What's the best ad blocker you've found for your Galaxy tab?
Adfree or lucky patcher.
Both can't be found on the market because it would be silly. Google puts them ads for a reason, to annoy you, why would they allow an ad blocker on the market? lol
Misledz said:
Adfree or lucky patcher.
Both can't be found on the market because it would be silly. Google puts them ads for a reason, to annoy you, why would they allow an ad blocker on the market? lol
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Can't? What?
You can google it, since it's a homebrew app
Misledz said:
Adfree or lucky patcher.
Both can't be found on the market because it would be silly. Google puts them ads for a reason, to annoy you, why would they allow an ad blocker on the market? lol
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I don't know about Lucky Patcher, but AdFree is readily available on the Android Market. (I still refuse to call it "Google Play.")
Misledz said:
Google puts them ads for a reason, to annoy you,
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Joke ? ^^
AdamaDBrown said:
I don't know about Lucky Patcher, but AdFree is readily available on the Android Market. (I still refuse to call it "Google Play.")
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No, it's not available anymore.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
AdFree is what I use and it blocks ads nicely.
Thanks for the link mate!!
you can also try Ad Away
Hey guys
is der any twicks or mod which can help me for making my device ad free
m using LEWA rom
plz help . . . .
Use the Search Option first...Google is ur best friend
Well, u can use AdFree from the play shop...
First you need to root your device and after that install adfree android from play shop
jinavs said:
Use the Search Option first...Google is ur best friend
Well, u can use AdFree from the play shop...
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i rooted my phone n also install ad free from market but still ad appears
I had the same problem at first. I used AdFree and it worked quite well. All in-app ads were blocked but ads still showed up on my browser. Even after updating the hosts.
I switched to AdAway last week and I havent seen a single ad so far. I recommend you use this over AdFree
rohanb10 said:
I had the same problem at first. I used AdFree and it worked quite well. All in-app ads were blocked but ads still showed up on my browser. Even after updating the hosts.
I switched to AdAway last week and I havent seen a single ad so far. I recommend you use this over AdFree
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thanx buddy
will try nw
Yeah I've used AdAway for a few months and It's working great. Better than Adfree
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
KcLKcL said:
Yeah I've used AdAway for a few months and It's working great. Better than Adfree
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
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yeah adway is working great fro me also
does adaway also blocks ads in nimbuzz and other apps or games???
i want something that blocks ads in apps also..
can someone help me with this?????
No wonder if you can't find any of your favorite ad blocking apps such as AdAway in Google play, Google is removing them as of today.
Re: Ad blocking apps are nuked from play store
Why do they took so long?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
Re: Ad blocking apps are nuked from play store
RatusNatus said:
Why do they took so long?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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You wanted them nuked? Your post makes no sense
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317
They prevent developers from making money. Obviously it would be happening sooner or later, I'm also surprised they remained until now.
No big deal to me. People need to make money somehow. Frankly, though, I prefer those that offer a free ad-supported version and a paid version. If I use an app a lot I'd rather just pay for it and remove the ads. It's often a bummer when people only offer ad-supported versions of apps.
brandonarev said:
You wanted them nuked? Your post makes no sense
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317
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I dont want it but thinking as google, it block his advertising.
Ad blocking apps are nuked from play store
RatusNatus said:
I dont want it but thinking as google, it block his advertising.
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Google is a guy?! I'd often thought of Google as feminine . Like a hot smart chic.
Re: Ad blocking apps are nuked from play store
Sent from my SGH-i777 using xda premium
You can still get AdAway from F-Droid.
Also, you can do ad blocking at the kernel level and it is already implemented in custom kernels for our phone.
Just block ads by host file I can link the file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/hat49do241hhuy8/hosts.rar or quick Google search, even quicker download, use a file explorer that has root privileges move the file to /system/etc/ rename your old one or just over write it........ GL
EDIT: You will need to unzip/unrar it then move it to /system/etc/
Re: Ad blocking apps are nuked from play store
Also I posted an ad away here
Compiled from source. So plenty of options for everyone.
AdAway has been my favorite, can't live w/o it.
Thanks a lot, gents
after installing stupid app I start to get these ads I removed the apps but still getting these ads
anyway to stop these stupid ads ??
Probably you still have installed the app that is causing the ad to appear. There are some applications that can detect which apps are showing ads like that. But i can't remember the app name, sorry, you'll have to search a bit for it.
