[Q] AVD start help - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hope this is the correct place to ask:
I am doing my first steps on apps writing.
I've installed the Android SDK step by step as explained.
I used the "SDK Manager.exe" to install the tools, 4.03 and 2.2 packages (SDK platform, Google APIs etc..).
I used the "AVD Manager.exe" to created an AVD.
When I am trying to run this AVD ("Start" button) I see a small window for few seconds with a running bar at the bottom, then it disappears and nothing else happen.
I tried to install the same on a friend's computer and it worked ok!
I deleted the SDK folder, tried install again from scratch but no success.
I noticed a windows process "emulator-arm.exe" in the processes list in the task manager when I am trying to run the AVD.
Any idea for my computer (WinXP 32 bit)?
Thanks for any help.

How long have you waited before giving up on it? For me at least, the first time opening it took around five minutes.
Another thing to try would be right clicking it in the start menu and clicking "Run as Administrator."

I've waited long enough.. Just kept working few hours but nothing happened.
It's not the booting waiting time- it even won't launch the emulator.
I see the attached window for few seconds, then it disappears and thats all.
And I am the computer administrator..

When I try to restart the computer (or turn off) it stuck, I get the attached messege. I press "End Now" button, the window disappears but still nothing happen and the computer won't turn off.
It seems to be a windows problem?
Is there a place I can check something? (Registry?)

Did you try re-installing the SDK and other tools?

As I described on the first messege- I tried remove, delete, reinstall everything few times. No success with the problem..


Thanks for the help everyone. My problem is solved.

