3.17 is GREAT.
However, try as I might I have lost the two boxes on the Today screen that let you know if you have missed a call or have voice mail.
What am I doing wrong?
There is no check-box in System Today to activate it
Thanks ahead of time for your help
system tab
switch to "items" tab
Check the box next to T-mobile
Proceed living.
sorry for brefity, I'm or my MDA after recently getting GPRS to work. somehow t-zones is letting me browse the web!!!
No T-Mobile under Settings/Today
Hey Thanks for trying.
The problem is the is no T-Mobile to choose under the Today setup.
Does anyone know how to start it so that it shows up here?
Well I feel like an A$$
Just checked my Orange answerphone for the first time since getting the phone... I've got 7 messages but at no point has my phone let me know. Can't find any notification settings anywhere, but you'd expect this to be turned on by default.
Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
quick bump. Is it just me?
hello everybody, there seems to be a problem with sending multimedia messages across the wp7.5 platform. I know that some users of Samsung Focus have managed to find a workaround with udating their apns but, does anyone know if there is any fix available for htc devices? would appreciate any suggestions, cheers
HTC Connection setup
There is an app (Connection Setup) - I've first updated my HTC Mozart to Win 7.5 so i'm not sure if it was pre installed on my phone. If you can find it on your phone just go to HTC hub marketplace.
I've used it to fix my mms problem yesterday. (Just start the app and it will find your carrier - when you choose carrier the phone will restart and hopefully MMS will be working)
Hope this will help!
I have the same issue but for some reason the app is not showing in the marketplace. I have it on my HD7 but my wifes mozart does not send mms or can i get the app to fix it. It is an imei unlocked orange mozart with a t-mobile sim. any help would really rock thank you
I spent aaaages looking into this issue with no avail. HTC connection manager is no longer in the market, so if you didn't install it when it was available, you won't be getting it now (unless you use a custom rom with it included).
So last night I finally fixed the problem and what was required was a factory reset.
That worked, I lost all my files and everything (I assumed zune would back everything up, it didnt)
After I did a factory reset though, my screen stopped responding and now my phone is unusable waiting to be sent to a HTC service center.
thanks a lot guys for your replies, i tried fixing the mms problem with htc setup but up to no avail... i downloaded some version of the setup here from xda but it didn't fix the problem... it found my carrier and saved the settings but nothing happened...
however, i changed a rom to the interop unclocked by feropont and now everytning is runninng smoothly... so it was not a problem with mango in the sense that mango can actuallly handle mms if the 3g settings are properly used... cheers
kacper1275 said:
thanks a lot guys for your replies, i tried fixing the mms problem with htc setup but up to no avail... i downloaded some version of the setup here from xda but it didn't fix the problem... it found my carrier and saved the settings but nothing happened...
however, i changed a rom to the interop unclocked by feropont and now everytning is runninng smoothly... so it was not a problem with mango in the sense that mango can actuallly handle mms if the 3g settings are properly used... cheers
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
in which carrier do you have Mozart? I have in Plus and MMS working well.
HTC Connection Setup was preinstalled on. I have HTC unbranded but not unlocked.
my carrier is play, but I was fiddling with various roms and RTM mango so I have not been on the official rom for a very long time now the present rom I am using though works all right with mms so the problem is solved... cheers
Hey guys, I have a rooted device running ViperXL on my Telus HTC OneX+. Before the root my MMS was working fine, now it seems I get a lot of "content was removed because your handset can not display it" messages when people try to send me pictures. Does anyone know of anything like this happening within the ROM or could it just be a carrier problem?
Hi everyone,
a friend of mine has an Elephone device - I don't know which one, but it's running Lollipop.
She said she once activated the feature, that would detect when she's receiving a call and places the phone by her cheek (as you would do when speaking on the phone) and thus the phone would automatically pick up. I guess it has something to do with the proximity sensor or so?
Anywho, this "feature" isn't working properly, so the phone keeps answering calls while it's in her purse.
I checked all the settings menus and also the phone-app settings, but couldn't find anything to deactivate this.
Can someone help me? Thank in advance!