Or, if you are rooted, you can install an ad blocking app, like AdAway.
Use airpush scanner
dimon2242 said:
Use airpush scanner
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not working its name is airpush detector thanks in anyway anyone can advise me with another apps ?
How about this app? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2190232&highlight=ads
In pimp my rom install ad host block program
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
The site is non responsive at the moment and I need it! TIA
View attachment adblockplus.apk
Thank you
You could also download Aptoide and download off there
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda premium
ozgame said:
You could also download Aptoide and download off there
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda premium
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You shouldn't be recommending anyone use Aptoide, it's a warez infested gimp haven!
ABP can be found on F-Droid tho: http://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=org.adblockplus.android :good:
Listy2021 said:
You shouldn't be recommending anyone use Aptoide, it's a warez infested gimp haven!
ABP can be found on F-Droid tho: http://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=org.adblockplus.android :good:
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Yes, that is true, but APKs that cannot be found on google play is usually uploaded on aptoide. Its morals, and anyone with morals would support the developer and purchase their app.. Not to say i have not downloaded any paid apps without paying for them, but i definitely have donated and purchased apps that have saved my ass such as speedview when my speedo was not working.
I uses ad away it uses less battery
ozgame said:
You could also download Aptoide and download off there
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Offline? You need to download app for phone and browse/install apps from it. Suppose its online! The same app as google play.
I dont see any offline .apk links for PC. The only offline .apk rep I know is f-droid.org
kernelpie said:
Offline? You need to download app for phone and browse/install apps from it. Suppose its online! The same app as google play.
I dont see any offline .apk links for PC. The only offline .apk rep I know is f-droid.org
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Atleast that'll solve the problem he is having :thumbup: he could choose to Download the apk provided or use aptoide, I helped him out by suggesting an option, how did you assist him on his problem again?
Sent from my GT-I9305 using xda premium
Adblock Plus is available from the Amazon Store, why not just download it from there?
So, this [Adblock Plus for Android] will block annoying adds inside apps?
Is it recommended to also use the Adblock verion specifically for Firefox if you have this version installed?
Any issues using this alongside Android Firewall (besides the obvious one of needing to add Adblock to the whitelist so that it can download it's block list)?
Two other apps I'd recommend to anybody reading this thread: greenify and wakelock detector.
critofur said:
So, this [Adblock Plus for Android] will block annoying adds inside apps?
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Yes, it will.
critofur said:
Is it recommended to also use the Adblock verion specifically for Firefox if you have this version installed?
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You could go ahead to be fully "secured."
critofur said:
Any issues using this alongside Android Firewall (besides the obvious one of needing to add Adblock to the whitelist so that it can download it's block list)?
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There shouldn't be any.
Sent from my Nexus 4
anotherfakeusername said:
Adblock Plus is available from the Amazon Store, why not just download it from there?
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This is working for me, hope it will continue.
Thank you!
sbiricuda said:
This is working for me, hope it will continue.
Thank you!
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Thank you fpr that helpful post. :good:
Alternate download
I found F-Droid, it has Ad-away and other applications that are not seen on Play-store anymore.
Hope this helped you.
gamepois0n said:
I uses ad away it uses less battery
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Can you post a new link . I lost my SD with adaway.apk on it. Not really wanting ABP. Thanks Buddy
spirodave said:
Can you post a new link . I lost my SD with adaway.apk on it. Not really wanting ABP. Thanks Buddy
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You can grab the newest version there
gamepois0n said:
You can grab the newest version there
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Thanks My Friend. Any Idea of how to get a custom recovery on this beast? I cant even boot stock recovery now. The methods in this forum all have failed.
spirodave said:
Thanks My Friend. Any Idea of how to get a custom recovery on this beast? I cant even boot stock recovery now. The methods in this forum all have failed.
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What do you mean? is your device not booting up? bricked?
This is to Remove adds in many apps like angry birds and even blapk market. Tested working. Didn't see adaway in android market so here it is..
Ad away can be found in F-droid. Just an FYI
How does it block your ads? I use the same and still saw ads in apps. So had to use lucky patcher on those to clear them out
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk now Free
There are a few apps that it does not remove ads from and I am not to sure why. The official apk can be found here.
I'm using bigtincan's AdFree
Official Download Mirror
Always used this on my previous devices and it worked well. Havn't seen any ads yet.
