I just rooted my Tab 10.1 GT-P7510 and after performing a backup and a full wipe I installed the AOKP ROM and latest gaps without issue. Everything on the Tab is running just fine.
However, now when I plug the Tab into my computer the computer will not recognize it as an external drive. Meaning I cannot open it as a folder to add files such as wallpapers or ROM zip files to the root of the Tab.
I have tried rebooting, disabling USB Debugging, and wiping Dalvik Cache and fixing permissions but nothing seems to resolve this.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Factory reset?
sn0warmy said:
I just rooted my Tab 10.1 GT-P7510 and after performing a backup and a full wipe I installed the AOKP ROM and latest gaps without issue. Everything on the Tab is running just fine.
However, now when I plug the Tab into my computer the computer will not recognize it as an external drive. Meaning I cannot open it as a folder to add files such as wallpapers or ROM zip files to the root of the Tab.
I have tried rebooting, disabling USB Debugging, and wiping Dalvik Cache and fixing permissions but nothing seems to resolve this.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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if you are using windows, check in computer -> properties -> device manager, check the android device and reinstalll the driver.
Go to setting > storage > USB computer connection on the top right corner and tick MTP.
lexi250 said:
Go to setting > storage > USB computer connection on the top right corner and tick MTP.
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This is the way.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 using XDA Premium HD App.
I have a XT910 that is rooted and has safestrap installed. I have tried Carbon, Liquid Smooth and CM 10.1 and although they install fine and i do the usual cache/dalvik wipe. Then I do the usual phone setup and so forth. But when I plug the phone in to my pc nothing happens. it does not come up with any notifications or options to put the phone into mass storage or Media Device. However it does start Motocast on the Carbon Rom. I cant see anywhere a setting to use to change this or bring up the ratification that is always present on most Android phones when you put a data cable in. So I am still on ICS.
Anyone got any ideas/pointers?
It just stopped working. When I plug into PC, it just says it's charging? No idea what I could have done. I even tried restoring my backed up stock rom, but that made no difference. Tried two different PC's. What settings should I look for? Can I get to it via reboot, and pressing something. I seem to remember one time when my phone wouldn't boot, that I still had USB access.
big_dog1968 said:
It just stopped working. When I plug into PC, it just says it's charging? No idea what I could have done. I even tried restoring my backed up stock rom, but that made no difference. Tried two different PC's. What settings should I look for? Can I get to it via reboot, and pressing something. I seem to remember one time when my phone wouldn't boot, that I still had USB access.
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If you have CWM installed then yes, you *should* be just fine. In mounts and storage menu, the last option i think is "mount USB storage" and it will show up in windows as removable storage then. If this doesn't work I can guess two things, one, your cable only has the power pins still connected, and not data. So try another cable. Or, on the USB connector inside your phone its not connecting both data pins, only power.
Should be able to visually check for damage to the micro usb port. Best of luck.
[r.]GimP said:
If you have CWM installed then yes, you *should* be just fine. In mounts and storage menu, the last option i think is "mount USB storage" and it will show up in windows as removable storage then. If this doesn't work I can guess two things, one, your cable only has the power pins still connected, and not data. So try another cable. Or, on the USB connector inside your phone its not connecting both data pins, only power.
Should be able to visually check for damage to the micro usb port. Best of luck.
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I have TWRP. Does that change the suggestion?
big_dog1968 said:
I have TWRP. Does that change the suggestion?
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not if there is an option to enable storage, I haven't used twrp in forever, so I can't tell you definitively. You could download CWM on your device and flash it in TWRP though.
USB port appears fine. Tried different cable that works on my son's phone and it still didn't work. Is there an app that is good for troubleshooting usb connections someone could recommend. Thanks.
big_dog1968 said:
USB port appears fine. Tried different cable that works on my son's phone and it still didn't work. Is there an app that is good for troubleshooting usb connections someone could recommend. Thanks.
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According to google TWRP does have an option to mount usb storage, have you tried seeing if windows can recognize your phone storage in recovery?
