Holding a Samsung S2 and feel like holding a fake phone - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

After using the Note for a week. I took out my ATT 4.3" Galaxy S2 (used for 3 months before the Note) and BAMMMM, "what is this phone? Is it my phone before? I remembered it was big, Is it shrink? Am i holding a a toy phone? Tons of question just jump out. I seriously was shock for 5 seconds and i can believe in my eyes.
Just would like to share my thought. I was commit myself to go with Samsung S3->S4.... But now i think i have a new buddy: the Note
Ps: I got a small hand but this Note was amazing and has phone and tablet feature. I'm happy with my purchase.

I had the 4S for a month when it came out. now whenever I hold a friends it legit feels like a toy. I'm like how did I EVER use this small ass screen haha so I know where your coming from!

My skyrocket looks tiny now to me....lol

Same here. Went from the Atrix. Now when I hold the Atrix or even my classic IPod, I feel like I am holding a toothpick.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk

After playing with a Note for about 15 minutes, my Infuse now seems so small and svelte. Playing with my buddy's iPhone 4 is ridiculous. I thought that the Infuse was awesome, and didn't think that any manufacturer would go much larger for a screen, so I figured that the Infuse's 4.5" screen was the biggest I was going to get, and I was only hoping for the 4.65" screen of the Galaxy Nexus to be on my next phone. Little did I know, the Note was on it's way, and its 5.3" screen is perfect for my hands, as I can reach all corners of the device one handed, although any bigger and it would start being a stretch. I feel like the Note was custom tailored to my hands, and I know that once I have it, it will be impossible to go any smaller for a device. My infuse just feels cramped now, and the screen seems so pixelated. Samsung already had my complete loyalty due to their Super AMOLED screens, and now that the Note is here, they will need to continue it as a line of devices in the future for me to ever be happy again with mobile devices. I really hope the Note turns into a parallel line to the Galaxy S series for Samsung, as the Galaxy S series is great, just not large enough anymore nw that the Note is out. I will be a Note user for life so long as they keep putting out new versions with the same size form factor.

I think my gn is huge already .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

My girlfriend's SkyRocket seems small now. The iphone is like a toy.
-On another NOTE, Samsung goes 5.3"

Note is mainly for people with bigger hands or for people who use both their hands..
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Are you guys saying its possible to get used to this phone? I'm starting to feel like i may have made a big mistake. I may just swap my simply card back and forth between this and my cappy

dutchhome said:
Are you guys saying its possible to get used to this phone? I'm starting to feel like i may have made a big mistake. I may just swap my simply card back and forth between this and my cappy
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Whether it's possible or not is ultimately up to you. You have 30 days to give it a trial from your purchase date, I suggest using your Note for most of that. I think that you will find that you can get used to it. You definitely won't have the one-handed ability that you find in your Cappy, but I think that the added utility and beastly specs will overtake that one advantage that the Cappy has.
Also, think abut it this way, and try using your phone accordingly:
When is a time where you truly need to use your device with one hand? Yes, it is convenient, but is it ever really a necessity? That text or email or phone call can wait a couple minutes until you have your hands free. Just use your phone when you have the time and ability to do so.
I see so many people trapped in their phones, trying to multitask, and failing horribly. We must remember that there is a world around us, and that if we can't devote full attention to the phone, you probably don't need to use it. Two hands may be necessary at times for this phone, so simply don't use it unless you have both hands, and enjoy the world around you. =]
Unfortunately, not everybody is blessed with hands as big as mine, where they can wield this weapon one-handed. =/

I find that I can hold this comfortably in one hand. Then use my other hand for Swyping. my inspire is definitely to small now. (I'm a girl with regular sized hands. Hold it and the bottom, buy the top 40% or so above my grip)
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um, whats a cappy?
and i was like the above samsung galaxy s2 user, i had the sprint version, so screen was even bigger (4.52"). I was content with that and thought manufacturers wouldnt go higher than that. The galaxy nexus did, but only by a lil bit. But the note takes the cake. 4.5" is really the biggest non-note phone out,but seems realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly small now, after only a week!!

