[Q] Rezound and future software. - HTC Rezound

Ok, please don't blast me, and I am not starting this thread to start a fight. I just really want some advice. I love the rezound, and I would like to get it over the Gnex as I don't like a lot of things about the Nex. However, I had the TB, and now the Bionic and I just don't want to be waiting on a never ending cycle to get to the lastest software(IE 4.0, 5.0 etc.) The reason I say this, is I know like with the TB it seems like the Devs have to build a whole new RIL in order to get the software to work with the hardware(at least in the GB and now the ICS update for the TB) and I don't want to have to wait for the same thing when JB comes out at the end of the year, but I also don't want to upgrade again in 6-9 months. I hope I have made my dilemma clear. I would like to know if you, as rezound owners, think this may happen, as I may just jump (regretfully) to the Gnex.
Also, Let me make this clear, I am in NO WAY degrading the Devs work here or else where, I am just impatient. And don't want to wait for many months for fully working roms that may or may not come. But there are a few main things I REALLY like on ICS, but the current build are just so buggy on my current devices that it's not worth using as a DD. Please don't think this is me fussing, or anything of the sort, it's just I'm looking for advice. Thanks.

The current ICS builds are pretty good. The devs did a great job with them.
As to your question about JB, only time will tell. I don't think that anyone has an answer to that.

I've had both BAMF's and Scott's ROMs on my Rezound, they are both very stable. The only thing HTC has said about the update regarding the Rezound is that it'll come later this year. It is not listed in the first batch of phones.
"According to HTC, we can expect to see the updates begin to roll out by the end of March for the original Sensation, Sensation 4G, Sensation XE, followed shortly there after by the Sensation XL. The following batch of devices will include the Rezound and Incredible S, but there is no time frame listed for that device other than, “later this year."
-Quoted from droid-life.com

I don't mean as much for ics as it appears to be currently working well on the device. I'm not shy about flashing. I'm just worried that the next version jelly bean may miss the device and it will be left to the devs to get it up and running. But that's been even harder on them recently, Atleast with my experience with the tbolt, as they have to built the Ril from the ground up, or so I understand. So I don't want to be stuck on current software. I'm not saying it will happen, I just want advice on whether I should take the chance with the rezound. I do really like the device.

It was my understanding that Jelly Bean was more like a Honeycomb release...
The operating system's next version jelly bean will be optimized for tablets
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Oh, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for the heads up.


Honeycomb vs. ICS?