An alternative solution could be to use a shared folder in windows and ES file explorer to connect to that share, and send and receive files that way, so at least you have some ability to manage the device. *through WiFi on the phone to the LAN that your PC is on*
I would suggest deleting all the drivers for your device in windows but you already said you tried on a second computer. I'm stumped on this one at the moment.
[r.]GimP said:
According to google TWRP does have an option to mount usb storage, have you tried seeing if windows can recognize your phone storage in recovery?
An alternative solution could be to use a shared folder in windows and ES file explorer to connect to that share, and send and receive files that way, so at least you have some ability to manage the device. *through WiFi on the phone to the LAN that your PC is on*
I would suggest deleting all the drivers for your device in windows but you already said you tried on a second computer. I'm stumped on this one at the moment.
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Thanks for the suggestions. So far, none have worked. I wonder if there is an android app, that can check if the usb ports are working or not?
I had the same problem on SlimBean, Beanstalk and maybe another I can't remember. Switching to dvhexer's CM 10.2 fixed it. I THINK my problem was that those other ROMs require the phone to have been on stock 4.1.2 before flashing and dvhexer's CM 10.2 doesn't. I'm not sure, but that seems likely to me. In any case, make a backup of your current ROM and flash CM 10.2 to see if that fixes the issue. I really like Beanstalk but the ability to connect to my PC is vital to me so I'm on 10.2 for now. Hope this helps.
Sent from my Optimus G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Have the same problem :/ it randomly happened to me, haven't found any sort of fix.
I think I'm going to go back to stock, take it to a service center and say, "it aint workin". Still under warranty. Doubt they'll do much snooping if it appears to be running stock Rom.
Can you even flash back to stock? I tried flashing it once and it wouldn't boot, completely wiped everything and reinstalled and it still wouldn't boot, so I'm stuck on custom roms apparently with no connection to pc so no lgnpst possible
Sent from my LG Optimus G using Tapatalk 4
hello folks,
since upgrading to android 4.3 I have not been able to install custom apps that are not available on play store.
unknown sources option is greyed out and there seems no way to enable it. Please see the attachment. when trying to install .apk the message that pops up is 'this app is blocked by device administrator'.
Please help me by suggesting solution or atleast a workaround to this problem.
A common issue when upgrading to 4.3 from kies. If I'm right and you're using official rom, then I suggest doing a factory reset + cache wipe in recovery mode (note- it will delete all of your apps, but internal storage will stay intact).
For instructions about how to enter recovery mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANH-oatE6bk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
amirTor said:
A common issue when upgrading to 4.3 from kies. If I'm right and you're using official rom, then I suggest doing a factory reset + cache wipe in recovery mode (note- it will delete all of your apps, but internal storage will stay intact).
For instructions about how to enter recovery mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANH-oatE6bk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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ermmm. I have installed rom via odin flashable zip file of and I have filed via chain fir.
it wasn't working before root either.
on a side note, I have Microsoft exchange installed apk from android 4.4 kit and work email id linked plus custom email ids too..
could that be controlling my security as security policy/ dialing unknown sources. ??
amy91 said:
ermmm. I have installed rom via odin flashable zip file of and I have filed via chain fir.
it wasn't working before root either.
on a side note, I have Microsoft exchange installed apk from android 4.4 kit and work email id linked plus custom email ids too..
could that be controlling my security as security policy/ dialing unknown sources. ??
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When flashing rom with odin, there is a 'marging' issue (some files and data from pervious rom remains after flashing, which caused the device to be quite unstable- like the problem you're experiencing)
Backup all of your data, and go to recovey mode->wipe data/factory reset, and wipe cache.
That will reset your device to a factory state, but will also remove all previous apps which causing this issue
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
I installed Cyanogenmod 10.1 on my Galaxy S2 which is working fine except when I try to connect it to a PC through USB. I plug in the cable and nothing, absolutely nothing, happens. Not even a sound or an unrecognized device.
However, when I reboot into Download mode, I hear a sound when connected and Zadig can see it. When I disconnect, I hear the disconnect sound. This has led me to believe it has something to do with the ROM.
