Webtop replacements? - Motorola Photon 4G

After reading this about ubuntu as a replacement for webtop it got me thinking about other alternatives or "mods". both ubuntu and android are open source obviously. but is there a way to get xda developers to develop a customized webtop replacement? i know you can install ubuntu from the market and there are mods to replace and/or dualboot android with backtrack and ubuntu but what about as a stand-alone app that can be activated when plugged into a dock like webtop.
this would be a really cool project for someone with the skills to do so. Canonical has already shown it is possible. how about we get some developers to release something of their own. maybe other custom made linux distros customized specifically to activate like webtop does. or just a completely obtimized webtop like we have been doing to android for years.

tsdeaton said:
After reading this about ubuntu as a replacement for webtop it got me thinking about other alternatives or "mods". both ubuntu and android are open source obviously. but is there a way to get xda developers to develop a customized webtop replacement? i know you can install ubuntu from the market and there are mods to replace and/or dualboot android with backtrack and ubuntu but what about as a stand-alone app that can be activated when plugged into a dock like webtop.
this would be a really cool project for someone with the skills to do so. Canonical has already shown it is possible. how about we get some developers to release something of their own. maybe other custom made linux distros customized specifically to activate like webtop does. or just a completely obtimized webtop like we have been doing to android for years.
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You should check out some of Lokifish Marz' work. If the osh partition could be made bigger, Jaunty could be upgraded somehow


XDA running linux

I saw this a while ago, and tonight I ran into this:
I run Debian GNU/Linux on my desktop at home, and I'm not a big fan of the SynCE project since I'm a GNOME user and a vast majority of the SynCE tools are built for KDE. So, I would love nothing more than to be able to run Linux on my XDA.
Has any progress been made with this? It looks like someone got linux running on the XDA, but even if we got X working, what kind of task would it be to develop a phone app? What kind of support is needed before this can happen?
Does anyone know anything about the progress? =]
It seems, that this project is located on sourceforge
Here is the Link ...
perhaps start the job with him.
I am also willing to help, but not familar with linux at all.
status of linux
As you may have seen from other posts too, the Linux porting effort has been severely stalled more than once. Currently pigeon posted some progress here on the board which is about similar to what the xanadux project was in. Unfortunately no one currently has time to work further on this. I think pigeon probably will be making the most progress, and possibly we will integrate it all into one place some day. Seeing the current number of contributors and amount of time available I wouldn't hold my breath though ...