I was just holding my skyrocket and omfg it felt so effing smal lol and when i first got it i was like this phones massive the note has changed me foreverl

It took me less then a day to not only get use to the size but realize that i will not be going to a smaller phone.
Bring on the Note 2!!

MrDSL said:
It took me less then a day to not only get use to the size but realize that i will not be going to a smaller phone.
Bring on the Note 2!!
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same here.
i finally upgraded from my aria after spending around a month debating between the note or the nexus.
after around 3 hours i was completely used to the size of the note and i dont even notice it anymore except in the few cases where i may be unbalanced in one handed use.

I came from the Inspire too, it's now in my closet in case I "need" a backup phone. The Note truly fills the void between needing a phone and a tablet.
ashies7 said:
I find that I can hold this comfortably in one hand. Then use my other hand for Swyping. my inspire is definitely to small now. (I'm a girl with regular sized hands. Hold it and the bottom, buy the top 40% or so above my grip)
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My day job is IT support so i have to support mobile devices. After a few days of having Note whenever I touch my coworker's gn feels weird.
The iphone 4Gs feels fake and laughable tiny. It's like using dual screen on my desktop I don't think I can ever going back to "regular size" phone anymore.
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SayWhat10 said:
um, whats a cappy?
and i was like the above samsung galaxy s2 user, i had the sprint version, so screen was even bigger (4.52"). I was content with that and thought manufacturers wouldnt go higher than that. The galaxy nexus did, but only by a lil bit. But the note takes the cake. 4.5" is really the biggest non-note phone out,but seems realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly small now, after only a week!!
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Cappy = Captivate
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Theirs times I use my gf phone which is an iPhone 4...theirs just no words lol
this phone is what you get when an infuse makes babies with a galaxy tab - galaxy note!

hegemytouch said:
Theirs times I use my gf phone which is an iPhone 4...theirs just no words lol
this phone is what you get when an infuse makes babies with a galaxy tab - galaxy note!
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I don't know about the infuse but the note is identical to my skyrocket just bigger


Once you go Note...

