Hi All,
I was just wondering I have been using the stock htc mail application to get my company email on my Eris. The application does not have a "all documents" view. This pretty much makes it useless to me because I use a lot of mail rules to move my email into folders as I receive it. I can see I have unread messages but I would have to comb through folders to find the actual mail.
I had this problem while working on the stock 1.56 android release that came with the phone and also with the 2.1 leak.
I was wondering if anyone has encountered this before and has come up with some sort of fix, or has a suggestion for another mail application. Also even if there was a way to show number of unread messages in the folders view that would also work.
Just one more FYI my company email comes through exchange.
You could try the Touchdown app. I personally did not like it, (also using Exchange) but they offer a free trial period to try it out.
Using Touchdown I am having the same issue that I had while using k-9. It pretty much does not work.
I am getting the email OTA Via an exchange server but the email is actually lotus notes based. Its a pretty crummy setup but because my office only supports blackberry it was the only OTA solution I could come up with.
Has anyone used Commontimes - Mnotes with K-9 and got it to work?
If so could you post instructions
Anyone recommend a "one size fit all email app" like the iphone, for Att S2?
I'm using Exchange, yahoo, gmail. I have lots of folder in my exchange mail and the stock Mail is sux.
Moxier mail is good but only have 1 email acc. I need an app that can put all mails in one place and showing folders instead of coupel apps for emails.
I use Gmail for all of my accounts. I set Gmail up to retrieve (pop) mail from my Yahoo account and my other email address forwards to Gmail. I have labels set up, which allows me to organize it. I've been doing this for a while and it works really well.
What about Exchange, all folder will show or i have to go settings and choose specific folder to view? it's a pain in the bu.. . I really like the way iphone's emails handle.
sweetboy02125 said:
What about Exchange, all folder will show or i have to go settings and choose specific folder to view? it's a pain in the bu.. . I really like the way iphone's emails handle.
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I've never used Exchange, but if you were able to successfully configure it for pop retrieval, it'd work just as your other email addresses, in terms of how you view them (outlined below). Otherwise, perhaps forwarding is an option. For the email address I have forwarding, I set up filters (scans incoming emails for defined rules) to apply labels (e.g., when the sender or recipient is ______, apply this label). It's something you'd have to toy around with, but I've gotten mine set up pretty well.
All emails would show in your Gmail account inbox (with labels on each one, if you've done this) and you have the ability to specifically select a label to only see mail with that label. This is something you can do online or on your device via the Gmail app (viewing individual labels). I've tried just about every email client and I've found that this method is what works best for me.
Good luck.
Simba501 said:
I've never used Exchange, but if you were able to successfully configure it for pop retrieval, it'd work just as your other email addresses, in terms of how you view them (outlined below). Otherwise, perhaps forwarding is an option. For the email address I have forwarding, I set up filters (scans incoming emails for defined rules) to apply labels (e.g., when the sender or recipient is ______, apply this label). It's something you'd have to toy around with, but I've gotten mine set up pretty well.
All emails would show in your Gmail account inbox (with labels on each one, if you've done this) and you have the ability to specifically select a label to only see mail with that label. This is something you can do online or on your device via the Gmail app. I've tried just about every email client and I've found that this method is what works best for me.
Good luck.
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I was set up like this as well for quite some time - and it worked well. Recently switched to using maildroid, which I like, but haven't customized to get more functionality than I had with gMail yet...
What's wrong with the stock mail client? Seems really nice to me. Should support all of those account types and you can switch folders very easily.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
sweetboy02125 said:
Anyone recommend a "one size fit all email app" like the iphone, for Att S2?
I'm using Exchange, yahoo, gmail. I have lots of folder in my exchange mail and the stock Mail is sux.
Moxier mail is good but only have 1 email acc. I need an app that can put all mails in one place and showing folders instead of coupel apps for emails.
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Enhanced Email, the developer Daniel is great and helpful.
gtg465x said:
What's wrong with the stock mail client? Seems really nice to me. Should support all of those account types and you can switch folders very easily.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Back in my Captivate days, I found the stock email client to be unreliable. Ever since then, I've been avoiding it.
gtg465x said:
What's wrong with the stock mail client? Seems really nice to me. Should support all of those account types and you can switch folders very easily.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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The problem is with stock email. My folders didn't go in order some + subfolders.... Moxier mail gives exactly the folder in order like the outlook also display the number for new the MS Outlook in computer.
