Unwanted wake lock. - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok guys I need see help. I have been recently having some battery drain issues and I don't know why. My phone is forcing the cpu to stay active while it should be in sleep mode. My battery usage looks like this...
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take a look here
install it and report back :cyclops:

I have tried different roms. I have superwiped my sd card and formatted my external card. I have flashed the stock ICS firmware and then tried flashing from that. I have tried to use System Tuner from the market to freeze or disable some of the responsibilities of downloads, downloads, sec.android.providers.downloads, drm content manager and it just seems to make other things not work like the market or downloading files.
I don't know what else to do but I cannot seem to shake this battery drain...please help!!!
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erto90 said:
take a look here
install it and report back :cyclops:
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Checking now.
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erto90 said:
take a look here
install it and report back :cyclops:
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Better Battery Stats is installed. I plugged and unplugged and now I'm letting it gather its stats. I have to go to work and so that will allow the 1-4 hours to compile a proper dump and I will attempt to post it here. Thank you again for taking the time to help me.
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My worst is network location locator that drains my battery, only just installed bbs yesterday so not sure what all the wakelocks mean or alarms or anything else.
I know media is your downloads and you probably have your apps on auto update.
Doesn't have many instructions.
You must have a very low screen setting for 20% mine is at least at 70 and that's when I have it on auto brightness
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You have the media scanner bug. There is no real cure but formatting the external sd card can help.
The simplest solution is just to force close it. It should not return until you reboot .
It's a Samsung issue so until they fix it we just have to live with it
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Samsungnooby said:
My worst is network location locator that drains my battery, only just installed bbs yesterday so not sure what all the wakelocks mean or alarms or anything else.
I know media is your downloads and you probably have your apps on auto update.
Doesn't have many instructions.
You must have a very low screen setting for 20% mine is at least at 70 and that's when I have it on auto brightness
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I do have it on auto update but the thing is that I was having no problems as of 2 - 3 weeks when I was flashing up to a Rom a day trying to find the best jellybean one. Then all of a sudden, BAM!!!
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corrsea said:
You have the media scanner bug. There is no real cure but formatting the external sd card can help.
The simplest solution is just to force close it. It should not return until you reboot .
It's a Samsung issue so until they fix it we just have to live with it
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I did format it and started from scratch but it is still being a *****, lol. However, I installed bbs and after 4 hours of it runnning while at work it reset itself for some reason and doesn't show me a log. But I plugged and unplugged and seem to be having some drain but not as much.
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corrsea said:
You have the media scanner bug. There is no real cure but formatting the external sd card can help.
The simplest solution is just to force close it. It should not return until you reboot .
It's a Samsung issue so until they fix it we just have to live with it
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Grab this https://play.google.com/store/apps/...xLDEwMiwiY29tLmFkZHoubWVkaWFzY2FubmVycm9vdCJd from the play store!
Can probably do it with Tasker as well.

chippyuk said:
Grab this https://play.google.com/store/apps/...xLDEwMiwiY29tLmFkZHoubWVkaWFzY2FubmVycm9vdCJd from the play store!
Can probably do it with Tasker as well.
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Ok, I installed it and rebooted. Any word on what it is supposed to accomplish? Or how it does it?
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I have the Android System problem. It drains a LOT of battery overnight. Really annoying. Any way to resolve that?

Bubbasparxxx98 said:
Ok, I installed it and rebooted. Any word on what it is supposed to accomplish? Or how it does it?
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Sorry was late here when I posted, I should have explained.
Run the app from the app drawer, hit the disable Media Scanner button. This will kill the media scanner everytime you reboot (if you are roorted, assume you are). To rescan for media just open the app and then close it.
Check after a reboot to make sure Media is not chewing up the battery. It works for me under JB and also did under GB.
If you use Tasker you should be able to achieve the same thing. So you could just kill that process with Tasker and either run it and kill it at certain times or the author of the above also has an app just called Rescan Media which you could just run via tasker at a given time interval. Personally never found the need but I guess it depends on how much media you actiually hold on your device etc...

chippyuk said:
Sorry was late here when I posted, I should have explained.
Run the app from the app drawer, hit the disable Media Scanner button. This will kill the media scanner everytime you reboot (if you are roorted, assume you are). To rescan for media just open the app and then close it.
Check after a reboot to make sure Media is not chewing up the battery. It works for me under JB and also did under GB.
If you use Tasker you should be able to achieve the same thing. So you could just kill that process with Tasker and either run it and kill it at certain times or the author of the above also has an app just called Rescan Media which you could just run via tasker at a given time interval. Personally never found the need but I guess it depends on how much media you actiually hold on your device etc...
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This worked fine. Tyvm.
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[Q] Help with phone being awake almost 100% of the time