So I'm on week two of owning the Galaxy Note i717 and I can't see owning a phone smaller than this. I realized this when I was at the AT&T store and held a Skyrocket in my hands. Now, before I upgraded to Note, I had a Skyrocket and at the time, I thought it was a large device. Now, the Skyrocket feels tiny in my hands. I cant believe how small every other phone feels in comparison. I kind of knew this was going to happen! :/
Sent from my Galaxy Note (SGH-i717) using XDA Premium.
That's exactly how i felt when i picked up the iphone3g i used to use. Im hooked and can never go back to a smaller screen.
BLASTphemus said:
That's exactly how i felt when i picked up the iphone3g i used to use. Im hooked and can never go back to a smaller screen.
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I've had every phone on the market going back to 1997 , and the Note is the best phone I've had. The only other phone I liked this much, was the legendary Nokia N95 8gb. That phone was far ahead of it's time.
Sent from my Galaxy Note (SGH-i717) using XDA Premium.
I completely agree that the Note has ruined smaller phones for me forever. It will take the Note 2 to displace me from the Note. If Samsung doesn't continue the Note line, I will be on the Note for a longgggggg time. Although I don't see how they couldn't continue it, they've already shown some decent sales. The Note is just kicking ass and taking names, shoving it in every tech blogger's face that dared to call it a 'niche' device. I haven't talked to a single person who hasn't walked away impressed and liking my phone.
What Samsung needs to do with the Note 2 though is release it on all four carriers simultaneously. If the Note was on all four right now it would be killing every other phone. I would love to see them team up with Google and make it the Nexus Note...one can only dream.
I wish I was on Samsung's design team...
Owning a Note spoils you in many ways, especially with its screen size & screen resolution.
All along, I kept holding onto the Streak until finally getting the Note a few days ago. That was the only "acceptable" successor to the Streak for me.
Aerials said:
Owning a Note spoils you in many ways, especially with its screen size & screen resolution.
All along, I kept holding onto the Streak until finally getting the Note a few days ago. That was the only "acceptable" successor to the Streak for me.
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Back when I bought my Captivate, I was looking at the Streak as well, but when it was released with 1.6 on it, I jumped on the Cappy. In a way I wish I had gone with the Streak, as I loved the size of it, but I was naive with Android and wasn't aware of XDA and it's wonders, which eventually brought the Streak some good software. Then again, I love Samsung screens, and love the support that Samsung devices tend to receive here on XDA, so the Cappy, then my Infuse, now my Note have all been great devices. Just glad I finally got a device this size made by Sammy. Love me some 5.3" Super AMOLED HD goodness. =].
I was with my dad today who now uses my Cappy, and holding that thing makes me smile with how small it is. Crazy to think I thought it was big compared to my iPhone 3G. Haha. I couldn't ever go back to something that small, let alone my Infuse at 4.5".
I had my GS2 since it came out last year and back then i thought it will be the biggest phone I will ever have, boy was I wrong! When i got the Note, I can't imagine myself using my GS2 or iPhone 4s. They just look so puny!
Up until a few days ago, I was off-contract since around July 2010.
I remember how tempted I was to switching to Sprint solely for the EVO. I remember how its huge screen was appealing to me. Glad I never made that move, since around my area, its coverage is rather spotty.
Unbeknownst to me at that time, the Streak was also released around that time frame. Right when I thought 4.3 & 4.5 inch screens were huge, now they feel and like miniscule compared to the Note screen.
no way could I go back to a phone with a smaller screen
Been using the note since it came out in Canada. I cannot imagine using my tiny iPhone anymore
I came from the Epic 4G on sprint and actually made the jump to AT&T for this. This is an amazing phone and while I have rooted it I'm actually content with the stock Rom presently. With the Epic I couldn't wait to flash new Roms on that one...
I am going to be curious to look at the HTC One X when it arrives but this will be my prime phone that's for sure!!
PeartFan40 said:
So I'm on week two of owning the Galaxy Note i717 and I can't see owning a phone smaller than this. I realized this when I was at the AT&T store and held a Skyrocket in my hands. Now, before I upgraded to Note, I had a Skyrocket and at the time, I thought it was a large device. Now, the Skyrocket feels tiny in my hands. I cant believe how small every other phone feels in comparison. I kind of knew this was going to happen! :/
Sent from my Galaxy Note (SGH-i717) using XDA Premium.
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LOL as i commented on another topic
after only using Note for a few days, not even a week
my old T989 which is 4.5" felt so small, it was hard to get back used to it.
now when i pick up those old 4" or 3.5" phones it's like trying to fiddle with a match box
i have a coworker (nerd/geek wannabe, talk like he knows everything but actually is just a noob), when i see him using his idiotPhone, it looks like a freaking toy! so small!
My first phone was the Motorola "Brick", when they released the Star-Tac, thought life couldn't get any better, then Dell came out with the Streak, except for the fact Dell couldn't market their way out of their A$$, I loved it. The streak beats everything I've had hands down.
PeartFan40 said:
I've had every phone on the market going back to 1997 , and the Note is the best phone I've had. The only other phone I liked this much, was the legendary Nokia N95 8gb. That phone was far ahead of it's time.
Sent from my Galaxy Note (SGH-i717) using XDA Premium.
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I have agree with the rest of you. I freakin love this phone. It's just plain awesome. I've had a few nay sayers but once they see it and hold it, they want one. So glad I left my old phone to move to this phone.
I'm a total phone person and often go after the latest thing. I'm so sold on the Note that I can't see anything coming out that will make me want to switch.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Have you read my sig yet?
-Once you go NOTE, you'd say 4 inches a Joke
Although I rock the International Note, it's hard to look or use my Samsung Epic 4G on Sprint, which I still use since my work pays for the monthly bill on it. I have been eyeing this phone since last year because of the big screen (I really didn't at first care about the S-pen but now love it) so once the phone fell under $600, I immediately jumped on it. Now running it on Straight Talk mobile and I am so happy. Seriously best phone I've ever had and once I'm upgrade eligible on Sprint in June, I might not jump on the SGS3 if I know a Sprint version of the Note is coming on the Now Network.
Sent from my GT-N7000 Samsung Galaxy Note "Go big or go home" using XDA app
Normally, I keep phones for a couple of months before trading for something different. Now that I own the Note, I don't foresee a trade anytime soon. The only other phone I can see owning is the Note 2 (we can only hope). If I had my way, the Note 2 would have an A/R coated sapphire crystal display, real stainless steel accents, a 2.2 fstop carl zeiss camera optics, high quality stereo speakers, and a white carbon fiber body. Oh! and it would also have an indicator LED.
Sent from my Galaxy Note (SGH-i717) using XDA Premium.
i agree with you...its great phone
Im not gonna jump ship unless they release the next Generation Note. Thats what I told my gf and for once...im sticking to it.
-Once you go NOTE, you'd say 4 inches a Joke

