Usage Monitor disappeared! - HTC Rezound

My wife and I both have Rezounds. I went to show her the Usage Monitor so she could track her minutes, and its not in her App Drawer. Titanium Backup shows it as installed though. I've tried to freeze and defrost it in an effort to make it come back, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

Look at settings - power - battery usage.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium

EmerikL said:
Look at settings - power - battery usage.
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Appreciate the reply, but I think you misunderstood. The Rezound comes with an app that lets you track your minutes/text/data usage so you don't go over your monthly allowance. I'm not looking to track battery usage.

Go to your widgets its not an app.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App

No, what the op is referring to is an app, not a widget.
Op try clearing cache and restarting. If that doesn't work...try a different launcher and see if that gets the app to show up in the app drawer. If that doesn't work, I'd look at getting adb running and shell in to the system to see if u can see the app listed in /system/app, if so copy it to the sdcard and try installing it on the phone from there.
Otherwise, worst case scenario, a restore.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk

I had this issue on my incredible 2 running sense 3.5 roms. If you have Verizon my mobile app installed it overwrites or hides the usage monitor app.
If you uninstall Verizon my mobile and restart the rezound usage monitor will show up.
I just tried it and it worked. The one Dev I mentioned it to back on the inc2 hypothesized that the apks are similar and thus causes the stock usage app to disappear.
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ericsignals said:
I had this issue on my incredible 2 running sense 3.5 roms. If you have Verizon my mobile app installed it overwrites or hides the usage monitor app.
If you uninstall Verizon my mobile and restart the rezound usage monitor will show up.
I just tried it and it worked. The one Dev I mentioned it to back on the inc2 hypothesized that the apks are similar and thus causes the stock usage app to disappear.
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You da man!! Thanks! I had frozen the My Verizon app, which is why I had it. As soon as I froze it on her phone and rebooted, there it was!

riot1031 said:
You da man!! Thanks! I had frozen the My Verizon app, which is why I had it. As soon as I froze it on her phone and rebooted, there it was!
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I've gotten so much help and guidance here on xda...good to hear I could return the favor for a change.
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Glad u got it figured out...I would have never thought another .apk would hide others, that's just weird!!!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk

riot1031 said:
My wife and I both have Rezounds. I went to show her the Usage Monitor so she could track her minutes, and its not in her App Drawer. Titanium Backup shows it as installed though. I've tried to freeze and defrost it in an effort to make it come back, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?
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Hi, I am bit confuse. Do you install Verizon my mobile app youself? I think it do come with the Rezound by default. Do you root the device or all stock?


Google Talk

Ive tried researching this but I have came up empty handed. It appears once my screen is off google talk is logged out. How do I keep google talk always logged in?
Thanks for any help!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
In the settings.
Sent from my Bad Seed, Bad Ass, EVO3D!
I have everything unchecked
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I really hope this isnt a wide spread thing. I use Google talk heavily. I cant afford for it to disconnect upon my screen timing out. I havent used it since I activated my phone to test though.
Maybe check under the power saver option in settings. There is an option to turn off background data when the screen turns off. Maybe that's it?
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I will try that setting out and report back
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Just uncheck auto away status and it will stop logging out.
Via TT
Is anyone else having an issue where google talk won't load for them? I touch the icon and it looks like it loads for a second then flashes back to the app drawer. I tried clearing the application data, didn't help, and of course I can't uninstall/reinstall
TheSeanR said:
Is anyone else having an issue where google talk won't load for them? I touch the icon and it looks like it loads for a second then flashes back to the app drawer. I tried clearing the application data, didn't help, and of course I can't uninstall/reinstall
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Yup, I have to restart the phone to get it working. I also notice that Restart does NOT restart the phone for me. It powers it down.
TheSeanR said:
Is anyone else having an issue where google talk won't load for them? I touch the icon and it looks like it loads for a second then flashes back to the app drawer. I tried clearing the application data, didn't help, and of course I can't uninstall/reinstall
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My friend has the same issue
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
tried that didnt work for me
cubanjinx said:
Just uncheck auto away status and it will stop logging out.
Via TT
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I also tried this and it didnt work
Quis89 said:
Maybe check under the power saver option in settings. There is an option to turn off background data when the screen turns off. Maybe that's it?
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Puma81 said:
Yup, I have to restart the phone to get it working. I also notice that Restart does NOT restart the phone for me. It powers it down.
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I have both of those exact same problems. Hopefully, the next software update will fix these issues.

