Caller ID picking up Cellphones! - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ive done a few searches on this and im coming up stumped. Its been so long since i have been on the factory rom/kernel that i am curious if this particular feature is stock. When people call me from there cellphones, i am getting first and last names on the call display. This is quite possibly the best feature ever (for a used car salesman like myself). It doesn't appear to always show a name for some reason, but the majority of times it is. Is this something the xda community has built for the phones?

Are you saying that it is showing first and last name of people who are NOT already in your contact list?

Yah, This guy called me today from Edmonton, never met him in my life, was calling about a car ad. Ryan XxXxXx, I actually asked him if he was calling me from his cell because his full name was showing. He said Yes.

Doubt it's a phone feature. Check with your carrier.



Last week on a business trip to Rome, my XDA got stolen..
Offcourse I had it blocked as soon as possible and have password protection on it, but resetting it would make it usable for anyone.
If anyone sees a secondhand XDA for sale from Italy (where they are not sold) please remember me....
IMEI: 350312010049224
S/N : HT220CC15367
P/N : 99HJ00007-00
So... when is this new model XDA comming on the market?!
We thought of a program to stick into ROM which would, after cold-boot, send one SMS to a pre-determined number. Could be a friend's number, or possibly even a web-service, where you can look up all the phone numbers of all SIMs ever in that phone at cold-boot. You could even wait a few days to see if the owner field was ever filled out...
Please go into that, as I will buy an XDA again but feel quite bad about this one stolen and would very much want something to have a little more protection/means of getting it back.
I saw an advertisement on about a software that would automatically send emails with IP adresses when a stolen laptop is connected to internet.
Something like that could possibly be an option in a theft-recovery program?
Great idea XDA developer Peter guys should definitly do that!!
XDA developer Peter Poelman, that is one of the best ideas I have heard of!! If there were a server you could register your XDA on, then install the 'tracking' software it would be very cool.
Would it even be possible to get a fix on the location by picking up the nodes that the XDA is near? Effectively your XDA would text you its location, name of the new owner and new number to server where you could pickup the info. Hay-presto, you can inform the provider and authorities and maybe even get it back. I bet you could even sell the software to the providers!!
Hold on guys, if you developed such a ROM, it should be clearly stated that it is doing that. I can imagine, if people started offering ROMS, that made unsolicited calls to premium rate numbers, that would be a great, and illegal, business venture.
Anything, that works behind the scenes must be clearly highlighted if trust is to be maintained in a public community
Sounds good though. If i could find all the people that have stolen bits and pieces from me, revenge would be sweet!
I guess that watching out for ROMs that have spy-wearz or nasty apps in the background ARE possible, there could be something about now. Let’s face it the ROM tool is not that hard to understand. And if someone was really that nasty they could make a lot of money in a very short period. After all a premium rate text number has no price cap. But lets not get in to that right now.
The answer to this, like a lot of things in IT is A trust in the developer, B trust that is has not been hackled – as above and C you have noting to hide.
The provider can already see al the calls and text that the sent from your phone. So the only thing for them to see would be your ROM version.
If this was made a voluntary process and secure I can see it doing a lot more good than harm.
Also another though on the spy wear bit, it would be good to have an app that watches the activity on you device and allow you to see it.
Sorry for the rant, Gil.
Oh yeah, we've thought of nasty things one could do. Possibly more scary still: if you have this Action Engine framework, someone holding a private key somewhere can remotely update your ROM, without telling you.
perhaps thats how o2 intended to upgrade in the future?
is it easy to place the AE exe file back onto the xda? its just the one file right?
No, it's a whole bunch of files. They were installed from the operator section of the ROM, though AutoConfig.exe, into device RAM.
I'm not really into the programming stuff, but I was just thinking...
If such a thing was to be implemented, you would not want it to be active until your device actually got lost. So how do you tell your device (that probably has a different SIM card in it) that it should start to broadcast it's location and new SIM information? And where to?
I was thinking of a site where you should register, very securely and only upon activating the 'tracking' program from this secure site that a constantly updated log file of all nodes where the device is connected to a GSM/GPRS network would state the deveice's location.
With this list (and possibly the information of the new SIM card) it should definatly be possible to retrieve the device, with collaboration from the provider/authorities ofcourse.
Also I heard a provider can locate any GSM down to 5meters accuratly when the phone is being used, about 100 meters when the device is on stand-by. Don't know for shure if this is true though.
If things like these could be incorporated, this would be the best software/ROM update ever to be made in my opinion. If there is any way in wich I could be of any help I would gladly be of service!
Two complimentary options would be:
the XDA sends a message to a server whenever the SIM card is changed, unless you enter a particular password first.
Send a specifically crafted sms to the XDA that causes it to realize that it is stolen. This starts it sending location info to the server.
I think you could switch XDA in to stolen mode using a broadcast directly to the PIN on the phone. This is how P2P works in the US instead of SMS. This could be done from a web site and the user of the stolen phone would not know until it was too late.