[Q] S III or Note?

trying to decide between these 2 phones. curious which people think is the better buy right now...i have the note and broke the screen. i love the display, but handling one handed it is sometimes tough, especially reaching the corners...and is it an easier phone to crack because of it's size? other than that i do love the thing though
You said your self the note is easier to break...there s a good chance the nextt note will break again. S3 is more rounded and more manageable to hold.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
Dillsnik said:
trying to decide between these 2 phones. curious which people think is the better buy right now...i have the note and broke the screen. i love the display, but handling one handed it is sometimes tough, especially reaching the corners...and is it an easier phone to crack because of it's size? other than that i do love the thing though
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I wouldn't buy the current Note right now. If rumors are to be believed it's being replaced by a Note II in September. The new version is supposed to be styled like the SGS3, have a bigger display, be narrower, and easier to hold.
What is the note? A bigger screen version of the skyrocket. U will get bored in two weeksof u get the note. Personal experience
Bought sgs3 2 days ago and I'm overall very satisfied with my purchase. However i already started to miss the bigger screen of the Note which i gave to my wife. One thing is for sure-i will get Note 2 in couple of months
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juliano76 said:
Bought sgs3 2 days ago and I'm overall very satisfied with my purchase. However i already started to miss the bigger screen of the Note which i gave to my wife. One thing is for sure-i will get Note 2 in couple of months
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Addict. But I can't talk. I miss my note too. Even tho has the same Res screen there's something about it. I gave it too my girlfriend when she went overseas instead of using her iphone and she fell in love. That said I would still pick the s3
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Having the note with aokp and the dpi set to 240 really does make me miss all of that screen space.
I'm using my s3 as a daily and my note as a baby tablet. Best of both worlds.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Dillsnik said:
trying to decide between these 2 phones. curious which people think is the better buy right now...i have the note and broke the screen. i love the display, but handling one handed it is sometimes tough, especially reaching the corners...and is it an easier phone to crack because of it's size? other than that i do love the thing though
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IMO,two straight forward options:
1. If you are in a hurry, just pick the s3 (performance way better than the current note)
2. If you can wait, then go for the note2
(It's performance will surely be on par or better than s3, then it will just be a choice of screen size preference and ergonomic comfort)
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In comparing the 2, i notice a couple differences that will make a difference to me.
1. No search button and home button is different...i know there is a center button, but i don't like that you have to hard press that, as opposed to the soft press of the note. I use maps a LOT and that search button was perfect for it...i think i would miss those 2 features.
2. The form factor of SIII is very nice, feels nicer in the hand and easier to hit all corners of screen, and just use one handed in general.
3. Note is MUCH bigger screen.
Can't tell performance-wise a huge difference yet but that could change...
still on the fence but leaning towards the note bc of the buttons
Even though both of the phones have big screens I would say S III (for me) is just the right size. Note and Note II would be to big in my opinion unless you have something like a bag to carry them.
after using the note for a few months, the sIII does NOT seem like a big screen at all, in fact i was hoping it would be bigger and that would have made my decision easier. a pinch smaller than the note is PERFECT imo.
Note for me is way better than s3 .....
Bigger screen....
More powerful battery.......
Comes with s-pen.....
And by rooting my gnote I have got all the new features which comes with s3.....
I think this is enough for you to make a decision and pick a right cell....
Or wait for Note 2
Note really rockzzz....
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Pros and Cons to the Note?