Found Fix For The Back to Home Loading Lag

Go into setting then developers options. Go all the way down too Apps then background process limit. Choose At Most 4 processes. Even 1 process worked and made the loading thing go away. I don't see it anymore everything is instant.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
What does this limit, apps running in the background?
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Yes it limits the apps in background, so it "multi tasks" even worse.
More importantly, it doesn't solve the problem. Didn't help me at all. Some others report it may help at first, but it comes back.
well I set it back to standard and I still haven't seen that issue yet anymore.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
What exactly is the back to home loading lag?
DarkManX4lf said:
What exactly is the back to home loading lag?
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It's actually Sense reloading when you exit from an app. Instead of going right to the home Page, you get a little rotating circle for up to 20 seconds. It's been a problem with Sense for a while on a number of different platforms with different updates. Been reported on both the LTE and the One X.
midmofan said:
It's actually Sense reloading when you exit from an app. Instead of going right to the home Page, you get a little rotating circle for up to 20 seconds. It's been a problem with Sense for a while on a number of different platforms with different updates. Been reported on both the LTE and the One X.
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Ah ok. I haven't run into this problem.
I fixed mine by using GoLauncher ex :lol:
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shepherdofthedamned said:
I fixed mine by using GoLauncher ex :lol:
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This!! I did the same.
shepherdofthedamned said:
I fixed mine by using GoLauncher ex :lol:
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Really if you use almost any alternative launcher it well be better, Rosie is slow and bloated. Still amazed how little free ram this phone has on boot, thought sense 4 was supposed to be lighter...
OgremustCrush said:
Really if you use almost any alternative launcher it well be better, Rosie is slow and bloated. Still amazed how little free ram this phone has on boot, thought sense 4 was supposed to be lighter...
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Maybe they have memory leaks
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Its just cuz of what HTC set the OOM values to, and apparently didn't set Rosie to be locked in memory. Can be modified with root. But I, personally, set Nova as the default launcher.
sent from my Evo LTE, usually.
Apex launcher took care of my problems.
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I have yet to have this happen once by hitting home.
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BrianBaker said:
I have yet to have this happen once by hitting home.
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Same here have not had this happen at all even with about 100mb ram left lol maybe bad processor?
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You should try ram manager app by juwe if your rooted. Works great completely fixes the multi task issue. I paid for it but i think theres a free one with less options. It works like v6 supercharger script, has a nice widget with available ram batt and temp. Give it a go, i always have between 150 and 250 md of available ram and apps don't get killed.
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This was happening to me too. I accidentally put my phone into safe mode. I did a Google search and was able to get out of safe mode by turning off the phone and restarting holding the volume up. The phone doesn't seem to have the problem anymore. I also noticed that some of my widgets(tether and bookmarks) were gone, which might have been the problem in the first place. I hope this helps somehow.

Sync notification forever

Any idea how to figure out why my notification shows the rotating sync icon forever even though nothing is downloading and nothing in task manager looks like a culprit?
I'm on meanrom 4.2 s-off & rooted and I used titanium to delete a bunch of stuff like everything to do with weather, wiper, twitter, sense social, flikr.
I'm guessing there's a mismatch somewhere where something I did not delete is expecting something from something I did delete, and it's never going to happen?
I've rebooted and it just comes back and it stays permanent, as in 12 hours so far since last boot. With perfectly good net connection both on 3g and wifi the whole time.
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This usually happens when you delete friend stream.
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debarron said:
This usually happens when you delete friend stream.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
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Ok I definitely did that. Thanks much.
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KEYofR said:
Ok I definitely did that. Thanks much.
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You're welcome.
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I just flashed meanrom 4.2.2 and deleted all the same stuff again, except I think I got one more thing this time and so far no sync notification except normal times. There was an item in titanium called something like htc social manager that couldnt uninstall because it said can't find apk, but it was able to freeze it, whatever that means. I also uninstalled htc facebook for sense but left the market facebook app installed which I don't remember if I did that last time.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Unwanted wake lock.