I just reinstalled Moxier mail and use stock mail for yahoo, gmail also. Oh well, no choice
Simba501 said:
Back in my Captivate days, I found the stock email client to be unreliable. Ever since then, I've been avoiding it.
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Well this one isn't the same one as the Captivate had, but I'll take your word for it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
I like K-9
Earthsdog said:
Enhanced Email, the developer Daniel is great and helpful.
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Touchdown is a pretty good one, but you have to pay for it.
I used to use enhanced email on my cappy
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
The stock email client is very nice and seems to work very well with Exchange. From what I've seen so far:
1) Tasks will sync
2) Folders are supported, much nicer and easier than with the Captivate
3) Flags are supported
4) Various display options such as first line preview, threaded emails, etc
5) Out of Office settings can be made from phone.
6) You can search emails on the server, not just those on your phone
7) In landscape it'll do a preview pane on the right-hand side. Not bad.
Try it, you've got nothing to lose. Seems pretty nice so far. The only thing I am missing is the ability to "check" multiple emails and take an action on a group of them (e.g., delete them all). You need to do it one-by-one. But so far it works well.
Anybody know if the stock email client can be set up for "push only" so it doesn't poll every x minutes for new mail?
Another vote for enhanced email. You can bypass exchange security rules
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Enhanced Email is what youre looking for. I'm a huge Exchange user and this program easily integrates and works just like it does on iphone. You can choose which folders to keep in sync and it will notify you whenever a new message arrives in sub-folders.
The only problem I have with the stock email app is that you can't "Select All" and delete. That capability, and the ability to forward emails by clicking on several contacts and adding them , as the stock program does, are two features I really like; however, I can't find an email program that has both capabilities.
greystealth said:
Enhanced Email is what youre looking for. I'm a huge Exchange user and this program easily integrates and works just like it does on iphone. You can choose which folders to keep in sync and it will notify you whenever a new message arrives in sub-folders.
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I installed Enhance email. However, it looks alike stock mail (may be I haven't explorer it much). I do like Moxier mail because it's giving me the interface just like Outlook (folder is in order same as my work laptop). Unfortunately, Moxier mail only have 1 account. Wish i can add other acc then it should be PERFECT
Good morning,
I just purchased my first Android Phone (SGSII - ATT) and to my unpleasant surprise, the phone cant load or play the .wav email attachments that we receive.
After doing some research on this - I gave up and wanted to share this issue with you.
Everything that I found so far was related to downloading a 3rd party app that plays the .wav files.
Here is what happens on my phone:
- When I receive an email with a .wav attachment the phone does show in the email list that there is an attachment
- When I open the email, then there is no sign for an attachment
- At the bottom of the email there is a button "Load More Details"
- When I press that button the phone displays "Downloading" and it goes into an infinite loop and never downloads anything.
I like the phone so far, but if I cant play my voice messages on it, will have to go back to my iPhone 4G... and I really dont want to go back to that slow and small phone
You help is appreciated!
ratimux said:
Good morning,
I just purchased my first Android Phone (SGSII - ATT) and to my unpleasant surprise, the phone cant load or play the .wav email attachments that we receive.
After doing some research on this - I gave up and wanted to share this issue with you.
Everything that I found so far was related to downloading a 3rd party app that plays the .wav files.
Here is what happens on my phone:
- When I receive an email with a .wav attachment the phone does show in the email list that there is an attachment
- When I open the email, then there is no sign for an attachment
- At the bottom of the email there is a button "Load More Details"
- When I press that button the phone displays "Downloading" and it goes into an infinite loop and never downloads anything.
I like the phone so far, but if I cant play my voice messages on it, will have to go back to my iPhone 4G... and I really dont want to go back to that slow and small phone
You help is appreciated!
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Are you using the GMail app or the other (built in) Mail app?
I just tested mine out, playing a WAV file in both email apps, and it worked fine. Showed the attachment, downloaded, and played via the built in media player.
You mentioned you installed some 3rd party app to play the WAV files. This might be your problem. I would suggest that you either uninstall this app or disassociate it from .WAV files and see if that fixes the problem.
Also, keep in mind that all WAVs are not the same. There are different internal codecs and some are incompatible with certain media players.
But I would say that this other app is more likely to be causing the problem. At least from the info you told us.
I am using the Email app (White envelop stamped with a blue & white @ symbol).
I only downloaded the 3rd party app after trying the .wav playback.
The phone refuses to even display the attachment when I open the email. In the list mode I can see that there is an attachment, but when I open the email there is no attachment...weird.
