[Q] Samsung tablet 10.1 voice control - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all.
Recently I got the tablet.
Is there voice control option?
For example serf the internet without touch the device?

Dafuq? Without touching the device? Last I checked the entire device is touched based, even the menu is touch. -.- If you mean something similar to Siri, then google has had one way before Siri.
I don't know about HC but the ICS ROM Kang has the Google one on the top left corner of the screen you just tap it and say what you want
"Watch a video"
"Goto "website""
"Play Music "music name""
"Send email to "recipient" "Content""
And so on.


[Q] android keyboard like windows phone select tap to change

Have checked the forums and found nothing.
But windows phone keyboard has this great feature, after writing your text or message. You can then go back through the whole message just tapping on misspelt words once and it will highlight the whole word and give you suggestions that you can pick from.
Its such a great feature, I've looked for a keyboard that replicates it but have found none. they only give suggestions as you type and not after you've finished writing, which breaks your train of thoughts.
Does anyone know of a keyboard that does this.
Which Android version are you on? The stock android keyboard of 4.1 does the exact same thing.
I'm on 2.2 froyo, which is old.
I've downloaded the jellybean keyboard off of google play store, but it only offers suggestion as i type. Not after i have finished typing and when i look back i realise I've misspelt words.
Better keyboard does this also. The reason you don't see it is that it needs to be built into the system for 3rd party apps to use it. If it is not there then no app will do it.
Sent from Arkham

Google now (jelly bean) vs Voice search (ICS). Commands are missing?

I've only had jelly bean for about one month or so, and I barely starting using voice commands again as of recently. One of the things I noticed is commands that used to work on ICS no longer work, and that upsets me.
For example, I used to be able to say "call *random business*" and it would give me a list of the closest ones and a single tap would suffice to start the call. Now, on jelly bean, it simply googles the words "call *random business*" which is stupid and completely useless.
Another example, I used to be able to say "navigate to *blargh *" and it would either take me to the closest one or give me a list to pick. Now it just googles the latter words.
So, can anyone tell me what's going on?
darkleafar said:
I've only had jelly bean for about one month or so, and I barely starting using voice commands again as of recently. One of the things I noticed is commands that used to work on ICS no longer work, and that upsets me.
For example, I used to be able to say "call *random business*" and it would give me a list of the closest ones and a single tap would suffice to start the call. Now, on jelly bean, it simply googles the words "call *random business*" which is stupid and completely useless.
Another example, I used to be able to say "navigate to *blargh *" and it would either take me to the closest one or give me a list to pick. Now it just googles the latter words.
So, can anyone tell me what's going on?
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There should be two google searches. One is google search (icon with the g) and the other is google voice search(icon with the mic). Google search when using the mic it will bring up the usual google search links. Google voice search will have the dink sound and the words "speak now"
will bring up random business links. Example Robert Smith has two phone numbers. Open google voice search (icon with mic) and say "call Robert Smith" it brings up the two numbers for him. Click on one and it puts it in the dialer or directly calls(i forget which).
I just tried "navigate to my home address" and in a few seconds navigation came up. And started taking me home.

What are you using for voice dial?

