Vibrant Wont stay on - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

ok so my (edit) *Vibrant is not booting up...
I press the power button, the vibrant turns on, logo pops up, boot animation, Tmobile animation and galaxy s animation plus sound all happened, The phone gets to the lock screen and within 3 seconds just shuts down.
Anyone know what could be wrong.
Phone is stock, neither romed or rooted. is this a battery issue, hardware or software

Does it boot up when you have it charging? And which phone is it, the Vibrant or the Captivate? Those are 2 different phones.

djquick said:
Does it boot up when you have it charging? And which phone is it, the Vibrant or the Captivate? Those are 2 different phones.
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sorry simple mistake, it is a tmobile vibrant...
it boots up when plugged in and when not plugged in... gets to the lock screen and it just waits and then shuts down completely.
can boot into
stock recovery
download mode

Kontagious said:
sorry simple mistake, it is a tmobile vibrant...
it boots up when plugged in and when not plugged in... gets to the lock screen and it just waits and then shuts down completely.
can boot into
stock recovery
download mode
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If you can boot into stock recovery/download mode, just do a factory reset or flash the stock rom using odin

djquick said:
If you can boot into stock recovery/download mode, just do a factory reset or flash the stock rom using odin
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I tried the factory reset and it says cannot read
i tried the odin stock rom flash and same problem persists.

Kontagious said:
I tried the factory reset and it says cannot read
i tried the odin stock rom flash and same problem persists.
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Maybe you have a defective bootloader or phone. If it's still under warranty, just bring it back to T-Mobile and exchange it.

was trying to fix a vibrant for a friend of mine with a very similar problem
after many hours of work w/ odin & attempting to flash different things.. i concluded that it was hardware related bc i made it all the way to stock but it would just shut down randomly
does it give any sort of message when it shuts off? or just goes black?
have you dropped it a lot?

jonen said:
was trying to fix a vibrant for a friend of mine with a very similar problem
after many hours of work w/ odin & attempting to flash different things.. i concluded that it was hardware related bc i made it all the way to stock but it would just shut down randomly
does it give any sort of message when it shuts off? or just goes black?
have you dropped it a lot?
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im starting to think its hardware related as well. at time when i boot into stock recovery the battery logo just shows up, the android man with the the exclamation point. idk if up to a certain level of currect is drained the battery shorts out. how can i possibly test the battery??
There is no message or anything... as soon as it boots up to the lock screen it just goes black.
i just acquired this phone. I have a HTC Glacier that i use for my everyday. this used to be my friends old phone and it started doing this, he just got another one and gave me this said if i could fix it i could have it to mess around with. as far as i know it hasnt experienced much rough and tough life. on the outside it looks almost brand new.

So I bought a brand new battery and the vibrant won't even charge the new battery...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA

sorry to revive this but did you try cleaning the battery contacts?
You probably moved on with life lol


