I've been using CM9 for a while now (AOKP) and I've noticed that 2D games like sprinkle don't perform as well as they do on honeycomb... Like there is always some delay and I never get that fluid 60 fps performance anymore in any games... Any one experiencing the same??
I do too, I guess because kang doesn't have the full ICS related tegra2 files to process it like HC. After all kang is a cooked ROM with what they have from the source pack release, where as HC stock has everything already.
usually the source packages are always way behind than the official release as they make sure they remove files that may affect the GPL code.
You can try with LW too, the tablet suffer's really badly, I tried installing the ME3 LW from Market specifically for the tegra2 devices and it was amazingly smooth but the launcher suffered massive lags.
LWs were always laggy. Even on HC....
So I guess we'll have to wait till Samsung release the official source for ICS?
Probably, I do like playing games like Gran Prix Story or Epic Astro Story but they lag hard -.- I don't if they aren't tablet optimized or just the tablet. Also LW aren't laggy, they just lag the launcher interface, the LW loads smoothly actually.
Might have to do a little waiting as ICS is around the corner, should be leasing this march if I'm not wrong, else May, Hopefully Diablo 3 wouldn't consume my soul and make me forget ICS is finally out.
Hey All
I recently downloaded Gta III From the market But there is significant Lag
(I am using Cm7 With Full Oc)
But I have seen videos on youtube Of people playing Gta III on their Optimus one.
I Have heard Of a Gta version where it doesn't lag But the graphics are bad
Could i PLEASE have a download link for Gta III one that dosnt Lag (i dont care if the graphics are Bad)
GTAIII Optimization
There's two ways I can think of making it run smoother.
1. Chainfire3D. It's a root app, found in the market, whose sole purpose is to enable games on devices that wouldn't normally be able to play them. You have to buy it to unlock everything, but I've been able to use the free version on my Moto Droid to play GTAIII better.
2. Delete the audio folder. Once you have everything downloaded, manually delete the audio folder. If the phone isn't constantly trying to play music or SFX, it will run a bit quicker.
The specific apk isn't going to matter, unless rockstar made huge optimizations to code in recent versions, but as you've DLed from the market, that shouldn't matter, no? Overall, I'd recommend against trying to run it. The optimus isn't really made to handle 3D games in general, much less GTAIII. Good luck, though.
the processor
your rom have overclock? that could help. try to put over 700 mhz in perfomance governor
with OC the p500 will not warm up ?
mitzkaia said:
with OC the p500 will not warm up ?
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Maybe a little bit. But nothing will be damaged. Don`t worry, the only thing you can have, is reboot.
Here ya go buddy:
Find on this post: New Version for Low/Middle End Devices is released by Andropedia. Click Here
or here direct link: http://andropediaapps.blogspot.com/2012/01/gta-iii-gta3-apk-full-sd-data-finally.html
Go there, download game that is around 70-90MB, and apk, and do the same what you did with original!
Graphics are pretty bad in this one, and there is often a bug where you will after 20m in front of yourself see only some pink wall, and ofc no sound...
But runs better, still lagged pretty much on mik_os 6.5.7 but now will test it in PerfectPeso2.2 and see how it is. With full game, on PerfectPeso, it didn't lagged so much like on the rest of the ROMs so I expect this one to run smootly now...
And yeah, just overclock it until kernel starts to reboot, i got mine stable on 825Mhz, on 844 it runs about 1 hour, and on 864 it got nearly 10min in mik_os 6.5.7, but now on PerfectPeso there is no option to go beyond 806mhz...:/ But still frikin fast!
UPDATE: yeah on PerfectPeso2.2 fresh installed no tweaks ripped version will run almost lagless, 15-25fps, but totaly playable! And no pink wall bug anymore!!!
Tried this game a while back and the result was the same... The lag made the game unplayable..
Tested it on CM7. PerfectPeso2.2 sound's good from what you say, but will not change the rom just for a game .
Just wondering about the fire and how fast and smooth Ics runs. I would think the tp would be better due to specs.
Also if any devs read this wanted to ask what potential is reached on the to with the latest Ics. Like I have done all the tweaks and it still lags a little. Feel like its gpu related
Pure ICS only
Since you didn't mention what rom and clock speed and tweaks you have installed I can't really give you a biased answer on your question.
As for my TP, smooth, no lag, occasional errors and glitches, but keeping in mind the touchpad was never designed with android in mind as a daily driver. Through the hard work of the devs, we have it, but its still also ALPHA status. The kindle on the other hand was native android. Albeit a modified version, the kernel/drivers and other essential building blocks were already in place.
And as for my TP, AOKP, build 37, adreno 220 patch, rohans 1.4 patch which was still supercharged, and 1782mhz with performance governor.
Yeah it have pretty almost all your same mods. The lag I mean is touch response. Its like a split second lag and its minor.
Anyway was asking if the kindle fire rooms with Ics are smoother than the tp. I don't know if you were speaking from experience or just explaining something I already know.
Pure ICS only
Should have been a little clearer on your original question. Since I've never used or seen a kindle fire in person, I can't answer that. As for the AOKP rom, rom control has an option for scrolling cache under performance settings. While it does help, even my xperia arc with ICS has a slight snap when scrolling. In the CM7 roms there were settings to adjust the snap and bounce effects. Maybe down the line we will see those settings becoming adjustable but for now you just have to accept it.