[DEV] Port Maemo / MeeGo

My idea is to use the current effort to run Ubuntu/Debian on the phone as a method to get MeeGo running on the phone as well (Maemo should be similar). What we'd need to achieve is to get an .img of MeeGo/Maemo as we do Debian/Ubuntu. Driver issues (If present) should be rectifiable by porting over some of the Debian/Ubuntu ARM drivers.
I personally think it won't be too hard.
You compile it with the right GCC, fix any possible errors, then add an android kernel (hoping the API doesn't change, which is a longshot and probably the biggest obstacle). After that is set up we move everything to their appropriate partition, fix the path, and it really aught to work then.
i have no idea how to and how hard, but i think if people can port Android to iPhone , so this wont be something impossile
I would absolutely LOVE for this to come true. I've been frustrated with my gma500 netbook, since I can't run Meego, or even Moblin. This seems like it would be fun to run on the n1.
Should we start a bounty, I would be willing to put money up for this, dual booting two open source systems would be great.
Same here! $5 from me for the person who gets it to boot!
Finally! I've waited for someone to take up this work!
Not that I could be of any help, but I appreciate your efforts and hope for your success!
Good look!
Will be working on this. I don't think I want to flash it instead of Android and as a chroot it'll be more compatible (among ARM7 at least for now..) with other phones. Been barely successful with my old ATT Tilt w/1MB of RAM I gotta see what a Nexus can do =D
dictionary said:
I would absolutely LOVE for this to come true. I've been frustrated with my gma500 netbook, since I can't run Meego, or even Moblin. This seems like it would be fun to run on the n1.
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You know that the recently released Intel EMGD drivers work on Maemo? Since they are a binary blob even worse than the PSB drivers, they won't work on (k)ubuntu, only on Maemo and Fedora 11.
i'm hazy on how we got fb support on kaiser/vogue but they're msm7k boards as well. i could be wrong but i believe team douche already has it built in. i did a lot of trial and error today to get a chrooted x-server to override android's display. i'm not sure how to get the hardware support because i fail at it and thought it would be easier to hybridize maemo over android at least for testing.
i'm all about getting this to work but irc is tedious so if anyone is actively working on it, i'm down for the cause.
I plan on, when I get time, starting my attempts. It would be much easier if I could see the basic layout of the system, but I'm so inexperienced that I don't know where to start. I have a basic idea what to do with the source once I get it, but most of my assumptions rely in part on what I can find out.
it's basically ARM Ubuntu w/a ton of customized UI but a basic Debian based distro nonetheless which is why I <3 it so much.
Well, I guess it won't be too bad then, I personally was hoping for something that was update.zip capable, and a few simlinks might just do the trick.
The key questions I can think of so far are: how are the files are laid out, how does the window server interact with the kernel, what modules will be essential, how does the phone interface with the radio, minutiae like that.
The main road block I see is that we have still not yet been able to run anything outside of virtualization. I'm not sure how the boot process works outside of running an Android build, but a pure solution would be needed for best results.
yes we can:
who wanna help me
I'm in. I found out something interesting yesterday, the Adreno 200 2D framebuffer is a standard kernel interface. So, if 3d acceleration isn't a priority, we shouldn't even have to port the windowserver. Heck, I'm pretty sure we won't have to port anything.
I guess I'm going to look at the source for debootstrap and see what hints I can gleam from it though.
what do you need from debootstrap- it just pulls down the system image but we have meego's already.
here's what we have so far to play with, where to start?
custom dual/tri boot recovery image we'll need to avoid fastbooting the kernel:
i'd like to mix this into amon's or clockwork mod source with a text file on the SD card to configure kernel parameters
how to boot debian/ubuntu which we'd swap for meego's system:
should handle enough to fully boot this thing
including his premade zImage you can mess with if you suck at compiling:
meego's system as linked in the OP:
no gsm, no audio, crappy fb based x11 w/o drivers.
What system image are you using and how are you unpacking it? I'm not too worried about drivers, as with GSM I'm pretty sure that the API is either already set up as we need it or configurable. People on debian were getting texts to send at one point if memory serve
should be the one. i believe it's an ext3 partition but haven't looked at it yet as i was looking into the debian thing. i mean gsm support for our boards which should be okay if we branch off of cyanogenmod's or similar. and if i'm right then "okay" means "complete support."
let me be more specific:
and if you look at the MSM link it references a repost of the debian guide as well..
adapt these instructions for working with the image on your desktop:
and as further motivation, remember when the N900 got x86 WINE via a statically compiled ARM QEMU binary within a x86 chroot? with an x-server we don't have the ****ty VNC fail we've currently had. we could truly run x86 chrooted software (or anything in a chroot like hot-swappable desktop distros) and connect to the host (maemo's) display. and the possibilities with xephyr nested x-servers.
Well, great news on that front too, they use X.org by the looks of it. There's a 3d acceleration driver under development for it. I'm going to try first with a SD card install, as weaving around the wacky partition format is annoying. It'll be a few hours until I'm using an x86 system though to compile the kernel. By the looks of it, the kernel has to be custom in order to use an initramfs partition.