Should I be using the Gmail app for my exchange account sync?
Thank you
ratimux said:
I am using the Email app (White envelop stamped with a blue & white @ symbol).
I only downloaded the 3rd party app after trying the .wav playback.
The phone refuses to even display the attachment when I open the email. In the list mode I can see that there is an attachment, but when I open the email there is no attachment...weird.
Should I be using the Gmail app for my exchange account sync?
Thank you
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If it's not private, forward me the WAV you are trying to play: enki -at- phalse -dot- org. I'll see if I can play it on mine, and if not, what the differences are.
I'm not sure if the Gmail app is compatible or not with exchange, you may need to use the other built in email app (as you are).
You could also try using another, non exchange based, email provider and forward it there, just to eliminate a problem on the exchange server side.
phonic said:
If it's not private, forward me the WAV you are trying to play: enki -at- phalse -dot- org. I'll see if I can play it on mine, and if not, what the differences are.
I'm not sure if the Gmail app is compatible or not with exchange, you may need to use the other built in email app (as you are).
You could also try using another, non exchange based, email provider and forward it there, just to eliminate a problem on the exchange server side.
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I will forward it in a second...
In the mean time - I did test sendimg myself an mp3 file to the same Exchange account and that one worked fine.
I also sent the .wav file to my Gmail account and was also able to play it via the Gmail app on the phone.
So, it seems like the problem I am having is only for those .wav files in my Exchange Account
Tested using the email app with my corp exchange account, no problem what so ever with .wav files. It might be a problem with your exchange server that filtered out the attachment.
foxbat121 said:
Tested using the email app with my corp exchange account, no problem what so ever with .wav files. It might be a problem with your exchange server that filtered out the attachment.
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That is really weird because I never had any issues with my iPhone (s).
I just sent out a test .wav file to a couple of iPhone and Andoid users (not SGS2 ATT) and they can all open the file.
Here is the screenshot from the screen I get after clicking on the "Load More Details" button. There is definitely something behind the downloading message but I cannot get to it nor read it. BTW this never downloads anything, it just hangs liker that
ratimux said:
I will forward it in a second...
In the mean time - I did test sendimg myself an mp3 file to the same Exchange account and that one worked fine.
I also sent the .wav file to my Gmail account and was also able to play it via the Gmail app on the phone.
So, it seems like the problem I am having is only for those .wav files in my Exchange Account
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Got your email and it played without any problems on my SG2. Used the standard email app and hit 'preview'. Downloaded and launched the media player and I heard your "test" recording.
So that eliminated the email and WAV file from being at fault. So it's down to either your device (unlikely, but possible) or the integration with your exchange server (more likely). To eliminate/vindicate the second possibility, try creating a standard IMAP/POP email account, forward the message there, and try and download/play it from the same email app. If it works, you will need to fix it on the exchange side.
I just tested again using the same Cisco phone voicemail at work and it work as well. From what I can tell from your screen shot, it is not an attachment but a URL to some internal location that is not accessible to the public networks (cell connection). Unfortunately it is hidden by the loading icon. I can only see file://.....
Does your exchange email ever show HTML email on your phone at all. It seems that your exchange server is using the rather old Exchange 2003 ActiveSync protocol that strips off the HTML and other stuff. That's why you have 'Load more details' button (just like Hotmail).
I am not sure exactly how our exchange is setup but I just found out that if I rotate the phone to landscape and then back to portrait it shows the attachment and it can play it....
I am not sure why it does that, but I have the feeling that this phone will be going back to BestBuy...
Same problem with Galaxy Glide
I have this issue with a Galaxy Glide. But I don't have any working solution. What's wrong with Samsung?
vpmicro said:
I have this issue with a Galaxy Glide. But I don't have any working solution. What's wrong with Samsung?
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I'll try to be polite, but.....this thread was dead . Bringing it back up after 10 months of being dead and buried is called necroing here, and its frowned upon. I'm sure the OP found a solution as its been...10 months. I've never had this problem on any rom I've run.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
I've searched to no avail.... I'm running stock and using the included email app. Some (not all) email comes through with words split between lines like this:
I have gone to see my fri
end and when I arrived sh
wasn't there so I then tri
ed to.... blah blah
It doesn't happen with all email. I found a setting in the browser to fix word wrap but can find nothing to fix email.