Ok guys I need see help. I have been recently having some battery drain issues and I don't know why. My phone is forcing the cpu to stay active while it should be in sleep mode. My battery usage looks like this...
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Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
take a look here
install it and report back :cyclops:
I have tried different roms. I have superwiped my sd card and formatted my external card. I have flashed the stock ICS firmware and then tried flashing from that. I have tried to use System Tuner from the market to freeze or disable some of the responsibilities of downloads, downloads,, drm content manager and it just seems to make other things not work like the market or downloading files.
I don't know what else to do but I cannot seem to shake this battery drain...please help!!!
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erto90 said:
take a look here
install it and report back :cyclops:
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Checking now.
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erto90 said:
take a look here
install it and report back :cyclops:
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Better Battery Stats is installed. I plugged and unplugged and now I'm letting it gather its stats. I have to go to work and so that will allow the 1-4 hours to compile a proper dump and I will attempt to post it here. Thank you again for taking the time to help me.
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My worst is network location locator that drains my battery, only just installed bbs yesterday so not sure what all the wakelocks mean or alarms or anything else.
I know media is your downloads and you probably have your apps on auto update.
Doesn't have many instructions.
You must have a very low screen setting for 20% mine is at least at 70 and that's when I have it on auto brightness
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You have the media scanner bug. There is no real cure but formatting the external sd card can help.
The simplest solution is just to force close it. It should not return until you reboot .
It's a Samsung issue so until they fix it we just have to live with it
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Samsungnooby said:
My worst is network location locator that drains my battery, only just installed bbs yesterday so not sure what all the wakelocks mean or alarms or anything else.
I know media is your downloads and you probably have your apps on auto update.
Doesn't have many instructions.
You must have a very low screen setting for 20% mine is at least at 70 and that's when I have it on auto brightness
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I do have it on auto update but the thing is that I was having no problems as of 2 - 3 weeks when I was flashing up to a Rom a day trying to find the best jellybean one. Then all of a sudden, BAM!!!
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corrsea said:
You have the media scanner bug. There is no real cure but formatting the external sd card can help.
The simplest solution is just to force close it. It should not return until you reboot .
It's a Samsung issue so until they fix it we just have to live with it
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I did format it and started from scratch but it is still being a *****, lol. However, I installed bbs and after 4 hours of it runnning while at work it reset itself for some reason and doesn't show me a log. But I plugged and unplugged and seem to be having some drain but not as much.
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corrsea said:
You have the media scanner bug. There is no real cure but formatting the external sd card can help.
The simplest solution is just to force close it. It should not return until you reboot .
It's a Samsung issue so until they fix it we just have to live with it
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Grab this from the play store!
Can probably do it with Tasker as well.
chippyuk said:
Grab this from the play store!
Can probably do it with Tasker as well.
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Ok, I installed it and rebooted. Any word on what it is supposed to accomplish? Or how it does it?
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I have the Android System problem. It drains a LOT of battery overnight. Really annoying. Any way to resolve that?
Bubbasparxxx98 said:
Ok, I installed it and rebooted. Any word on what it is supposed to accomplish? Or how it does it?
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Sorry was late here when I posted, I should have explained.
Run the app from the app drawer, hit the disable Media Scanner button. This will kill the media scanner everytime you reboot (if you are roorted, assume you are). To rescan for media just open the app and then close it.
Check after a reboot to make sure Media is not chewing up the battery. It works for me under JB and also did under GB.
If you use Tasker you should be able to achieve the same thing. So you could just kill that process with Tasker and either run it and kill it at certain times or the author of the above also has an app just called Rescan Media which you could just run via tasker at a given time interval. Personally never found the need but I guess it depends on how much media you actiually hold on your device etc...
chippyuk said:
Sorry was late here when I posted, I should have explained.
Run the app from the app drawer, hit the disable Media Scanner button. This will kill the media scanner everytime you reboot (if you are roorted, assume you are). To rescan for media just open the app and then close it.
Check after a reboot to make sure Media is not chewing up the battery. It works for me under JB and also did under GB.
If you use Tasker you should be able to achieve the same thing. So you could just kill that process with Tasker and either run it and kill it at certain times or the author of the above also has an app just called Rescan Media which you could just run via tasker at a given time interval. Personally never found the need but I guess it depends on how much media you actiually hold on your device etc...
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This worked fine. Tyvm.
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Push notifications not working for any apps

