Contacts Facebook on JB 10.1 - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello children. Uhhhmmm I recently flashed epinters 10.1. Actually this is the first time flash a custom rom. I just wanna ask about my facebook contacts. I added my acct Facebook but it didn't snyc like blur does. I used sync me but wasn't satisfied. I want all my contacts in Facebook sync in my phone even though they dont have phone/contact numbers. How'd i do that?! Thank you.
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Thats because this isn't a blur rom.
I recall seeing contact sync on android apps section.
EDIT: I cant fimd it, but you could also try in the playstore, there seems to be several apps that do what you need
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Noob BAMF 3.0 RC4 Question

Hey guys im thinking about switching over to this Rom but I need to know if this Rom has any VZM apps like backup manager,ect thanks for the help
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It does have backup assistant. It is debloated though.
sent from my bolt
Just use TitaniumBackup to remove any apps you don't like.
Yea I just like to use it for my contacts tb for some reason don't like to save all my contact info like the phone numbers
Sent from my BamfBolt using XDA Premium App
Your google account will back up contacts for you, numbers emails even pics
I also tried that but for some reason my phone dont sync also tried htc sync and it syncs but options like contacts are locked hence the topic Noon lol
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Sorry for the double post but just tried to use Google sync again and it just skips right past it when I push sync all when I click on contacts it has the sync symbol show up for a quick second then view away without saving anything. I am under accounts and sync BTW unless their is a different way
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make sure your contacts are google contacts thats the only way they will sync
Ok thanks for the help ill Google search on how to make my contacts Google contacts
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bwolf417 said:
Sorry for the double post but just tried to use Google sync again and it just skips right past it when I push sync all when I click on contacts it has the sync symbol show up for a quick second then view away without saving anything. I am under accounts and sync BTW unless their is a different way
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Call me an idiot...but I thought Google sync was obsolete with android, considering most of the devices are powered by Google! I nice !!
I will reiterate - Titanium Backup works great for restoring, in my case programs with data like Timeriffic.
studiorat said:
Call me an idiot...but I thought Google sync was obsolete with android, considering most of the devices are powered by Google! I nice !!
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You are wrong. Google sync is an android feature. It's one of the benefits to logging in with your gmail account when you setup a new ROM.
Vulcan1600 said:
I will reiterate - Titanium Backup works great for restoring, in my case programs with data like Timeriffic.
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I've never been able to get Titanium Backup to backup and restore contacts...
You could just export your contacts to your SD card then import them back after you flash a new ROM. While in people, hit menu then export.

GS2 not syncing with Google Calendar

I set up 5 months worth of events and it just wont sync to mmy phone. I've tried manually syncing as well. I also tried 3 third party calendar apps which wont sync either.
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More details might help. What rom are you running, have you done anything special to it, what steps you've taken to try and fix it, is this your first android phone?
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Stock rom, just rooted. Ive tried syncing manually, clearing the calendar data, trying to fix it via google calendar website, tried a few calendar applications. Not sure what to do now.
Its my second phone, Inspire was my first
Does everything else sync?
From your response it sounds like you have looked this up already. So with that in mind maybe it's more of a small detail.
Are the calender events you're saving being saved to your Google calender or your local calender?
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gr8hairy1 said:
Does everything else sync?
From your response it sounds like you have looked this up already. So with that in mind maybe it's more of a small detail.
Are the calender events you're saving being saved to your Google calender or your local calender?
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Well I dont really sync anything honestly. This is pretty much the first time I've tried to sync with this phone. The event is being saved onto my Google Calender.
When I go into Settings>Accounts and Sync>My Gmail, it only shows Contacts, Gmail, and Picasa. No calendar here.
Wow. That's a first for me. How did you root your phone?
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CollegeProfesor said:
I set up 5 months worth of events and it just wont sync to mmy phone. I've tried manually syncing as well. I also tried 3 third party calendar apps which wont sync either.
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So when you access your calendar none of the events show up?
And you have tried opening the menu once you access the calendar going to settings->Calendar Sync-> selecting gmail syncing that way?
I know that with my calendar, contacts, etc. it took a long time before the information updated. I would say about 10-15 minutes and I did not create 5 months events more like major holidays and 250 or so facebook related events.
I would suggest giving it more time or rebooting the phone and trying the whole thing all over again.
gr8hairy1 said:
Wow. That's a first for me. How did you root your phone?
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I used Odin and I followed Zedomax's instructions on his YouTube channel, found here
TXFLGO05 said:
So when you access your calendar none of the events show up?
And you have tried opening the menu once you access the calendar going to settings->Calendar Sync-> selecting gmail syncing that way?
I know that with my calendar, contacts, etc. it took a long time before the information updated. I would say about 10-15 minutes and I did not create 5 months events more like major holidays and 250 or so facebook related events.
I would suggest giving it more time or rebooting the phone and trying the whole thing all over again.
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The events show on my desktop but not on my phone.
Yes, settings>Calendar Sync> my gmail is already checked. Ive given it over 12 hours now lol. Thanks
hopefully this helps (read the 2nd reply):
that was for the Nexus 1 but maybe it'll work for you. Add a 2nd gmail account and see if that calendar sync option reappears.
nyydynasty said:
hopefully this helps (read the 2nd reply):
that was for the Nexus 1 but maybe it'll work for you. Add a 2nd gmail account and see if that calendar sync option reappears.
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Ok I added my 2nd gmail account, I get "Sync Contacts, Sync Gmail" only
If it were my phone I'd flash stock to see if that fixes it. Seems like the software is messed up. I can't think of any reason Calender wouldn't show up under sync.
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gr8hairy1 said:
If it were my phone I'd flash stock to see if that fixes it. Seems like the software is messed up. I can't think of any reason Calender wouldn't show up under sync.
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Well I didnt flash any ROM, i just rooted so I can get a few rooted apps. Im new to this, but that means im still on the stock ROM right?
Correct, you're still on stock then. I really like entropy512's method, as it flashes stock (can help fix most system problems if you're running a stock rom) and it's rooted.
I'm not promising you wont lose what apps you've installed, but I've had a few times I've done it now and all my apps stayed installed. Pretty quick process all in all.
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[Q] Facebook calendar not syncing