I am wondering given that this device just got honeycomb.. is there any chance of it getting ICS?
Part of the reason I'm wondering is because I am getting my flyer sometime between the 10th and the 17th coming up according to the "estimated delivery date" when I hit buy.
I have had ICS on my captivate before I ever even got to play with Honeycomb.. my mom got the transformer yesterday.. and there are a few minor quirks with honeycomb that I really don't like.. major example being if you pull up the task manager in ICS you can remove windows and close out the programs.. Honeycomb will pull up windows that aren't open.. and it gets cluttered fast if your done with something and seeing 5 or more windows you don't want open, but can't get rid of..
no sign of ICS anytime soon but maybe if kernel source is released and CM9 development someone will port it here. In regards to the task management, yes it can get cluttered but it is better than not having it at all like gingerbread
I'm hoping they'll have the decency to update us or at least release the source code required...
IANAL, but I believe HTC legally has to release the kernel source for anything it releases. If they never release ICS, we may never get a kernel for ICS.
Honeycomb kernel might work, but I'm not sure if HTC is legally required to release honeycomb kernel source.
As far as I am aware, they did/may have use some proprietary software which would screw up our porting efforts.
So it becomes an issue of "will they" and that is what I am wondering.
Personally I don't think we will ever see ICS on the Flyer. Here are my reasons:
1. Not a lot of Flyers were sold so there is not a large user base. Thus, there is not much developer interest.
2. Sense - From what I understand from what developers have said, the kernels that HTC makes are made to work with Sense and will not work with an AOSP build.
These two things combine to make bringing ICS to the Flyer difficult and there is no one around who appears willing to do it.
I really hope that I am wrong about this but I don't think that I am.
Someone want to educate a noob?
How is it that several other devices (including HTC ones, like the Sensation) are getting ICS ports, but the Flyer/View can't? I mean, it seems unlikely that HTC released AOSP kernel sources for other devices, and even if they did, they're certainly not ICS kernels. Why is it so important for us to have an AOSP kernel (and an ICS one, at that) from HTC in order to get CM on the Flyer/View?
Oh, and then there's devices that didn't even have Android like the TouchPad, and devices that don't have their source code released, like the Kindle Fire.
I'm definitely not a developer, so I'm sure there's something I'm missing...I'm just trying to figure out what it is.
I'm repeating what developers told me or wrote here. I don't know if it is right or wrong.
I think the bottom line is that it is easier to have an AOSP kernel.
I think you can build your own kernel but that is much more work and maybe a hard thing to do.
All of the custom ROMs that we have seen for the Flyer are just modified HTC ROMs that come with certain software preinstalled or other kinds of enhancements.
More popular devices have much more developer interest. I would imagine that some less popular device owners get lucky because some developer also owns the device and is willing to spend the time.
So far, one developer said he would try to bring ICS to Flyer. He tried but gave up because of kernel issues. I don't get the impression that he did too much but at least he gave it a go. No other developer has said anything one way or the other.
I'm not holding my breath..
but, I definitely won't give up hope just yet..
The most likely path would be a port of another HTC device that uses the same processor or very similar. SO when some of the other HTC devices are released with ICS around March or so, we might see some goodness, depends on how close the hardware is and if HTC releases some source code.
DigitalMD said:
The most likely path would be a port of another HTC device that uses the same processor or very similar. SO when some of the other HTC devices are released with ICS around March or so, we might see some goodness, depends on how close the hardware is and if HTC releases some source code.
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Makes sense to me.
Shame this device hasn't received more attention.
DigitalMD said:
The most likely path would be a port of another HTC device that uses the same processor or very similar. SO when some of the other HTC devices are released with ICS around March or so, we might see some goodness, depends on how close the hardware is and if HTC releases some source code.
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This is correct and likely the only way we see ICS in a timely manner.
Sent from my HTC_Flyer_P512_NA using Tapatalk
dingnecros said:
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He's been debunked several times.
Sent from my HTC_Flyer_P512_NA using Tapatalk
So I guess the big question as far as an official update goes.. is how much effort would HTC have to put out in order to do the upgrade...
And will it be worth it for them to do so..
I guess the pen is the biggest issue prevent the ICS update
Since it only works in Sense ROM, so even we have a perfect CM9, the pen function is wasted
ytwytw said:
I guess the pen is the biggest issue prevent the ICS update
Since it only works in Sense ROM, so even we have a perfect CM9, the pen function is wasted
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Would it be possible to take the pen code from honeycomb and implement it in CM9?
ytwytw said:
I guess the pen is the biggest issue prevent the ICS update
Since it only works in Sense ROM, so even we have a perfect CM9, the pen function is wasted
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I'd be content with an AOSP rom now, with the pen worked in later.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using Tapatalk
We will see... if any devs are willing, I am sure as heck willing to help and take a crack at it myself..
You can't do AOSP without HTC's help for the kernel and drivers and since HTC only does sense kernels I'm thinking that's not going to happen. I still think a port of an HTC ICS ROM from another device is the most likely path, unless HTC is feeling exceptionally benevolent toward the Flyer. Perhaps the Jetstream tablet will get ICS and that can be ported...