But then again I may be wrong?
this is all good and well, but there will be always someone out there that says this is a privacy thing and they do not want people knowing where they are using their XDA
What should be developed is a Rom that once the owner name has changed, the XDA will then send a message to a server(if the XDA is registered) informing of the new number of the inserted SIM, the IMEI number and all other numbers/contacts straight to your provider. they then contact the new provider for information on the new owner. send the bissies round and reclaim your XDA.
this would be big money to phone service providers as it would reduce the amount of insuance claims and hastle.
if it can be done, then I will be buying it (once i own the XDA !!)

Skype for all Android
that's right, is doesn't work on the Vibrant.
guess what it does not work on vibrant 2.1
amorek13 said:
guess what it does not work on vibrant 2.1
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It appears that it doesn't work on any galaxy s phone..
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
It's a POS app
no Video calling
no group calling
They waited this long to release this Garbage?
Fring was doing an excellent job, until Skype shut them down.
UGH SKYPE is a POS company
Galaxy S owners get the shaft ... yet again! Maybe we should just recognize the fact that AT&T/iPhone 4 is the best game in town and quit trying to play catch up.
There is a GPS fix that allows it to work excellent. Get over it.
dcchristopher said:
Well, at least we all now know a little more about the two of you. I don't blame you entirely for your disgraceful behavior. Surely your upbringing had a lot to do with it.
I don't see how what I said was inflammatory but perhaps it was misperceived. Allow me to explain: I paid $500 for this device. I honestly don't even need the phone aspect of it. I just need it to access the internet (email, web, etc), then as a media player, and then occasionally as a GPS device. The calling capabilities are literally icing on the cake. Let's just skip the whole GPS part since that needs no introduction. It simply doesn't work (unless you consider your location jumping around every 10 seconds "working" ... yeah, what fun it is to be hearing erroneous directions from your GPS device). T-mobile's voice and data services have been quite paltry in my experience. Calls drop quite often and that's something many Tmo subscribers complain about, especially near downtown and on a NexusOne. Moreover, data takes FOREVER to connect. I could be getting 4mbps/2mbps one second, then 750k/300k the next, then incessant data connection attempts with no data being transmitted ... until I reboot my phone. WTF??? A month ago I was driving from Dallas to San Antonio and got nothing but Edge the whole way down ... all along an interstate highway (albeit one of the worst I've ever seen) ... the phone was even occasionally switching to "G" and it took me forever to remember what that stood for ... GPRS!!! I haven't seen that since the 90s.
If you guys think it is acceptable to get ripped off like that, for hardware and services, by all means continue condoning and promoting Tmo and Sammy's failures and inaction by rewarding them for all that. These phones went on sale 7/15, around the same time Tmo announced their HSPA+ network. Three months later, you expect at least "an" action. No credits, no buy-backs, no remedies ... only failed promises. If you bought a car that couldn't perform as advertised and spec'd, I'm sure you would act differently.
But ... judging from your comments above, you guys are entirely worthy of your fate.
P.S. I dislike Apple fanboys just as much as the next guy but at some point we all need to man up to the facts ... the iPhone has the best user experience ... and Windows Phone 7 offers the best development experience (trust me, I have written/am writing apps for all three). The only thing positive about Android in my opinion is the tight integration of all the Google apps and services ... which oddly are not favored by many Android fans on this site ... in addition, they are increasingly being integrated in the other platforms as well (albeit not fast enough). Again, why Android? If it's because you want to be this decade's equivalent of the 90s' Linux geek who spends all day customizing the OS and the environment instead of actually using it and putting to good use, then have fun! Don't feel bad ... most people do not learn from history's lessons either!
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Believe me I hear you, but you make your case weak. Individual experience differs from Joe to Jane.
The biggest advantage of Android over the other's is the hardware support for every major mobile manufacturer.
And Windows Mobile 7? We will see how the numbers look by the Xmas.
Yes, I am a linux geek, but I didn't purchase my phone because I am one.
As for the OP, Skype went downhill once they went to bed with the big red.
So why do you have a tmo vibrant? Why not get an i*hone? There are pros and cons to any device and any carrier...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
lqaddict said:
Believe me I hear you, but you make your case weak. Individual experience differs from Joe to Jane.
The biggest advantage of Android over the other's is the hardware support for every major mobile manufacturer.
And Windows Mobile 7? We will see how the numbers look by the Xmas.
Yes, I am a linux geek, but I didn't purchase my phone because I am one.
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I really wanted Android to succeed but it hasn't and I'm not necessarily blaming Android itself. I just don't see how I can choose it when the hardware and carrier are dropping the ball. All three (OS, hardware, carrier) are part and parcel. "Hardware support" is not enough when the hardware itself is not cutting it. First the Hero had build quality and connectivity issues, now the Vibrant has an elusive Froyo build and major GPS issues (in response to a previous post, I have yet to see a truly working "fix" and I have installed most if not all of them ... whoever claims it's now perfectly working is smoking something he/she should share with the rest of us).
Thank you for keeping an open mind and I do agree with you that individual experiences will vary but let's agree that this forum is proof that there are major unaddressed problems with this phone.
junkdruggler said:
So why do you have a tmo vibrant? Why not get an i*hone? There are pros and cons to any device and any carrier...