I'm curious what software/app you use for dialing with your S4.
Most of the time my phone sits in my pocket and I use BT for voice dial. I've found the current voice dial seems to be a lot more tedious than my S3. Confirming who I want to call and half the time on confirm - e.g. call Mary Smith at work - there are two numbers what number would you like to call - I press the work number and then it says do you want to call Mary Smith at work and I will say YES and then it goes I can't find yep in your phone book and I have to start all over.
Is there a way to switch off confirmations? Is there a way to switch which voice dialer (I tried VLINGO but it no longer supports BT dial).
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I use the headset that came with the S4. Long press on the bottom button and make my calls when driving. I haven't hooked up my S9 to it yet but then again that one is a stereo headphone headset so it goes in both ears.
DarkMenace said:
I use the headset that came with the S4. Long press on the bottom button and make my calls when driving. I haven't hooked up my S9 to it yet but then again that one is a stereo headphone headset so it goes in both ears.
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Thanks. I should have been more specific. I'm curious about the voice dial software people are using and if there are any options within the S4.
boe said:
Thanks. I should have been more specific. I'm curious about the voice dial software people are using and if there are any options within the S4.
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I was having a similar problem. Except I wanted to change the default application that was launched when I hit my bluetooth function button in my car. It was launching SVoice by default. SVoice really sucks on my phone when it is connected to my car's bluetooth. Not so with my wife's S4. Not sure why.
I wanted to use Google Search- works flawlessly for making calls, navigation and finding points of interest, weather... but cannot do as much as SVoice or a few of the other apps available. Anyway- a couple weeks I did a series of searches and found the solution on these forums but can't find the the thread anymore...
So in case you are wondering how to change what is launched: you have to go into application manager (under settings) and disable svoice. Now, when you launch one of these apps it will ask you to pick a new default. If you would like to launch Google Search you have to download the app Bluetooth Launch which lets you assign any app to launch when bluetooth function button is pushed. You choose com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.VoiceSearchActivity in the bluetooth launch app.
I tried a lot of other apps in the app store like vlingo, assistant, skyvi, maluuba, dragon voice, etc... a lot of them had problems with voice recognition, but had a lot more functionality. Oh and vlingo still supports bluetooth... The one that seemed to have the best voice recognition was assistant.... which i may eventually switch to.
fun4stuff said:
I was having a similar problem. Except I wanted to change the default application that was launched when I hit my bluetooth function button in my car. It was launching SVoice by default. SVoice really sucks on my phone when it is connected to my car's bluetooth. Not so with my wife's S4. Not sure why.
I wanted to use Google Search- works flawlessly for making calls, navigation and finding points of interest, weather... but cannot do as much as SVoice or a few of the other apps available. Anyway- a couple weeks I did a series of searches and found the solution on these forums but can't find the the thread anymore...
So in case you are wondering how to change what is launched: you have to go into application manager (under settings) and disable svoice. Now, when you launch one of these apps it will ask you to pick a new default. If you would like to launch Google Search you have to download the app Bluetooth Launch which lets you assign any app to launch when bluetooth function button is pushed. You choose com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.VoiceSearchActivity in the bluetooth launch app.
I tried a lot of other apps in the app store like vlingo, assistant, skyvi, maluuba, dragon voice, etc... a lot of them had problems with voice recognition, but had a lot more functionality. Oh and vlingo still supports bluetooth... The one that seemed to have the best voice recognition was assistant.... which i may eventually switch to.
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So I finally tried the latest dragon (I think they took over vlingo and their newer version supports BT). It BLOWS the doors off Svoice and google voice dial. I don't need to play music or anything else via BT command so I don't know if it is good or not for that sort of stuff but for calling my contacts from my exchange account, it is nearly flawless. I've only tested for a day but so far so good. If it ends up having issues, I'll be sure to post back.
fun4stuff said:
I wanted to change the default application that was launched when I hit my bluetooth function button in my car....you have to go into application manager (under settings) and disable svoice...If you would like to launch Google Search you have to download the app Bluetooth Launch ...choose com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.VoiceSearchActivity
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Thanks fun4stuff!! That's exactly what I was looking for!

[Q] Combination of Google Search and Google Now - automatically open keyboard

since Google Now became available I am always in the dilemma of wanting to use it on the one hand, but not sacrificing the very fast option to search for things on the other. The problem is: when Google now is activated and I use the swipe-up gesture it will open the usual Google now screen... but not my keyboard to type and search sth. When Google Now is deactivated, it works so flawlessy and fast that I swipe up from wherever I am and directly can type stuff.
So my question is: is it possible to combine both systems... means: having Google now, but getting a keyboard shown immediately when starting it.
My device right now is the Xperia Z3C... not rooted yet... but I will probably do that soon as I miss so many things from my old devices (which were all rooted and had custom ROMs running)
Thanks in advance

New to Android ... 5.0 cannot find a way to memorize URL settings

Please don't trow stones: I am new to ...Android 5.0 (was on a new discounted phone).
Previously I was on 4.2.
What annoys me is that, when I open a link with Chrome, it asks how to open it (with Chrome or with another app) and offers two options "only once" and "always".
Upon clicking on "always" I would expect it won't ask any more, but it keeps asking each time.
Where can I adjust the settings to get it memorizing my choice and stop asking?
Thank you...
P.S. the same applies on the headphones volume. The default headphone volume is barely audible, and upon adjusting it higher, it opens a confirmation screen to release higher output. Each time. It really sucks. Where can I get rid of that?