I'm sure this is a stupid noob question, but:
Can I build from source on a Chromebook without running Ubuntu in a box? If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a resource for that? I'm only asking because the wifi only Chromebooks are pretty cheap - cheaper than I am likely to find a macbook.
austontatious said:
I'm sure this is a stupid noob question, but:
Can I build from source on a Chromebook without running Ubuntu in a box? If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a resource for that? I'm only asking because the wifi only Chromebooks are pretty cheap - cheaper than I am likely to find a macbook.
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You are very unlikely to find your answer here. What exactly are you wanting to do? Install a different OS on it?
Sounds like he wants to build Android from source code which is usually done it a Linux system. I'm not sure the answer, but it seems like you should be able to. Unless Chrome is not as powerful since it is browser based system.
I don't know if this is correct but....
I would assume that you can't because chromebooks are not powerful at all. There's almost nothing that eye popping about the specs of chromebooks. On top of that, there isn't much you can do with a chromebook because it is a browser-based operating system. If you really want to build from source just buy a cheap DIY computer from Newegg or something and install Linux on it.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
You can't do what you want right out of the box on a chromebook. But you can open em up and flip a switch which will allow you to load linux or ubuntu on them. Only caveat is that the one I have is an alpha tester model they gave to us (the company I work for had a deal with google) so jot sure if that I the case wih the newest ones.
3VO Sent
austontatious said:
I'm sure this is a stupid noob question, but:
Can I build from source on a Chromebook without running Ubuntu in a box? If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a resource for that? I'm only asking because the wifi only Chromebooks are pretty cheap - cheaper than I am likely to find a macbook.
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As long as you're able to get to a unix/linux based terminal/shell, you *should* be able to compile the Android OS.
Now there are a few caveats to the process, I recall hearing a 64 bit instead of a 32 bit system was required for gingerbread and above, plus there might be some other operating system dependencies. There might also be a RAM requirement.
Also, it can take an hour or two on many modern computer builds. This might take a very long time on a laptop or stripped down laptop such as a chromebook.
I've only compiled inside Ubuntu as that is the recommended OS by Google in their directions. I've compiled using Ubuntu as main booting OS and with Ubuntu being booted inside a VM on a Windows Host.
Best place to start is with Google's official directions for compiling AOSP: http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html
I found this link by searching google.com using the terms: android complie source code
The requirements and notes Google's mentions in their directions:
"Note: The source download is approximately 6GB in size. You will need 25GB free to complete a single build, and up to 80GB (or more) for a full set of builds."
"The Android build is routinely tested in house on recent versions of Ubuntu LTS (10.04), but most distributions should have the required build tools available. Reports of successes or failures on other distributions are welcome.
Note: It is also possible to build Android in a virtual machine. If you are running Linux in a virtual machine, you will need at least 16GB of RAM/swap and 30GB or more of disk space in order to build the Android tree"
Hope that helps! Good luck!
Thanks for the help! So it looks like I could *maybe* do the build on a chromebook, but regardless I wouldn't want to. Correct?
austontatious said:
Thanks for the help! So it looks like I could *maybe* do the build on a chromebook, but regardless I wouldn't want to. Correct?
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Assuming you were able to get everything setup on the Chromebook, at bare minimum it would take a few hours, if not much much longer to complete the compile based on Chromebook hardware and Google expectations as outlined in my previous post.
An alternative, would be to ssh into a build box from the chromebook and compile using this method. This would probably be an approach I would be willing to take. Just throwing out another idea as there are a few reasonable alternatives.
In my experience, compiling AOSP is one of the more hardware intensive tasks I perform on my desktop .. if not the most intensive.
Hope that helps!

[Q] Ubuntu on Nook Tablet ?