Hi all. I am taking my family back to AT&T at the end of the month after suffering through 2 years of Sprint. I am seriously considering the Note as my next device. I currently have the Samsung Epic 4G rooted and ROMed. I want to know from experienced users what the pros and cons are to this phone other than the physical size of the phone. My alternate device will be the Galaxy S3. Thanks in advance!
Eric S.
A lot of us will tell you it's the best device they've ever had. The screen draws you in, and if you want a multimedia powerhouse then the not is the way to go. Honestly I'm sick of answering all the pros and cons threads that get posted.
There isn't a better multi media device on the market period. I tried to get rid of it, I did and went right back to it. The size is an issue if you talk on the phone maybe a lot or work outside or something. But this is it for me.
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Some people will say that the fact that it's last years hardware is a con, but devices are outdated by the time they're shipped anyway, so whatever. The only con I've experienced is that sometimes it's hard to operate one-handed, but then again I'm a tiny 5 foot tall girl with elf hands.
Test out the Note at the AT&T store when youre there and if you don't like it, get the S3.
-Once you go NOTE, you'd say 4 inches a Joke
[Lady]: "How do you carry that huge phone in your pocket?"
[Note User]: "I'm used to having huge stuff in my pants"
The screen size is one of the main reasons to get the note. The extra space allows me to leave my iPad at home, making the note the perfect convergence device.
I use Styletap to run an old palm app that I need. The s-pen has also been an added bonus.
One handed operation is difficult at times, but after a week of using it I was able to adjust to it. By the end of the second week, I no longer noticed.
After using the note for a few days, it's difficult to go back to a smaller screen. I find my wife's iPhone very difficult to use now!
Good luck with your decision.
Huge Screen (obviously)
Amazingly fast
Lots of ROMs
All the stupid comments you get on how big your phone is..lol
cons...never being able to be happy with a smaller phone again!
Thanks guys! This is the type of info I was looking for. I did search and I didn't come up with much. I think I am going to pocket test it and if it fits I will go with the note.
flymacs said:
The screen size is one of the main reasons to get the note. The extra space allows me to leave my iPad at home, making the note the perfect convergence device.
I use Styletap to run an old palm app that I need. The s-pen has also been an added bonus.
One handed operation is difficult at times, but after a week of using it I was able to adjust to it. By the end of the second week, I no longer noticed.
After using the note for a few days, it's difficult to go back to a smaller screen. I find my wife's iPhone very difficult to use now!
Good luck with your decision.
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Holy crap, Styletap is still around?! I remember using that in the mid-2000s when I made the switch from Palms to PPCs.
And you're right- it's much harder to go back to a smaller screen after using this phone. I've only had mine for about 10 days but I've gotten used to the screen size & it seems normal to me now. When I first got my HD2 back in 2010 it was the biggest thing available but now it seems positively *tiny*, and my old GSII seems miniscule now too. My boyfriend has an iphone & I honestly don't know how he can stand it.
The thing I like best is it makes coffee and mows my lawn. I'm a little disappointed with the gas mileage though.
kabuk1 said:
Holy crap, Styletap is still around?! I remember using that in the mid-2000s when I made the switch from Palms to PPCs.
And you're right- it's much harder to go back to a smaller screen after using this phone. I've only had mine for about 10 days but I've gotten used to the screen size & it seems normal to me now. When I first got my HD2 back in 2010 it was the biggest thing available but now it seems positively *tiny*, and my old GSII seems miniscule now too. My boyfriend has an iphone & I honestly don't know how he can stand it.
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Yep. They released an android version not long ago. It's blazing fast on the note and the s-pen makes navigating the palm ui really simple. But with the large screen i can get around pretty easy with just my finger. The note's large screen and fast processor is what makes all the difference.
Only con: Note 2
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

Formers S3 owners...