Hey guys I have added the Facebook acct (for syncing) but the calendar keeps saying "sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly". Ive tried removing the acct and adding it back but its still happening. Any1 any ideas why this is happening or how to fix?
I'm having the same issue. Looks like the last time it sync'ed was 02/07 how about you? The strange thing is that Gallery sync on the same account is working normally, and contact sync for the facebook app itself is working normally.
I'm putting this down to an issue on facebook's side - as I've also tried removing the account and re-adding.
It would be interesting to see if our devices stopped syncing on the same day.
i am having the same issue as well, gonna give it a day or so and see if it works itself out. i agree that its probably on the FB side of things
Same here.. It's probably the FB protocol or something knowing them post if you figure it out. Wonder if newer roms work or not? Be a quick upgrade then port the new file umm
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+1 problem..
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Just replaced the SNS.apk from /system/app with a newer version from the latest ROM released. Seems to work!
I'll upload the files tomorrow to drop box, odex and none, tomorrow some time..
Edit: Here is a link to the files. Suggest you backup your old ones first and replace. Delete dalvik cache, reboot, add the new account. Might take another reboot to get your apps going. Working in Jorte Calender now
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Hi, you can also export your FB calendar via parameters in your FB web page, and paste it in your google calendar (always via web), activate it in your sgs3 calendar app and it's good
See link below for more details: (works for events and birthday)
Yeah I already synced my fb bdays through Google before this happened and bdays is the only event type I have so I unticked the calendar syncing.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Strange, i have both birthday and event in my imported fb calendrar....
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Started sync'ing again properly yesterday. I figure it really was just an issue on FB's side. :good:
hello i have a problem with gallery sync, i get a sync error, but calendar sync works, can it also be facebook what have a problem ??
Hope this works for you...

Facebook+sense 3.6

Does the facebook app still do that annoying authenticating thing once a day on sense 3.6 roms?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Also does maps still cause a reboot on older firmware on sense 3.6?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Maps works on global firmware, but not anything older.
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Facebook v1.8.4 works fine
wlmeng11 said:
Maps works on global firmware, but not anything older.
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This is incorrect. I have the OTA (3.14 or whatever it was) and Maps works fine now. No reboots.
EDIT: Speaking of which is 4.01/4.02 an actual OTA? I never got it.
Bensky91 said:
This is incorrect. I have the OTA (3.14 or whatever it was) and Maps works fine now. No reboots.
EDIT: Speaking of which is 4.01/4.02 an actual OTA? I never got it.
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Maybe it was fixed on Google's end.
I just know that when they first updated it with the new icon, it didn't work on older firmwares.
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Ya it appears to be fixed on Google's end. Although I'm still on the leak before the ota so we shall see
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Current Google Maps works on all GB & ICS ROMs on the Rezound with no issues, and has since version 6.11.1 (current is 6.12.0 I believe). Google fixed it a while back.
The Facebook authentication issues is tricky, it's not really a Facebook app thing, more of how the FB app and Facebook for HTC Sense work together. The key is to only sync stuff from one service, if you do both you will have issues. Best thing to do is remove all apps and updates for Facebook, delete all Facebook accounts, and add the Facebook account back in with no Facebook app loaded (using FB for HTC Sense), then install the latest FB app and when it asks about importing contacts or setting up sync make sure NOT to do it. Since I did it this way everything is in sync and I have not had a single auth issue.
The other way around it is delete all FB apps and accounts, then go to Facebook for HTC Sense and clear data, then disable FB for HTC Sense, reboot and add in the Facebook app and then the account... but it seems to me you do not get Calendar or Live Feed synchronization of data this way (effects widgets and calendar events).

[Q] Can't see contacts connection on stock contact app

Since I installed the Android Revolution HD 16.0 rom I can't see any connections on contacts app like before.
For example this video has this left icons that mean that the contacts are google contacts and I can't see them in my device.
Like in 0:30 in this video.
My contacts are attached.
I thank you in advance
It's the same for omega. I believe they might have been removed on purpose as I had them on the official leaks. Kinda miss it though..
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