my lappie which is a
Windows Vista 32 bit
it is not detecting the APX mentioned in the thread
Now I am fixed in a reboot loop and I have tried everything suggested in this thread
OK I know I had no business doing this because I dont know the D of developing....
but the TNT Lite worked so well and was so easy to install I got carried away by it and tried to install the amd to let my computer detect the gtab. this is where I got stuck!!
to start from the beginning
I installed TNT lite on my GTab and it worked really well, I could see Youtube videos and access the Android market
Then I thought I should maybe transfer a few files to the Gtab so I could view them, but when I tried to do that I found out it was another long process, Normally being a non developer I would have probably just tried to find out a non hacking method to do this like download it from gmail or something. Or just use an SD card
But it had been so easy to install the alternate ROM from instructions in this forum I thought maybe it wouldnt be a big issue..sad!!
It was!
Now my one day old GTab wont start up and if it does it just keeps displaying a weird kind of screen with squares on it which I am assuming is the reboot screen
And so I tried to use Nvflash to restore it like mentioned in the thread above but my lappie wont detect it at all..
So now I really need help before I attempt anything else on my own
I dont want to send my Tablet back and would appreciate any help from experienced developers like you guys...!
Please do help me and I promise never to attempt something like this again..!!
please !!!! anyone!!!!!
First, I think you need to breathe. Patience is a virtue. *NOTHING* about being excited will help. So calm down first, then go.
Did you install the drivers listed on that page?
Here's a direct link:
Getting them to install can be a bit tricky, though, since it's not an executable. Download it, unzip it, go into the Flash USB folder, go into the USB folder, right click on the nvidiausb.inf file, and select install. That *should* install the driver. However, it might not. If it doesn't, post back and say what happened.
And as far as transferring files - there's no need to hack to do that. Just connect via USB, pull down the USB attachment notification on your tablet, and say connect. Then drag and drop on the computer. Done.
tedlogan42 said:
First, I think you need to breathe. Patience is a virtue. *NOTHING* about being excited will help. So calm down first, then go.
Did you install the drivers listed on that page?
Getting them to install can be a bit tricky, though, since it's not an executable. Download it, unzip it, go into the Flash USB folder, go into the USB folder, right click on the nvidiausb.inf file, and select install. That *should* install the driver. However, it might not. If it doesn't, post back and say what happened.
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Thanks, I think I did forget to breathe..
It says " the inf file you selected does not support this method of install"
Alright. Crap. I forgot that happened to me too when I had to do it.
I think I had to install it via using Device Manager. Here's how you can get to it in Vista (I'm about to sleep, so I'm saving typing time):
Once you've got that open, go ahead and boot the tablet into APX mode, meaning that from a powered-off state, you'll hold down the power and volume - buttons simultaneously until your G-Tab comes up and the goes back to a black screen (words stolen from the original NVflash post).
Connect it to your computer (while Device Manager is opened). When you connect it, you should see a new device appear that is labeled Unknown Device. Right click on it, and select Properties. Click the Driver tab (may be different - I'm on 7, but I think it's the same). Click the Update Driver button. Choose the "browse my computer for driver software." Using the browse function, point it to the folder with the inf in it (%wherever_you_extracted_it%\System USB\Flash USB\USB). Click Next.
I think that's what I had to do on mine when I borked my tablet with an experimental build of Vegan Ginger. If the driver installs, that should allow you to then go on with the rest of the directions. If it doesn't, post more information. I can't promise I'll be on any time soon, but maybe someone else can help out if they're up.
ok it says at the end when I have pointed it at the driver file (NVidiaUsb.inf)
"The folder you specified doesnt contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver make sure that it is designed to work with windows for 32 bit systems."
This is what happened last time also, and then the system says that I already have the most compatible driver for the system and puts me on "Microsoft WPD filesystem volume driver"
EDIT: I should mention that I also had a tough time deleting my NVidia driver, but as soon as it was deleted, it was automatically replaced by the "Microsoft WPD filesystem volume driver"
Not sure what to tell you. The INF clearly points to the x86 version, so it should install. Is there more than one unknown device in your device manager? If so, you might somehow have the wrong one, though the approach earlier should have made it easier to track the new one.
Sorry. You might want to try getting on IRC to see if other people have some bright ideas. An NVFlash does seem like what you need to do, though.
EDIT: I did some digging into the forums (you should probably continue that). Here's a thread all about these drivers.
If those fail, there's another method that involves installing the entire SDK, which is linked on this thread (the second post about the MSI):
However, my impression is that that option might create more complexity than it's worth.
I haven't done anything but what I explained earlier (if I remember right - it's been a while), so I can't talk about any other approach. However, these will at least maybe make my failure into less of a dead end.
I ran into the exact same problem a few weeks ago after installing CM7...
I used a program called USBDEVIEW and just obliterated all the usb drivers (I guess the safe way is to remove any mention of Nvidia usb devices) and rebooted the computer. Let the system reinstall all the USB devices. Restarted the computer again. AND ONLY THEN did I plug in the gTablet. Once plugged in, the system automatically installed drivers and recognized the tablet, you may have to point to the inf file if it fails to install automatically.
USBDeview from CNet
Good luck!
Don't let this setback keep you from using great ROMS like VEGAn Tab Gingerbread RC1... once you've mastered the NVFlash process and CWM recovery install (I prefer the external CWM install) you are all set for other mishaps.
supergroverthm said:
I ran into the exact same problem a few weeks ago after installing CM7...
I used a program called USBDEVIEW and just obliterated all the usb drivers (I guess the safe way is to remove any mention of Nvidia usb devices) and rebooted the computer. Let the system reinstall all the USB devices. Restarted the computer again. AND ONLY THEN did I plug in the gTablet. Once plugged in, the system automatically installed drivers and recognized the tablet, you may have to point to the inf file if it fails to install automatically.
USBDeview from CNet
Good luck!
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I tried to uninstall the nvidia drivers using USB deview, it asked me if I wanted to uninstall drivers I said yes but I can still see the drivers in the USB list
Is that ok?
You need to run USBDeview as an administrator. Right click on "USBDeview.exe" select "run as administrator" and then when you are asked to confirm, click "yes"
Only then when you "uninstall selected device" the device will disappear. Otherwise you are only in view mode.
supergroverthm said:
You need to run USBDeview as an administrator. Right click on "USBDeview.exe" select "run as administrator" and then when you are asked to confirm, click "yes"
Only then when you "uninstall selected device" the device will disappear. Otherwise you are only in view mode.
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OK I just figured that out and was coming to post that. Thanks for realising that is what I was doing..
I conneccted the tablet to my PC.but it still does not detect it
The only time my PC detected it was the first time when I pointed it to the nvflash folder. After that it has never detected it and I havent seen the yellow ! icon.
what am I doing wrong?
Firstly, powerdown the gTab.
Turn on power while holding "vol -" to enter into APX mode (you'll see the viewsonic birds then the screen will go blank)
On the bottom right corner of the Vista screen, click on the USB icon that says "safely remove hardware and eject media"
Look at the list the pops up, does one of the devices say APX?
no It only says safely remove mass storage device
oh wait
my tablet switched on to the reboot screen and didnt stay black
trying it again
it installed "NVIDIA boot recovery driver for mobile devices", is that correct?
This is where I get stuck, my device manager doesnt show the apx at all whatever I do, what am I doing wrong?
I think there was a way to overlook safety signatures somewhere but I couldnt get to do it,
Is there some way I can ask my computer to overlook the safety signatures?
EXCELLENT!!! Now you are ready for NVFlash instructions:
BTW, you will not be able to see the device under windows explorer as in the normal way such as "D:" "E:" etc drive.
Once you get everything setup per the above instructions and run "nvflash_gtablet.bat" you will see the flashing process in the text box.
Just want to make sure...
Under Vista Device Manager
-- "universal serial bus controllers" you have "NVIDIA USB Boot-recovery driver for Mobile devices"
supergroverthm said:
Just want to make sure...
Under Vista Device Manager
-- "universal serial bus controllers" you have "NVIDIA USB Boot-recovery driver for Mobile devices"
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Yes I do, so I should start the process now?
THANKS a lot, will update you as it goes on.
Yes, follow Roebeet's instructions and you should be set. Also play it safe and keep your gTab plugged in unless you are sure of the amount of battery life left.

