[Q] how to unlock boot loader and install roms (2.3.6) - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

im already rooted (used the old fashion command way)
i also need a good recovery (someone recommend the best one) ( i need to be able to do nan droid backups )
im going for jokers ICS rom ^.^
so please i need walk throughs that work with my version of atrix
system version = 4.5.141.mb860.att.en.us
model= mb860
android version=2.3.6
baseband = n_01.77.37p
webtop (not that i care) =wt-1.2.0-110_oly-6
kernel= [email protected] #2
i appreciate the help!
also what is the downside to this? would i not be able to use the official ICS update?

This is a great thread for new users. I suggest you read it thoroughly. If you have questions ask after you have read up on the process that you are asking about.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Well I did read that ,actually if you look in my signature I already have a backflop running 2.3.4 on cm7. I am looking for what people think is best for the atrix. and the process for the new 2.3.6 update that caused some upset.
*EDIT* I'm sorry I did realize this wasn't posted from my computer
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

if ur on at&t !!
the best way to unlock is to use the automatic bootloader unlocker !!
for how to do it, here's a youtube video describing the same !!
also do some research before doing it !!
and be sure, never flash sbf files or use rsd lite after unlocking the bootloader !!!
i unlocked my bootloader using the automatic unlocker (but i was on 2.3.4[4.5.91]) !!!

Well i need to unlock that to load custom roms right?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

It has been a while since I rooted/unlocked the bootloader of my phone, but if I remember correctly, I followed similar steps as these.
Currently, I am using CWMs Touch Recovery, can be downloaded from their site, then flashed to the recovery partition using fastboot, I'm sure you know how to do this if you rooted the phone via command prompt. Do a google search, otherwise and current recovery image will do find for what you need, but read the reviews before flashing, some fail hard.
Once that is all done, you pretty much are all set, CWM Touch allows for backups to be completed, flashes to occure and wipes to happen.
I would also suggest that instead of just sticking with just jokersax, I would also suggest to check out turls, also available from jokers site. I personaly find turls to be a little more stable, and I seem to have minimal issues with turls, but everytime I see an update is available, I still jump to that one just to see what is up, then I may or may not jump back down, only because I can
After using turls and jokers ICS images, I haven't seen any downsides compared to stock, CM7, or any variants of the like, I love me my ICS. As far as official updates go, I wouldn't be too concerned about that, unless if somewhere else documented, I don't think the ATRIX will be seeing any official updates, but if something does show up, there is a script available on this site to resotre back to stock, then updates should work just fine. This tool seems to do the trick, I've used it personaly myself, got me right back to the stock moto install.

Stock ics from moto is official for q3 its on there site ^.^. But i want is sooner. Im just worried the new 2.3.6 update might of changed something
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

You have to flash an SBF File to your phone Via RSDLite your phone will reboot a few times don't be scared
Then go to command prompt and type in command
fastboot oem unlock
Will give you Unique ID
Then type in
fastboot OEM unlock ############ unique ID
Then bam Unlocked bootloader
Make sure you use the correct SBF File for AT&T
And make sure you have A fastboot.exe file in your android sdk
To flash CWM flash it through the app first then flash it to your phone via Command Prompt
On command prompt type
fastboot flash recovery recovery press shift should auto correct make sure it is in the same folder as your Fastboot.exe
CM9 Bell Atrix using XDA App

thank you so much! how hard is it to reverse this? ( the boot loader unlock) say if i need to RMA it to AT&T or something...also what do you guys use as a recovery and or what do you recommend?

Once you unlock your bootloader - you cannot reverse it - its permanent... you can never re-lock it.

so no more OTA updates?

Not easily - it can be done.... Most NEW Roms are built off the OTA's and are better than the stock releases..... OTA's are not really a big deal. Biggest issue with unlocking your bootloader is that it instantly voids any/all warranties.

*sigh* i know but mine is up as far as i know and i am already two years with the phone....so im just waiting for quad cores...

i was able to return my unlocked Atrix to AT&T by flashing the stock 2.3.4 blah.blah.91 sbf. This does not re-lock it but gets rid of the Unlocked msg at boot screen

thank you ! that's what i needed to know!

so can i install a new recovery before i unlock the boot loader? which would you recommend? as i need to do a nandroid >.< , i did all this on my moto backflip...a while ago..and well....it didnt need an unlock..

ianwardell said:
*sigh* i know but mine is up as far as i know and i am already two years with the phone....so im just waiting for quad cores...
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Atrix 4G has only been out for a year a and a few days..... lol.