[Q] ice cream sandwich 4.0

will this software upgrade eventually make its way to the TB?
Im sure this has been covered before.
Don't hold your breath. Updates seemed to be few and far between. You will see a fully functioning ICS from one of the fine developers here long before an official release comes out OTA.
Sit back, relax and soon.. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.. but soon...
We could hope that ICS makes it to the Thunderbolt.
dfurr88 said:
Im sure this has been covered before.
Don't hold your breath. Updates seemed to be few and far between. You will see a fully functioning ICS from one of the fine developers here long before an official release comes out OTA.
Sit back, relax and soon.. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.. but soon...
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Well said.
I doubt we will ever see an OFFICIAL ICS build for the Thunderbolt. I just don't see HTC and Verizon spending the time on it with all the newer phones coming out.
I am confident we will get a full ICS ROM from our developers. There is already a booting port of it. No connectivity, but it boots!
Not offically
I'm sure we'll get a good working AOSP rom, CM9 is slated to fully supported the thunderbolt, as far as from HTC is concerned, it's seems very clear that the only announced supported devices from the big manufactuers, Samsung, HTC, Motorola are the dual core phones that were made recently, theirs no doubt in my mind the thunderbolt can handle ICS very well, but it'll probably get too laggy once they throw memory and resource intensive sense on top of it. I would bet money on the fact that the thunderbolt will never see official ICS
You'll notice that the Nexus S runs it fine, and other manufacturers like Sony Ericsion that have very light skins or none at all, can upgrade to ICS, they've vowed to do it for all Xperia devices launched this year at minimum.
I so wish they would drop the skins from Android devices. ICS don't need a skin, maybe older android versions needed skins to clean it up and make it user friendly but not any more.

Sensation ICS Ruu leaked w/ sense 3.6

Makes me kind of sad... although I am really looking forwards towards a "sense-less" ICS MOD.
rbaruch said:
Makes me kind of sad... although I am really looking forwards towards a "sense-less" ICS MOD.
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I don't think that it'll be too much longer.
Binary100100 said:
I don't think that it'll be too much longer.
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no me neither, hopefully!!!1 One thing HTC has over samsung is releasing updates fast...my brothers vibrant took months and months to go from eclair to froyo!!!
seansk said:
no me neither, hopefully!!!1 One thing HTC has over samsung is releasing updates fast...my brothers vibrant took months and months to go from eclair to froyo!!!
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I also have the Vibrant and you're right... Samsung does not like releasing updates. I think they have a 1 major update per device cap or something.
Binary100100 said:
I also have the Vibrant and you're right... Samsung does not like releasing updates. I think they have a 1 major update per device cap or something.
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ya but they have the advantage of being more dev friendly!!! I'm very surprised given the history of HTC, they were basically making phones before any of these guys showed up. and yet there are always problems with their dev community...and make it much harder for the developers to work! I still don't think my brother has gingerbread!
makes me miss my sensation even more,,
I got the ICS update for my WiFi Motorola Xoom middle of last week. The OTA came out about 2 weeks after posts about its testing by a smaller group started popping-up on XDA.
However there are a few big differences here:
1) The Xoom was already on Honeycomb which is a lot closer to ICS than Gingerbread. Hopefully the Galaxy Nexus has developers already working on ICS compatibility. When I first got my Honeycomb tablet a year ago lots of applications had major problems on the new OS.
2) The Xoom is a Google Experience device so no manufacturer overlay to add complexity to the testing.
3) The WiFi Xooms are not tied to a wireless carrier.
My guess is these things are going to increase the test time. Hopefully not by too much. My first guess is a month - really depends on the quality of the early releases.
I thought I read somewhere that the update will be coming in February. But once it's out, and HTC is nice enough to release the stock rom, then we will start seeing stock ics roms with everything working.
HTC will always put Sense on all their roms.
Pretty sure ICS for the Amaze will have Sense, which isn't that bad. I think there are some decent widgets for Sense 3.6.
I hope with sense they won't force us to have that google search bar at the top of our screens