Just curious to see how former S3 owners are enjoying their Note 2. I'm on the fence right now, the size is not a big deal as I feel I can adapt to it pretty quickly. The bigger screen size and multi view options really interest me. What were the big drivers for you to jump from the S3 to the Note 2? How would you compare the experiences?
I had the s3 and I'd say it would be like comparing a wrx to the st or z06 to the zr1i. Both are awesome but one is just a little bit better. Bigger, faster, and just overall more awesomer lol. I like playing with the stylus, split screen, bigger screen plus I'm a phone whore so I'm always trading.
sshams95 said:
Just curious to see how former S3 owners are enjoying their Note 2. I'm on the fence right now, the size is not a big deal as I feel I can adapt to it pretty quickly. The bigger screen size and multi view options really interest me. What were the big drivers for you to jump from the S3 to the Note 2? How would you compare the experiences?
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Me and the wife traded our GS3s for Note 2s... Love them
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
F'n love it! Battery is incredible (I'd say close to double the screen-on time). Multi window is really cool too, and with root you can get ALL apps loaded in it, where as with stock there were only like 6 apps available in multi window, which made it useless.
I'm actually liking the spen too (writing this post with it). Along with that, I also suggest the flygrip, it makes using this massive phone with one hand not only possible, but convenient and comfortable. It doubles as a kick stand too, which I like to do 180 portrait mode, and it sits firm where you can use the spen and hit menus/home button without it falling over. I actually used it on the S3 until I got my note, and I love it! I switched from T-Mobile to Verizon, so my network is 10 times better now as well.
The S3 is great, and if T Mobile lets me off the hook from my cancellation I'm still going to keep it for an mp3 player etc...but IMO this Note 2 blows it away with just the battery alone...which is crazy because the screen is way bigger AND way brighter. I couldn't even see my s3 if it was a halfway sunny day.
So yeah, you could say I'm a fan
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sshams95 said:
Just curious to see how former S3 owners are enjoying their Note 2. I'm on the fence right now, the size is not a big deal as I feel I can adapt to it pretty quickly. The bigger screen size and multi view options really interest me. What were the big drivers for you to jump from the S3 to the Note 2? How would you compare the experiences?
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Bigger screen. Faster. Better battery. S pen. Just awesome zero regrets taking my s3 back. Plus I had the "blue" one but the longer I had it the more it looked purple. If size is not a concern, get off the fence and get this bad boy.
Sent from my SCH-I605
I agree with everyone else, it doesnt seem like much of a step up but i assure you it most definitely is, and was well worth the wait!
sent from my Note 2
Thanks for the feedback everyone, the battery life factor is something I forgot about it. Looks like I'm jumping the fence!
It is so much better! I still have my S3 so I can swap the SIM card and use whichever I chose, but I don't thing I will be using S3 very often. I may just use S3 like an iPod on Wi-Fi
Jump in! I truly loved my sg3... for 30 days I had it..lol. Note 2 came out on day 29 and I dropped by best buy just to see the "Beast" before my return date was up. Took one look and held it.. and that was it. Sg3 was awesome. Fast. Smooth and powerful. Note 2 is just a whole different world. Has completely changed my mobile computing/productivity. Had Droid X and tbolt (sigh) before sg3 so I was shockingly happy with it. But the Note 2 is literally unreal. Good luck and have fun!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
Better battery life, brighter screen, 3g radio and signal is much improved(no data drops), gps locks faster, quad core...nuff said!
Wife and I bought s3 from craigslist and had them for 3 weeks then I got an upgrade from a friend of mine who purchased the note 2 . I love the gs3 on verizon but the note 2 is just like others have said, better battery and slightly faster. The gs3 is still a beast and ive recommended most of my friends and family to get the gs3. My wife is slightly jealous so I will probably end up giving her mine for a bit while I sell her gs3 to buy another note 2 full price.