I have tried different PCs, same results. Installed the USB Switcher app from Play Store, nothing changed. Downloaded and installed the latest Samsung USB drivers from here, reboot and still no signs of life. :crying:
Not sure if this is related but when I go to System Settings>Storage>USB STORAGE the "Mount USB card" option is grayed out. Even though I have an microSD card installed and I can listen to the music that's stored on it. Furthermore, I can access it in the CM File Manager app but only with superuser privileges where it is mounted as sdcard1 (I can only browse sdcard0 in safe mode). Don't know how relevant this is but I thought I'd put it out there.
I'm sure there is someone smarter than me out there with the answer to my problem. Any help is greatly appreciated
Given what you've already tried (going back to stock, different PC's, etc, etc), and given how quick/easy/cheap it is to do yourself, I'd be replacing the USB board/port. KeithRoss39 has a guide in the General section; search for it. Has all the info you need to get it done without fuss. These things often don't die completely & will often show a few faults like you're seeing (I presume you can still charge the phone normally ?)
Well, you can always buy a card reader. They are like super cheap. I live in India where it costs around 30INR (which is less than half a dollar). So until you change your USB port, you can still transfer your files by removing the sd card and putting it in the card reader. Easy peasy!
Do hit the thanks button if i helped!
Or maybe it's the extSD bug from CM 10.x kernel, have you tried switching rom/kernel?
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 utilizzando Tapatalk
Thanks for the replies! :good:
I don't think the USB board is broken because it worked when I used Heimdall to flash and ADB to push the CM.zip to the microSD card, two days ago. I bought the phone used where it was factory reset and I installed CM (10.1 stable) straight away. When I reboot into Download mode and connect the phone to my PC, it works. Then I can mount the microSD card through ADB so that's not really the problem. What I want is to connect my phone through USB to my computer without Download mode + ADB. Like "normal".
Aello, could you give me further info about this bug? I can't seem to find any reference to it through Google. No, I haven't tried switching ROMs beside my switch from stock (which I didn't use at all) to CM 10.1.
Any further tips would help
I would suggest you to try some different custom/unofficial ROMs, since CM used to have some issues on mounting the extSD in 10.1 and 10.2 kernel.
I think I'll just try that. Any suggestions?
I would firstly try to flash a different, compatible, kernel, such as dorimanx's or gustavo's or apolo's, try to go under the storage managment and see if any new menu pops up. If this doesn't fix the problem, I'd move to a kitkat rom with either built in kernel or switch to one of the mentioned (kitkat version).
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 utilizzando Tapatalk
After researching quite a bit I have decided to go with Dorimanx's kernel. However, I'm just a little bit paranoid about bricking my phone and it would really help to get a clarification on some things beforehand.
According to the Dorimanx's installation guide I should reboot into recovery and install the zip from sdcard. Is CWM the right tool for this and how would I do it? Is it as simple as installing gapps, just install zip from sdcard? Boom, done! No need for any wipe/factory reset/etc?
Thanks for all the help so far!
I had the same issue when I flashed latest omniROM today, turns out the phone was in USB debugging mode so didn't connect. Go to developer options in settings and check it is not in USB debugging mode!
If you have no developer mode go to settings - about phone and then click lots on build number until it says you are a developer (or something like that), then the developer option will appear.
Hopefully that will fix it for you!
Kernel flashing is boom, done yes, tho caches (NO need to wipe data/factory) wiping doesn't hurt. CWM is the right tool and the new kernel will bring his custom recovery along (it will or will not change, depens on which recovery you are on). Make sure to get the right kernel for your rom!
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 utilizzando Tapatalk
Recently installed the great Lollipop 5.1.1 ROM by decatf. Had some minor problems, and then learned about the 6.0.1 ROM. Downloaded the zip files for ROM and GAPPS, copied to the TAB, booted into TWRP, and tried to install. System went OK, but when I tried to install GAPPS, got a message about "not enough memory". Without GAPPS, the Tab doesn't do much. After several attempts, I told TWRP to wipe everything (checked all the boxes under wipe). Now, of course, I have NO FILES on the Tab, and seem to have no way to get files there. i.e., without a ROM on the Tab, I cannot drag files from the PC.
Looked for a file that I could install with ODIN. No luck.