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Thank you for applying intelligence and not resorting to childish name-calling ... simply put, I left AT&T after a decade of being their customer because my non-iPhone superphones (usually purchased from abroad but compatible with US 3G) were being intentionally disregarded by their network in favor of the iPhone devices out there ... $110 a month for a discriminating data service is not acceptable. iPhones are also a little "too user-friendly" for me. I preferred a more open platform. At this point though, I will settle for a device that "just works". That is what every iPhone user will tell you out there ... the s*** just works. A phone is something that should enable you to do things with it, whether it's productivity, app development, multimedia, services, etc. A phone is not a perpetual hack factory, at least not as a primary device. If people want a side project to play with, great. What I have seen on this forum though is that most people need a phone that works for them, not the other way around.
I am waiting for the first generation WP7 phones to roll out and see what drama will ensue, if any. As you very astutely stated, "there are pros and cons to any device and any carrier". I really enjoy the WP7 mobile app development environment and so long as the phones are not involved in yet another fiasco, I will most likely get one. If not, the iPhone it is.
I'm not trolling and I do not mean to offend hard-core Linux super-users/developers but this business of shoddy phones, shoddy service and endless "hacking" is not right when we're all paying 50-100 a month for service and 200-500 for devices. I am surprised that people are not up in arms about it. There really needs to be a class-action lawsuit over this. I know, a handful of lawyers will just make a shipload of money. Still, companies cannot get away with this sort of negligence. This isn't the first time and it sure as heck won't be the last.
Vote with your dollars and best luck to you,
If browse over the iphone forums you will see the plethora of posts complaining about this and that on the iphone too.
There is no magic cookie cater for anything, you will always find something to be not up to your standards.
What confuses me the most is people complaining about the features that are not being the prime in the market cliché they are shopping - for instance, neither Android nor iOS are good examples of the enterprise use, but people still insist that my phone does not integrate well with my corporate Exchange environment the way I *want* hence the product sucks.
Everything has its pluses and minuses, it's up to an individual to weigh in the pros and cons to make a conscious buying decision.
lqaddict said:
If browse over the iphone forums you will see the plethora of posts complaining about this and that on the iphone too.
There is no magic cookie cater for anything, you will always find something to be not up to your standards.
What confuses me the most is people complaining about the features that are not being the prime in the market cliché they are shopping - for instance, neither Android nor iOS are good examples of the enterprise use, but people still insist that my phone does not integrate well with my corporate Exchange environment the way I *want* hence the product sucks.
Everything has its pluses and minuses, it's up to an individual to weigh in the pros and cons to make a conscious buying decision.
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I really want to say "I hear ya" but here's the deal ...
a) I glanced over the iPhone fora and I am not seeing anything glaring ... mostly basic user ignorance (configuration / customization issues)
b) all the iPhone users I have asked what their biggest complaint is about their phone give me the same "huh?" look ... their phone just works
c) all the major issues with iPhone 4 were addressed with some sort of fix or another, even if all it took was a rubber band ... I have friends who exchanged their phone well after the 30 days because of the proximity sensor issue (just as an example) ... clearly, Apple took ownership of resolving the deal-breaking issues
When I walked into a T-mobile store after the first 30 days and said "I will not put up with this GPS BS" they kindly restated their return policy, gave me Samsung's support number and sent me on my not-so-merry way. When I contacted Samsung, I was told to simply wait for the update as there was no fix for it so a replacement wouldn't accomplish anything. The customer service rep literally laughed when I mentioned a return of the product for refund.
You're absolutely right ... there will always be issues but this isn't a matter of preference or individual taste ... these companies are failing to deliver what they promised and what we have paid for and rightfully deserve. I am in no way saying that the iPhone is perfect; I'm sure I would have something to complain about from time to time ... but when I borrow friends' phones to "play" with, the iPhone is fast and responsive and hasn't failed me once. Load SpeedTest side-by-side. The "Begin Test" button lights up literally instantly. I know the Galaxy S phones have the same hardware. Why is it they can't be as responsive?
As I previously mentioned, I was with AT&T (or one of the companies it acquired or merged with) for over a decade until the Hero came out and I switched to Sprint. Then I went to T-mobile for the Vibrant. I will just make my rounds until I find something that works. My problem is that I get way too overexcited about the technology and jump ship before it has had a chance to prove itself. Right now the iPhone 4 has proved itself fairly well. As I said though, as a mobile apps developer, I really want WP7 to work out so I will _try_ to wait and see. The development experience is "magnifique!"
It's really disheartening to see android sinking like this because if googles ignorant attitude. I agree with you, if google woukd be a bit more proactive like Apple or Microsoft (now that they revamped) and set a standard for the OS requirement, quality control. We can all breath better. I have a bad feeling that once wm7 hit, Android will be the new WM6.5, a cheap buggy and unorganized akternative for manuftre and carriers.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
PaiPiePia said:
It's really disheartening to see android sinking like this because if googles ignorant attitude. I agree with you, if google woukd be a bit more proactive like Apple or Microsoft (now that they revamped) and set a standard for the OS requirement, quality control. We can all breath better. I have a bad feeling that once wm7 hit, Android will be the new WM6.5, a cheap buggy and unorganized akternative for manuftre and carriers.