[Q] Samsung Galaxy S II Wont Turn On - Please Help

Today I rebooted my Samsung Galaxy S 2 and for some reason it is not working anymore.
No idea why this has happened
I tried everything Recovery Mode - Cant get into
Download Mode I cant get into
Tried removing the battery then putting it back in still nothing at all
On the back I can feel the phone is getting warm but nothing on the screen
It was working fine yesterday and I havent done anything to the phone yesterday
Please help if you know anything?
Sounds like a hardware fail. I hate to say it but it sounds like returning it is the option.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Did you have any update fails recently? Update fails were the reason some Galaxy S phones would not turn on.
Thanks for the reply
It has the latest software so there wasn't a need for update
It was working fine for the first hour this morning and then I rebooted my phone because it froze but now won't turn on at all.
Should of backed up my data!
The device gets warm but nothing on the screen tried everything that is available on this forum.
Do I have to pay for this if it's faulty I only had it about a month now I think?
When plugged in on the usb charger, if you toggle the volume rocker will the display turn on and show the battery level?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
I got the same problem, after rooting and trying to format my microSD maybe I 've choosen the wrong partition (mmcblk0p2). Is there a way back???
Pinkthesink said:
When plugged in on the usb charger, if you toggle the volume rocker will the display turn on and show the battery level?
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- There is nothing, no battery indication, everything is black
Any solution yet?
I ordered a JIG, however I don't know if it helps in case the bootloader is dead
fjosef871 said:
Today I rebooted my Samsung Galaxy S 2 and for some reason it is not working anymore.
No idea why this has happened
I tried everything Recovery Mode - Cant get into
Download Mode I cant get into
Tried removing the battery then putting it back in still nothing at all
On the back I can feel the phone is getting warm but nothing on the screen
It was working fine yesterday and I havent done anything to the phone yesterday
Please help if you know anything?
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Were you overclocking?If yes,how much?Maybe you fried something.
Also,if yes,I'm reading about the state of my phone a month from now!
Not sure what's going on there. did u do any recent 3rd party software downloads? I'd return n get a replacement
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
whmcal said:
Not sure what's going on there. did u do any recent 3rd party software downloads? I'd return n get a replacement
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First I'll try a JIG - if it arrives on time... (desperately need the phone in 5 days)
fjosef871: have you tried a JIG to get into download mode?

Touch screen problems

I just tried to flash my phone with the preroot GB flash and it installed and when I rebooted my phone my touch screen will not work. so I tried to flash it back with the sbf and now im at the activation screen but the touch screen wont work. Any advice of what I can do?
try booting into stock system recovery and doing a data format and then try booting.
Someone On Rootzwiki Is Also Having This Problem Can't Get The Droid To Register Touch.
i believe most if not all of us occasionally lose touch responsivness until the screen is turned off and back on which only takes 2 seconds. But this problem is different of course...possibly related...
MikeJ92YJ said:
Someone On Rootzwiki Is Also Having This Problem Can't Get The Droid To Register Touch.
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Thanks mike.
Ive been dealing with this same issue for atleast 5 hours now and im tired of sbf'ing............idk what to do.......
I booted into stock recovery and did a data reset and its still doesn't work. If I did a SBF will verizon be able to tell it was rooted? I don't want charged for a new phone I might just soak this one in some water.
vacobra1 said:
I booted into stock recovery and did a data reset and its still doesn't work. If I did a SBF will verizon be able to tell it was rooted? I don't want charged for a new phone I might just soak this one in some water.
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If you sbf they can't tell you were rooted
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
No Touch Response
Is you phone charging? I had the same problem, but when I unplugged from charger all worked well (until I plugged it back in). I unplugged, went into recovery, factory reset, then did SBF and presto changeo, My phone responded to my touch
I have sent many phones back to Verizon, still rooted, and have NEVER been charged. When I call I do not tell them it was rooted. With SBF, as long as you cleared data/Factory reset first, there will be no indication it was rooted ever.
my phone is charging I unplugged it and im going to do a factory reset with out it plugged in and see what happens
Thread moved to proper forum since this is not android development.
still nothing
Hardware problem, get a replacement
vacobra1 said:
still nothing
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i still can't get mine to do anything either.......................and i thought i had good phone because i have NEVER had 1 single problem out of it like all these other people on these forums......
I have a replacement on its way. So tomorrow ill be up and running I think ill just wait for GB to come from verizon this time.