As the title says, my p500 is awake almost 100% of the time. Even with the screen off (please look at the attached image).
The only apps running at startup (used Startup Manager app to check it) are Go weather, Maps, Market, Minimalistic text and Quick System Info Pro. On my home screen (Go Launcher EX) I use Go Weather, minimalistic text and Winamp widget, nothing else.
Is there somewhere I can look at or maybe some app I can install to see what is causing it?
I'm using Mik's CM7 6.5.5 and franco.kernel v16.1 bfs (this one gives me almost 30% more battery life than the newer versions) and running at 729/245mhz Smartass.
Uninstall maps and you'll be back in action
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I can try that but I've always used Maps and it never happened before. Sure it eats some resources but I dont remember it causing the phone to be awake.
Uninstalled maps and phone is still awake.
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Reflash the kernel. And I agree with you.I found the V16.1 better than the later updates
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did u replace mobo thru lg service then this is solution...
griffin_1 said:
I was planing on sending the phone to repair on monday, but at the time and with the phone here i didn't want to give up so i thought of rooting it and reinstalling the firmware, but nothing worked and the phone didn't recognize that it was connected to a computer. So i kept search other ways to reinstall the firmware and came across a website that talked about a "secret menu" code for the phones and i remembered that this phones must had one and that from there i could do something, i did. From there i did a factory reset and, unlike the ones i did before by going to settings-privacy, when the phone rebooted it told me right way that it was connected to the computer. I also tested the problem with the screen light and so far, so good.
So, if anyone else has this problem(sannielyk reportedly had) what i did was entering the "secret menu" code : 3845#*500# and did the factory reset from there.
Apparently it was a software problem or something that wasn't installed right by the lg service. But so far everything is good, and i hope it keeps that away.
Thanks for the help
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for some Reason idk why smoothass Eats my Battery :S
i use InteractiveX now, Tey this Governor Settings 122/691, use noFrills to set it and then Check the Stats under nofrills
basically it looks like ur CPU's Staying %100 all the time
I think I've found the villain. I started manual proccess of uninstalling apps and letting the phone sleep for an hour or so to check awake times. After I removed Live Holdem Pro the phone finnaly slept through an entire hour.
Still have to test through a complete battery cicle tho.
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Yeah zynga poker does that for me...instead of uninstalling it I just force close it after I finish playing ..
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sajjan said:
Yeah zynga poker does that for me...instead of uninstalling it I just force close it after I finish playing ..
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I close it too, even disabled it on autorun, but it has some kind of auto-restart and eats resources even if you dont run it's widget.
Guess I have to find another poker app. Damn... had about 21millions...
the app that cause that problem is "radio fm"
after i uninstalled it, my phone is a new phone
So why do you need help?
I too have the 100% Awake problem, i manually killed everything but with no luck...
2.3.3 stock ROM. Is there a cooked ROM without this problem?
P500Alive said:
I too have the 100% Awake problem, i manually killed everything but with no luck...
2.3.3 stock ROM. Is there a cooked ROM without this problem?
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Reboot helps.
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4silvertooth said:
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Reboot won't help. The problem is probably this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1185241
gincia said:
Reboot won't help. The problem is probably this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1185241
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Have u tried that? Does it work?
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4silvertooth said:
Have u tried that? Does it work?
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Yes, I have tried it. It helps when you do not use 3G/HSDPA. As soon as u enable internet and browse the net and after that disable the internet, the Fast Dormancy process starts to drain the battery again and again. Disabling the Fast Dormancy does not always work.
I swhitched to 2G and then it stopped draining the battery, but it is not the solution, as I can't live without 3G/HSDPA... Don't know what to do

[Q] Google Music App Stops Working

Problem: Google Music closes after about 2 minutes of putting the phone into sleep mode or clicking the button to turn off the screen. I cannot figure out how to allow the app to continue to run while in sleep mode.
The phone is not rooted and I am running stock everything. I also do not have a microSD card would that matter?
Please advise.
Does anyone know if google music has to use a microSD card?
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FakeReallity said:
Problem: Google Music closes after about 2 minutes of putting the phone into sleep mode or clicking the button to turn off the screen. I cannot figure out how to allow the app to continue to run while in sleep mode.
The phone is not rooted and I am running stock everything. I also do not have a microSD card would that matter?
Please advise.
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Did you accidentally add the application to the auto-end in the Task Manager app? I had a heck of a week traveling until I found my goof-up in doing this.
Nope I removed it and tested it again still didn't work. Could it be because of the moto.blur stuff?
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FakeReallity said:
Nope I removed it and tested it again still didn't work. Could it be because of the moto.blur stuff?
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I hate saying this, but "It works for me" applies here. I know I have some bad files uploaded to GM, which causes the program to crash from time to time.
Hmm do mine sharing exactly what you did? Maybe I can figure it out from there?
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Usage Monitor disappeared!