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Thank you for chiming in. Hopefully Android will survive, even if only because competition is a good thing. I think most of the issues faced today (so-called fragmentation, etc) will be resolved in the re-architecture being introduced in Android 3.0. I'm more concerned about the carriers and hardware manufacturers closing up shop after a phone has been released and only looking forward to the next model. What good is it if Android survives and succeeds if I am the one left holding the dud? "Oh, just pay another two to five hundred dollars." The worst part is that the user/owner community turns a blind eye to the egregious failures in the name of fandom. That is NOT the way to organize and effect change.
dcchristopher said:
I really want to say "I hear ya" but here's the deal ...
a) I glanced over the iPhone fora and I am not seeing anything glaring ... mostly basic user ignorance (configuration / customization issues)
b) all the iPhone users I have asked what their biggest complaint is about their phone give me the same "huh?" look ... their phone just works
c) all the major issues with iPhone 4 were addressed with some sort of fix or another, even if all it took was a rubber band ... I have friends who exchanged their phone well after the 30 days because of the proximity sensor issue (just as an example) ... clearly, Apple took ownership of resolving the deal-breaking issues
When I walked into a T-mobile store after the first 30 days and said "I will not put up with this GPS BS" they kindly restated their return policy, gave me Samsung's support number and sent me on my not-so-merry way. When I contacted Samsung, I was told to simply wait for the update as there was no fix for it so a replacement wouldn't accomplish anything. The customer service rep literally laughed when I mentioned a return of the product for refund.
You're absolutely right ... there will always be issues but this isn't a matter of preference or individual taste ... these companies are failing to deliver what they promised and what we have paid for and rightfully deserve. I am in no way saying that the iPhone is perfect; I'm sure I would have something to complain about from time to time ... but when I borrow friends' phones to "play" with, the iPhone is fast and responsive and hasn't failed me once. Load SpeedTest side-by-side. The "Begin Test" button lights up literally instantly. I know the Galaxy S phones have the same hardware. Why is it they can't be as responsive?
As I previously mentioned, I was with AT&T (or one of the companies it acquired or merged with) for over a decade until the Hero came out and I switched to Sprint. Then I went to T-mobile for the Vibrant. I will just make my rounds until I find something that works. My problem is that I get way too overexcited about the technology and jump ship before it has had a chance to prove itself. Right now the iPhone 4 has proved itself fairly well. As I said though, as a mobile apps developer, I really want WP7 to work out so I will _try_ to wait and see. The development experience is "magnifique!"
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I guess I went to the apple forums before the proximity sensor issues were resolved, and it was Vibrant GPS Redux over there.
I am glad that Apple took care of the problem after a few updates to their iOS, but as with the GPS issues on our phones the proximity sensor should've been caught during the QA, I am not gonna say anything about Antennagate.
Hopefully GPS will be patched for good on the Vibrant too, and no I do not need the proof that it is addressed with the latest update - faster locks does not mean accuracy.
scrizz said:
Fring was doing an excellent job, until Skype shut them down.
UGH SKYPE is a POS company
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Its those bloody Iphone Users that were clogging up the servers using Fring that caused fring to gett banned from skype
cdill3000 said:
Its those bloody Iphone Users that were clogging up the servers using Fring that caused fring to gett banned from skype
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Don't let Skype off the hook though ... I used to be a big fan of theirs but they've been very slow with delivering platform-specific clients and they seem to be playing favorites and such. Closing the door on fring, a very, very open solution out there, was a deplorable thing to do.
It doesn't matter folks ... when Google comes out with their VOIP service, and you KNOW they will (Gizmo5 acquisition, etc), all these other (dis-)services will be obliterated. I predict Google will establish its own data-only cell carrier (cause data is all you need anyway) ... hopefully within the next 2-3 years.
I know this thread kinda derailed off topic, but imma put my two cents in.
I do kinda agree with DCC, at my workplace pretty much everyone has some sort of smart phone. When the subject of phones comes up, I am the first one to bang my chest and yell ANDROID~!
But the sad truth is, iphone users like the iphone because IT DOES WHAT THEY NEED IT TO DO. they really dont care about all the stuff we have come to love about android.
So they are happy and content, while we are up till the wee hrs of the morning trying to make our phones have a milli-second faster lol.
And to me its not really trying to make our phones better than the iphone, its me just making my phone better than it was.
I am disappointed in samsung about the lag issue and the gps issue.
I dont complain about it though, cause we are all here at this website to make our phones better than it is from stock. and I am 100 percent sure , once its said and done, this phone will more than satisfy me.
As far as I've read, Fring violated Skype's API and when they were challenged Fring, instead of changing their code, resolved to drop Skype support altogether. It's basically Fring's fault for not playing according to the rules. Fring issued a statement saying that Skype blocked them. It's an unlikely story since Skype has a fairly open API and would be leaving itself open to lawsuit if they did so.
Where are you guys reading or hearing these things from?
cashless said:
As far as I've read, Fring violated Skype's API and when they were challenged Fring, instead of changing their code, resolved to drop Skype support altogether. It's basically Fring's fault for not playing according to the rules. Fring issued a statement saying that Skype blocked them. It's an unlikely story since Skype has a fairly open API and would be leaving itself open to lawsuit if they did so.
Where are you guys reading or hearing these things from?