[Q] HELP! Photon wont boot! (Stuck at red M)

So yesterday I was in a call with low battery when it shut off. Normally not a problem, just plug it into the wall for a while. Well when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't even boot up. It was stuck at the red M logo. The LED showed amber colored as well. I left it plugged in and the light remained amber until 90% battery, where it turned green.
I tried to turn it on and its been stuck on the red M logo. Its been stuck for more than 12 hours now.
I CAN access fastboot, android recovery, etc. I already tried wiping the cache and even did a factory reset. Still wont work.
What can I possibly do? I luckily have a backup phone, but I've had my photon for less than a month, no warranty, and I'm a novice Android user. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
MooseV2 said:
So yesterday I was in a call with low battery when it shut off. Normally not a problem, just plug it into the wall for a while. Well when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't even boot up. It was stuck at the red M logo. The LED showed amber colored as well. I left it plugged in and the light remained amber until 90% battery, where it turned green.
I tried to turn it on and its been stuck on the red M logo. Its been stuck for more than 12 hours now.
I CAN access fastboot, android recovery, etc. I already tried wiping the cache and even did a factory reset. Still wont work.
What can I possibly do? I luckily have a backup phone, but I've had my photon for less than a month, no warranty, and I'm a novice Android user. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Click on the software and tools link and use rsd lite to reflash the stock os onto the phone. If that doesn't work I would take it to the sprint store.
I assume you tried pulling the battery?
I'm downloading SBF now. Hopefully it works, because I live in Canada and we don't have Sprint stores.
And YES, I tried pulling the battery. Multiple times. With every combination (eg, plug in, turn on, then insert battery; put in battery, turn on, then plug in, etc)
the sbf should work but may i ask how you managed to brick your photon? when i just got mine i did everything wrong and i never got even a soft brick so i'm interested what i didn't mess up haha
Quick question: I should be downloading the most recent? Will it make a difference?
And damn, did I actually brick it?? I'm pretty new to this thing, this is my first Android and I've had it for less than a month...
And nothing should have triggered it. I added another line in build ( or something) and I added another setting in /system/etc/mediaprofiles.xml. I was trying to add 1080p to the camera (unsuccessfully). I didn't remove anything, and even after a reboot it was fine.
It wasn't until the battery died, where it stopped booting up. Just my luck :/
You should probably choose one of the newer ones, just becasue of bug fixes, etc. If you happen to know what version you were running before then I'd choose that. I cant stress enough, make sure the one you download is for the Photon and NOT Electrify! And technically yeah that is a brick lol but its extremely hard to legit brick beyond repair a photon due to the fact that we have RSD Lite and SBF files to bring it back.
Strangely, I found a thread depicting the same problem that I had, although with the electrify.
Anyways, the problem is fixed, by reflashing the SBF using RSD Lite, everything is back to normal! Well, almost, just have to restore my backup
Thanks so much for your help guys, I wouldn't have been able to fix it without you all!
can you fix a bricked phone??
My Photon has done the same thing! I rooted her and did the Bootstrap Recovery thing. Everything was kosher until I tried to load that stupid Beats Audio. Something happened between me flashing it and the reboot where it locks the phone. I tried to do the Android recovery screen, I wiped, I did about everything I could find. No bueno.
I followed this forum and clicked the software and tools link as instructed. I tried with RSD 5.6, and tried several iterations of SBF's located here and here. I was using SBF - 1FF-sunfire-user-2.3.4-4.5.1A-1_SUN-154_MR-3-CM.
It lets me go into boot mode, and when I try to flash the SBF it appears to go through, but it always fails at the end. Which, the posts state it will do, but my phone will not reboot afterwords. After trying everything I could for a couple days, I decided to just take it to a Sprint store. Mind you I've had this under 30 days, but longer than 14 so they stated it would have to be replaced. They tried to flash, but said they were getting stuck too.
I know that a replacement is pretty much the answer, but just wanted to check one more time to see if anyone had any other ideas, or could point me to other forums maybe? Appears I've done what few have been able to accomplish...brick this joker.

SGS2 bootloop! Help!

