[Q] Bought a used TF201...(correct forum this time) - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

apologies for cluttering the place up previously.
To the question:
I bought a used TF201 and it's at 4.4.4 CROMB1 is 11.0-20140930. Kernel is 3.1.10
Best way I can describe the issue is that the screen is flaky. That is, when I attempt, for example, to move an icon from one spot to another it 'dances'. It's difficult to control the position of the icon. Rebooting resolves for a few minutes.
The issue manifests itself in 'settings' also when I scroll up and down on the left side to select something.
Anyone seen this or heard of it? No joy in my search for info on here.
Many thanks up front folks,

don't you love it
when a newbie fixes his own problem?
A wipe solved it.


[Q] tab rejected drop downs - even here.....

Hi often I have a problem getting drop down boxes to allow me to put in a question. The system, Inc this site, rejects me as soon as I try to type anything in search. Same on SGS yesterday and resulted in using main computer which I was hoping to get rid of now. Any suggestions on glitch?
Shona Anderson said:
Hi often I have a problem getting drop down boxes to allow me to put in a question. The system, Inc this site, rejects me as soon as I try to type anything in search. Same on SGS yesterday and resulted in using main computer which I was hoping to get rid of now. Any suggestions on glitch?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, can you give more info? You want to put a question into a drop down box? What software are you talking about? Are you talking about the internet? What system rejects you, and when? Be specific and give the relevant information.
I have the same problem. Using stock or non stock browser, can't use drop down menus normally. Seems to go to the first link in the drop down list, instead of pausing at the whole list long enough to make the selection you want to make. On this site for instance, trying to click on the "search this thread," it doesn't stay up long enough to type anything.
Perhaps unrelated but equally frustrating is trying to edit this post I'm currently writing. When trying to move the cursor, it will jump on me and not go where I had intended it to go. Anyone have a solution for either of these problems, I would love them dearly. Unfortunately the only solution I've found so far is to use my desktop/laptop or GASP! my wife's iPad.
To clarify, looks like most of the pulldowns work on this site, with the exception being trying to type into the drop down "search this thread" button.
Also, on the jumping cursor bit, seems to happen with either stock or non stock keyboards.

Anyone else have the backlight problem with Google Navigate?

When I search Google for this problem, very little comes up, although I found one other person (at least) who seems to have the same problem as me and has filed this issue on the Android bugtracker:
When I'm driving and running Google Navigate, the backlight turns off after a while and I can barely see the screen. Surely this is a bug, and not by design? When you're navigating you want to see the display clearly. It's such an obvious flaw that I can only assume that most people aren't experiencing it. So I thought I'd ask here; is anyone else getting this problem and/or does anyone know whether it can be fixed without Google updating Navigate? If you're having this problem, please vote for the issue on the code.google.com link above, and maybe Google will fix it.
Just to add, this 'feature' is also being described in various places as 'screen dimming'.

[Q] how do i solve problem on my garmin asus nuvifone a50?

i have garmin asus nivifone a50
and there is a problem
after doing master reset, it shown :
please close the the battery cover, and restart the device to complete first-time setup
whether i have closed the battery cover
and also i have try to tap the restart but it still shown like that
how could i solve this problem?
can anyone help me?
i'm really frustrated with this thing
someone help me please...
Better too late than never..
Hi all,
stumbled upon this problem as well on friday. Let me guess: Bluetooth has been not possible to activate?
It's a side-effect of having busybox installed before doing a master reset, some links are messed up..
Here's the solution for this problem:
I shall not post Hyperlinks as new member, so do a google request: revive+your+garmin+asus+a10
One will find two tutorials (one from Kazzi, one from Marco in the comments).
It worked for me; I imagine it might come in handy for one or another.

TouchPro2 Using FRX07.1 Questions

I have been running FRX07.1 for awhile now and ive dun some searching but may be looking at wrong stuff so i was curious if anyone could help me with a few things .
When starting FRX07.1 i find a ton of services running and wonder is there a way to have it start up blank or with less stuff running?
- Is there any options to boot directly to FRX07.1? and what are they if there is?
- Is there a way to use live wallpapers or is it just not able to all together?
lastly, i noticed my Slide out keyboard doesn't work correctly. aka numbers and letters are all scrambled, also the light doesn't work on it either is there a fix?
You really did some searching, but didn't read the speed improvements thread at all? It's pretty much exactly what you're asking for.
Live wallpapers are an atrocity on this old device. People still wanted 'em, so here you go.
The keyboard sounds like either a hardware issue, or you picked the wrong physkeyboard (or both)?
Regardless, this is in the wrong section. Your question has little to do with WinMo...
Edit - I missed the part about booting FRX directly. Gen.Y is your best bet there.

[Q] Waze on CM10.1

Hi Guys,
I posted this on the CM10.1 thread, but it quickly got hidden by all the other questions on the thread. I hope its ok for me to ask here in the Q&A board...
Is anyone else having issues with the satnav app Waze on their i9300 with CM10.1? For me it works fine except for the voices. The voice will be fine for part of the voice prompt, but then clip or cut out toward the end of her sentance. For example a typical voice prompt would be "at the next roundabout, take the second exit on to High Street". But on my device her voice clips out half way through, so I hear "at the next roundabout, take the ...it on to High Street".
I can still use the software to get around but looking at the screen map, but it is annoying. Anyone know what this issue might be caused by?
Did you manage to get this issue fixed i'm having the same issue. I have located the thread below have you tried it at all?
It is so annoying!