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Umm, definitely NOT from either side's highly partial blog, that's for sure ... which, by the way, you are misquoting. Fring did not drop Skype support all together. They temporarily disabled video calls because Skype and the carriers were *****ing about it (due to the excessive load on their networks). Then they were suddenly blocked from routing connections through Skype. This is an obvious behind-closed-doors ganging up of Skype+carrier(s) against Fring who stands alone and is one of the most open companies out there.
I get it, no one here really knows what happened when and why but ... Skype is no victim. On the other hand, the Objectivist in me says Skype should have every right to deny Fring (or any individual, company or group in the world) access to their systems. I just wish they would come out and say it instead of being all sly about it.
dcchristopher said:
Umm, definitely NOT from either side's highly partial blog, that's for sure ... which, by the way, you are misquoting. Fring did not drop Skype support all together. They temporarily disabled video calls because Skype and the carriers were *****ing about it (due to the excessive load on their networks). Then they were suddenly blocked from routing connections through Skype. This is an obvious behind-closed-doors ganging up of Skype+carrier(s) against Fring who stands alone and is one of the most open companies out there.
I get it, no one here really knows what happened when and why but ... Skype is no victim. On the other hand, the Objectivist in me says Skype should have every right to deny Fring (or any individual, company or group in the world) access to their systems. I just wish they would come out and say it instead of being all sly about it.
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Saying that a company violated API publicly when they didn't is libel.
Just answer the question, your smugness, where did you get your info (especially seeing as you're stating that it's an obvious behind-closed-doors ganging up of Skype+carrier(s) against Fring. I guess you're one of these people behind these closed doors?
Lemme get your "jump to conclusions" board for you.

[Q][REQ] Local Social Networking? NetSend for android?

Now we all know that social networking has become a big thing in the past few years. Even more so now that there are apps all over the place that all do the same exact thing. Which is connect you with other people around the world, but what if you want to talk with someone a bit closer?
Everywhere you look there are people on their cell phones, whether it be android based or not. However what if your little people shy and want to strike up a conversation with someone? Especially if their tied up on their phone it makes it tough to bring up a random conversation. What if there was a way to kind of interrupt them and impress them at the same time?
For instance what if your friends dragged you to a bar, bars aren't your thing and you'd rather be at home playing games on your computer or just tearing apart the latest gizmo that you got. Well you happen to notice a girl on the other side of the bar that seems rather nerdy herself that got dragged by her friends and would rather pay more attention to her phone than the drunk guys trying to hit on her.. Obviously going over and saying hi isn't really an option as she'd likely just ignore you like she's done to the rest of the guys, cause your just another drunken idiot that wants to get in her pants (at least thats whats she'd think)..
Wouldn't it be a bit more interesting to say send a message to her phone even tho you don't know her, don't know her number, and know nothing about her.. However it'd get her attention if she got a popup that said "Hi, I can't help but notice your bored.. Me too."
Now this may or may not be possible, as I don't know a damn thing about the android nor hacking it. However I remember back in the day of high school me and a few friends during certain times of the day would go to the same computers in school, and since we knew the IP's of those computers we could send messages back and forth between each other cause they either A didn't disable windows messaging, or we had to turn it on.. We'd screw around with others in the library by sending a mass net send to all computers saying "Your computer has been infected!" then shutting them all down remotely..
Would there be a way to do such a proposal? If so anyone up to the challenge? Cause really how amazing would it be to just open up a new way to talk to those around you.
iOS had something I saw that almost kinda does this (at least I think) called yet I don't know if android does..
I was thinking that if there was a way to utilize the push notifications.. Tho the question would be how to detect said device.. If they were on the same wifi as you that'd be easier.. Even through bluetooth, tho does bluetooth still transmit even when your not allowing it to be seen?
What about the possibility of just through the phone airways.. I mean they could be sitting there online with their phone anyway to intercept that..
Anyone at all?
Hey man, already thing this is a great idea. Although your scenario doesn't quite mesh with me as I am just as "geeky" in the world of pick-up as what I am in Android nerdi-ology haha (what I mean is I would have no issues going over there and sparking up conversation if shes geeky or not...although geeky would make it easier - bar easy!). Anyway I think that is a great idea. It would be ok if it was an app. Not just you sending a notification to their phone.
I was using message in a bottle for a while. Random and cool. But did not narrow to close proximity nor anything like your proposing.
I think there maybe privacy issues for push notifications being intrusive, but if someone elected for use via an app then they agree to accept notifications I think this would be ok.
I have wanted to have this sort of thing when I was on the train travelling home. I have even caught the eye of some random hottie down the isle and wanted to see if I could somehow contact her. I have scanned bluetooth and even tried to push a picture to someone thinking it could be her *thinks to self "hmm she kinda looks like a Jessica and she has a Nokia N95...bugger it send image to Jessica's N95" caching haha. So yeah I get what you mean .....walking up to someone on a train the environment (although sometimes is expected there is a level of acceptable human behavior there in) is not the place to be attempting to pick-up in dead silence with ears in close proximity eves dropping like all hell in comparison to say a night club/bar/outside area where people are sparse and/or conversation is not easily over heard. *NB: I have attempted (and passing the fear if she is confident and there has been an acceptable level of "eye-sex" or "eye-flirting" with smiles before hand) I won't get flagged off easy. If she is not confident....your pick-up interjection and sudden realisation of overh-hearing ears (eves droppers) can land even the best pick-up artist in a pickle and the shut-down is an even bigger tumble to say the least.