[Q] Benefits of rooting

The greatest feature of the AOS is that we are able to root our phones thanks to some very helpful people. I’ve temp rooted my Rezound because I am waiting on the official Android 4.0 from Verizon. But we’re in the middle of the 2nd quarter and I’m starting to get impatient. I have the Eris, and I can easily install ROMs on it. I also have the Driod 2 which is a pain to install ROMs. For those who have rooted their phones and place ICS on their phone, are you worried about something going wrong with the phone and not being able to return it? Should I sack up and root it? Or would you recommend that I remain on the sidelines until its safe?
ICS Rom .:. Flash. One. Now.
platinumthomas said:
The greatest feature of the AOS is that we are able to root our phones thanks to some very helpful people. I’ve temp rooted my Rezound because I am waiting on the official Android 4.0 from Verizon. But we’re in the middle of the 2nd quarter and I’m starting to get impatient. I have the Eris, and I can easily install ROMs on it. I also have the Driod 2 which is a pain to install ROMs. For those who have rooted their phones and place ICS on their phone, are you worried about something going wrong with the phone and not being able to return it? Should I sack up and root it? Or would you recommend that I remain on the sidelines until its safe?
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(We're still in Q1 unitl March 31st! And I'm running an ICS rom, alternating between Ineffabilis-Deus v1.02 and Senseless 4.0.3 v1.0.) Well first off, the official ICS from Verizon looks to be a long ways away, so if you want ICS now, I'd definitely flash an ICS rom. And no, I'm not worried at all about something malfunctioning with my phone and not being able to return it. You can almost always return to stock, so as long as you can do that, you're safe. And besides, most of the Verizon reps have no idea what an unlocked bootloader is/does, let alone know how to check for one. So you should be able to return your beast (Rezound) to Verizon if something goes wrong with it. There's my two cents.
Final Verdict: Flash an ICS rom. Whether it's Senseless or has Sense 3.6, that's up to you.
Hope I helped!
Waiting until probably May or so is not an option especially when we have such nice ROMs coming out now.
I'm running Joel's ICS Sense ROM and it's one of the nicely polished ROMs I've ever used.
I also used the Desense tool to get Nova Launcher so it looks a little bit like ICS and I gotta say, I'm extremely happy where I'm at right now. Go for it.
I say go for it too and I'm not even running ICS yet.
I am waiting for my favorite themes etc to become available for ICS before switching and I'm in no hurry anyway as I absolutely LOVE the ROM I am currently running and don't really care about ICS.
I use a couple nexus phones at work and I see no real advantage whatever to ICS.
If you root your phone it will start to fall apart. All of the ROMs will then steal your personal information and make it difficult to go to the bathroom. Then there's the issue with hand warts that people are getting with these ICS ROMs that have come out.
Do it. Stop questioning it. It's worth it.
WasabiWa83 said:
If you root your phone it will start to fall apart. All of the ROMs will then steal your personal information and make it difficult to go to the bathroom. Then there's the issue with hand warts that people are getting with these ICS ROMs that have come out.
Do it. Stop questioning it. It's worth it.
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I first started reading and I was like....lul wat?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Dude, let 'em drop. ICS is great. The devs did a great job.
Sent from my HTC Rezound using xda premium
The devs have done a great job, I used to have a DroidX and never really got into rooting and so forth, with this Rezound I told myself I would dive in head first and I am glad I did, everyone here at XDA, devs and members are very helpful and i learned everything i needed to know to learn everything from unlocking and rooting to flashing roms, and it is a breeze for the most part, always gonna be some bumps in the road, but i would DEFINITELY GO FOR IT