Hi everyone,
I've had an issue for a while now that i just realized was a problem. After seeing my girlfriends phone getting instant notifications for snapchat, Facebook, foursquare, and others, while i have to go into those apps to see if anything new has happened, i realize my phone is not working correctly.
I have the elegancia rom, on att, and as far as i can tell every setting in my phone is set to allow them.
Does anyone know why this would be happening? Or suggestions on how to fix or troubleshoot it?
This is very frustrating.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
Blackfireball5 said:
Hi everyone,
I've had an issue for a while now that i just realized was a problem. After seeing my girlfriends phone getting instant notifications for snapchat, Facebook, foursquare, and others, while i have to go into those apps to see if anything new has happened, i realize my phone is not working correctly.
I have the elegancia rom, on att, and as far as i can tell every setting in my phone is set to allow them.
Does anyone know why this would be happening? Or suggestions on how to fix or troubleshoot it?
This is very frustrating.
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It is because your phone is in deep sleep to save battery when your screen is off. There is an app called "Push Notification Fixer" that solves the problem. I have used it for months, and it's great, it doesn't seem to affect battery life significantly
Would it be in deep sleep even if I'm using the phone? I mean, let's say I'm actively using my phone for an hour. And my friend snapchats me or posts on facebook during that time. i still won't get it unless i open the app.
I tried using push notification fixer for like a day and didn't notice a difference. Does it take time to take effect?
Would juice defender cause any issues with this? I use it daily on the lowest setting.
Also, does auto sync need to be enabled?
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Blackfireball5 said:
Would it be in deep sleep even if I'm using the phone? I mean, let's say I'm actively using my phone for an hour. And my friend snapchats me or posts on facebook during that time. i still won't get it unless i open the app.
I tried using push notification fixer for like a day and didn't notice a difference. Does it take time to take effect?
Would juice defender cause any issues with this? I use it daily on the lowest setting.
Also, does auto sync need to be enabled?
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Yes auto sync has to be enabled
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Drowzz said:
Yes auto sync has to be enabled
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Alright, as of now, i have auto sync on. I disabled Juice Derfender, i checked and made sure background data is enabled on apps, checked to make sure notifications are enabled on apps, and also made sure restrict mobile data was unchecked. And i have Push Notifications Fixer installed and running.
Still no luck.
After talking with an htc tech guy. He pointed out that the notification settings are in the privacy menu.
On the elegancia rom there is no privacy menu option in the settings. Maybe this is why?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
ist under Security menu
What setting is it? What should i be looking for? The only settings i have under security in regard to notifications are for the lock screen.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
I also have this problem with facebook, no notifications at all Tried several methods, also from this thread
Currently i have Paranoid Rom on my S3
Edit: Okay, now they are working...
What I have observed is that juice defender / dx battery booster etc do not disable all the settings properly when disabled. So it might be (a possibility) - that it has screwed up your settings.
I am also on Elegancia ROM. ofcourse I have autosync on as well as PNF installed. For me it takes hardly a gap of 2 seconds when I get a notification on my mobile & desktop....
May be you can try to uninstall juicedefender (Check if there is any setting to reset the changes or not before uninstalling).
And one advise - I am not sure about you, but I found all these battery saving apps useless
Hmmmm. Ok. Well, i just switched to the Venom rom and i am experiencing the same issue. I went ahead and uninstalled juice defender completely.
Is there a by lasting settings that could be messed up from it even after uninstalling it?
I'm really on my last nerve. My phone feels crippled and u can't figure out why...
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Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't even know how to troubleshoot this issue any further... I'm really bummed out because i love this phone. I just wish it worked the way it is supposed to.
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I fixed it! I still don't know exactly what the culprit was but i know it was some system setting that had gotten messed up. It kept following me from rom to rom because i used titanium backup to backup and restore system settings.
I ended up doing a fresh install of viper and installed snapchat first thing. I instantly got a push notification. I proceeded to install all the backups of my other apps and manually at all my phone settings again.
Thanks for all the help everyone!
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
Same Issue
I have the can you please help me fix i