It's ok to get shut down in a bar where people can't hear very well, try getting shut down on a deadly silent train haha being snappy fast whitty and able to promptly deliver a negate to her clear cutting shut down is another subject all together. Being able to do it in a funny way may win you more laughs than her shut down too (geeeze I am going waaaaay off track from Android Nerd to Pick-nerd aren't I? wow I diversed big time! haha ) Aside from that I have been successful in picking up chicks on the train without this technology....but this sort of technology would only leverage a man's capability even more so.
Damn it! If this is made....I need to get a job out of town and get back on the god damned train again. I entered the world of Android to wear my geek hat so I wouldn't become obsessed pick-up dude again and here you are a forum member causing two worlds to collide! Thanks....NOT!
PM for more discussion or clarification of my ramblings haha
Well see thats the thing, sometimes girls just don't to be bothered, so how would you get their attention even for a small chat? If the girl was tech suave it could lead to an interesting topic of discussion on "How did you do that?". They have tons of chat apps that allow you to talk to complete strangers, but these people often are all over the world..
I like the things like the Nintendo DS, or even a Cybiko (if you even know what that is.. =D ) were it has a wireless chat feature where the room is just there and anyone in the area with the same device can just join in. The problem with the Nintendo DS is how often are you in a bar with one? Even the Cybiko (which is super old and was like a young tech kid's playtoy from like 2000) is that no one had it so its not like you could go out to a public area and have people join in on those chat channels.
I've seen apps that claim to do this, but they really don't, as its still over the internet instead of your local area..
Hell the closest thing that would almost be like this scenario would be hosting a open wireless connection that anyone could connect to, hosting an irc server on that network and having people connect to that server, which is quite a hastle for any one person to do just for an interesting way to chat..
Tho I agree with the whole privacy issue thing, I knew that'd probably be the case.. What if there was an app that your an that whenever someone came within your vicinity it would pop up saying "So and So has entered your area" and allowed you to click on their name and start saying hi..
Like I said in my first post there was for ios, that kinda synced all the social networking sites to see who was in the same place you are. Supposedly it also allowed you to chat with the people that were also in your area. That would be kinda interesting..

massive phone in to motorola...

So after much thought about the issues we face from poor customer support at both verizon and moto and thinking of other instances in which the individual customer's voices fall on deaf ears... It comes to my thought, 'why don't we the customers, not just dx2, but all moto customers on xda that are tired, fed up and sick of all the ignorance up there rise up!' Not that we could actually go to the offices of moto and verizon. (though if people have the time, location, and desire go for it) But similar to bus boycotts of years past, or sit-ins at restaurants. What if we were to pass the word around, and then on a specific date, say the 16th of May, we all do whatever we can to talk to moto and verizon, ie: call customer service any moment we have, chat online when we're not to busy, email anyone we know there as often as we can. Just to talk about unlocking the bootloaders. Maybe after a day of taking all our complaints and seeing the numbers we actually represent, not to mention how this will bog down their infrastructure... Maybe they will hear us... After all there's nothing illegal about it and it has been proven an effective means to an end.
I Like It . I Like It Alot.
So are you saying like an occupy Motorola/Verizon?
Good plan. I'm curious as to why you choose the 16th of May.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
thelowend said:
Good plan. I'm curious as to why you choose the 16th of May.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
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Because he could not chose the 5th of November, it is taken
im in
Yes count me in!
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA
Need to develope a "canned" yet memorable keyword(s) to speak to the reps with. Anything pertaining to rooting is out. Like lets list here the most common ailments of our phone: mp3's skipping, battery jumping etc.
skwoodwiva said:
Need to develope a "canned" yet memorable keyword(s) to speak to the reps with. Anything pertaining to rooting is out. Like lets list here the most common ailments of our phone: mp3's skipping, battery jumping etc.
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Multiple soft reboots, weak wifi signals regardless of area...
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
skwoodwiva said:
Need to develope a "canned" yet memorable keyword(s) to speak to the reps with. Anything pertaining to rooting is out. Like lets list here the most common ailments of our phone: mp3's skipping, battery jumping etc.
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thelowend said:
Multiple soft reboots, weak wifi signals regardless of area...
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
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Extreme lag in key situations such as making a phone call and typing on your keyboard.
Could the title include 611?
If we push to the highest tech level & ask for a ref number.
gaad0701 said:
Extreme lag in key situations such as making a phone call and typing on your keyboard.
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Lemme list a set of issues I have told reps so far:
1. Music stutters like a ***** (Rephrase! Don't say ***** to the rep, especially if it is a lady! )
2. Battery bug
3. Many times the screen does NOT turn on after hanging up from a call. It isn't the case that the phone is turned off, I still here notifications for texts and emails. The screen doesn't wish to turn on. (I noticed this on CM7, so may be a CM7 issue, but still worth mentioning).
4. Screen automatically clicks icons even if I don't do anything. (Happened few times on CM7, but I think I observed this on stock as well.)
