[Q] Facebook for Android app - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Today i'm facing a problem with my Facebook app on my Android device, i can log in, i can see everything on my News Feed, i can see my Friend Requests & Inbox too(and open them), i see the list of my notifications but when i press on a notification, it do nothing.
I am the only one or no?
I'm using AOKP ICS 4.0.3 ROM.

You're not the only one. I was running tFC22v0.1.1 and flashed tFC18v0.1.1 but it didn't help.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA

Im stock on my thunderbolt, had the same issue today. Glad its not just me
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda premium

Honestly facebook is the worst app for any platform. I am seriously concidering un installing it from every device i own, and just using the browser.

Thank christ! I was about to commit a sin and make a new thread about this!
I was thinking that it was simply my fingers!
This is really annoying.
Is Facebook for Android coded by Facebook or by Google?


? About Twitter / Peep

Not a massive question but would like some help.
In the pursuit of finding the best twitter app, I have literally tried them all. Long time Touiter / Plume user. Loving tweetdeck but the ui is pretty ugly. For the hell of it I tried the official twitter app and it isn't bad. Not for me though. Then I got to thinking I've never tried Peep before so I readded it to my phone and really like it.
So my question is : I hate twitter apps that everytime you open it up, it takes you to newest tweets. Big reason I stuck with Plume / TweetDeck so long. Peep pops to top everytime.
Is there anyway to stop it from doing that? Just updates tweets but stays on last viewed like Plume / Tweetdeck? If I can figure that out I'll be able to get rid of multiple twitter apps on my phone. Peep seems to do it all and looks really good too.
Any suggestions or fixes?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Nothing? Damn. Figured one of the awesome wizards on here knew how to do something.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
To answer your question no there isn't a way/option for peep to remember your last position on your timeline. Awesome feature yes, but unfortunately peep as most of the HTC sense apps and UI elements is closed source. Which makes messing with it a tadbit difficult for devs. So there's your answer, sorry its not the one you were looking for.
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA App
What didn't you like about the official app, features that you like missing? I use it and love it better than anything else out there. I use that and twitvid app, perfect combination IMO.
The official app doesn't always go to the newest tweets.

Facebook messenger!!!!

Finally we can send messages people.check it out in market
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Not there
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I see it (I'm using new market).
I'm confused as to why its not integrated into the main app. :/
Silly Facebook, developers... Just fix the notifications/instant updates.
I gotta remind myself to get to a damn blackberry.
So I can only get it from the new market? BRB, installing new market...
Sent from my "Oh my god, its that one of those 3D phones!?" EVO3D
Isn't in market. I don't find it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Check this out, "SMS KILLER"
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Go through the Facebook app and click news feed, it linked me to market
Found link to market https://market.android.com/details?id=com.facebook.orca
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Difference between that and chatting from the official Facebook app = ?
It is a copy of huddle google+
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Maybe it's just me, but I'm not seeing it at all...
Nevermind. I found it on market.android.com and just pushed the installation to my phone that way. Not sure how this is any good at all, though.
I have it difference idk they released for the iPhone as well and you can sent pics so I'm guessing is like a blackberry messenger lol
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
WHY DO WE LIKE IT? It's weird to think that this can be a standalone app apart from the clusterzuck that Facebook can be but, well, it really can. It's as good as GroupMe or Kik or WhatsApp in the sense that you're chatting with friends without racking up SMS charges but it's better than those services because most people have Facebook accounts and don't need to sign up for a new service. It's easy to add buddies to chat (through their Facebook account or phone number), almost scary easy to attach your location to each message and less complicated than GroupMe to start a group chat.
Even if you hate Facebook, you don't hate your friends right? The Facebook-ness of the app is invisible enough that even the most anti-Facebook guy will have to admit this is actually decent. Seriously, strip the Facebook away and what you get is a messaging app that your friends have already signed up for. Why not try?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I see it (I'm using new market).
I'm confused as to why its not integrated into the main app. :/
Silly Facebook, developers... Just fix the notifications/instant updates.
I gotta remind myself to get to a damn blackberry.
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Difference between that and chatting from the official Facebook app = ?
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There's built in chat in the Facebook app, been that way for a while now guys...granted their notifications aren't working right for most people but the chat works just fine.
side note: are they gonna fix multi-quote on these boards soon? some problem with ad-block?
Could one of you share the apk, it's telling me a dumb error like my phone is not compatible and does the same for the official facebook app ....
[edit]Found it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1210604
I tried this but the notifications arnt working. I've enabled all alerts, light sound vibrate but when I receive a message there's nothing. I have to go to the app to know i got one