They gave me an upgrade ......that's odd
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

Wrong Version?
I am sure you guys are trying to help out, but most are missing an important fact in his request. I noticed this because I am looking for the same answer for the same version as the OP. 2.3.6
The solutions posted so far all refer to 2.3.4 and do not work with 2.3.6. The one updated thread with a link to a site that claims to work on 2.3.6, does not list the Atrix MB860 with 2.3.6, it does list it with 2.3.4.
This does not work, it gets an dialog box error "failed to chmod file: /data/local/tmp", then another that says "failed to get shell root"
The one thread that users claim it does work with 4.5.141.MB880.ATT.en.US, but that's not an option in the script. And they don't give a clue as to what steps they followed.
EDIT: Took a leap of faith, man that turned my stomach ( this is my wife's phone, I don't want to brick it ). I can confirm that the latest link past page 85 of http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1182871&highlight=automatic is valid as of 03/01/2012 and it is what I used. Followed the OP instructions and then then followed the prompts in the script. It did unlock, then I rooted and flashed CWM, option two.

Its the same as the 2.3.4 way. I figured it out an now have ics jokers rom
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk


[Q] Unlocking BL/Moving towards ROMs

With the recent explosion of information, I'm getting a little confused on what steps I need to take (areas to read about) in regards to getting a custom ROM.
I sit on the last version of gingerblur.
Can anyone point me to what I need to do next/Where I should read? I'm getting things confused as there seem to be different ways to go about this, with different results. Many thanks in advance.
I stayed stock 1.83 and downloaded latest update, from what I read ... I can no longer unlock bootloader. Would be nice to see Ken P post another n00b guide like he did with gingerblur.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
No it IS possible to unlock using 2.3 OTA as a base.
However you will soft-brick it, then have to recover. It is a bit heartstopping.
I agree the info is a bit of a mess however its basically this method with a DIFFERENT PUDDING FILE (make sure you grab the one marked for AT&T 2.3 OTA).
As for the softbrick, more details in this thread
I'm not an expert but hope above helps. FWIW yeah I used the script
These are useful posts bro. Thanks
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
no worries. Just DON'T PANIC when it softbricks, and immediately (before the 5 second timeout) put it into fastboot mode, then keep going with fastboot oem unlock process seems to do the trick.
At least thats what the script seemed to do. Perhaps start a new topic to clarify with someone who did 2.3OTA unlock manually to confirm.
If I flash back to stock from Gingerblur, is it preferable to go to a certain version? Should I just use 1.8.3?
And does it matter if you use Service or Full? The only thing I can find is that "Full erases all your data and service does not." I assumed that flashing back to stock would erase everything regardless.
i will admit it def. is heart stopping to softbrick, but like he said just proceed with the fastboot unlock
I unlocked 2 days ago from OTA 2.3.4 using the full 4.5.91 sbf that includes pudding and preinstall root. I flashed the sbf using rsd 5.3.1 and then got a soft brick 0x1000 no os installed. I freaked out for a moment but after running the fastboot unlock commands the phone booted up and everything was smooth sailing from there out. Good luck!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
If you are still on the 1.83 version, then I recommend this way:
1) Unlock your bootloader.
2) Install CWM.
3) Flash any 2.3.4 custom rom you desire.
Thats what I did 4 days ago, and everything went smooth, without any soft bricks, of heart failure.
I used this great tool:
But, you can do it however you desire.
Hope it helped
scarpachi said:
If I flash back to stock from Gingerblur, is it preferable to go to a certain version? Should I just use 1.8.3?
And does it matter if you use Service or Full? The only thing I can find is that "Full erases all your data and service does not." I assumed that flashing back to stock would erase everything regardless.
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Can anyone provide advice on these questions? The first commenter seems to be getting all the comments/advice.
I am on latest Gingerblur, and its my understanding that I need to get back to stock first.
scar I believe thats the case. In either event it couldn't possibly hurt. All the guides and testing has been done using one of the stock variants as base. I wouldn't even attempt it using gingerblur myself
Was able to flash back to full1.83, unlock bootloader, root and add rom. Aside from my mistake of picking wrong recovery the first time (and bootlooping) everything went smooth.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