5. Lags like a ***** sometimes (rephrase!!!) So much so that it feels like a 300-600 MHz single core Windows Mobile 6 phone! !
6. Crappy/buggy video recording. Overall poor camera quality in low light! It is just pathetic, I say.
7. So far, on stock blur, I didn't find a trouble free, foolproof way to do voice recording. The voice recording ****s up when quitting the recorder app OR turning off the screen OR both. Even on CM7 I many apps fail. However, one app namely PCMRecorder works. But still it is too buggy to call as working well.
8. Many times, compass points in random/wrong directions when navigating using Maps (either transit, walking, biking or driving directions).
Thanks litetaker,
I do think we ought to keep it to pre-leak stock problems. The screen blackout for example is a 2nd init only bug. Can we keep references to rooting & roms out?
4x4snowboard said:
So after much thought about the issues we face from poor customer support at both verizon and moto and thinking of other instances in which the individual customer's voices fall on deaf ears... It comes to my thought, 'why don't we the customers, not just dx2, but all moto customers on xda that are tired, fed up and sick of all the ignorance up there rise up!' Not that we could actually go to the offices of moto and verizon. (though if people have the time, location, and desire go for it) But similar to bus boycotts of years past, or sit-ins at restaurants. What if we were to pass the word around, and then on a specific date, say the 16th of May, we all do whatever we can to talk to moto and verizon, ie: call customer service any moment we have, chat online when we're not to busy, email anyone we know there as often as we can. Just to talk about unlocking the bootloaders. Maybe after a day of taking all our complaints and seeing the numbers we actually represent, not to mention how this will bog down their infrastructure... Maybe they will hear us... After all there's nothing illegal about it and it has been proven an effective means to an end.
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I'm down
Who's gonna organize this?
litetaker said:
Lemme list a set of issues I have told reps so far:
1. Music stutters like a ***** (Rephrase! Don't say ***** to the rep, especially if it is a lady! )
2. Battery bug
3. Many times the screen does NOT turn on after hanging up from a call. It isn't the case that the phone is turned off, I still here notifications for texts and emails. The screen doesn't wish to turn on. (I noticed this on CM7, so may be a CM7 issue, but still worth mentioning).
4. Screen automatically clicks icons even if I don't do anything. (Happened few times on CM7, but I think I observed this on stock as well.)
5. Lags like a ***** sometimes (rephrase!!!) So much so that it feels like a 300-600 MHz single core Windows Mobile 6 phone! !
6. Crappy/buggy video recording. Overall poor camera quality in low light! It is just pathetic, I say.
7. So far, on stock blur, I didn't find a trouble free, foolproof way to do voice recording. The voice recording ****s up when quitting the recorder app OR turning off the screen OR both. Even on CM7 I many apps fail. However, one app namely PCMRecorder works. But still it is too buggy to call as working well.
8. Many times, compass points in random/wrong directions when navigating using Maps (either transit, walking, biking or driving directions).
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Battery yes GAWD battery! How did I forget about that horrendous thing! Evernote does a wonderful job of keeping your voice recordings organized in the voice note section. The service has been invaluable to me as I have lots of ideas to keep track of and typing on a rocky bus is not easy
I've heard about the post call screen issues from more than a few people now, that should definitely be highlighted. It would scare me into not wanting take very many calls and I'd imagine the older, less-text messaging crowd would'nt lik it either.
A thought: I know many have contacted Moto or Verizon customer support and have been passed up the rep hierarchy time and again. To those who have, were you given any kind of extension to dial or the number of a particular department that could better answer your question? If we could all skip over general support somehow and concentrate on a more "effective" department, a critical mass of complaints could be reached and we would be passed further up the ladder; to a person(s) would could actually provide good, solid information.
Btw called Motorola support and heres how it went:
Me: expressing my concerns not really driving into the woman hard (please dont take that the wrong way lol)
Rep: Could you hold please?
Me: Sure :waits for 45 minutes: Hangs up phone
Didnt have time for that!!
May 16th and organizing
So I choose may 16th cause that's in about a month or so which should be plenty of time to notify all motorola users not just people on our phone but all the phones motorola claimed they'd unlock... Kinda like everyone uniting on a brute force of their customer service. As far as organization, it don't think it needs to be that elaborate. We tell everyone we can that owns a moto to call, im, email, or whatever to moto and verizon on that day as often as they can... If we can only get 5,000 people to participate and each of us makes 3 calls on that day for 3min. each that'd be 750 hrs of phone calls... That's got to raise some attention, not to mention cause a more then a few problems...
4x4snowboard said:
So I choose may 16th cause that's in about a month or so which should be plenty of time to notify all motorola users not just people on our phone but all the phones motorola claimed they'd unlock... Kinda like everyone uniting on a brute force of their customer service. As far as organization, it don't think it needs to be that elaborate. We tell everyone we can that owns a moto to call, im, email, or whatever to moto and verizon on that day as often as they can... If we can only get 5,000 people to participate and each of us makes 3 calls on that day for 3min. each that'd be 750 hrs of phone calls... That's got to raise some attention, not to mention cause a more then a few problems...
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Ah I thought the date had some kind historical significance
Won't we crash something if we have that many people calling in. I mean it's not like I'm against mucking up Motorola. Actually, disregard the apprehension.