I'm having several issues with FB, the biggest being after I look at "X" pictures (My man Club?) no pictures will open. I have to reboot the phone and it works for a minute, then same thing? It seems to me, each time a i open a photo/movie and I backout, it stays in memory until FB is usless?
Lastly, and not that I really give a crap, some of my ex-wife post I get, others I dont. The Only reason I mention, she will post pictures of Granddaughter. Friends of mine get them and call and tell me how cute she is. I dont get them. The she will post something else, I get it, so she did not defriend me? makes no sense!
I have version 1.9.6
Anyone? 100 views and no replys, any thoughs would be appricated.
Don't know about the pictures and videos, but I know you can block specific people or groups from any post you make, so your ex could be choosing to block you on certain posts.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
pkomarnicki said:
Don't know about the pictures and videos, but I know you can block specific people or groups from any post you make, so your ex could be choosing to block you on certain posts.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
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Not to be smart, trust me, she has no clue how. Matter fact, no one in that family nor mine (except me) could do that. Oh well............
More worried about my phone freezing after I open "X" amount of photos. I cleaned up text messages, e-mails, mobile photos today (Photos are on FB anyway). Maybe Photon will run better?
Use friendcaster. Much better than official fb app anyway.
Well, mystery #1 solved (I think), she (they) are not smart enough to defriend me and she swore off FB. But since my daughter loves it and so do her religious friends, they created secret goup just for them. Click on THAT group and post, only they see it. I guess now and then, she slips and just post on her main wall. If I go to her profile, I see ALL the post! That makes sense.
With the freezing, clueless. Since Feb 18th, 2012, I have not installed or updated one single app!
Acvice said:
Use friendcaster. Much better than official fb app anyway.
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Friendcaster is nice; there's also Fast and Scope (Scope is invite only; install the app and then use invite code "theverge" to create an account) but none of the third-party Facebook apps can see your entire feed. There will always be some things that will not show up in third-party clients.
A more elegant solution I have found is to use Facebook on your mobile browser. It takes some tweaking to get the desktop site to display, but it can be done. Make sure you're accessing www.facebook.com and not just facebook.com; also setting the user agent to desktop can help as well.
Also, you can get the customizable Maxthon (google it, it lets you customize the name, icon, homepage, and other settings). Name it Facebook, give it a Facebook icon and splash screen, and set the homepage to Facebook, bam, you got a Facebook browser. The browser itself is very capable, and has the user agent feature if you want to use it for the desktop version.
It just helps to have options. The Facebook app has always been sub-par.
I use SEESMIC. It works surprisingly well. Works with twitter too, but I use tweetcaster for that.
Sent from my rooted kindle fire using Tapatalk 2
Dark Reality said:
It just helps to have options. The Facebook app has always been sub-par.
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When my phone starts messing up, it's the first app I delete. Works everytime! and the funny thing, I don't have the other apps you mention here and my auto-update is off for everything. FB just crashes the phone for no reason out of the blue. Always has!
Are you on stock? I'm running MIUI and mine crashes mostly when rotating the screen but sometimes for no reason at all.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
knG333 said:
Are you on stock? I'm running MIUI and mine crashes mostly when rotating the screen but sometimes for no reason at all.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
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I'm stock, but it seems not to matter as I was unlocked and running CM7. Sadly, the only people I know NOT having issues are the 4 iPhone users I know. If I were adding apps and/or doing auto updates, I would maybe understand. I'm not.
Facebook I'd a billion dollar company, producing crap apps. The problem I have with there app is that every update will make or break the functionality. On a side note, the reason handloom works so well on, iOS, is because they have a whooping 10+/- devices to support, versus the hundreds of android devices on various os software. Ie: eclair, froyo, gingerbread, ics, honeycomb, etc. So I can't hate the facebook android devs completely just hate the issues that come with updates!
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
Is, facebook. hate predictive text sometime.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
I don't use any facebrick app I only check facebrick from the stock browser. I don't have any issues whatsoever.
Granted the function of uploading pictures to facebrick is done through the gallery on the rocko rom I am using.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

[APP] Facebook 1.9.6

As some of you may have realized over the passed few days the latest Facebook update to 1.9.8 is all kinds of jacked up with hard freezing and not getting notifications. Here is the latest that worked before the update.
Download is in the 2nd post
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Here it is.
I haven't had issues with the latest update. I get notifications
But the one that I have trouble with is the FB Messenger app.
it just won't notify me when someone messages me.
kbrn said:
I haven't had issues with the latest update. I get notifications
But the one that I have trouble with is the FB Messenger app.
it just won't notify me when someone messages me.
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well i do get notifications but it does not play a notification sound no matter which ringtone i select..And it hard freezes way too often.Iv'e read enough reviews in the Market for this App to realize it isn't user error on my part....
Yea the new update is all jacked up. I'm having all those issues.. Thanks for posting
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Thanks for dl..latest update sucks major ass
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
No problem.. Damn thing was driving me nuts thinking I had a bad flash.. Hopefully version 2.0 will fix this app. I'm ocd and hate seeing an update always available in the market, lol..
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Contacts Facebook on JB 10.1

Hello children. Uhhhmmm I recently flashed epinters 10.1. Actually this is the first time flash a custom rom. I just wanna ask about my facebook contacts. I added my acct Facebook but it didn't snyc like blur does. I used sync me but wasn't satisfied. I want all my contacts in Facebook sync in my phone even though they dont have phone/contact numbers. How'd i do that?! Thank you.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thats because this isn't a blur rom.
I recall seeing contact sync on android apps section.
EDIT: I cant fimd it, but you could also try in the playstore, there seems to be several apps that do what you need
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