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For me it was almost solely the s pen. I do alot of photo editing and stuff like that. Oh and the titanium gray is just plain sexy
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justin94 said:
For me it was almost solely the s pen. I do alot of photo editing and stuff like that. Oh and the titanium gray is just plain sexy
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For me it was when Mugen made a 6400mah battery for it. That's more power than my galaxy tab 7.7 which is only 5100mah. I like to read books on my tablet which is painful on my small rezound. I just have to figure on which color, I know crazy. I prefer black to grey, but white is selling for a higher price on ebay( now that's crazy).
juanaraya92679 said:
Wife and I bought s3 from craigslist and had them for 3 weeks then I got an upgrade from a friend of mine who purchased the note 2 . I love the gs3 on verizon but the note 2 is just like others have said, better battery and slightly faster. The gs3 is still a beast and ive recommended most of my friends and family to get the gs3.
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I'm curious, what it a mint condition G3 going for on craigs list right now??
I have two mint condition G3's with extra batteries, extra backs and cases (including hyperion extended batts etc) that I want to sell but I'm not sure what they're worth??
I just sold mine last Friday on CL for $350. Probably could have got more but wanted a quick sale. Put it up Thursday evening after getting my N2 , gone Friday.
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jmorton10 said:
I'm curious, what it a mint condition G3 going for on craigs list right now??
I have two mint condition G3's with extra batteries, extra backs and cases (including hyperion extended batts etc) that I want to sell but I'm not sure what they're worth??
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shouldnt have a problem getting 400 a piece.
yepp..had the s3..love this phone.
Sold s3 on ebay for 400 an that was the buy it now price they are selling good if you took care of it I may have a dna up for sale soon extra Christmas money
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Its been a rather busy year for me on the phone front. I started the year off with a Thunderbolt, followed up by a Rezound, and then purchased Galaxy S3 in July.
Suffice to say the S3 was the best of the lot. When I got the S3, I thought I had found the promise of Android. Finally the OS had been optimized and I felt confident that I would keep the S3 for at least a year. Then came the Note 2, and a window of opportunity. I had an upgrade that I HAD to use before January (dont ask) and so I sold my S3 on Gazelle for almost 300 and put the order in.
I wont lie, initially and still it feels a little awkward handling the Note 2. Its big, its a lot bigger than the S3. The S3's ergonomics were spot on and like most any well designed phone you tend to forget your holding something. You just use the interface..the body goes away in the interaction. But with the Note 2 I haven't gotten there yet, I am still very aware that I'm working to grasp a device and the interface comes a second later.
There is a slight disconnect because you have to physically accommodate the phone ya know?
That being said there are a number of features in the Note 2 that go a very very long way to making you forgive (and maybe forget) its girth. The screen is just awesome, its the big screen jumbo man TV of the smartphone world. How can you hate that!? If you have any love for tech your drawn to it like moth to a flame. Its stunning. Watching YouTube in bed is like having my 58inch plasma on my chest...MWAHAAH!..I dunno..there's something about that. I dig it.
Also compared to the S3, its faster, the antenna seems to be better, and that has that fancy pen. Outside of that, there isn't much that makes this a giant leap from the S3. For me its really just about the screen and maybe the possibility of having a more capable hacked and overclocked quad core monster after I root it, but that is still a ways off.
Imo its just a bigger s3....I really don't get the big deal of multi view. I have no regrets though. I love it.