My wife and I both have Rezounds. I went to show her the Usage Monitor so she could track her minutes, and its not in her App Drawer. Titanium Backup shows it as installed though. I've tried to freeze and defrost it in an effort to make it come back, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?
Look at settings - power - battery usage.
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EmerikL said:
Look at settings - power - battery usage.
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Appreciate the reply, but I think you misunderstood. The Rezound comes with an app that lets you track your minutes/text/data usage so you don't go over your monthly allowance. I'm not looking to track battery usage.
Go to your widgets its not an app.
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No, what the op is referring to is an app, not a widget.
Op try clearing cache and restarting. If that doesn't work...try a different launcher and see if that gets the app to show up in the app drawer. If that doesn't work, I'd look at getting adb running and shell in to the system to see if u can see the app listed in /system/app, if so copy it to the sdcard and try installing it on the phone from there.
Otherwise, worst case scenario, a restore.
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I had this issue on my incredible 2 running sense 3.5 roms. If you have Verizon my mobile app installed it overwrites or hides the usage monitor app.
If you uninstall Verizon my mobile and restart the rezound usage monitor will show up.
I just tried it and it worked. The one Dev I mentioned it to back on the inc2 hypothesized that the apks are similar and thus causes the stock usage app to disappear.
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ericsignals said:
I had this issue on my incredible 2 running sense 3.5 roms. If you have Verizon my mobile app installed it overwrites or hides the usage monitor app.
If you uninstall Verizon my mobile and restart the rezound usage monitor will show up.
I just tried it and it worked. The one Dev I mentioned it to back on the inc2 hypothesized that the apks are similar and thus causes the stock usage app to disappear.
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You da man!! Thanks! I had frozen the My Verizon app, which is why I had it. As soon as I froze it on her phone and rebooted, there it was!
riot1031 said:
You da man!! Thanks! I had frozen the My Verizon app, which is why I had it. As soon as I froze it on her phone and rebooted, there it was!
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I've gotten so much help and guidance here on xda...good to hear I could return the favor for a change.
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Glad u got it figured out...I would have never thought another .apk would hide others, that's just weird!!!
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riot1031 said:
My wife and I both have Rezounds. I went to show her the Usage Monitor so she could track her minutes, and its not in her App Drawer. Titanium Backup shows it as installed though. I've tried to freeze and defrost it in an effort to make it come back, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?
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Hi, I am bit confuse. Do you install Verizon my mobile app youself? I think it do come with the Rezound by default. Do you root the device or all stock?