Is it now possible to install Ubuntu on the Nook Tablet? - not as a stand-alone Operating System, but as a process running from the Android environment, as has been done for the Nook Color .. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10306407#post10306407
This site .. http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/ .. states 'First of all, you should have your Android device “rooted” because you need root access to run Ubuntu off your Android. Second, your Android OS must support loop devices.' - are these conditions met now with the Nook Tablet?
The emphasis of the above articles is on using Ubuntu as an alternative desktop system to Android.
I see a second reason, though, for doing this - running a Ubuntu server on the tablet gives you access to all the server packages that are available with Ubuntu - eg. Apache2/PHP, MySql, Postgres - maybe not useful if you are connected to a network, but potentially useful if you have a field tablet (ie. with no connectivity) that you want to develop database applications for.
Edit: ignore me......
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
You're asking whether you can follow a tutorial you yourself posted? Why don't you try, and let us know?
There may be kernel modules you need missing, but other than that there isn't a reason the same thing done on the NC wouldn't work on the NT. All you need is a rooted NT (the NT has been rooted for a while)—the NT's locked bootloader is irrelevant for a chroot.
tamasrepus said:
You're asking whether you can follow a tutorial you yourself posted? Why don't you try, and let us know?
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Mmm .. I would if I had a Nook Tablet, but I'm still working out whether to get a Nook Color or Nook Tablet - hence my interest in the question I'm asking. Of course, if I can do what I want with the NT, then that will be better than the NC because the NT is better hardware.
But, thanks for the other info.
And yes, I am hoping that someone with a Nook Tablet might be able to help answer this question.
Tybion said:
Mmm .. I would if I had a Nook Tablet, but I'm still working out whether to get a Nook Color or Nook Tablet - hence my interest in the question I'm asking. Of course, if I can do what I want with the NT, then that will be better than the NC because the NT is better hardware.
But, thanks for the other info.
And yes, I am hoping that someone with a Nook Tablet might be able to help answer this question.
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Ubuntu on the nook color is not very far along. I just added a nook tablet to my nook color household. I have a motorola phone with webtop and there are a ton of hacks to get it to work that have prevented updating ubuntu.
If you want a tablet that runs ubuntu, look into an x86 tablet.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
We are running linux kernel, so as long as chroot is there (it is) then we can run (almost) any linux distro. This stuff is (relatively) easy and there interwebs are instructions on it dating back to the g1 days that still work.
Gentoo works for sure, i'm sure ubuntu does as would debian no doubt. i'm pretty sure there is an arm port of arch linux out there too. The main thing is to get the ARM version of your distribution of choice, and then look into running it under "chroot"
I'd probably go with debian over ubuntu. Seems simpler/easier for this kind of thing.
i've got a gentoo chroot running just fine on my NT. Don't do that btw. Deciding to emerge glibc just before bedtime--over adb. Now all you really wanna do is go to bed and read a couple chapters while you fall asleep but you can't because you thought it would be a good idea to compile glibc...on your tablet...tied to your pc...not that i would know
ylixir said:
We are running linux kernel, so as long as chroot is there (it is) then we can run (almost) any linux distro. This stuff is (relatively) easy and there interwebs are instructions on it dating back to the g1 days that still work.
Gentoo works for sure, i'm sure ubuntu does as would debian no doubt. i'm pretty sure there is an arm port of arch linux out there too. The main thing is to get the ARM version of your distribution of choice, and then look into running it under "chroot"
I'd probably go with debian over ubuntu. Seems simpler/easier for this kind of thing.
i've got a gentoo chroot running just fine on my NT. Don't do that btw. Deciding to emerge glibc just before bedtime--over adb. Now all you really wanna do is go to bed and read a couple chapters while you fall asleep but you can't because you thought it would be a good idea to compile glibc...on your tablet...tied to your pc...not that i would know
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We may need a tranquilizer dart for you. I think we also need to ban you from all nook tablets.
Also, you should help me get backtrack 5 running on the device so I can see if our wifi chip supports injection.
ylixir said:
i've got a gentoo chroot running just fine on my NT. Don't do that btw. Deciding to emerge glibc just before bedtime--over adb. Now all you really wanna do is go to bed and read a couple chapters while you fall asleep but you can't because you thought it would be a good idea to compile glibc...on your tablet...tied to your pc...not that i would know
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Gentoo is a very good Base for Crossdeveloping. You can employ a Crossdev toolchain for ARM or you can use your ARM Plattform to build native and use distcc to accelerate the Process.
I had Gentoo already on Plattforms like mips (Octane), Alpha and PPC
ylixir said:
We are running linux kernel, so as long as chroot is there (it is) then we can run (almost) any linux distro. This stuff is (relatively) easy and there interwebs are instructions on it dating back to the g1 days that still work.
Gentoo works for sure, i'm sure ubuntu does as would debian no doubt. i'm pretty sure there is an arm port of arch linux out there too. The main thing is to get the ARM version of your distribution of choice, and then look into running it under "chroot"
I'd probably go with debian over ubuntu. Seems simpler/easier for this kind of thing.
i've got a gentoo chroot running just fine on my NT. Don't do that btw. Deciding to emerge glibc just before bedtime--over adb. Now all you really wanna do is go to bed and read a couple chapters while you fall asleep but you can't because you thought it would be a good idea to compile glibc...on your tablet...tied to your pc...not that i would know
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There is a Linux installer in Market. Good luck on getting it to work. The drivers required to get a functional desktop running on ARM hardware is pretty limited and mostly closed.
If it was as easy as you say all the Motorola webtop phones would be upgraded to Oneric. As it stands my Atrix will only run Jaunty, because that's what came on it.
If you know some secret please contribute to the webtop forums like the Attic, Bionic and Photon. They have been trying for months.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
dragon_76 said:
There is a Linux installer in Market. Good luck on getting it to work. The drivers required to get a functional desktop running on ARM hardware is pretty limited and mostly closed.
If it was as easy as you say all the Motorola webtop phones would be upgraded to Oneric. As it stands my Atrix will only run Jaunty, because that's what came on it.
If you know some secret please contribute to the webtop forums like the Attic, Bionic and Photon. They have been trying for months.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
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Drivers are a nonissue. Im sure youve noticed the nook comes with support for it's storage and filesystems and networking out of the box. If the nook didnt come with working linux drivers we wouldnt have a working nook.
The difference between gnu/linux amd android is just the userland. So put a working userland of your favorite linux distro in /data/local, mount the dev proc and sys filesystems, chroot. Boom gnu/linux. All drivers provided and working.
It's not a secret. As a matter of a fact it's how most linux installers on the pc work and as was mentioned earlier how many people develop for embedded platforms like android to begin with.
FYI, there is a developer thread for Ubuntu App on the NT ..
Tybion said:
Is it now possible to install Ubuntu on the Nook Tablet? - not as a stand-alone Operating System, but as a process running from the Android environment, as has been done for the Nook Color .. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10306407#post10306407
This site .. http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/ .. states 'First of all, you should have your Android device “rooted” because you need root access to run Ubuntu off your Android. Second, your Android OS must support loop devices.' - are these conditions met now with the Nook Tablet?
The emphasis of the above articles is on using Ubuntu as an alternative desktop system to Android.
I see a second reason, though, for doing this - running a Ubuntu server on the tablet gives you access to all the server packages that are available with Ubuntu - eg. Apache2/PHP, MySql, Postgres - maybe not useful if you are connected to a network, but potentially useful if you have a field tablet (ie. with no connectivity) that you want to develop database applications for.
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Loglud answered the Ubuntu question post#113 YouTube video

