[Q] What tablet do I have?? - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just bought a Samsung tablet but not sure which...I mean I know it is the p7500 (http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_p7500_galaxy_tab_10_1_3g-3892.php) but I don't know where should I look for root and ROMS..Is it here:
Or here:

Settings->About Phone? Model Number?


[Q] Which tab model do I have?

Hi guys,
I just have a really quick question. I just read another thread about a guy who screwed up his tablet, because he might have installed a non-compatible ROM.
Therefore, if my Settings -> About tablet -> Model Number = GT-P7500
means that I have Galaxy Tab 10.1 3.g, right?
I want to be 100% sure what I'm doing, before I start to flash any custom ROM
Thanks in advance,
Correct. 7500 = 3G model
Your model should have a SIM slot too.
Exactly. Thanks a lot, and yes, it does.
No probs mate, have fun!

Can I know the stock android version of my S3 basing on IMEI and/or Serial Number?

Hi guys,
Can I know the stock firmware and region of my S3 by the IMEI and Serial number? I ask becuase i recently got a 2nd hand S3 and the person i got it from said that he already updated it with a jellybean version from poland.
I'm currently living in China, and from reading the forums, flashing with a new ROM will change the region of the phone based on the model number. I just want to know if its possible for me to know the exact stock information/region of my phone.
Wrong post
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
unstandardized said:
Hi guys,
Can I know the stock firmware and region of my S3 by the IMEI and Serial number? I ask becuase i recently got a 2nd hand S3 and the person i got it from said that he already updated it with a jellybean version from poland.
I'm currently living in China, and from reading the forums, flashing with a new ROM will change the region of the phone based on the model number. I just want to know if its possible for me to know the exact stock information/region of my phone.
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Serial number,yes you can by using Samsung Kies
@Arsaw: sorry about that mate.
@FMS.SouL: thanks!

[Q] Need help with my Galaxy s2 Beginner rooting.

hey guys, i know your gonna say there are alot of guides out thier but buy galaxy S2 is a carrier S2 so my model number is GTI9100T, its from my isp Telecom in nz, i relay wanted to root it to have a rom on thier called Neat rom Lite but i haunt found a guide to rooting my type of phone yet. my phone details are
Model number : GT-I9100T
Android version - 4.0.3
Baseband : I9100TDOLP4
Kernel version: 3.0.15-I9100TDOLP7-CL710191dpi.DELL140 #3
Buildnumber : IML74K.DOLPif there any rooting guides out there thanks
ps my phone isnt the international version.
Sent from the little guy

Samsung S3 GT i9300a korean?

Hey guys i got a samsung galaxy s3 that is stuck in boot, need to reload the firmware but i cant find the model on samfirmware. Does anyone know where i can find a firmware for a Korean SGS3, the model is showing i9300a, when its in download mode all the character is in korean. I found the korean thread but it does not show any i9300 firmware.
eric303 said:
Hey guys i got a samsung galaxy s3 that is stuck in boot, need to reload the firmware but i cant find the model on samfirmware. Does anyone know where i can find a firmware for a Korean SGS3, the model is showing i9300a, when its in download mode all the character is in korean. I found the korean thread but it does not show any i9300 firmware.
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Huh? Korean models are named SHV-E210K/L/S and not I9300A. I suspect that what you have is a clone perhaps? I don't see any valid models with an "A" branding on Google.
I would be asking in the Korean thread and check about phone in settings .

[Q] Galaxy s3 model...sgh-m909??? Tmobile

Bought this samsung galaxy s3 on ebay. It was listed as Tmobile model sgh-t999. but after i received it I noticed the model number is sgh-m909. Icant find this model number anywhere. I dont know how to root it. It has been modified before and I keep getting the nfortunately, com.sec.androidapp.FlashBarService has stopped...every time i recieve a call. I would like to root this phone and start anew but cantfind any info on this particular model. Any ideas??? Thanks
papajo247 said:
Bought this samsung galaxy s3 on ebay. It was listed as Tmobile model sgh-t999. but after i received it I noticed the model number is sgh-m909. Icant find this model number anywhere. I dont know how to root it. It has been modified before and I keep getting the nfortunately, com.sec.androidapp.FlashBarService has stopped...every time i recieve a call. I would like to root this phone and start anew but cantfind any info on this particular model. Any ideas??? Thanks
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But that's pretty much the only reference I've found. The firmware isn't listed on sammobile.com nor any other info. Might be risky to root without having the firmware available. Can you post the other info like build version, baseband version, etc?
But that's pretty much the only reference I've found. The firmware isn't listed on sammobile.com nor any other info. Might be risky to root without having the firmware available. Can you post the other info like build version, baseband version, etc?[/QUOTE]
I no longer have access to that info. I went to far with the rooting flashing attemtps and now get the "Firmaware upgrade encountered an issue.Please select recovery mode in keys and try again. w/yellow triangle. Im a ...Kies doesnt connect to device...it tries for a while with no luck.
papajo247 said:
But that's pretty much the only reference I've found. The firmware isn't listed on sammobile.com nor any other info. Might be risky to root without having the firmware available. Can you post the other info like build version, baseband version, etc?
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I no longer have access to that info. I went to far with the rooting flashing attemtps and now get the "Firmaware upgrade encountered an issue.Please select recovery mode in keys and try again. w/yellow triangle. Im a ...Kies doesnt connect to device...it tries for a while with no luck.[/QUOTE]
Yea...It's risky to try and mod a phone that you don't know what it is or even if there is firmware available. Think you're in for a long road to recovery if it is possible at all... I'm pretty certain it's not an S3 though, unless it was a special demo model. I've seen or read about every other variant of the S3 and have never heard or seen this model anywhere. There are only 2 S3 T-Mobile variants - t999 and t999l.
Thanks for your help Just have to make the best of it.

