[Q] how do i solve problem on my garmin asus nuvifone a50? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have garmin asus nivifone a50
and there is a problem
after doing master reset, it shown :
please close the the battery cover, and restart the device to complete first-time setup
whether i have closed the battery cover
and also i have try to tap the restart but it still shown like that
how could i solve this problem?

can anyone help me?
i'm really frustrated with this thing

someone help me please...

Better too late than never..
Hi all,
stumbled upon this problem as well on friday. Let me guess: Bluetooth has been not possible to activate?
It's a side-effect of having busybox installed before doing a master reset, some links are messed up..
Here's the solution for this problem:
I shall not post Hyperlinks as new member, so do a google request: revive+your+garmin+asus+a10
One will find two tutorials (one from Kazzi, one from Marco in the comments).
It worked for me; I imagine it might come in handy for one or another.


[Q] Downloading text/email (picture) attachments

Hi all,
I recently got my htc one, have messed around with it, rooted it, and applied some cool mods. I just need one more thing to really fall in love with the phone. I noticed that whenever I get an attachment via text(haven't checked if it's the same with email attachments) it ALWAYS saves it to the folder " dowloads ". In previous phones I've had, if memory serves, you could chose where to save the attachment.
Does anyone know if this option is available on the One at all? or if a mod or app out there that can help with this?
I have done some research, but haven't gotten an answer or seen anyone else bring up this query. If this was already discussed and solved, it would be great if you could leave a link. Otherwise, feel free to suggest possible solutions, or what your attempts at solving this " issue " were, if it was an issue for you.
Thanks everyone,
please ask questions in the questions section. thanks

[Q] Downloading text/email attachments

Hi all,
I recently got my htc one, have messed around with it, rooted it, and applied some cool mods. I just need one more thing to really fall in love with the phone. I noticed that whenever I get an attachment via text(haven't checked if it's the same with email attachments) it ALWAYS saves it to the folder " dowloads ". In previous phones I've had, if memory serves, you could chose where to save the attachment.
Does anyone know if this option is available on the One at all? or if a mod or app out there that can help with this?
I have done some research, but haven't gotten an answer or seen anyone else bring up this query. If this was already discussed and solved, it would be great if you could leave a link. Otherwise, feel free to suggest possible solutions, or what your attempts at solving this " issue " were, if it was an issue for you.
Thanks everyone,

[Q] Time Screensaver BUG

hi guys!
i need help, i just buy a 2nd hand (slightly used) lumia 920 to a person, but i just encountered a problem or bug, maybe i dont know if this is a phone problem or maybe the phone is already damage, i need your help if you encountered also this bug in lockscreen / screensaver. please tell me if this error occur in your side.
please see screenshot.
i hope to hear from your comment so i can return this phone ASAP.
did you make hard reset before use phone?
also try change Glance setting...
download SysApp Pusher from store to update Nokia system apps
check also Glance Background app to change motive on locked screen

[Q] Bought a used TF201...(correct forum this time)

apologies for cluttering the place up previously.
To the question:
I bought a used TF201 and it's at 4.4.4 CROMB1 is 11.0-20140930. Kernel is 3.1.10
Best way I can describe the issue is that the screen is flaky. That is, when I attempt, for example, to move an icon from one spot to another it 'dances'. It's difficult to control the position of the icon. Rebooting resolves for a few minutes.
The issue manifests itself in 'settings' also when I scroll up and down on the left side to select something.
Anyone seen this or heard of it? No joy in my search for info on here.
Many thanks up front folks,
don't you love it
when a newbie fixes his own problem?
A wipe solved it.

[Question] How to pack a rom and flash for smart display

Hi guys. Not sure if I'm in the right sub but I'm desperate for help.
I've had a Lenovo smart display 8 and it was working okay before. I did not use it for some time until I moved back to my country lately.
I tried to set it up and it seemed to update to the latest firmware. Voice works but I noticed that the screen isn't responsive. Thinking that something was wrong, I tried to reboot the device but it didn't get any better, so I tried resetting by holding +/- buttons. It went through the setup process again but now at the final step, it won't go any further. It looks like a bug that has disabled the touch screen imo. I've searched and found a lot of people having the same issue with not just lenovo but also nest hub. Do anyone have an idea how we can flash an older firmware to fix this?? (I'm not in the US btw, so I can't send it to service center. And the device isn't distributed in my country so I doubt whether local support could help. I don't want it to become a paperweight) It gets even more frustrating that the device is connected to wifi network and can receive audio cast, even youtube cast but the screen will only show Almost done! Finish setup.
I've tried to collect resources across the internet. There is open-source from lenovo website. File in tar.gz and I don't know how to compile it into an img file for flashing. There is another thread when someone posted a system dump in another thread, but it's not active. I wonder which one to use and further steps to make it work. Can anyone with expertise help me, please??
This is from Lenovo site
https://smartsupport.lenovo.com/vn/...-home/lenovo-smart-display/downloads/ds504927The other topic post
Smart Display System Dump or APK
Hey, guys - I've been scouring everywhere whether anyone has been able to perform a system dump of a Smart Display device. Since the Home Hub is using Cast as its method of being display I'm almost positive it won't be able to be engineered on...
Thank you for reading and thank you more if you could drop me some support<3<3