Loaded ADB on my PC and tried "Sideload" under TWRP's advanced menu. Sideload says:
Updating partition details...
E:Unable to stat '/data/.layout_version'
Full SELinux support is present.]
MTP Enabled
Starting ADB sideload feature...
On the PC, I get Total xfer: 0.00x
and on TWRP it says "Failed"
It's embarassing, but I've run out of ideas. It looks like ALL I have is TWRP. If I could get the ROM and GAPPS to the Tab, I could install them.
Can somebody please point me toward a solution?
UncleDick said:
Recently installed the great Lollipop 5.1.1 ROM by decatf. Had some minor problems, and then learned about the 6.0.1 ROM. Downloaded the zip files for ROM and GAPPS, copied to the TAB, booted into TWRP, and tried to install. System went OK, but when I tried to install GAPPS, got a message about "not enough memory". Without GAPPS, the Tab doesn't do much. After several attempts, I told TWRP to wipe everything (checked all the boxes under wipe). Now, of course, I have NO FILES on the Tab, and seem to have no way to get files there. i.e., without a ROM on the Tab, I cannot drag files from the PC.
Looked for a file that I could install with ODIN. No luck.
Loaded ADB on my PC and tried "Sideload" under TWRP's advanced menu. Sideload says:
Updating partition details...
E:Unable to stat '/data/.layout_version'
Full SELinux support is present.]
MTP Enabled
Starting ADB sideload feature...
On the PC, I get Total xfer: 0.00x
and on TWRP it says "Failed"
It's embarassing, but I've run out of ideas. It looks like ALL I have is TWRP. If I could get the ROM and GAPPS to the Tab, I could install them.
Can somebody please point me toward a solution?
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go to twrp. connect ur tab 2 ur pc then go to mounts in twrp. then select "Enable MTP" twice and then u can transfer rom 2 ur tab
Won't Transfer
daneal2u said:
go to twrp. connect ur tab 2 ur pc then go to mounts in twrp. then select "Enable MTP" twice and then u can transfer rom 2 ur tab
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THANKS for the speedy and helpful response. To clarify, click "Enable MTP" once and the button changes to "Disable MTP", click on "Disable", then click on "Enable" a second time. When "Enabled", the p4wifi appears on the Windows File Explorer list. I drag the ROM file and Windows says "Copying". HOWEVER, the file does not copy. Maybe it's my driver? Downloaded Samsung Kies and reinstalled. Rebooted PC. Same thing happens.
Darn it, this SHOULD have worked.
Return to Stock?
Maybe the only choice left is to search for a stock (Samsung) image file for the p4wifi, use ODIN to flash that, and then start over with the 6.0.1 ROM?
Success...... (almost)
Downloading a stock ROM turns out to be more frustrating than one might think. i.e. Samsung doesn't seem to make ROM's available, and the web sites one gets to all appear to want a 'subscription' to download in less than a couple of hours. (I went to bed and let it go overnight!) What's the deal that there seems to be a Samsung "Region Code" for everyplace except the USA?
Used ODIN to flash the stock ROM. Once the tablet booted up, I copied 6.0.1 and flashed with TWRP. BUT..... had a devil of a time flashing gapps. Got an error, "not enough space on System partition" for every version of open gapps larger than "nano". WTF? The device is basically empty! How can there be not enough space?
Anyway, thanks to decatf, I now enjoy Android Marshmallow on a Galaxy Tab 10.1 when most commercially available tablets (except Nexus, of course) are still on Lollipop or older.
Thanks for the helpful suggestions and patience on this forum.
My original problem, alas, remains. The Amazon Kindle app does not work on this Marshmallow ROM, and it is unclear what can be done, or even where to turn for help.
Success at Last
Thanks to a post about a different software issue, I tried loading an older version of the Amazon Kindle app. Bizarre, but true . . . . now it works!
Have successfully read one of the Kindle books which caused the Kindle app to force close before.
In fact, it appears that Google Play has since updated that old Kindle app to the latest version ( and it still works.
Maybe loading the older version set something up that the very newest version does not when loaded from scratch?
Anyway, I'm reading and this old Tablet lives on!