Fataldesain said:
Yeah it have pretty almost all your same mods. The lag I mean is touch response. Its like a split second lag and its minor.
Anyway was asking if the kindle fire rooms with Ics are smoother than the tp. I don't know if you were speaking from experience or just explaining something I already know.
Pure ICS only
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ICS roms run fine on the Fire. I'm on Gummy right now with no issues and no noticeable lag. That's with the new 3.0 kernel Hashcode is developing. With the 2.6 kernel I would have said stay away from ICS on the Fire, but the new kernel runs perfectly. I can honestly say I notice no performance difference between the Fire and the Touchpad in the ui and in general usage.
The Fire is a helluva budget tablet.
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
Hi, guys!! I have been doing many tests, and I was very, very happy with my 7100 and stock ics rooted rom, everything was fine until I finally got ASPHALT 7 working... but, it's totally unplayable, runs very, very laggy and doesn't respond to accelerometer...I couldn't believe it if I wouldn't have seen it, my powerfull tegra2 dual core tablet, running an unplayable game!! Then I tried latest CM9-20120928-EXPERIMENTAL-P3 because of the oc 1,4ghz possibility, but I get the same results, so... desperately I went back to this one "[ROM][4 Dec][HC32] isi-galaxy 1.2.5v with pershoot's kernel", and what I see... THE GAME RUNS NEAR PERFECT!! I have touchwiz apps, samsung apps, DLNA, accuweather... all the touchwiz's stuff (which I have to confess I missed, so an ICS port from 7500 version like the one I'm talking about would be great).
So, I find my self that, after being so mad about getting ICS on 7100, I have to turn back to 3.2 because it offers better performance at last. Yes, yes, I miss google chrome and some other things, but.. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS, PEOPLE???
hi im new here but does JB limit the games performance?
dead trigger and my little pony lags a little
kingdoms of camelot has laggy scrolling in map
angry birds and bad piggies have this frame stutter
in ICS there is no lag or is it just me?
last used ICS is omega v9
jumped to JB omega 33.2 then 33.3 no v6supercharger used the siyahkernel still the same
did a full wipe twice still the same
everything is ok except the games is the games programmers made it more compatible in ICS than JB since it new and have to wait for updates?
can somebody else try?
considering going back to ICS since i use my phone much more on games
I play a lot of games in my JB'ned S III (stock, 4.1.2, rooted, CSC = XEU) and I don't think games are SLOWER on it than in ICS.
Some games are simply slow no matter where you play them. One such example is EA's Real Racing 2: the menu transitions are painfully slow.
Other games are blazing fast, list Gameloft's Modern Combat 3.
All in all, it think it's more of a perception than a fact, and in my perception, JB is a bit faster than ICS.
Don't think so. I used to install a lot of heavy games on my S3 and everything works just smooth, except for Avengers. I'm on stock JB rom.
gonna try the stock JB roms, before i try can any of you try kingdoms of camelot and try to scroll at the map if it looks laggy?
Like I wrote, sometimes it is just the games that are slow, and that has nothing to do with the ROM you're on.
There are good games and bad games, and none of the currently available games for Android benefit of our phone's 4 cores.
Well, I'm having some trouble when it comes to 3D rendering on my phone, whenever I use a combination of an AOSP/AOKP based rom (happened to me with latest Task's AOKP and Slim Bean build 5) and some semi intensive and, of course, intensive games, after some time, system crashes completely, the sound gets stuck in a loop of the latest 0.1 seconds (lol) and pretty much nothing works, I have to pull the battery. This happens normally in the first 30 seconds.
I believe this happens because of the new drivers, as those games (Rayman Origins, Beach Buggy Blitz and Real Racing 3) work perfectly with stock JB. But those are just guesses. Any help is appreciated,
It's not that I'm hurrying you, or demanding you to help me, but I'm still having the same problem and I can't find any solution. :S Please lol
If you couldn't give the answer for this you didn't look hard enough.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
hey there, just flashed task's 4.2.2 yesterday and I am getting the same problem while trying to play Simpsons Tapped Out. Have you been able to figure anything out?
I originally thought it was the kernal having an issue with allocating resources, but my searches show that other people have the same problem with 4.2.2. If this is how its gonna be I may have to revert back to 4.1.2....
a_lleras said:
Well, I'm having some trouble when it comes to 3D rendering on my phone, whenever I use a combination of an AOSP/AOKP based rom (happened to me with latest Task's AOKP and Slim Bean build 5) and some semi intensive and, of course, intensive games, after some time, system crashes completely, the sound gets stuck in a loop of the latest 0.1 seconds (lol) and pretty much nothing works, I have to pull the battery. This happens normally in the first 30 seconds.
I believe this happens because of the new drivers, as those games (Rayman Origins, Beach Buggy Blitz and Real Racing 3) work perfectly with stock JB. But those are just guesses. Any help is appreciated,
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Check cpu/gpu voltage levels. My phone used to crash when playing graphically intensive games until I realized my gpu voltages were set too low.
This happens to me with NFS Most Wanted and NOVA 3. Any other game seems to work. I really want 4.2.2 CM 10.1 or AOKP or any of those Nexus like ROMs, but I ran into the same problem with all of them. Came to the conclusion is just 4.2.2 Vanilla based ROMs. Since then I've switched to SHOstock3. I really want the Nexus experience though. I just don't want to have to give up games I've paid for .