[Q] SDK Manager crashes on open. Tried reinstalling everything.

I am getting quite frustrated after spending the last 6-7 hours combing the net for answers only to have a bunch of failed attempts, please help.
I am trying to root my Xoom which is running 3.2.1 and I installed the SDK manager (C:\android-sdk-windows) and Java JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02) but everytime I open SDK, the cmd window closes just as fast as it opens. I have completely reinstalled everything multiple times, trying multiple locations for SDK, and different values for the environmental variables (run - sysdm.cpl - advanced - environmental variables - system variables - PATH).
I had it working earlier today and installed adb but could not find the device when I ran cmd - "adb reboot bootloader". So I tried a few other methods and it crashed.
What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to root it using this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17135571&posted=1#post17135571
Is there a better way that won't run the risk of killing my wifi like I say on another post?

[Q] Messed up drivers

I was getting device not found errors trying to sideload CyanogenMod. Googling indicated that I needed to install Google USB drivers. I was following visualgdb.com/tutorials/android/usbdebug/manualinstall.php and the Android SDK Manager showed that I had 3 packages to delete and 20 to install. I first OK'd the 3 to delete, but that 20 to install dropped to 17. Then I proceeded with that. The download lookedl like it was going to take hours, so I concluded that many of the packages (which I didn't recognize) were not needed -- I just need the Google USB drivers.
There was no Cancel button, so I closed the window. When I tried to re-run the Android SDK Manager, I get a popup window saying "Failed to execute tools\android.bat:, error 2".
I think I corrupted something by closing the package update/install window. What do I have to do to clean this up?

[Q] Lockscreen Reset Trio (generic crap) tablet. NO debugging.