Let's destroy them
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
4x4snowboard said:
So I choose may 16th cause that's in about a month or so which should be plenty of time to notify all motorola users not just people on our phone but all the phones motorola claimed they'd unlock... Kinda like everyone uniting on a brute force of their customer service. As far as organization, it don't think it needs to be that elaborate. We tell everyone we can that owns a moto to call, im, email, or whatever to moto and verizon on that day as often as they can... If we can only get 5,000 people to participate and each of us makes 3 calls on that day for 3min. each that'd be 750 hrs of phone calls... That's got to raise some attention, not to mention cause a more then a few problems...
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Yea that sounds like a great plan
I wasn't thinking there should be some big elaborate scheme to the whole thing
But some kind of organization to show Motorola that the customers WILL and CAN unite and become a force to be reckoned with.
Maybe include a start time at which point most people should really start their calls/emails.
Say maybe 7-9am(we will have to pick a timezone to base that on so everyone adjusts accordingly, my thoughts are to have it start between 7-9am where they are located.) That way pretty early in their work day all of a sudden within 15-30 minutes of the first few calls , their phone lines and emails suddenly explode into a furious action under "attack" causing them to wonder what the hell is going on, will frustrate them slightly and hopefully cause them to make a decision better suited to our wants/needs ...then continues all day long to rack up the total man hours spent on it. But I feel like an initiao BOOM of calls/emails to grab their attention would hopefully get them to realize the users have become completely fed up with the non existent customer relations
So when is it?
Sent from my MB870 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
ashclepdia said:
Yea that sounds like a great plan
I wasn't thinking there should be some big elaborate scheme to the whole thing
But some kind of organization to show Motorola that the customers WILL and CAN unite and become a force to be reckoned with.
Maybe include a start time at which point most people should really start their calls/emails.
Say maybe 7-9am(we will have to pick a timezone to base that on so everyone adjusts accordingly, my thoughts are to have it start between 7-9am where they are located.) That way pretty early in their work day all of a sudden within 15-30 minutes of the first few calls , their phone lines and emails suddenly explode into a furious action under "attack" causing them to wonder what the hell is going on, will frustrate them slightly and hopefully cause them to make a decision better suited to our wants/needs ...then continues all day long to rack up the total man hours spent on it. But I feel like an initiao BOOM of calls/emails to grab their attention would hopefully get them to realize the users have become completely fed up with the non existent customer relations
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^^^ I say we listen to this guy! He seems to have some knowledge when it comes to pissing people off!

Facebook mobile number substitution?

So my ex girlfriend is convinced that I have somehow hacked her phone. (I haven't.) So much so that she drowned an HTC phone and got herself a new Droid Maxx. However she is still having the issues that led her on this paranoid delusion. I am looking for someone to help me explain to her she has not been hacked, or if I am wrong to correct me.
The story starts with her saying that her Facebook app on the phone is acting funny. Yeah the nebulous adjective, funny. When I asked her what does she mean by that she has various performance complaints as well as the app crashing at inopportune times. Setting aside such shaky evidence of somebody hacking a phone (because as you know, one thing a hacker does not want to do is let their victim know that they are inside their phone and thus shutting down the exploits they have already put in place) I am now seeking anyone who knows more about this than I do to help explain what she is seeing so that she stops accusing me of something I am not doing. To make matters worse ex-girlfriend decides to start monkeying around with things that she doesn't understand inside her phone settings and discovers something that I finally find to be odd but can't really explain away.
She went into her old phone (an HTC M8 I believe) account synch settings and sees the Facebook mobile number displayed as not her own. In fact it's not even a proper number. Here is a screen shot from the new phone (my memory says that a very similar result was on her old phone):
(Annnd Dammit since I am a fairly fresh user I cannot post a pic link, if you are trying to help me PM me and I think it'll let me pate you the link)
(Or I can try to put 5 spaces in the link to make it non working and if you have the patience copy it and take the spaces out to go to the screen shot)
http: // / Mfba WdE
The number listed is not even a complete number and does not come up in any useful way in Google searches. This odd number was on her previous HTC phone before she sent it for drowning and then her new Droid Maxx phone is showing the same thing.
As you know it's useless to go and ask Facebook for any sort of support seeing as how we are not their customers, we are actually the commodity they sell to advertisers so they could give a rat's ass about assisting their commodity. Remember when you don't pay for something then what is being sold is you.
I must add that she also has confirmed to me that when she signs in to Facebook in a browser on a PC she does not see her number replaced inside her profile. It seems really very odd to me how her mobile app still knows how to link with her regular profile when the number is not matching. I have an HTC One M9 and I do not have the same behavior as she reports. According to her she can still see her news feeds and friend posts and all that Facebook goodness. She says she has Avast running on the phone, and she does not install any software not obtained through the Google Play Store.
My research came up with not a very convincing theory. What I found was a dated forum post regarding a Facebook feature that had been discontinued. The feature being cited was like an address book feature that sought to synch the phone's address book and the Facebook Friends list and address book together. But the discussion did not quite match what I was observing so it is unconvincing that I found what the cause was.
Can anyone follow this story at all? Has her phone been hacked? Can anyone tell me a better place to post a question regarding this?