Slow operation, keyboard and battery issue

I have 3 issues. Hope somebody can help:
1: Phone operates too slow. For example when I go to menu, app icons take around 5 seconds to appear. Similarly when I go to home screen it takes the same lag. So much delay that I could capture the screen short. You can see that weather clock and alarm widgets didn't appear. I cleared cache several times n restarts but it works fine for few mins n then again becomes laggy.
2: Keyboard disappears after typing few letters and sometimes it takes several secs to get it back. Reappearing delay is may be related to the above problem of slow response but why it disappears in first place.
3: Battery doesn't charge despite the whole night charging. Its happens not do often but really bugging me. I noticed that whenever I get missed notifications like calls or msgs it stops charging. Not sure why it's happening.
Looking forward to some help from experts. Please note that I feel these problems are occurring more after recent update. I'm using stock Rom of intl s3 version.
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First, give me your firmware number. Tape *#1234# on your phone dialler. Is it a custom ROM ?
---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------
Secondary, post in the right section (Galaxy S III Q&A) the next time please.
It's stock Rom.
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muhamadasim said:
I have 3 issues. Hope somebody can help:
1: Phone operates too slow. For example when I go to menu, app icons take around 5 seconds to appear. Similarly when I go to home screen it takes the same lag. So much delay that I could capture the screen short. You can see that weather clock and alarm widgets didn't appear. I cleared cache several times n restarts but it works fine for few mins n then again becomes laggy.
2: Keyboard disappears after typing few letters and sometimes it takes several secs to get it back. Reappearing delay is may be related to the above problem of slow response but why it disappears in first place.
3: Battery doesn't charge despite the whole night charging. Its happens not do often but really bugging me. I noticed that whenever I get missed notifications like calls or msgs it stops charging. Not sure why it's happening.
Looking forward to some help from experts. Please note that I feel these problems are occurring more after recent update. I'm using stock Rom of intl s3 version.
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Factory reset it and update to latest firmware via KIES or Odin.
How to factory reset
Thanks.I have the latest stock firmware already. Do you think stock Rom is faulty? And I should root it and lose warranty. I can do that but is it the only solution?
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muhamadasim said:
Thanks.I have the latest stock firmware already. Do you think stock Rom is faulty? And I should root it and lose warranty. I can do that but is it the only solution?
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Where have i mentioned to root? I don't say root.
Read again. Yes, sometimes it could be something related to your software.
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Ok read It agaIn. Thanks. If thats the only solution, will wait for jellybean update that's just around the corner. I wondered if anything related to hardware or phone settings was to be blamed. But anyhow, thanks.
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I am also on XXBLFB and facing no such issues. You should check if some app is not eating a lot of RAM.
Jelly Bean won't be available for this region anytime soon keeping in view the time it took S2 to receive ICS update here.
I suspect the same. my RAM doesn't go below 600mb even if I close all apps and clear ram from task manager. After restart, phone behaves well for an hour but then again becomes laggy. My S2 is much faster than this with lot more apps. This S3 is really disappointing me.
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muhamadasim said:
I suspect the same. my RAM doesn't go below 600mb even if I close all apps and clear ram from task manager. After restart, phone behaves well for an hour but then again becomes laggy. My S2 is much faster than this with lot more apps. This S3 is really disappointing me.
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Try to find the culprit app. I have 100+ apps and set is still very very smooth.
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That's the status when I just cleared cache.
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my suggestion is to do a factory reset (after backing up your contacts, messages, notes etc). then download your apps again and note the behavior of phone after each app. You might find the culprit then. It doesn't seem like an issue with the update since I also updated mine. Also very less likely its gonna be hardware issue.
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Maybe the CPU is not working at its entire power. If the factory reset is not working, maybe you should go and replace the device, before it's too late. When you bought it ? If the phone have less than 30 days you should get an instant replace. Not sure that JB will help you, as the installation isn't like a "full format" of your phone
Hard reset: *2767*3855# (no warning message before formating, so type it when you're ready, also remove the sdcard if you don't want wiped too.)
Or *#*#7780#*#* - Factory data reset - Clears Google-account data, system and program settings and installed programs. system will not be deleted, and OEM programs, as well as My Documents (pictures, music, videos)
Thanks. Will get in touch with the vendor for replacement (though I'm sure he will not agree that easily) or else will do a complete reset. I'm really pissed off for spending this much for getting this device. Samsung is very serious in pushing their loyalists away!
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muhamadasim said:
Thanks. Will get in touch with the vendor for replacement (though I'm sure he will not agree that easily) or else will do a complete reset. I'm really pissed off for spending this much for getting this device. Samsung is very serious in pushing their loyalists away!
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Sometimes, there can be some errors. You know, nobody's perfect and we are all humans. After one week after I bought my phone, I found that it have sort of scratch on the screen, but looked like inside of it. It could be seen only in high light. The vendor replaced it instantly. This one is perfect. Love it and is extremely fast and I have many apps on it. Good luck!
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You're a lucky dude. I did one thing. Uninstalled AVG antivirus. Will update if I see some improvement.
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muhamadasim said:
You're a lucky dude. I did one thing. Uninstalled AVG antivirus. Will update if I see some improvement.
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Check in task manager, you should have an idea about how is going bad. Also change the antivirus for Avast. Avast is much better. However I recommend without antivirus. I just scan sometimes my phone with it or lookout but never leave the antivirus installed. Is just a waste of RAM memory.
If nothing works do a full backup with Kies and do the complete factory reset.
Most of the apps will be automatically reinstalled when you add back your Google account, but you need the backup for settings and saves.
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Uninstalled several apps. Removed widgets from desktops. But still same issue. One thing I'm not able to figure out is why my RAM doesn't go below ~600mb despite killing every task n cleaning cache. I guest a factory reset and ROM installation is the only way out. Thanks guys for all the tips.
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muhamadasim said:
Uninstalled several apps. Removed widgets from desktops. But still same issue. One thing I'm not able to figure out is why my RAM doesn't go below ~600mb despite killing every task n cleaning cache. I guest a factory reset and ROM installation is the only way out. Thanks guys for all the tips.
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Even with all the apps I have on my phone the RAM usage is around 580-640 (stupid SwiftKey using 45 mb most of time) and when I kill the apps I have 430 mb, slowly increasing til 530. Try reset, you have nothing to lose.
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[Solved]Deep sleep issue