So I need help deciding on a rom/other questions

So for the longest time I had a jailbroken iphone so everything I'm used to is about iOS. I've had my Atrix for about 4 months now and I've been fairly happy with gingerblur, but I heard there was some new updates or other things going on. I dunno if I want an unlocked bootloader, I seriously dont know what to do because I want to start over and just start from scratch.
Suggestions or do I need to provide info? I just want to update my phone
what features do you use currently?
what new features do you want?
To be honest I dunno what features I use
I just want to be able to download apps and not worry about them being locked or not from a "trustworthy" source.
I dont know what's different between gingerblur and stock
I have had the atrix for a while now and right after i got it i rooted and installed gingerblur and was happy with that but being curious i just recently did the update unlocked the BL rooted and am now running the alien rom and am very happy with it. Updating is rarely a bad thing. just takes time Hope this helps
Gloeckner09 said:
I have had the atrix for a while now and right after i got it i rooted and installed gingerblur and was happy with that but being curious i just recently did the update unlocked the BL rooted and am now running the alien rom and am very happy with it. Updating is rarely a bad thing. just takes time Hope this helps
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could you post what you did exactly?
what update did you do to unlock the bl? There's so many things I just dont understand no matter what I do
or just links to w/e I dont mind
One bump before I head out for the evening
ok i used a couple different places but ill try to explain
first of all i had titanium backup to restore most of my apps and everything because you will lose everything. just a heads up.
1. I used this to rsd flash the "Full 2.3.4 sbf..."
2. I then put the phone in fastboot and used this from #13 on
3. so now you are on 2.3.4. unlocked you can stay on just that if you want a stock rom. but i recommend rooting haha..
4. I could not get the root from #1 to work so i sorta worked my way around it.
5. I used this to get cwm recovery on my phone
6. then I flashed this file to obtain root
7. Then flashed the alien rom from here
8. thats it i hope you can make sense of it since its kinda screwed up lol but everything is working great for me and im defiantly glad i updated. if you have any questions just ask
also if you do do this make sure you check for updates under development for the rom its already updated a few things in the week that ive had it.
Ok I lied I found what I want
I want that on my phone. Now my question is does this come with an "Unlocked bootloader"
Or do I have to do something to get an unlocked bootloader?
What does an unlocked bootloader even mean
what i posted will get you that exactly.
What you have right now is a locked bootloader, rooted with gingerblur from what i understand. with a locked bootloader you cannot have a true rom gingerblur is more of a theme that gets rid of the apps that slow your phone from the factory.
with an unlocked bootloader you can flash true roms and kernels etc..
Do people even try looking...
BL unlock thread
lol so I'm doing this
and when I go to type in oem fastbook unlock this is the result
OKAY [0.008s]
finished. total time: 0.008 s
then it's back to C:/users/taylor/desktop/fastboot
lol. the hell
iamblue337 said:
To be honest I dunno what features I use
I just want to be able to download apps and not worry about them being locked or not from a "trustworthy" source.
I dont know what's different between gingerblur and stock
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You can load non market apps using the latest stock software.
You can download this "over the air".

[Q] OTA Official Gingerbread - Unlocking the Bootloader Concerns

I am reviewing PUDDING information to unlock the bootloader and I have some concerns.
PUDDING Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1136261
1. This guide posted in PUDDING says your phone must register as NS Flash Olympus and mine is registering (now) as SE Flash Olympus. Why is that? My phone "used" to register as NS Flash Olympus but no longer does and I am concern with any "issues" that may arise in RSD Lite due to that discrepancy.
Is there any way to get my phone to register back as NS Flash Olympus? Does it matter?
Guide: http://briefmobile.com/how-to-unlock-the-atrix-4g-bootloader
2. I see this post regarding my situation from OTA Gingerbread (official, not the beta that was easily unlocked via the guide) to unlocking the Bootloader via PUDDING:
While it seems that people are getting by this fine, with my first issue I am skeptical and I also saw this thread that made me a bit more weary of the situation and hard bricking:
Is this something I should be concerned or worried about? The only note in that thread that concerned me was "If you managed to un-brick:" section.
System Version: 4.5.91.MB860.ATT.en.US
Android Version: 2.3.4
Rooted: No
Please, save yourself time. If you just plan on being rude, flaming, etc...I don't care. I am just attempting to ensure I don't hard brick and the guides do not match exact specs in my situation. If I had a "fraction" of the time available to investigate, work, test, etc I wouldn't be here.
I used this on the official OTA and it worked perfectly: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1182871
I had the soft brick error as was to be expected, but just put the phone in fastboot mode and chose option 3 to fix it.
It did reset /data for me unfortunately, so I had to re-setup and reinstall my apps.
jkrohn said:
I used this on the official OTA and it worked perfectly: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1182871
I had the soft brick error as was to be expected, but just put the phone in fastboot mode and chose option 3 to fix it.
It did reset /data for me unfortunately, so I had to re-setup and reinstall my apps.
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Did you share the same problem as my concern #1?
Never even checked to be honest. I had used RSD to flash a few SBFs in the past though for this atrix, so I was not concerned.
Well, in short...I just used the method you posted above -
Worked just fine. No brick, safe and sound... I really do appreciate the extra info I somehow missed looking around for.
That's it! You just made me realize my problem. After my official update back to stock my phone comes up se flash not nf flash and it does not allow rsdlite or the moto software upgrade to see my phone when connected to pc hence I am unable to unlock again. Please post back if unlock is successful. I am betting its not while coming up se flash but maybe I am wrong.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