[Q] After 1 Week With the Rezound

Hello All,
I want to start off with a very big thank you to everyone in this community, everyone here has been very helpful to someone who is a general noob to HTC-Android devices (last HTC I owned was a TPII).
With that out of the way, I've had my Rezound for about a week and I love this phone. It feels great in the hand, has a gorgeous screen that is second to none, and an amazing camera that I'm happy to walk around with in case I need to grab a quick picture of something. Truly, this is a top notch device.
The problem I'm having is that after a week of owning this phone, I'm ready to leave stock. I was settled on CleanROM ICS for the time being until CM9 came out, but then I did some reading looking into CM9 which brought up a few questions.
1) What is S-Off and why is it important? Coming from a Droid X, I thought the important thing was an unlocked Bootloader. Why are other HTC Phones "S-Offed" and this one isn't? How does this affect ROM Development? Does this hurt the chances of CM9 making it to the Rezond (very hard to tell because they have not announced CM9 device support other than the G-Nex)?
2) What is the RIL and why is it important? This seems to be a problem amongst developers.
The main reason I bought this phone over the G-Nex was the SD-Card slot, the camera, and the screen. If development of an AOSP or AOKP is going to be lackluster because of the issues above, I still have one week to return the device and go back to my X for the time being. I will admit, I'm loving 4G, but I'm going to have this device for 2 years; I need to make sure I can get as much as I can out of this device.
Thank you as always for your answers!
EtherBoo said:
1) What is S-Off and why is it important? Coming from a Droid X, I thought the important thing was an unlocked Bootloader. Why are other HTC Phones "S-Offed" and this one isn't? How does this affect ROM Development? Does this hurt the chances of CM9 making it to the Rezond (very hard to tell because they have not announced CM9 device support other than the G-Nex)?
2) What is the RIL and why is it important? This seems to be a problem amongst developers.
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The 2 questions you have are very related. What it means, from what I understand, is custom radio developments. Also referring to your first question and your concern, that's what we are waiting on. To not rely on a leak for custom roms and to get an official OTA to base the roms off of, which refers back to your 2nd question if this device can't get s-off capability. We already have a way to flash custom kernels & roms, so at this time, s-off would just add the functionality of creating a custom radio.
Snuzzo said:
The 2 questions you have are very related. What it means, from what I understand, is custom radio developments. Also referring to your first question and your concern, that's what we are waiting on. To not rely on a leak for custom roms and to get an official OTA to base the roms off of, which refers back to your 2nd question if this device can't get s-off capability. We already have a way to flash custom kernels & roms, so at this time, s-off would just add the functionality of creating a custom radio.
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So what makes custom radios important?
EtherBoo said:
So what makes custom radios important?
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it's more of nodding radios and not creating them. the only advantage is possibly better signal(depending on location,prl and tower) which leads to better voice quality but since this is high end as it is it might not even make a better difference even with possible data speed increases.
dyetheskin said:
it's more of nodding radios and not creating them. the only advantage is possibly better signal(depending on location,prl and tower) which leads to better voice quality but since this is high end as it is it might not even make a better difference even with possible data speed increases.
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It sounds to me like an excuse not to develop on this device if this is really something stopping us from a solid AOSP or AOKP build.
I'm really torn. I want a Sense-less ICS ROM, but I really love this phone. I have a week left before I can return it. I suppose worst case I could steal my wife's upgrade in May and give her this phone if we don't see development start picking up.
Unrelated, I'm starting to think this device will never see a solid 5.0 build. CM9 isn't even out of beta and official device support is still showing CM7 devices.
I guess it's a tough decision. At least my wife is willing to take this phone.
The radio isn't the issue. The RIL in android is. I don't know of any android devices that have needed modded radios in order to get AOSP working. There is a working build of MIUI with 4G working... but it seems like the dev wants to get it perfect before he releases it. Once that is done we should be able to get CM9.
But by all means though, if you don't like sense, get a nexus. It is possible nothing will ever be released though so don't hinge your plans on it.
con247 said:
The radio isn't the issue. The RIL in android is. I don't know of any android devices that have needed modded radios in order to get AOSP working. There is a working build of MIUI with 4G working... but it seems like the dev wants to get it perfect before he releases it. Once that is done we should be able to get CM9.
But by all means though, if you don't like sense, get a nexus. It is possible nothing will ever be released though so don't hinge your plans on it.
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So con247- Do you think there is a chance that an ASOP ril will never be developed?
I guess my question is- how is the rezound>RIL>sense different than rezound>RIL>ASOP? If that makes sense?
It is possible it won't ever happen, but I have 99% faith it will be completed soonish.
EtherBoo said:
It sounds to me like an excuse not to develop on this device if this is really something stopping us from a solid AOSP or AOKP build.
I'm really torn. I want a Sense-less ICS ROM, but I really love this phone. I have a week left before I can return it. I suppose worst case I could steal my wife's upgrade in May and give her this phone if we don't see development start picking up.
Unrelated, I'm starting to think this device will never see a solid 5.0 build. CM9 isn't even out of beta and official device support is still showing CM7 devices.
I guess it's a tough decision. At least my wife is willing to take this phone.
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Seems like an odd thing to buy a phone on the expectation of AOSP. I'm pretty sure we will see a solid AOSP ROM before long though. Not sure how development is going to pick up much more than it is. We have a ton of great ROMs that these awesome devs have been working on tirelessly since before the unlock was even announced. It's only been four months since the phone came out. The development has been moving at breakneck speed! The lack of flashing unsigned radios has no bearing on ROM developing. Con is dead on. Patience folks.