Hi guys
Nw i have a problem in my galaxy s3..my doesnt wont to go into a deep sleep.so it draun my battery..i dont know the reason...so how could i know what is preventing my phone to go into deep sleep btw i have restarted it many times.
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what are the last apps you have installed and when?
I think apex jelly bean launcher...but i have stopped it and run the main interface again and the issue is still...then i have uninstall it and also it doesnt go into a deep sleep (
I dont think there is another app i have installed.
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Here is my BBS data
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Try downloading a wake lock manager, just do a Google search for one. Then use the phone as you normally would. It will analyse which apps are preventing deep sleep
Sent from my GT-I9100
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Ok..and what about screen ****s i have attached..is there some thing wrong?!!
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Ah sorry, i hadn't seen them! The offending apps/processes are clearly highlighted, try going to the application manager, all apps tab, and scroll down to the respective process. Either disable it or un install. If neither is an option then try freezing it and unfreezing it, or clearing the cache
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Sorry.but,what app should i chek?!!
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My mobile remain awake most of the time randomly. It doesn't go into deep sleep. Any help.
For example, the download manager can be paused, as can the network location service. As a last resort, if your phone is rooted, replace your kernel with a different one, it may not be handling wake lock management very well.
Sent from my GT-I9100
If I helped you, please hit the thanks button!
Yes my phone is rooted..but it was work good that isuee is appear from 2 dayes..
And can u give me a guide to flash the kernals and best one...(stable one)
And what is audioOut_1 that exist in partial wakclock (second screen shot) that what is preventing my phone to go into deep sleep
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Then after i install wake lock manager..it works good and disabled running service..but for sorry the app it self preventing my phone to go into deep sleep..
Plllllllllllllllllllllllllz need help
Do flashing new fw will fix that?!
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drahad110 said:
My mobile remain awake most of the time randomly. It doesn't go into deep sleep. Any help.
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you. guys have to do a wiped clean install from scratch witch means..
do a full wipe/factory reset then go in mount/storage and format system (remember to remount it again afterwards)
then flash rom+gapps - this way you have no leftovers whatsoever!
i have no deep sleep issues done this way or else for that matter
No need to flash anything..
Backup all 3'rd party apps + callogs/sms/settings(no system apps, only data) with titanium backup. Then do a factory reset, now install your backups without data and restore your system data..
The apps u installed the last 10 days,those should be restored with some time difference so u can monitor witch app is causing wake locks..
Alternative is to uninstall the apps u installed the last 10 days,to see if that fixes your wake lock problem..
Ps. Facebook can cause wakelocks
First..what 3rd party apps are?? Then
Did u saw the screen shoot?? U will find a process named audioOut_1 at partial wakelock (plz reverse the screen shoots maybe u can know what is happining)
I excuse u to tell me what my problem is in
Btw this isuee is appeared today and i have uninstalled the recent up. No thing change..no sleep just 8 min throght this isuee
Thaaaanks and plz reply me as fast u can
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zodiaxe66 said:
No need to flash anything..
Backup all 3'rd party apps + callogs/sms/settings(no system apps, only data) with titanium backup. Then do a factory reset, now install your backups without data and restore your system data..
The apps u installed the last 10 days,those should be restored with some time difference so u can monitor witch app is causing wake locks..
Alternative is to uninstall the apps u installed the last 10 days,to see if that fixes your wake lock problem..
Ps. Facebook can cause wakelocks
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U call this easier ? and u dont even now if it solves the problem, after all this hassle, and then u even say do a factory reset..lol do the fresh install and be sure there's no left overs, thats the only way to exclude possible errors! and by far a lot faster too
then if problem persists, install betterbatterystats 0.92 from market to see whats preventing phone to sleep - but there iset any if u do full wipe!
But idont need rom. I need stock l...only root..so what i have to flash?!
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zeyadrani said:
But idont need rom. I need stock l...only root..so what i have to flash?!
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Try Darkys roms they are just great - and guaranteed not to brick u phone
Does i have to flash rom?!!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
You don't need to flash a new rom, just a new kernel. Do a Google search. You can try siyah kernel
Sent from my GT-I9100
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