[q] a noob's quest to unlock 2.3.4

sorry if i am asking a question asked for too many times already,but i can't seem to find a solution to my case,or either the thread is no longer active since the TS did not update his results,thus making me confused if he hassuccessfully or unsuccessfully rooted his atrix
i'm using atrix mb860 ofw 2.3.4.and i'm trying to install neutrino 2.2 rom gt
so here are what i had done until now:
1.rooted my atrix using Pete's One Click Root : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1258599
2.installed titanium backup and backed up batch of everything.superusered.
3.Installed cwm from market and got superusered.
4.flashed cwm recovery for atrix 4g
5.tried to install romracer using cwm.selected to restore previous roms and also chosen both wipes but failed.atrix reboots and shows "failed to boot , starting rsd mood"
what my concern is about,is just "rooting" enables me to already install roms?if it does,what did i do wrong in my steps?if it does not,please show me the way.i do not know if i should or should not flash my sbf files and bootloader
also,i read that to show that my atrix is rooted,it shold show at the top right corner during boot.but i don't see any
please help me because i really don't know what i'm doing here.i'm still new and the guides provided by the developers are for experienced people.it does not provide the detailed steps.also,please do explain some of the terms used like what is the difference between rooted and unlocked devices.
if you are too tired to explain everything all over again,then just give me the required links.i'll learn my way.btw,if you are able to give me a working link,and updated threads that would be very hopeful since some don't re-edit their first post,thus needs us to find the answer in a 1000++ replies
thank you in advance
You need to unlock your bootloader. The text you're referring to in the upper left corner of the Motorla screen is "unlocked" and it only appears after you unlock.
You can do it manually. See here.
Or automatically. See here.
You CANNOT install a CWM without unlocking your bootloader first. Rooting does not let you install ROMS, unlocking the BL does.
thanks for the reply.so that's what i'm missing.is it necessary to flash my sbf?and since neutrino rom gt changes my kernel(i think).
so after unlocking my bl,i can then install romracer->neutrino then?i'll update again and see what happens
graphidz said:
thanks for the reply.so that's what i'm missing.is it necessary to flash my sbf?and since neutrino rom gt changes my kernel(i think).
so after unlocking my bl,i can then install romracer->neutrino then?i'll update again and see what happens
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Yes, the pudding unlocker is a small 10mb sbf file. After flashing that with RSD, you'll run the fastboot oem unlock commands.
The kernel (boot.img) is completely different from the bootloader. (if I'm reading your ? correctly).
Correct: Unlock BL>install romracer CWM> BACKUP! > install your ROM of choice
okay,this is starting to get on my nerves.i went to pudding,then scrolled down to "RSDLite/Windows Drivers/Sbf_flash"->go to hxxp://goo.gl/vfUXc link->tried but failed as it's for at&t.mine is international then.just great!
went back topudding's thread.read again..."unlock"...YES!solution for international phone!heck,this is an sbf file,what am i going to do with an sbf file?if it's just copy and paste,that will be easy.
ok,so what i really need now is a real solution to an international atrix and not at&t's atrix.or is there actually another thread for just international atrix?i just don't understand at all.please help
Ck the earlier videos that he has posted on unlocking the atrix, helped me quite a bit.
FINALLY DID IT!now to install neutrino gt!thanks for all your help guys!.this guide was indispensable:
a new question : how do i install romracer?the guide did say to install itbut i don't see the app?
nvm,finally able to install neutrino.thanks a lot guys!now where's the close thread button...
no wait,again another problem!i wanna ask at neutrino's thread but this stupid 10 posts rule is preventing me.so i need to ask here.after installing neutrino,my internal memory is left with 2gb only.where is the other 8gb?when i plugged into usb,i did find them.
to note,i used cwm to install neutrino gt.the zip file was in internal.does that have anything to do with it?any way to get it back?do i need to flash neutrino again?if so,please teach me
also,how to get the market back?

Uhmmm question?

