try it, couldnt hurt
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA
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here is a picture of the burnt screen. its a yellowish tinge in the screen. whenever there is a white or light screen you can usually see them. However it doesnt effect games/videos, so its not to bad..
I ran that display tester and no luck!
I'm not even absolutely certain that's screen burn. AMOLED is kind of notorious for... inconsistent... colors (especially whites). And the RAZR in particular has some artifacts that are especially visible in the dark. They don't impair usage generally. But then the display I'm on typing at the moment isn't the best so it's hard for me to be sure how bad it is on your screen.
EDIT: scratch that, looked closer and I can make out the launcher icons at the bottom. That kind of sucks, actually.
its not to bad, and again only on light screens. I am always going to run a dark background so its unnoticeable. But when i run into some extra money ill just buy a new screen This place http://www.repairsuniverse.com/motorola-razr-lcd-screen-replacement.html
seems legit for a not bad price.
Might want to turn down your screen-on time as well. The only other RAZR I've seen like that was the demo unit at the Verizon store & its screen is on all the time.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... I've never heard of this on a mobile device, a tablet, or a laptop. Although cheaper LCD TVs (like my POS Westinghouse) can have it happen. An impractical solution would simply be to leave it off for a few days. But, that's not going to happen with a phone. If you can find a video of static... like a TV screen on a channel with no signal... and can have it run in a repeating loop, leave it plugged in and run it over night. The random white/black pixels will clear out LCD burn in. It might take a few sessions.
There's an app called JScreenFix that can be used to exercise the display as well. This issue was a problem on the first generation Fascinates. The samoled screens would retain the image of the status bar clock or the whole status bar.
Technically, it's not burn-in I guess, it's more like pixel degradation in certain color spectrums.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

[Q] Bluish burn-in on my screen

Hello, I own a i9100 and I have some burn-ins at the top of the screen that replicate some buttons of a browser or something, and some burn-ins at the bottom as well. I have read that leaving overnight an app that's constantly switching colours, with full brightness, could help a bit on that. I also read that leaving a blank screen (white image) on the same conditions (overnight, full brightness) would help as well. My question is, how true these both things are? I don't want to end with a bigger problem than the one I currently have. The burn-ins are most viewable at Blue, Red, and Black screen colors.(like if I put a background with one of those colors on it)
Never had any of these on my S2,but from my experience with the galaxy s plus,these tricks won't work.None will to be honest.It's permanent.This shows how immature amoled technology is.Learn to live with it or replace the screen if that bothers you much.
what a sign you got there...
Lucky you. Mine is not THAT noticeable if you're using it normally, but as soon as you open something with a plain color on it, the burn in shows itself on all its glory. So right now you can't tell if leaving the white image all the night or the thing switching colors will damage my screen more?
Well,back then when I tried every method you described above on my i9001,I didn't noticed any improvement nor any further damage.Even after running those for 10h+.So I assume it's safe.Can't say the same for the S2 though,have no problems with it.

Screen suddenly full of black lines, colorful waves and white shadows?

Last night I had no problems with the display, but when I woke up this morning I could barely see anything on the screen due to it being mostly white (like a blur or shadow), and also full of black vertical lines. I haven't dropped or soaked my phone, so I can't think of any reason why this would happen so all of a sudden. I've taken out the battery once, and it seemed to improve a little bit. When the phone is locked and only the black background and the clock is visible I can see a single white line going along the middle, but when I'm using the homescreen it's covered in thin black lines and occasionly colors that look a little like northern lights (I can't find any better way to describe it). Then the screen will occasionally 'white out' and it's impossible to read anything. I've had the phone since March, and haven't had any problems like this previously.
I'm sure the warranty covers this, but I'm hoping there's a way to fix it without sending it in and being without my phone for several weeks. Any suggestions?
Nwah said:
Last night I had no problems with the display, but when I woke up this morning I could barely see anything on the screen due to it being mostly white (like a blur or shadow), and also full of black vertical lines. I haven't dropped or soaked my phone, so I can't think of any reason why this would happen so all of a sudden. I've taken out the battery once, and it seemed to improve a little bit. When the phone is locked and only the black background and the clock is visible I can see a single white line going along the middle, but when I'm using the homescreen it's covered in thin black lines and occasionly colors that look a little like northern lights (I can't find any better way to describe it). Then the screen will occasionally 'white out' and it's impossible to read anything. I've had the phone since March, and haven't had any problems like this previously.
I'm sure the warranty covers this, but I'm hoping there's a way to fix it without sending it in and being without my phone for several weeks. Any suggestions?
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Of coarse you dont want to hear it,But I would warranty it The screens have retention problems but I dont think I have heard of one going that bad.
Try to boot to recovery or download mode and see if its the same and or phone off and charging. If so Its a total issue in device.And not just when OS is booted.