Hi guys! First off, I know this sounds like a common problem, but I've looked through several times and haven't found a solution yet.
I have a SGS2, came as 2.3.3 stock but upgraded a while back to 2.3.5 through Kies. It was working perfectly for as long as I remember.
About a month ago the battery started acting weird going from 80% to 20% in no time, heating up too, I do remember dropping the phone once during this period, but it was nothing (just thought I should include this, also, I usually leave the phone plugged into the charger overnight as I do not have a power source at work (i work outdoors) i probably need a battery replacement)
The screen brightness would sometimes flicker and then POOF! The phone shuts off...At first this would happen at any activity, nothing specific, BUT, I have noticed that it intensifies with the Facebook app.
Anyways, usually plugging the phone back into the charger and powering it up would bring it back online, but not this time. It would get stuck looping the animation of the 'S' at the beginning and no booting up. I have a valid warranty card which I'm guessing will get the phone either fixed or replaced but I need help to try to salvage whatever info I can get my hands on, preferably everything, but my memos are most important to me.
Thanks for the help!
sherief87 said:
Hi guys! First off, I know this sounds like a common problem, but I've looked through several times and haven't found a solution yet.
I have a SGS2, came as 2.3.3 stock but upgraded a while back to 2.3.5 through Kies. It was working perfectly for as long as I remember.
About a month ago the battery started acting weird going from 80% to 20% in no time, heating up too, I do remember dropping the phone once during this period, but it was nothing (just thought I should include this, also, I usually leave the phone plugged into the charger overnight as I do not have a power source at work (i work outdoors) i probably need a battery replacement)
The screen brightness would sometimes flicker and then POOF! The phone shuts off...At first this would happen at any activity, nothing specific, BUT, I have noticed that it intensifies with the Facebook app.
Anyways, usually plugging the phone back into the charger and powering it up would bring it back online, but not this time. It would get stuck looping the animation of the 'S' at the beginning and no booting up. I have a valid warranty card which I'm guessing will get the phone either fixed or replaced but I need help to try to salvage whatever info I can get my hands on, preferably everything, but my memos are most important to me.
Thanks for the help!
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are u rooted
try flashing the stock rom again and check if u face the same issue
I'm not rooted. I tried doing that using odin and got the stock firmware from sammobile. same thing happens, stuck at the boot.
a friend suggested i try to flash the stock ICS version, same thing.
sherief87 said:
I'm not rooted. I tried doing that using odin and got the stock firmware from sammobile. same thing happens, stuck at the boot.
a friend suggested i try to flash the stock ICS version, same thing.
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Weird. It shouldn't boot loop. You sure your version is GT-I9100 and not GT-I9100G? Since I'm in Riyadh, the latest version for GB here (Saudi Arabia) was JPKJ2, but that's for GT-I9100, dunno about the G version.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
okay so with the help of a friend and this awesome forum, i managed to install cwm, from there i could take a nandroid backup, but i cant mount the phone as a drive or anything to copy the files, and i'm guessing i cant use this backup i just took to restore later because it'll just get me stuck at the same place im at now
i read that i can use unyaffs to extract files from the resultant backup image, so my question is, before i do a wipe, is there any other method through which i could get a backup of my stuff? the things i would very much like to get a copy off are my messages/notes/whatsapp history and pretty much anything really
thanks for the help!

[Q] possible brick?

Hey guys and gals, I think my note 2 is bricked. I am on stock rom, dont know specific builds, probably whatever is the latest update. I was using the phone friday afternoon and all of a sudden it just shut off. I tried to get it to turn back on, but it would only go to the Samsung galaxy note 2 bootup screen, then do the sounds to boot up. Then it would reboot. I did a battery pull, and it will not even make the sounds now (still get the bootup logo) then shuts off. I have searched some on the forums and I can get it into download mode and i can get to the screen where i can reboot/factory reset/ update (i have the red triangle w/ black exclamation mark). I have to hold the buttons down first and then install the battery to do either though. I have played with roms some when i had a galaxy nexus, but am a little rusty on it. I have not tried to install any roms on this phone though. Anyone know what might have went wrong/what i need to do to fix? I did a factory reset to no avail. Also, like i said, i have done some flashing if thats what i have to do, but really good directions would be great. Thanks.