Can anybody confirm this as another ad block solution?
Kompster said:
I'm using bigtincan's AdFree
Official Download Mirror
Always used this on my previous devices and it worked well. Havn't seen any ads yet.
Can anybody confirm this as another ad block solution?
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Ive heatd of AdFree for a while but I've found AdAway easier to use. Comes down to personal preference.
Sent from my Sprint SG Note 3 using Tapatalk 4 Pro
nolimit06 said:
Ive heatd of AdFree for a while but I've found AdAway easier to use. Comes down to personal preference.
Sent from my Sprint SG Note 3 using Tapatalk 4 Pro
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AdFree is much better at blocking/removing ads from my expierence
MikeyLee said:
AdFree is much better at blocking/removing ads from my expierence
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Ill give it a spin.
Sent from my Sprint SG Note 3 using Tapatalk 4 Pro
tt281gt said:
How does it block your ads? I use the same and still saw ads in apps. So had to use lucky patcher on those to clear them out
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk now Free
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I don't suggest lucky patcher. There are several issues caused by lucky patcher. The main one being your device showing out a of storage space when trying to install apps.
Skunk Ape1 said:
I don't suggest lucky patcher. There are several issues caused by lucky patcher. The main one being your device showing out a of storage space when trying to install apps.
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Why did you have to jinx me!? I had no such problem until I read it here Removed Lucky Patcher
I was using AdAway with no luck blocking ads.
So I flashed the mother of all ad-blocking found here:
Now that, worked great except some sites I do visit are blocked but all it takes is a simple edit to the hosts file to remove the block on said sites. :victory:
tt281gt said:
Why did you have to jinx me!? I had no such problem until I read it here Removed Lucky Patcher
I was using AdAway with no luck blocking ads.
So I flashed the mother of all ad-blocking found here:
Now that, worked great except some sites I do visit are blocked but all it takes is a simple edit to the hosts file to remove the block on said sites. :victory:
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Lol.... at least when it happened, you knew what caused it. I know if some people that took weeks to figure out what was causing it.
adaway has been my favorite since it came out. it's the only one i know of that allows custom black AND whitelists.
madsquabbles said:
adaway has been my favorite since it came out. it's the only one i know of that allows custom black AND whitelists.
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The problem is that adaway or Adfree dont seem to keep their info on reboot so the ad re-appears... a pain
no on any of my 6 set ups. adaway always keeps its settings. it actually writes over the host file. maybe you're doing a symlink instead into a temp directory?
madsquabbles said:
no on any of my 6 set ups. adaway always keeps its settings. it actually writes over the host file. maybe you're doing a symlink instead into a temp directory?
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For the life of me I can't get AdAway to work. Right at the last step it gets an error. AdFree works though. Doesn't block everything but its better than nothing.
Skunk Ape1 said:
Lol.... at least when it happened, you knew what caused it. I know if some people that took weeks to figure out what was causing it.
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I am one of those people. . I spent at least a week trying to debug .. deleted stuff off my sd off my internal.. Tried another sd.. Finally someone read my plight and told me . Man that was a pain. .
Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
SantinoInc said:
For the life of me I can't get AdAway to work. Right at the last step it gets an error. AdFree works though. Doesn't block everything but its better than nothing.
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I just got it working on my NOTE 3! I installed adaway 2.7 ran it and just like 2.8 it did not work. ... cleared data and cache... uninstalled and did the same thing for 2.6 and it also did not work so I tried 2.8 one more time and like magic it will write the host file now.
sounreal said:
I just got it working on my NOTE 3! I installed adaway 2.7 ran it and just like 2.8 it did not work. ... cleared data and cache... uninstalled and did the same thing for 2.6 and it also did not work so I tried 2.8 one more time and like magic it will write the host file now.
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I was having issues with it also...Using Titanium Backup I converted it to a system app and it hasnt failed since on me.....
How do I add Google ads to safelist on AdAway? I mean I don't wanna block Google adds that show up when doing a Google search.
I use Adaway at my rooted Note 3.
The problem is that Facebook and Messenger doesn't work.
If I replace the new Hosts with the original and freeze adaway, the two apps work.
So, is it possible to use adaway but remove some hosts, an Facebook, Messenger still work?
Please, if somebody knows the hosts to removeā¦.
Thanks in advance,