Thanks for any assistance. B
out of curiosity, have you noticed this happening with one or two people in particular? I'm thinking that it might be the way they send the email, not the way your phone displays it.
reason is - I notice that same problem once in a while on my corporate email setup on outlook. Turned out it was a problem on the sender's end. not sure the details, though.
nyydynasty said:
I'm thinking that it might be the way they send the email, not the way your phone displays it.
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Good point. I just got the phone and I haven't read many emails yet but will keep that in mind. One in particular that I remember was from an iPad owner and another was from a library. I didn't that problem with my last phone (WinMo)
I have one email from a public library to my gmail account. If I look at it with the GMail app on the GS2, it is fine but if I look at it on the GS2 email app, it has the split word problem.
i'm not really sure what would cause that. Have you tried to clear the cache on the gs2 email app?
I've gotten only about 12 emails since firing up the phone. I don't know how to clear the cache.
settings > applications > manage applications > "all" tab (up top) > find the email app that you're using. You'll see the button in there.
ok - thanks for directions. I cleared my cache and we'll see what happens
this is happening to me as well... stock email app hooked up to exchange. emails look fine in outlook as well as on the exchange server, but they appear fragmented (both portrait and landscape) in the email app... clearing cache does not do anything. this is all emails from all senders.
anybody know anything about this?
I know on my old Captivate, if you select anything other than the default font in email client, you will get this problem. But the new email client on GS2 doesn't have any way to select a different font.
Also, from the screen shots above, try tap the button "load more details" and see if it changes.
"load more details" just loads the entire email thread, instead of just the portion in view.
Nope. It tries to load the email as HTML mail if your current exchange server reports as Exchange 2003. This typically works well for Hotmail.
I don't see "load more details" anywhere. Perhaps this is only for exchange email?
barbo said:
I don't see "load more details" anywhere. Perhaps this is only for exchange email?
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It is only for exhang 2003 emails.
foxbat121 said:
Nope. It tries to load the email as HTML mail if your current exchange server reports as Exchange 2003. This typically works well for Hotmail.
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you're right... and this does fix it, but now i'm curious on how to "force" this action from the get go...
in your exchange server settings, you can select the settings for how much of each email you sync, how far back your calenda sycsr, tasks (for 2k8 and above), etc...
under emails, select the size to retrive emails to ALL, that should download all of the email, and not show you the prompt to "load more details"
---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------
fwiw, when you only download part of an email, its downloaded in "plain text" mode.. when you download all of an email, either by default, or by clicking the "load more details" link. you download the html version of the email if your server supports html mail.
Not necessary always the case. With Exchange 2003 protocol, HTML email is not supported. So the server will only push down plain text portion of the email. Some mail servers like Hotmail are known to push as Exchange 2003 protocol only but can actually send out HTML email as well if you ask. So the 'Load more detail' button will ignore the protocol restriction and ask server for full HTML email anyway.
foxbat121 said:
Not necessary always the case. With Exchange 2003 protocol, HTML email is not supported. So the server will only push down plain text portion of the email. Some mail servers like Hotmail are known to push as Exchange 2003 protocol only but can actually send out HTML email as well if you ask. So the 'Load more detail' button will ignore the protocol restriction and ask server for full HTML email anyway.
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you are 100% correct, thanks for clarifying
I have a strange problem with the default email app. There's like 10 copies of each email, doesn't save sent emails, don't send deleted emails to Trash folder. Anyone facing the same problem? Any available solution?
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA App
How are you configuring your email? Is it a windows live account, yahoo, gmail, etc?
Is it POP3, IMAP, or Exchange?
Personally I had a problem when configuring my windows live account with the default (Exchange) method. Whenever I send an email, it gets sent twice or thrice! I worked-around this issue by using POP3, which has many shortcomings, but it solved that issue.
Windows Live Messenger (, it was automatically configured. Do you recommend a certain configuration? Thanks!
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA App
The issue I had with duplicate emails was resolved after updating to 3.2
I have a new galaxy tab 10.1 running 3.2 and still have the issue with multiple emails going out, and items not deleting from my deleted mail.
I've tried the stock email as well as K9. I own my own domain and use my own email. I've set it up as an IMAP account. I also have a Samsung Epic and always had the same issue there too.
I really would like a fix for this. It's pretty ridiculous that 'email' is such an issue. It's not like it's a new technology.
I got same prob with gmail app and my google acc. on my tab (running on Overcome Rom with Pershoot Kernel)
Maybe it has something to do with coustom rom's?
Not sure it has to do with custom Rom. I'm still using stock on my galaxy tab.