Anyone else COMPLETELY spoiled by Notes screen size?

Thought of going with a Nexus 4...my friend got one today...4.7 inches feels SO DAMN SMALL!
I have seriously been spoiled here...anyone else this way too? Kind of limits my phone options a little bit...even the GNote 2 feels smaller (due to narrower screen).
Yep! My wife has my Ion now (4.6") and I hold it and it feels TINY. iphone 5 feels like a kiddie toy! This feels normal to me and everyone else says its huge lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
The note 1 is the first ...."Great ".....phone ...
Then they went and borked up the note 2 width...
I'll still take one though ....LOL
Just bought a note 2 days ago and i love it
. Cant imagine using anything else.
Androids across the nation
Yeah I've been completely spoiled since it released. Couldn't go back down in size for anything no matter the specs. I'm likely going to stick it out with the i717 until note 3 or something else next year comes. My wife has a galaxy s3 which feels nice actually, but I just really enjoy the real estate far to much.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
HarmonyFlame said:
Yeah I've been completely spoiled since it released. Couldn't go back down in size for anything no matter the specs. I'm likely going to stick it out with the i717 until note 3 or something else next year comes. My wife has a galaxy s3 which feels nice actually, but I just really enjoy the real estate far to much.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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I, too, have decided to stick with my Note and wait for the Note3. Decided to spend my money on fragrances and clothing.
I love my big phone.
I would carry a tablet if I could make calls and text with it.
I think the small phone fad is coming to an end
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
I love the screen size but I think I'm gonna be OK with it with the nexus4 when mine arrives :good::good: no more waiting for new versions of android,,,,,,,,,,.........
Jake_HT said:
I love the screen size but I think I'm gonna be OK with it with the nexus4 when mine arrives :good::good: no more waiting for new versions of android,,,,,,,,,,.........
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Ditto. We are two versions behind now and probably 3 before att releases it
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to anything smaller. Everything just feels so small compared to my Note...
There is no way I could go back to a phone any smaller than the Note! My wife has an iPhone 4s and its just so small! Couldn't do it. I got rid of my 7" tablet because I found myself using the Note for everything I used to use the tablet for.
Sent from my huge phone running Blackstar X
I'm also going to wait it out for the note3. I wasn't even tempted to buy the nexus 4 since the screen is smaller than the note. Maybe it will be worth the wait and the note3 will have 1 week battery life. :victory:
Yep, when I bought my Note I was fully aware the Note 2 was just a few months away. But when I learned the Note 2 was losing the slightly thicker screen for a standard wide-screen form factor, with no bump in resolution or camera, I decided not to wait.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
Ill probally never feel the same with another phone in my hand again. it felt like i was gonna break my brothers iphone when i had it
Sent from my GT-N7005 using xda app-developers app
JoelJr78 said:
There is no way I could go back to a phone any smaller than the Note! My wife has an iPhone 4s and its just so small! Couldn't do it. I got rid of my 7" tablet because I found myself using the Note for everything I used to use the tablet for.
Sent from my huge phone running Blackstar X
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I did the same with my tablet. I had a Playbook (which really is a killer tablet, best I've ever used) but after owning the Note I realized I hadn't touched my tablet in a couple weeks. Had no desire to really. Sold it!
I tell people if you are in the market for a new phone and tablet, just get a Note! It really is a all around replacement.
lschuman said:
Yep, when I bought my Note I was fully aware the Note 2 was just a few months away. But when I learned the Note 2 was losing the slightly thicker screen for a standard wide-screen form factor, with no bump in resolution or camera, I decided not to wait.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
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This is my problem with the Note 2...played with one for the first time the other day at the Verizon store and even though the screen is technically larger it sure as hell didn't feel like it. That's the problem with the Note 1...not only has the size spoiled me, but the 16:10 aspect ratio has spoiled me too. Which sucks because now I'm REALLY limited in my phone choices (uhh...one choice...)!
Android.Junkii said:
Ill probally never feel the same with another phone in my hand again. it felt like i was gonna break my brothers iphone when i had it
Sent from my GT-N7005 using xda app-developers app
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Same here. Even holding a SIII felt so small...and its, what, 4.7 inches?! Don't even get me started on the iPhone 4/5...they feel like tiny MP3 players or something. Couldn't even use one if it was given to me!
I'm spoiled. Won't mind owning a Note 2. I don't like the new design really. Note 3 for me though. I think Huawei is coming out with a 6.1 inch Note competitor.
BlackStar XI Samsung Galaxy Note I717
I feel spoiled in general by Samsung, as their AMOLED screens can't be topped. Yeah, the Note has, IMO, the best screen on a phone to date, but I still appreciate my secondary phone, a Galaxy Nexus, and also at times my old Infuse and Captivate that are sitting in a drawer back home.
Though I do wish Samsung had kept the 16:10 aspect ratio, the Note 2 is nothing to scoff at. If I had the funds available to buy one, I would in a heartbeat. I'm happy with my current Note though, so it will definitely be the Note 3 for me. Let's hope they go at least 5.5" 1080p, if not up to 6". What would be really sweet would be to see them put a matte finish on the glass that doesn't distort the resolution... it's possible, but not probable. I'd also like to see them bring back a metal back like on the Captivate... Samsung got design right with that one. At the very least, a textured back again like the Nexus or on my Note's flip cover. Enough of the glossy plastic Samsung.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Mine spoiled me badly. I have to use my son's extra Captivate for several days that he has and it makes me miss my baby The Note.
erickh said:
Just bought a note 2 days ago and i love it
. Cant imagine using anything else.
Androids across the nation
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Funny how its bigger but has less square inch space. They changed the aspect ratio of the screen by stretching it out skinny. I think the screen on the 1 is better personally.
I am spoiled but I'd still like to trade my note for a galaxy nexus.
I plan on finding out about the Note 2 sometime in February.