[Q] What works in Lapdock for CM?

Hi there. Well I'm a little confuse, because I read in somewhere that CMods doesn't have support for Webtop OS, but it have Lapdock support, so my question here is, what does the phone when you put it in the Lapdock? I mean, what works? It's just Android working on a 11" HD screen? (sweet) or it's the Webtop by default without any mods?
I have a strong feeling it is the first choice since the Lap dock software was made by Motorola is not open source. I am not entirely sure though.
You should also check out the full Linux via web top mod, it might need to be a blur based ROM though for it to work
You have mirrored android (the screen you see on the phone) with the ability to use the keyboard and the trackpad for mouse.
The problem is that the mirror mode has the same resolution as the phone so the things are quite pixelated.
Overall the lapdock experience is much better on the CM9 ROMs mostly due to the different approach to UI and better mouse control.
Good luck
ToonShadow said:
I have a strong feeling it is the first choice since the Lap dock software was made by Motorola is not open source. I am not entirely sure though.
You should also check out the full Linux via web top mod, it might need to be a blur based ROM though for it to work
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Just to confirm Webtop is actually a closed-source project based on open-source project so they released the open-source part but the closed-source part is still missing, that's why Android ROM Devs have many trouble with this because Motorola doesn't provide any support... And I personally find it stupid because it could sell the last Lapdocks on the market...
Slymayer said:
Just to confirm Webtop is actually a closed-source project based on open-source project so they released the open-source part but the closed-source part is still missing, that's why Android ROM Devs have many trouble with this because Motorola doesn't provide any support... And I personally find it stupid because it could sell the last Lapdocks on the market...
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That's interesting. I would say why not just build a custom webtop but now that I think about it, it will be pretty hard. Maybe the reason Motorola won't provide any support is to try and keep more people on their ROM, or at least a blur based ROM? Still pretty stupid; like you said, it will help them sell more lapdocks.
ToonShadow said:
That's interesting. I would say why not just build a custom webtop but now that I think about it, it will be pretty hard. Maybe the reason Motorola won't provide any support is to try and keep more people on their ROM, or at least a blur based ROM? Still pretty stupid; like you said, it will help them sell more lapdocks.
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Well, that would be possible to make a webtop-like program that would detect the Webtop (HDMI + Keyboard + Trackpad) and switch on Ubuntu automatically. But now the problem is the development which needs talented Linux/Android developers and this is not so easy to find, especially talented Android devs who would take a whole month to make us happy. The easiest way is still installing a Blur ROM or just use VNC. I will receive my Webtop in 2-3 days, I don't even know which way to use it...