Almighty! lets get started,
I have a 64 bit computer running Windows 7 professional.
First let me mention I tried to fix this on my own. darn I tried.
Just plugging the tablet into computer shows a windows explorer page named Autoplay that let me view pictures on device on a folder named
Computer\Trio HD Elite 7.85 Tablet
Installed android-studio-bundle-141.1903250-windows in
Error- SDK required.
Downloaded jdk-7u79-windows-x64 (java development kit)-install reboot PC
Open C:\Andriod in windows explorer, open SDK Manager
A command prompt window flashes briefly, then closes.
click start, search for run key in sysdm.cpl go to advanced, environment variables create new path named JAVA_HOME that does directly to the java .exe file
(this was checked by reinstalling the java development kit, then opening Java typing where java it tells me C:\Windows\System 32 even though the path is
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79
opening ADB works!
Download Extras- Android USB Driver
open CMD key in
cd C:\Andriod\platform-tools
this brings me to the directory where Android ADB is.
abd devices
no devices detected.
Installed Samsung Kiles.
TRIED to install PDAnet.. failure.
tried to open Device manager, where a entry marked Trio HD Elite 7.85 Tablet sits, and update the driver to the C:\Andriod\extras\google\usb_driver
it complains about driver being unsigned. Using This guide I used step Two downloaded Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (DSEO) and ran it.
went into the C:\Andriod\extras\google\usb_driver folder and manually keyed in every title in the folder.
each time program stated had signed successfully. The computer is now saying test mode in the bottom right hand corner. however trying to update driver gives same error.
I'm amusing the device needs to be in developer mode, which it cant be put into because it's locked.
The Trio Support is useless there steps do not open any settings. Also tried a list of alternate ways to open tablet recovery. and since ADB isn't reconizing the device I can't run adb reboot recovery
So. end result, im here with coffee and no milk,
A generic tablet cobbled together from who knows where,
and a locked screen.
Think you can help?
ANY assistance is appreciated.
So i have a cheap generic tablet that says Trio Stealth G4X 7.85

2 brand new KFHD6. One connects to ADB, the other doesn't.

I installed ADB and fastboot from http://lifehacker.com/the-easiest-way-to-install-androids-adb-and-fastboot-to-1586992378 and Bloater from http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/debloater-remove-carrier-bloat-t2998294.
I have one KFHD6 that got the OTA 4.5.4 update prior to anything else. This one connects to my PC just fine and ADB works. It's the device I used to install PDANet, which helped me get the computer to recognize the Kindle in ADB.
I took another KFHD6 out of the box today (on 4.5.3), ADB was enabled by default, I did not setup Wi-Fi so I could keep 4.5.3. When I connect it to my PC, I get the Autoplay popup on my computer, but ADB does not connect. There's no prompt to trust the computer. I've tried the same cable. I've tried turning ADB off and back on. I've rebooted my devices.
I did notice that the Autoplay icon is different for the two Kindles. The 4.5.4 looks like a phone ( http://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Open-Device-to-View-Files-AutoPlay.png ). The 4.5.3 looks like a tablet like the icon here ( http://cnet1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r.../066e9701a8d91559092f149bd6b32516/drivers.jpg )
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
I figured it out. I don't have PDANet installed on the 2nd Kindle. Can someone tell me the path in the Silk Browser to execute the apk? For example,
But that's not it. I don't have Internet on the Kindle yet, because I don't want OTA updates, so I can't install ES Explorer from the Store. I just need to be able to execute the APK file that I transferred to the Kindle via the USB cable. Thanks!
I figured THAT out. But Silk is not executing the file. It states that it has to download it and that it can be found in Downloads, but then the screen goes black and nothing happens. I hit home to get out of Silk, go back in and it's still black. If I reboot, and then open Silk, it asks if I want to restore my tabs. Yes, gives a black screen. No puts me back at the Silk browser again. The file doesn't show up in the Downloads section of Silk, so I'm unable to execute it. Surely there's a way to install APK files without ES Explorer (I'd actually like to install ES Explorer, but without Internet access).
Which came first--the chicken or the egg? Please help. Thanks!
I have yet to figure this out. I have several KFHD6's. The first one was a breeze to get ADB working. The second one had trouble, but it finally started working when I uninstalled the driver from the Device Manager and the ADB Driver installed. I have 3 more new Kindles which don't want to get on the ADB bus. Does anyone have any suggestions? Here's what I've done:
Installed Minimal ADB and Fastboot (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790)
Installed PdaNet (http://pdanet.co/)
Installed Android SDK (http://dl.google.com/android/installer_r24.3.3-windows.exe)
Updated an inf file and tried to update the driver (http://www.jayceooi.com/how-to-install-kindle-fire-adb-usb-driver/)
The first worked after the first 2 bullets. The second worked after the first 3 bullets and then uninstalling the driver in the Device Manager. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the solution if anyone has this problem:
Plug in the new device. Let it install the driver in Device Manager. Right-click --> Properties on it. Uninstall device and unplug it. Reboot your PC and you Kindle. Plug your Kindle back in.
It was that easy for me--on 2 new devices. The 3rd was literally plug-and-play. Very weird.