I keep seeing posts about not being able to come back from ICS to GB I want to know why? I'm not dumb and I have looked but don't really understand why you couldn't come back from a leak? There are methods of completely wiping the operating system from the phone I've done it could you not do this after installing a leak?
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using XDA
Oops I don't know how to delete a post just logged in with my PC and seen the new Q&A section didn't see that on my phone mods can delete if needed or move it if possible!!!
Because 4.0.4 leaks update the bootloader and since the bootloader is locked you can't revert it back to an older one. If I understand it right.
daniel644 said:
Because 4.0.4 leaks update the bootloader and since the bootloader is locked you can't revert it back to an older one. If I understand it right.
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Yes, this is correct. And fastbooting doesn't / can't flash bootloaders. So that's why were stuck.
Sent from my XT912 using XDA
So a bootloader is like the bios of a motherboard? But locked or not if you erase everything I don't know did the bootloader not change with the first leaks?
Not quite.
The bootloader can be upgraded (this happens usually with a OTA) but cannot be downgraded.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
OK see what I'm saying if the bootloader gets upgraded with a OTA it can not be wiped? So not all the leaks have the bootloader upgrade within them then? This is why I'm having these questions when I upgraded flashed to the first leak I had a few problems with it and didn't fully know how to get it back off and back to stock I installed bootstrap and played with it all of about 2minutes before I had completely erased everything on my phone and could not go anywhere and had to fastboot with fastboot file. What I'm saying is if the upgrades come with a updated bootloader sometimes then formatting the internal memory can delete everything and you can apfastboot back to another stock rom right? I would belive this could work you just need a way to get to a custom recovery mode to be able to format the internal memory? I may be confusing more people than I want but wanted to understand this better!
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using XDA
xgshortbus25 said:
OK see what I'm saying if the bootloader gets upgraded with a OTA it can not be wiped? So not all the leaks have the bootloader upgrade within them then? This is why I'm having these questions when I upgraded flashed to the first leak I had a few problems with it and didn't fully know how to get it back off and back to stock I installed bootstrap and played with it all of about 2minutes before I had completely erased everything on my phone and could not go anywhere and had to fastboot with fastboot file. What I'm saying is if the upgrades come with a updated bootloader sometimes then formatting the internal memory can delete everything and you can apfastboot back to another stock rom right? I would belive this could work you just need a way to get to a custom recovery mode to be able to format the internal memory? I may be confusing more people than I want but wanted to understand this better!
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using XDA
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I assume it is because the phones BIOS will allow upgrades to the bootstrap code, but not downgrades. It's probably tied to the revision string value.
The .79 leak is (I'm pretty sure) the latest leak that doesn't upgrade the bootstrap code (aka bootloader), so reverting to GB is possible from .79 or earlier leaks. I re-flashed GB from .79 last week, so I can confirm that it does actually work. I'm on .181, waiting for an OTA release of .912190282762628 from Motonverizola.
Motorola may know a trick to force a bootstrap downgrade, but I do not.
The bootloader is not the only problem, it can be downgraded without a problem (e.g. from 0A.74 to 0A.6C). The reason that we cannot downgrade from ICS to GB is the signature on each partition. The partitions are getting signed. For example the boot (kernel) partition gets a higher secure number when updated. Now, when we want to flash another boot.img, its secure number has to match with that one from the boot partition, otherwise there will come up an signature verification error. And the same thing applies to the another partitions (except /system which is unsigned). The bootloader is responsible for the signature checks. If it were unlocked the signatur checks could be turned off and we were able to flash anything to the device.
But there are some tricks possible to perform a downgrade. But this would be a lot of work (patching fastboot files to the ICS-matching secure versions or signatures. Decrypting of Motos signature is nearly impossible, so we would have to patch already signed files - too much work and not really needed)
And official ICS will come now and with it we will get a lot of nice things. We will be able to bypass the bootloader for booting custom kernels, we will get full working custom roms and we will be able to use the full power of our Razr.
I hate to be that guy but seriously:
3. Post only using a clear subject and message.
You're most likely to receive a helpful answer to your question if you use a short subject title that describes your problem and a message that explains in detail what your problem is and what you've tried to solve it.
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OK got it now!
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using XDA
I think we should start something like a community project to guess n hack the bootloader encryption. Heck, I could leave my lappy on 24x7 n use brute force.
cheekrox said:
I think we should start something like a community project to guess n hack the bootloader encryption. Heck, I could leave my lappy on 24x7 n use brute force.
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We could use a cloud based array to crack it XD
BUT i don't think setting up this system is worth the work. Some dev are hinting that after the ics ota we will don't need the unlocked bootloader. So just wait and hope for the best
It's likely the encryption key is nigh on unbreakable even with a cloud based array it would take years, by which time we will no longer have our Razrs so it would be a waste of time.
Guide to AES encryption:

